A Funding Level Tool Guidelines V 2.0 Disclaimer This document is not a stand-alone document and does not contain the entirety of Disability Employment Services Providers' obligations. It should be read in conjunction with the Disability Employment Services Deed and any relevant Guidelines or reference material issued by the Department under or in connection with Disability Employment Services Deed. Funding Level Tool Guidelines TRIM ID: D14/422443 Effective Date: 25 August 2014 Table of Contents Background ............................................................................................................................... 3 Information used by the Funding Level Tool ............................................................................ 4 Flow Chart – Funding Level Tool Allocation.............................................................................. 5 Disability Employment Services Deed 2012-2015 Clauses: ...................................................... 6 Reference Documents relevant to these Guidelines ................................................................ 6 Explanatory Notes: .................................................................................................................... 6 Funding Level Tool Guidelines: ................................................................................................. 7 Attachment A – Additional Information ................................................................................. 12 Triggers to recalculate a Funding Level .................................................................................. 12 Completing the JSCI ................................................................................................................ 12 Updating ESAt/JCA information .............................................................................................. 13 Funding Level Tool Screen ...................................................................................................... 13 Attachment B .......................................................................................................................... 15 Funding Level Tool Guidelines TRIM ID: D14/422443 Effective Date: 25 August 2014 2 Funding Level Tool Guidelines Document Change History: Version Start Date Effective Date 2.0 25 Aug 14 25 Aug 14 End Date Change & Location Reflect change from DEEWR to DSS Restructure content to incorporate Frequently Asked Questions 1.2 5 Dec 11 5 Dec 11 25 Aug 14 Narrative: References to Job Capacity Assessments/Employment Services Assessments modified throughout to reflect terminology changes. Updates to terminology and addition of information related to new Funding Level Tool screen released in the Department’s IT System. Clarification of reasons why the JSCI might become inactive (Step 3 p10) 1.1 24 Mar 11 24 Mar 11 5 Dec 11 Narrative: General restructure of FLT process (p5 and pp7-10). Clarification of trigger reasons and Funding Level Tool factors (Step 1c, p7). List of Funding Level Tool factors (Step 3, pp710). Policy: Clarification of JSCI policy (p4). Attachment: Authority for Centrelink to update Interpreter information added (Attachment A) 1.0 15 Jan 10 01 Mar 10 24 Mar 11 Original version of document The Department of Social Services is herein referred to as ‘the Department’. Background Disability Employment Services – Employment Support Service (DES-ESS) has two Funding Levels (1 and 2) for the payment of Service Fees, Job Placement Fees and Outcome Fees to reflect the differing levels of assistance required by Participants. Participants in Funding Level 2 are assessed as more likely to require more intensive assistance than Participants in Funding Level 1. Eligible School Leavers in DES-ESS default to Funding Level 2. The Funding Level Tool is an automated system tool which assesses Participant information and allocates the most appropriate Funding Level. Participants are allocated an initial Funding Level by the Funding Level Tool when they are referred to DES-ESS. DES Providers should ensure that all information regarding a Participant is up to date and maintained accurately on the Department’s IT System, particularly prior to commencing the Participant, to ensure that the first Service Fee is generated at the correct Funding Level. The Guidelines explain the procedures that a DES Provider must undertake to ensure the correct Funding Level has been allocated for a Participant and the actions a DES Provider Funding Level Tool Guidelines TRIM ID: D14/422443 Effective Date: 25 August 2014 3 can take should new information become available that indicates a change in Funding Level may be applicable. Information used by the Funding Level Tool The Funding Level Tool uses objective information sourced from a number of different places. Not all of this information is able to be directly viewed or updated by a DES Provider. Information is sourced from: Centrelink data through the Job Seeker Registration Record the Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) /Job Capacity Assessment (JCA) Job Seeker Classification Instrument (JSCI) data. The table below lists the factors that are taken into account by the Funding Level Tool, the source of the data and whether the data is displayed on the Funding Level Tool screen. Source Displayed on FLT screen Age Factors Job Seeker Registration Record Yes Gender Job Seeker Registration Record Yes Non-English Speaking Background Job Seeker Registration Record Yes Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Job Seeker Registration Record or JSCI Yes Unemployment rate in participant’s Labour region Job Seeker Registration Record Yes-postcode Labour market region of the Participant Job Seeker Registration Record Yes-postcode Interpreter required Job Seeker Registration Record Yes Primary carer of a child aged under 7 Job Seeker Registration Record Yes Not contactable by phone Job Seeker Registration Record Yes Unemployment duration Job Seeker Registration Record No Benefit Type at time of commencement Job Seeker Registration Record No Total time in receipt of income support Job Seeker Registration Record No Permanent disability type ESAt / JCA Yes Barrier type ESAt / JCA Yes Baseline work capacity ESAt / JCA Yes Work capacity with intervention ESAt / JCA Yes Support Required ESAt / JCA Yes Total number of disabilities ESAt / JCA No Total number of barriers ESAt / JCA No Total number of support required ESAt / JCA No Impairment rating ESAt / JCA No Highest Level of Education JSCI Yes Vocational Qualification JSCI Yes Criminal Conviction JSCI Yes Stability of residence JSCI Yes Work History JSCI Yes Family Status JSCI Yes Job Seeker Classification Instrument Score JSCI Yes - Limited Funding Level Tool Guidelines TRIM ID: D14/422443 Effective Date: 25 August 2014 4 Flow Chart – Funding Level Tool Allocation Note: This should not be read as a stand-alone document, please refer to the Disability Employment Services Deed. Funding Level Tool Guidelines TRIM ID: D14/422443 Effective Date: 25 August 2014 5 Disability Employment Services Deed 2012-2015 Clauses: Clause 82 – Disputed Assessments Clause 120 – Funding Levels for Disability Employment Services – Employment Support Service Clause 101 – Change of Funding Level for Disability Employment Services – Employment Support Service Providers Annexure A – Definitions Reference Documents relevant to these Guidelines Job Seeker Classification Instrument Guidelines Referral for an Employment Services Assessment Guidelines Explanation of the Job Seeker Classification Instrument Questions Supporting Document Explanatory Notes: 1. 2. All capitalised terms have the same meaning as in the Disability Employment Services Deed In this document, ‘must’ means that compliance is mandatory and ‘should’ means that compliance represents best practice. Shaded areas in the flow charts denote activities that are undertaken by the Participant, the Department or Centrelink. Funding Level Tool Guidelines TRIM ID: D14/422443 Effective Date: 25 August 2014 6 Funding Level Tool Guidelines: Who is Responsible: 1a. Employment Services Assessor/Job Capacity Assessor A Participant is referred to DES-ESS What is Required: Most referrals to DES-ESS will occur following an ESAt/JCA. Note: Eligible School Leavers who Direct Register with a DES-ESS Provider will automatically default to Funding Level 2. These Guidelines do not apply to Eligible School Leavers. Proceed to Step 2. 1b. The DES Provider Participant discloses new information A DES-ESS Participant may disclose new or updated information such that information contained in the Job Seeker Registration Record, JSCI or ESAt/JCA is found to be incomplete or no longer accurate. Proceed to Step 5. 1c. The Department’s IT system Funding Level Tool is triggered to recalculate while the Participant is in DES-ESS The Funding Level Tool will recalculate for Participants that are Pending or in Employment Assistance when one of the following trigger events occurs: a) Where there is a change in one of the factors it uses in its calculations that would result in a change of that factor’s score b) Where a job seeker moves to Employment Assistance from Post Placement Support c) Where a job seeker recommences in Employment Assistance following an exit or d) Where a Participant is transferred to a new DES Provider. Note: Changes to factors in a) above may be initiated by a DES Provider, Centrelink, Employment Services Assessor or Job Capacity Assessor. A Participant’s Funding Level will not be triggered to recalculate while they are in Post Placement Support. The Funding Level in place on the Anchor Date will be maintained during the period the Participant is tracking towards a 13 Week or 26 Week Outcome. The Funding Level Tool is triggered to re-run, Proceed to Step 6. Funding Level Tool Guidelines TRIM ID: D14/422443 Effective Date: 25 August 2014 7 Who is Responsible: What is Required: 2. The Department’s IT System A Participant will be automatically allocated Funding Level 1 or 2 by the Department’s IT system based on their individual characteristics. Participant is assigned a Funding Level on referral 3. The DES Provider DES Provider should ensure all Funding Level Tool information recorded for a Participant is correct, including: - Centrelink data on the Job Seeker Registration Record - JSCI - JCA Refer to: - Job Seeker Classification Instrument Guidelines - Referral for a Employment Services Assessment Guidelines - Explanation of the Job Seeker Classification Instrument Questions Supporting Document Proceed to Step 6. The Funding Level Tool uses information from a number of sources including the ESAt/JCA, JSCI, and Centrelink data, as displayed on the Job Seeker Registration Record. To ensure that a Participant is allocated the most accurate Funding Level, the DES Provider should ensure that all information contained in the Participant’s Job Seeker Registration Record, JSCI and ESAt/JCA is current and complete. Job seeker registration record The Funding Level Tool draws on the following information contained in the Job Seeker Registration Record: Benefit Type at time of Commencement in DES-ESS Total time in receipt of income support Age Gender Non-English Speaking Background Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Interpreter required Unemployment duration Labour market region of the participant Unemployment rate in Participant’s labour market region Primary carer of a child aged under seven Not contactable by phone. For income support recipients the above information is sourced from Centrelink data and generally cannot be updated by the DES Provider. The DES Provider will, however, be able to update the Interpreter field on the Registration screen in the Department’s IT System, if it has been left blank by Centrelink. If the Interpreter field is already populated in the Department’s IT System, the DES Provider will be unable to change the field themselves. The DES Provider may arrange for this field to be updated by faxing the completed “Authority for Centrelink to Funding Level Tool Guidelines TRIM ID: D14/422443 Effective Date: 25 August 2014 8 Who is Responsible: What is Required: update interpreter Information” form to Centrelink (see Attachment A). JSCI The Funding Level Tool draws on the following information contained in the JSCI: JSCI score Highest Level of Education Vocational Qualification Criminal Conviction Stability of residence Work History Family Status. All DES-ESS Participants should have an active JSCI, to ensure that the most accurate Funding Level is calculated for a Participant. If information in the JSCI is found to be incomplete or inaccurate, or the JSCI becomes inactive the DES Provider should conduct a JSCI reassessment. The JSCI will become inactive when: - The Participant re-registers with Centrelink after an allowable break period of 13 weeks; or - The Participant’s Centrelink registration has been inactive for 182 days. Refer to the Job Seeker Classification Instrument Guidelines and Explanation of the Job Seeker Classification Instrument Questions Supporting Document for further information on the JSCI process. ESAt/ JCA The Funding Level Tool draws on the following factors contained in the ESAt/JCA: Permanent disability type Total number of disabilities Barrier Type Total number of barriers Baseline work capacity Work capacity with intervention Support Required Number of ‘Support Required’ fields identified Impairment rating. If there is missing or incorrect information in the ESAt/JCA, the Funding Level Tool Guidelines TRIM ID: D14/422443 Effective Date: 25 August 2014 9 Who is Responsible: What is Required: DES Provider may request a review of the ESAt/JCA decision within 28 days of the ESAt/JCA being submitted in the Department’s IT System. Refer to the Referral for an Employment Services Assessment Guidelines for further information on the ESAt/JCA review process. DES Provider ensures all Participant information is correct, Proceed to Step 4. 4. DES Provider DES Provider Commences Participant in DES-ESS A DES Provider should ensure all Participant information is accurate prior to commencing the Participant. This is to ensure that the first Service Fee is generated at the correct Funding Level. DES Provider Commences Participant in the Department’s IT System, Proceed to Step 6. 5. DES Provider If the Participant has a change of circumstances or discloses new information to the DES Provider after Commencement, the Participant has change of DES Provider may conduct a JSCI reassessment to record the circumstances, DES Provider: latest information for the Participant. Refer to the Job Seeker - updates JSCI Classification Instrument Guidelines and Explanation of the Job information Seeker Classification Instrument Questions Supporting and/or Document for further information on the JSCI process. - refers Participant to ESAt if appropriate If new information becomes available more than 28 after an ESAt/JCA is submitted, the Provider may refer the Participant Refer to: for a Change of Circumstances Reassessment ESAt, in - Job Seeker accordance with the Referral for an Employment Services Classification Assessment Guidelines. Instrument Guidelines Participant information is updated, Proceed to Step 6. - Referral for an Employment Services Assessment Guidelines - Explanation of the Job Seeker Classification Instrument Supporting Document 6. The Department’s IT The Department’s IT System automatically calculates a System Participant’s Funding Level based on the Participant’s current Centrelink data on the Job Seeker Registration Record, JSCI and The Department’s IT System ESAt/JCA information. The Participant data displayed on the calculates Funding Level for Funding Level Tool screen will be updated with the Participant Funding Level Tool Guidelines TRIM ID: D14/422443 Effective Date: 25 August 2014 10 Who is Responsible: the Participant What is Required: details used in the calculation. A Funding Level Tool recalculation may or may not result in a change of Funding Level for a Participant. If the Participant’s Funding Level does not change, End of Process. If Participant has a change of Funding Level, Proceed to Step 7. 7. The Department’s IT System DES Provider is notified of a change in Funding Level An automated Noticeboard Message will be produced to notify the DES Provider that Funding Level has been set at the time of referral or where there is a change in the Funding Level. The Noticeboard message will remain on the Department’s IT System for 14 days after calculation. The history table on the Funding Level Tool screen will be updated to show the new funding level including the start date and time and trigger event. End of Process. Funding Level Tool Guidelines TRIM ID: D14/422443 Effective Date: 25 August 2014 11 Attachment A – Additional Information Triggers to recalculate a Funding Level Participants that are Pending or are in Employment Assistance will have their Funding Level recalculated when one of the following trigger events occur: Where there is a change in one of the factors the Funding Level Tool uses in its calculations that would result in a change of that factor’s score (may be sourced from the ESAt/JCA, JSCI or Centrelink data) Where a Participant moves to Employment Assistance from Post Placement Support Where a Participant recommences in Employment Assistance following an Exit or Where a Participant is transferred to a new DES Provider. This could mean that a Funding Level 1 Participant could be reassessed as a Funding Level 2 Participant or vice versa. A Participant’s Funding Level will not be triggered to recalculate while they are in Post Placement Support. The Funding Level at the Anchor Date will be maintained during the period that the Participant is tracking towards a 13 Week or 26 Week Outcome. Any change to a Participant’s circumstances during Post Placement Support will be taken into account for Funding Level recalculation if the Participant returns to Employment Assistance. Completing the JSCI All DES-ESS Participants should have an active JSCI, to ensure the most accurate Funding Level is calculated. DES Providers have access to create and update a JSCI for their own Participants and should do this when a Participant: • is Directly Registered and is a Volunteer (Non‐activity Tested) • discloses new information to the DES Provider • does not have a Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN) or • does not have an active JSCI. Information recorded in the JSCI accounts for seven factors used by the Funding Level Tool, including but not limited to a Participant’s work history, education history and family status. For these factors, the JSCI includes a number of questions and responses that capture a Participant’s circumstances. These responses are displayed on the Funding Level Tool screen. If a Participant does not have an active JSCI, important information may not be taken into account by the Funding Level Tool’s calculations and may result in a lower Funding Level being allocated. If a Participant discloses new information about their circumstances, the DES Provider should refer to the Participant’s responses in the JSCI to determine if a Reassessment needs to take place. When the DES Provider conducts a JSCI update, they must print out the JSCI report from the Department’s IT System. When the Participant or advocate has checked the responses and signed each page to signify that the responses are correct, the DES Provider must retain a signed copy of the JSCI report on file and provide a copy to the Participant or advocate. Copies or originals of any documents provided by the Participant or advocate that Funding Level Tool Guidelines TRIM ID: D14/422443 Effective Date: 25 August 2014 12 substantiate the changes to the JSCI, should be retained by the DES Provider. A file note should also be created explaining the circumstances that led to the Change of Circumstances reassessment. Further information on the JSCI process can be found by referring to the Job Seeker Classification Instrument Guidelines and Explanation of the Job Seeker Classification Instrument Questions Supporting Document. Updating ESAt/JCA information Where a DES Provider considers that information contained in the ESAt/JCA is incomplete or inaccurate, they may request a review from the Employment Services Assessor or Job Capacity Assessor within 28 days of the ESAt/JCA being submitted in Department’s IT System. The DES Provider will need to explain their view, presenting the reasons and evidence for questioning the report. If the Employment Services Assessor/ Job Capacity Assessor agrees with the DES Provider, then they should amend the report. If the Employment Services Assessor or Job Capacity Assessor does not agree with the DES Provider, their decision is final and the DES Provider must provide DES-ESS assistance to the Participant in accordance with the Current Assessment. If a Participant has a change of circumstances, or discloses new information to the DES Provider more than 28 days after the ESAt/JCA is submitted, the DES Provider may refer the Participant for a Change of Circumstances Reassessment in accordance with the Referral for an Employment Services Assessment Guidelines. Funding Level Tool Screen There is a Funding Level Tool screen in the Department's IT System to provide a history of the Participant’s Funding Levels and to display data used in the Participant’s latest Funding Level calculation. The screen is located under Plans and Assessments on the left hand navigation panel in the Department’s IT System. DES Providers can use the information available on this screen to determine if the information used in a Participant’s Funding Level calculation is complete and accurate. History Tab The Funding Level History table on the history tab displays a Participant’s Funding Level history from the date of referral to the current DES Provider, including their Funding Level, start date and time, end date and time, trigger event and end reason for each Funding Level. The table will always show the most recent trigger event that resulted in the Participant’s Funding Level. Any changes to a Participant’s Funding Level will be stored in the table. For example, a Participant has an ESAt submitted which triggers a Funding Level calculation resulting in Funding Level 2. After this the Provider updates the Participant's JSCI which triggers another Funding Level calculation resulting in the Participant remaining at Funding Level 2. As the update of the JSCI was the most recent trigger for the Funding Level Tool, JSCI will be displayed as the trigger reason even though this calculation did not cause a change to the Funding Level. Funding Level Tool Guidelines TRIM ID: D14/422443 Effective Date: 25 August 2014 13 Automated Noticeboard Messages DES Providers may wish to keep track of changes to a Participant’s Funding Level through Automated Noticeboard Messages. These Messages are posted each time a Participant’s Funding Level changes and remain on the Noticeboard for 14 days after the change occurs. These Messages contain both trigger dates and trigger reasons. For example: - Funding Level x due to Centrelink data update - Made to Funding Level x due to JSCI update - Made to Funding Level x due to JCA assessment or - Made to Funding Level x by initial assessment. Funding Level Details Tab The Funding Level details tab displays a selection of Participant data used in the most recent Funding Level calculation. Where a field on this tab is blank it means that the information for that factor is not available in the system for the Funding Level Tool calculation. In these instances Providers should take appropriate action to update this information such as completing the JSCI or updating the Job Seeker Registration Record. Data on this tab will be populated at the time of a Participant’s first Funding Level Tool calculation. The Funding Level details tab will update each time the Funding Level Tool is recalculated regardless of whether the Funding Level changes. Funding Level Payment History The Job Seeker Service Cycle table on the Job Seeker Payments screen shows a history of a Participant’s Funding Level at the time key payments are due, or when they move between programme phases. The Job Seeker Service Cycle table does not display the date a Participant’s Funding Level changes. The table only updates with a change in Funding Level at key payment dates or when the participant moves to a new programme phase. For example: This table has recorded “Funding Level 1 Assessed” on 21 June. This is not the date the Participant’s Funding Level changed. The table has simply updated with the Participant’s current Funding Level the day before the next Service Fee is due (22 June). From the Job Seeker Service Cycle table, the DES Provider will be able to ascertain that the Participant’s Funding Level has changed at some point since the last Service Fee was claimable. However, DES Providers will not be able to use this table to determine the exact date of change. Funding Level Tool Guidelines TRIM ID: D14/422443 Effective Date: 25 August 2014 14 Attachment B Authority for Centrelink to update Interpreter information Purpose of this form This form must be used when a DES Provider requests Centrelink to update the “Interpreter Required” field in a Participant’s Job Seeker Registration Record. The need for an interpreter extends to people who have a hearing or speech impairment and should be recorded as Auslan or other Sign Language. Please note that an interpreter type of “ENG English” indicates that a Participant does not require an interpreter. Participant’s Full Name in BLOCK LETTERS .................................................................................................................................... JSID: ........................................................ CRN: ........................................................ Declaration: I................................................................................................................................................... .............. (Full Name of Participant/Legal Guardian) of................................................................................................................................................. .............. (Address) Authorise Centrelink to update my/the above Participant’s income support information to indicate that I/the above Participant require the following interpreter type: ....................................................... (Interpreter required) Signed:........................................................ (Signature of Participant/Legal Guardian) Dated:.......................................................... Funding Level Tool Guidelines TRIM ID: D14/422443 Effective Date: 25 August 2014 15