Full Spring Calendar

January Skills Courses
SKL-01262816: Innovations and Technology in the Practice of Law
Tuesday and Thursday, January 26th and 28th (12:30pm – 2:00pm) (LS - 111)
Cosponsor: Law and Technology Journal
Most courtrooms are now equipped with interactive technology, and Judges are utilizing modern digital
platforms for reviewing pleadings. Some courts are now requiring hyperlinked documents within the Federal
PACER system, and practitioners are trying to keep pace with these advanced digital filings. The skills
instructor will guide students through the modern use of technology, and its practical application. Students
will learn how to create interactive documents, take full advantage of the courts’ e-Filing system, and also
how to take technological control of the modern courtroom.
February Skills Courses
SKP-02020416: Demonstrative Evidence
Tuesday and Thursday, February 2nd and 4th (12:30pm – 2:00pm) (LS - 111)
This course provides an overview of a wide range of demonstrative aids available to assist in supporting
various issues during the trial of the case. Students will examine both expensive and inexpensive options
available to create such aids and will explore the proper way to lay the foundation for the introduction of
such exhibits.
SKL-TRAN-021216: Residential Mortgage Transactions
Friday, February 12th (1:00pm – 4:00pm) (LS - 111)
(course description coming soon)
SKL-TRAN-021316: Real Estate Primer
Saturday, February 13th (10:00am – 4:00pm) (LS - 401)
The Louisiana Real Estate License Law and the Rules and Regulations of the Louisiana Real Estate
Commission permit license applicants to apply certain coursework toward the 90-hour real estate sales or
150-hour broker pre-license requirements. Courses must have been completed while attending an accredited
college or university. Frequently, students who are enrolled in a School of Law will have completed sufficient
coursework in their undergraduate and law courses to meet the requirements, with the exception of an 8hour course in License Law and Rules and Regulations. This course is designed to review the necessary
content so that students may submit their transcripts, along with the 8-hour course completion certificate for
evaluation by the Louisiana Real Estate Commission. Upon approval by the Commission, students will be able
to submit an application for licensing and be authorized to schedule the real estate licensing examination.
NOTE: Students with questions may e-mail DrPonthier@ProEducate.com for clarification.
SKL-021916: Understanding Disability Status
Friday, February 19th (9:00am – 12:00pm) (LS - 111)
Attorneys play an important role in advocating for people with disabilities and their families. Regardless of
practice area, it is important for attorneys to understand how disabilities may affect a person’s legal rights
and options, specifically in regards to “legal status” under state and federal law, and eligibility for public
benefits. This session will provide an overview of these topics, and also highlight important ethical issues to
consider when representing a client with a disability or a disability-related legal issue. Led by experienced
practitioners from Louisiana Mental Health Advocacy Service, , Southeast Louisiana Legal Services, and the
Advocacy Center of Louisiana, the session will also highlight potential career paths for students interested in
specializing in relevant areas of law.
SKL-SOCJ-022316: Immigration and Children's Rights
Tuesday, February 23rd (12:30pm – 2:00pm) (LS - 344)
(course description coming soon)
SKL-MAR-022616: Coast Guard Investigation
Friday, February 26th (9:00am – 12:00pm) (LS - 344)
(course description coming soon)
SKL-SOCJ-022616: Children's Advocacy and Domestic Violence
Tuesday, February 26th (12:30pm – 2:00pm) (LS - 405)
Cosponsors: Journal of Public Interest Law
Gillis Long Poverty Law Center
Public Interest Law Group
(course description coming soon)
March Skills Courses
SKP-CIV-03010316: Drafting Discovery
Tuesday and Thursday, March 1st and 3rd (12:30pm – 2:00pm) (LS - 405)
This class will begin on Tuesday with an overview of basic written discovery requests and
responses. Students will learn how to propound and answer written Interrogatories, Requests for Production
of Documents and Requests for Admissions. On Thursday, students will practice drafting and responding to
written discovery requests based on a specific case and gain an understanding of the impact of such discovery
on depositions, trial and/or settlement of a case. Skills instructor, Omar K. Mason, is an experienced attorney
and trial instructor ready to share his insight and practical tips necessary for effective civil litigation.
SKL-TRAN-031116: Overview of Accounting and Finance
Friday, March 11th (9:00am – 12:00pm) (LS - 111)
This seminar will introduce students to basic accounting and finance concepts. The portion of the seminar
related to accounting covers basic theories of accounting, including the cash and accrual method, accounting
equation, GAAP, financial reporting and the four key financial statements. The portion of the seminar related
to finance covers basic theories of finance, including the risk-return relationship, time value of money, capital
budgeting and debt and equity financing.
SKL-031916: Regulatory Compliance (Banking Sector)
Saturday, March 19th (10:00am – 11:00am) (LS - 112)
(course description coming soon)
SKP-0321222316: Negotiation Basics
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 21st - 23rd (5:00pm – 6:00pm) (LS - 405)
(course description coming soon)
April Skills Courses
SKR-040116: Professionalism in Practice
Friday, April 1st (9:00am – 12:00pm) (LS - 111)
Come learn about professionalism in context. Skills instructors will discuss various scenarios where
professional conduct may have a long lasting effect upon your career and reputation.
SKL-040516: Race Power and Privilege
Tuesday and Thursday, April 5th and 7th (12:30pm – 2:00pm) (LS - 111)
(course description coming soon)
SKL-CIV-040816: Class Action and Multi-District Litigation
Friday, April 8th (4:00pm – 7:00pm) (LS - 111)
Participants completing this skills course will understand the basic procedural requirements for class actions;
know how to spot and/or create certification problems; understand how to plan for a certification hearing;
know how to identify, screen, and prepare or attack class representatives; and will participate in a problemsolving session in which fact situations are analyzed for certification criteria. The instructor is experienced in
both state and federal class actions.
SKL-041416: Managing a Small Law Firm
Thursday, April 14th (3:30pm – 6:30pm) (LS - 111)
(course description coming soon)
SKL-041516: Maritime Contracts
Friday, April 15th (9:00am – 12:00pm) (LS - 111)
Given the importance of the maritime and offshore industry in this region, any attorney practicing maritime
law along the Gulf Coast will need to understand the attributes of a maritime contract, how a maritime
contract differs from a non-maritime contract, maritime indemnity and insurance obligations, the Louisiana
and Texas Oilfield Indemnity Acts, and how a maritime contract can affect Longshore and Harbor Workers
Compensation Act obligations, among other things.
SKL-041616: Risk Management
Saturday, April 16th (9:00am – 12:00pm) (LS - 111)
(course description coming soon)