Table 5.9.38.A—Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan: material change of use Use Level of assessment Assessment criteria MCU, if assessable development where not listed in this table No change Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code If in the Low density residential zone Residential care facility Code assessment If on a site 3,000m2 or greater Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code Multiple dwelling code Residential care facility code Prescribed secondary code Retirement facility Code assessment If on a site 3,000m2 or greater Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code Multiple dwelling code Prescribed secondary code If in the Low density residential zone and the High ecological significance sub-category of the Biodiversity areas overlay Dwelling house Self assessment If: (a) located within an approved development footprint plan, where complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes; or Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code— section A acceptable outcomes only Dwelling house code - all acceptable outcomes (b) there is no approved development footprint plan where complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes Code assessment If: (a) located within an approved development footprint plan, where not complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes; or Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code section A outcomes only Dwelling house code - all outcomes (b) there is no approved Part 5 - Tables of Assessment (Lower Oxley Creek south NP) Effective 4 September 2015 development footprint plan, where not complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes If: (a) located outside an approved development footprint plan, where complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes; or Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code Dwelling house code - all acceptable outcomes (b) there is no approved development footprint plan, where complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes If: (a) located outside an approved development footprint plan, where not complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes; or Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code Dwelling house code - all outcomes (b) there is no approved development footprint plan, where not complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes If in the Neighbourhood centre zone Food and drink outlet Impact assessment If involving the sale and consumption of liquor on site The planning scheme including: Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code Centre or mixed use code Neighbourhood centre zone code Prescribed secondary code Function facility Impact assessment - The planning scheme including: Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code Centre or mixed use code Neighbourhood centre zone code Prescribed secondary code Part 5 - Tables of Assessment (Lower Oxley Creek south NP) Effective 4 September 2015 Large format retail (activity group) Impact assessment - The planning scheme including: Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code Centre or mixed use code Neighbourhood centre zone code Prescribed secondary code Service station Impact assessment - The planning scheme including: Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code Neighbourhood centre zone code Service station code Prescribed secondary code Shop Impact assessment If for a supermarket where exceeding: (a) 1,500m2 of gross floor area where located on the corner of Ritchie Road and Laxton Street; (b) 500m2 of gross floor area where located on the corner of Stapylton Road and Wadeville Street Short-term accommodation The planning scheme including: Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code Centre or mixed use code Neighbourhood centre zone code Prescribed secondary code Impact assessment - The planning scheme including: Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code Centre or mixed use code Neighbourhood centre zone code Prescribed secondary code Telecommunications Impact assessment facility If for a radio station or television station The planning scheme including: Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code Centre or mixed use code Neighbourhood centre zone code Prescribed secondary code Part 5 - Tables of Assessment (Lower Oxley Creek south NP) Effective 4 September 2015 Theatre Impact assessment - The planning scheme including: Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code Centre or mixed use code Neighbourhood centre zone code Prescribed secondary code If in the Environmental management zone Animal husbandry Self assessment If: (a) located 100m or more from land in a residential zone, centre zone or Emerging community zone; Rural activities code—section A acceptable outcomes only (b) complying with all the selfassessable acceptable outcomes Code assessment If: (a) located 100m or more from land in a residential zone, centre zone or Emerging community zone; Rural activities code—section A outcomes only (b) not complying with all the self-assessable acceptable outcomes If located less than 100m from land in a zone in the residential zones category, zone in the centre zones category or Emerging community zone Cropping where not for forestry for wood production Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code Rural activities code Prescribed secondary code Self assessment If: (a) located 100m or more from land in a zone in the residential zones category, zone in the centre zones category or Emerging community zone; Rural activities code—section A acceptable outcomes only (b) complying with all selfassessable acceptable Part 5 - Tables of Assessment (Lower Oxley Creek south NP) Effective 4 September 2015 outcomes Code assessment If: (a) located 100m or more from land in a zone in the residential zones category, zone in the centre zones category or Emerging community zone; Rural activities code—section A outcomes only (b) not complying with all the self-assessable acceptable outcomes If located less than 100m from land in a zone in the residential zones category, zone in the centre zones category or Emerging community zone Dwelling house Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code Rural activities code Prescribed secondary code Self assessment If: (a) located within an approved development footprint plan, where complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes; or Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code— section A acceptable outcomes only Dwelling house code - all acceptable outcomes (b) there is no approved development footprint plan, where complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes Code assessment If: (a) located within an approved development footprint plan, where not complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes; or Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code Dwelling house code - all outcomes (b) there is no approved development footprint plan, where not complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes If: Part 5 - Tables of Assessment (Lower Oxley Creek south NP) Lower Oxley Creek south Effective 4 September 2015 (a) located outside an approved development footprint plan, where complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes; or neighbourhood plan code Dwelling house code - all acceptable outcomes (b) there is no approved development footprint plan, where complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes If: (a) located outside an approved development footprint plan, where not complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes; or Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code Dwelling house code - all outcomes (b) there is no approved development footprint plan, where not complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes Table 5.9.38.B—Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan: reconfiguring a lot Zone Level of assessment Assessment criteria ROL, if assessable development where not listed in this table No change Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code If in the Low density residential zone and the High ecological significance sub-category of the Biodiversity areas overlay Any zone Impact assessment If a reconfigured lot is less than 1,500m2 The planning scheme including: Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code Subdivision code Applicable zone code Prescribed secondary code Table 5.9.38.C—Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan: building work Development Level of assessment Assessment criteria Building work, if assessable development where not listed in this No change Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code Part 5 - Tables of Assessment (Lower Oxley Creek south NP) Effective 4 September 2015 table If in the Low density residential zone and the High ecological significance sub-category of the Biodiversity areas overlay Outdoor lighting Self assessment If: (a) located within an approved development footprint plan, where complying with all selfassessable acceptable outcomes; or Outdoor lighting code—all acceptable outcomes (b) there is no approved development footprint plan, where complying with all selfassessable acceptable outcomes and: (i) located within a maximum 600m2 development footprint; (ii) located a minimum 6m from any public road Code assessment If: (a) located within an approved development footprint plan, where not complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes; or Outdoor lighting code—all outcomes (b) there is no approved development footprint plan, where not complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes and: (i) located within a maximum 600m2 development footprint; (ii) located a minimum 6m from any public road If: (a) not located within an approved development footprint plan; or Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code Outdoor lighting code Prescribed secondary code (b) there is no approved Part 5 - Tables of Assessment (Lower Oxley Creek south NP) Effective 4 September 2015 development footprint plan, where not: (i) located within a maximum 600m2 development footprint; or (ii) located a minimum 6m from any public road Telecommunications Code assessment facility if for a If not exempt development satellite dish where: (a) located within an approved development footprint plan; or Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code Telecommunications facility code Prescribed secondary code (b) if there is no approved development footprint plan, where: (i) located within a maximum 600m2 development footprint; (ii) located a minimum 6m from any public road Table 5.9.38.D—Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan: operational work Development Level of assessment Assessment criteria Operational work, if assessable development No change Lower Oxley Creek south neighbourhood plan code Part 5 - Tables of Assessment (Lower Oxley Creek south NP) Effective 4 September 2015