Overlapping Courses If you have taken or plan to take a psychology course at another institution please read the following: Students cannot receive credit for courses taken elsewhere which overlap substantially with courses taken at Barnard. Please consult with the Departmental Representative, Professor Russell Romeo, regarding Columbia offerings that overlap, and to request Departmental approval for any course taken at an unaffiliated institution. The following list identifies those Barnard and Columbia course offerings that overlap. Students may not receive credit for both courses. However, this does not necessarily mean that one course is equivalent to the other. A student must speak with the Department Representative if she wishes to use one of the following Columbia courses towards her major requirements, or if she has questions about other courses. Barnard Psychology Department Overlapping Courses Credit toward the major cannot be received for any course that overlaps with a course previously taken Barnard College Columbia College Number Course Title Cr Number Course Title Cr BC1001 Introduction to Psychology 3 W1001 The Science of Psychology 3 BC1101/1102 Statistics/ Stats Recitation 4 W1610 Statistics 3 BC1106 BC1107 Psychology of Learning Lab Psychology of Learning Lecture 1.5 3 W1440 W1441 Experimental: Learning and Motivation Learning and Motivation Lab* 4 0 BC1109 BC1110 Perception Lab Perception Lecture 1.5 3 W1480 W1481 W2230 Perception and Attention & Perception and Attention lab* Perception and Sensory Processes 4 0 3 BC1115 Cognitive Psychology Lecture 3 W2220 W2210 Cognition: Memory and Stress Cognition: Basic Processes 3 3 BC1118 BC1119 Behavioral Neuroscience Lab Behavioral Neuroscience Lecture 1.5 3 W2450 Behavioral Neuroscience 3 BC1124 BC1125 Psychology of Personality Lab Psychology of Personality Lecture 1.5 3 W2610 W2680 Introduction to Personality Social and Personality Development 3 BC1128 BC1129 Developmental Psychology Lab Developmental Psychology Lecture 1.5 3 W2280 Introduction to Developmental Psychology 3 BC1137 BC1138 Social Psychology Lab Social Psychology Lecture 1.5 3 W2630 Social Psychology 3 BC2141 Abnormal Psychology 3 W2620 Abnormal Behavior 3 BC3162 Introduction to Cultural Psychology 4 W2650 Introduction to Cultural Psychology 3 BC3177 Drug Use and Abuse 3 W2460 Drugs and Behavior 3 *Students may use these Columbia lab courses to fulfill Psychology major requirements but not to fulfill the Barnard lab science requirement (labs must meet for 3 hours/week to fulfill the Barnard College Science Requirement.) Remember that for the major, 8 of the 10 required courses in Psychology must be taken at Barnard.