Harmony with Nature Issues and Policy Formation
Preserve Open Space, Farmland, natural beauty and critical environmental areas such as areas prone to flooding and salt water intrusion o Outcome:
Encourage redevelopment of Brownfield sites to preserve open space and county’s Natural Heritage
Prevent environmental pollution
Protect our natural heritage and recreational resources for future generations o Short term recommendation:
Develop a Brownfield Sites inventory
Provide support to Brownfield sites landowners’ seeking to mitigate or redevelop property.
Develop best practices for eliminating, reducing, or mitigating environmental pollution
Review and update the Natural Heritage Inventory
Require/Encourage new development projects to preserve significant natural areas o Long term recommendation:
Require new industries to have an environmental Mitigation Action Plan
Use the natural topography of New Hanover County as a guide to direct land use decisions
Link major habitats o Outcome: Enhance biodiversity within the county and region by maintaining habitats and habitat corridors
Short term recommendation:
Create an inventory of natural systems in NHC.
Form a County Natural Resources Commission or Advisory
Review Zoning Ordinances to encourage Low Impact Development
Improve and enforce County Tree Ordinance
Encourage the installation of pollinator gardens/habitat
Develop a non-native species management plan
Prohibit/Discourage the use of non-native or invasive species
Continue to improve public access to greenways and blueways o Long term recommendation:
Encourage Smart Growth development
Improve communication between county staff, NGO groups, and residents
Augment and preserve existing urban and suburban forest cover/ canopy
Form a County Environmental Affairs Department
Improve stream buffers
Promote region through natural resources o Outcome: Increased awareness and respect for NHC’s natural resources.
Improved public access to water
Increased public environmental education initiatives
Develop ecotourism program in New Hanover County
Revitalization of current structures o Short term recommendation:
Create an inventory of existing county-owned, water-accessible properties and the condition of each site
Assess which sites from the inventory are the most economically viable
Partner with local tourism boards and promoters
Partner with UNCW, CFCC, and local nonprofits that focus on environmental education to increase public education and awareness for our waterways and natural resources.
Work with the above listed organizations to leverage funding for educational projects/programs.
Reduce paved areas and improve green infrastructure at big box stores, and other highly paved areas
Continue to grow multi-modal system with improved bike paths, sidewalks, and safe crosswalks
Use environmentally friendly, cost-effective materials for bike paths
Create program for public education and awareness of biking and walking options o Long term recommendation:
Develop diverse funding mechanism
Partner with neighboring counties
Provide stand-up paddle board tours and rentals through county at select water access point(s).
Host events that promote our waterways and natural resources
Consider adding public access points to waterways on public lands such as Airlie
Water access, quality and conservation o Outcome: Maintain our pride of place by protecting our waterways o Short term recommendation:
Obtain accurate knowledge of NHC’s water source demands in the near term and future and plan for those demands.
Provide water quality protections
Encourage conservation of the water supply
Pride of Place has a Water Focus
Provide a broad category of incentives for improved bodies of water and habitats o Long term recommendation:
Increase water reuse
Air quality and renewable energy o Outcome: Reduce emissions and improve air quality so that we maintain the county’s attainment now, and account for projected growth so that New Hanover County will maintain attainment in the future. o Short term recommendation:
Reduce emissions from motor vehicles by creating Low emissions zones – drive wise
Keep the Special Use Permit strong
Encourage biking/scooter culture( Bike and Scooter friendly path)
Educate bicyclists on rules of the road
Reduce speed-limit on roadways to make cycling safer
Require bikeways to be a certain color (green is recommended) to make visible to drivers (and look attractive- pride of place)
When unable to reduce speeds of certain roadways, develop separated bike lanes or parallel facilities on those roadways.
Priority shall be given to streets and sidewalks that connect residents to parks and schools to allow for access by multiple types of modes of transportation
(other than motor/vehicle)
Create narrower vehicle travel lanes (short and long term recommendation)
Encourage food growth in yards rather than grass (reduce lawn mower emissions)
Encourage bike/golf cart/UEV rentals, especially in the beach towns
Make it easier to change to renewable energy (cost, the degree)
Lead the way in renewable energy at the County level o Long term recommendation:
Partner with Solid Waste and Recycling to upscale Anaerobic Digestion
Invest in Community Shared Solar
Solid waste and recycling o Outcome: Reducing/eliminating the county’s waste stream through diversion and recycling o Short term recommendation
Work towards having co-mingled recycling to be available to all residential properties (single or multifamily),businesses, county parks, and county facilities
Keep our trash and recycling in county and do not send it out to another destination (does not solve an issues; need to invest in a proper sorting facility in NHC)
Establish a county-wide Anti-Litter Campaign with cooperation from city/town governments, schools, churches, business, local event coordinators, and any other stakeholder.
o Long term recommendation
Build a recycling facility in NHC that will allow for sorting as well as taking advantage of other processes such as composting, gasification, anaerobic digestion, and incineration.
Develop an on-going educational program for residents and visitors to explain the need for recycling programs:
Sustainable growth and green infrastructure o Outcome: Optimizing efficiency and energy use by taking a holistic approach to designing our built environment. o Short term recommendation
Conduct a traffic study
Create a Greenhouse gas inventory
Plan for Alternative Transportation and Fuels
Allow golf carts, mopeds, and alternative transportation where possible
Transition the government vehicle fleet from petroleum to hybrid and/or electric vehicles
Encourage more electric vehicle fueling stations with premier parking
Expand pipelines for natural gas, vehicles fuel stations
Natural Gas expansion using Methane NOT Fracking
Review Subdivision ordinance and revise as necessary
Use county public spaces as natural and/or food production sites
Provide homeowner and small business resources
Establish Sustainable Development funding for projects o Long term recommendation
Use all short-term actions such as the traffic study, greenhouse gas inventory, etc. to influence long term strategy
Develop a Climate Change Adaption Plan