SIGNIFICANCE OF EROSION-INDUCED LATERAL CARBON FLUXES FOR THE CARBON BALANCE IN A REFORESTED CATCHMENT Nadeu, E.a, de Vente, J. a, Martínez-Mena, M. a, Boix-Fayos, C. a a Grupo de Erosión y Conservación de Suelos. Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura (CEBAS-CSIC), Campus Universitario de Espinardo, 30100, Murcia 1. Introduction The assessment of the impact of soil erosion on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and its significance for the carbon (C) balance requires the quantification of lateral and vertical C fluxes associated to detachment, transport and deposition of soil and sediment. In this context, lateral C fluxes can directly increase or decrease SOC stocks by removing topsoil and, indirectly, can also affect C dynamics at eroding and depositional sites by changing the magnitude and spatial distribution of vertical C fluxes such as C input to soil and C mineralization to the atmosphere (Stallard, 1998). Here, we estimated their impact on SOC stocks and C sequestration in a Mediterranean catchment (50 km2) with heterogeneous land use and land cover (LULC) conditions and where hydrological correction works, including reforestation and the construction of check-dams, have been conducted during the last 40 years. 2. Materials and methods Estimations of erosion-induced C fluxes were based on previous studies at the study catchment (Rogativa catchment, NW Murcia, Spain) (i.e. Boix-Fayos et al, 2009; Nadeu et al., 2012). The catchment is divided in 58 subcatchments delimited by checkdams with sedimentary wedges. We used each subcatchment as a unit for estimations of sediment yield and exported C. We first calculated SOC stocks for the years 1976 (check-dam construction date) and 2003 based on a land use and land cover (LULC) maps (Boix-Fayos et al. 2008). Then, a C budget for the subcatchments was estimated with a bottom-up approach using field, modeled and literature data. We: (i) estimated C stocks in the sediment wedges behind check-dams (CCD) (Mg); (ii) calculated C exported downstream (Cexp) (Mg) by using the sediment trapping efficiency value (%) calculated for each check-dam (Boix-Fayos et al. 2008); (iii) used output data from the application of an erosion and C redistribution model to estimate C deposition values over the landscape (26%) (Cred) and (iv) data from literature for an approximate C mineralization value during transport and deposition (20%) (Cmin) (Lal et al. 2003; Van Hemelryck et al. 2010). 3. Results and discussion From these calculations, total C mobilized by erosion was 3850±1000 Mg (Ctot) during the 27 years between check-dam construction and the field survey. This value represents between 3% and 18% of the SOC stocks in the top 5 cm present in 1974 and taking into account uncertainties in C concentration in sediments and soils (67% confidence interval). The change in SOC stocks during the 1974-1997, induced by agricultural abandonment and reforestations, resulted in an average increase of SOC in the drainage area estimated around 10200±8000 Mg (Figure 1). The LULC changes resulted in a decrease in total erosion rates (Boix-Fayos et al. 2008), but not in the potential C mobilization, given the increased SOC stocks. When looking at the whole C balance (Figure 1), we observed that erosion-induced lateral C fluxes in the Rogativa catchment had a non-negligible impact on SOC stocks and on the total C budget. They significantly reduced SOC stock gains through LULC changes (by an average 40%) and enhanced CO2 emissions of otherwise protected C. On the other hand, however, since the loss of C from eroded soil profiles opens the opportunity for the input of fresh organic matter into the soil matrix, in what is known as C replacement (Harden et al. 1999), erosion processes likely contributed to an additional C sequestration in soils, as observed in a previous study in two subcatchments (Nadeu et al. 2012). Finally, to complete the catchment balance, the presence of check-dams in this environment allowed for the establishment of a C sink within the sediment wedges in the order of ~41% (CCD) of the total C eroded from catchment soils. This large amount of deposited C indicates that, eventually, the significance of erosion-induced lateral C fluxes in the Rogativa catchment will largely depend on the fate of the C stored at these depositional sites, as well as the fate of the C exported further downstream into the river network. Fig 1. Total erosion-induced C fluxes during the studied period (27 years) and SOC stocks for the top 5 cm. 4. Conclusions The results presented stress the importance of quantifying erosion-induced C fluxes and including them in evaluations of the impact of LULC changes, such as reforestations, on ecosystem C budgets which, in most assessments, only account for changes in standing biomass and SOC stocks. References Boix-Fayos C, de Vente J, Martinez-Mena M, Barbera GG, Castillo V. 2008. The impact of land use change and check-dams on catchment sediment yield. Hydrological Processes. 22: 4922-4935. Boix-Fayos, C., de Vente, J., Albaladejo, J. and Martínez-Mena, M., 2009. Soil carbon erosion and stock as affected by land use changes at the catchment scale in Mediterranean ecosystems. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 133(1-2): 75-85. Harden J.W., Sharpe J.M., Parton W.J., Ojima D.S., Fries T.L., Huntington T.G., and Dabney S.M. 1999. 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