Subject: Discourse Analisys. Mandatory Task from Unit 1 Learner

Subject: Discourse Analisys.
Mandatory Task from Unit 1
Learner: Yanina Salgueiro.
1- What is Discourse analysis? Explain in your own words.
Discourse Analysis is a method that focuses on analyzing written, spoken and signed language
use. It involves; discourse, writing, conversation, communicative event, and so on.
2- Which of the following features belong to the sentence linguistic approach and which
belong to the discourse analysis approach?
Any unified stretch of language Discourse Analysis.
Abstracted Linguistic
In context Discourse Analysis
Without context Linguistic
Achieving meaning Discourse Analysis.
Isolated sentences Linguistic
Invented Linguistic
Idealized Linguistic
Grammatically well-formed Sentence Linguistic
3- Explain in your own words what the Speech Act Theory is about. How is it related to
Discourse Analysis?
Speech act Theory is a term used in linguistics which it is commonly taken to include acts as:
promising, ordering, greetings, warming, inviting and congratulating. In other words it involves how
to express ideas, acts and feelings in spoken words. Speech act theory and discourse analysis go
together, one cannot exist without the other because a theory of language is part of a theory of
action, simply because speaking is a rule-governed form of behaviour.
The definition of the Speech Act Theory is better now. Well done!