Sommario Chinese Communicative and Negotiation Strategies (1 st year) Prof. Mao Wen Chinese Language Classes (Year 1) Dr. Chiara Piccinini; Dr. Zhang Li 1 1 2 2 Chinese Communicative and Negotiation Strategies (1st year) PROF. MAO WEN COURSE AIMS The course plans to understand and analyse the texts that describe the sociocultural and political-economic landscape of present-day China, but also has the aim of improving the student’s ability to use and understand the Chinese language and of preparing them to enter an international socio-business setting. COURSE CONTENT The course will study a selection of literary, business and international relations texts downloaded from reliable websites on China and taken from international newspapers and specialized magazines. The course will prioritize the student’s need to acquire the specific terminology, in particular that of the business and the socio-political sector. The reading and comprehension of the texts and working on the different types of exercises set by the lecturer will enable the student to master the content and understand the relative cultural context. During classes, the students will be invited to comment on themes relative to the relevance of an inter-cultural society; the problems of contemporary China (e.g., the demographic issue, protection of the environment, etc.), and the administrative bodies of the Chinese state. Special emphasis will be placed on the progress of communication driven by the new technologies and the media evolution. In addition, we will study the new semantic values of the Chinese lexicon and the language’s neologisms. READING LIST Authentic material and the texts selected during lectures. TEACHING METHOD Lectures. Students must search the internet, newspapers and magazines suggested by the lecturer to find material and texts that address the most current problems and topics discussed in China and the international scenario, in particular those with political, economic-business, scientific, cultural and topical content. The student will then select from that material the articles that interest them the most. Each text chosen must have a minimum of 500 characters. The students will take it in turn to present the material collected in class and then discuss it with the lecturer and their classmates. ASSESSMENT METHOD Oral exams: each student must prepare at least eight articles, each of which must contain at least 500 characters. About midway through the course, the student will hand in the articles to the lecturer for review. During the exam, the lecturer will chose at random one or two of the eight articles selected and use them as a basis for the student’s oral exam. The student must present the content of the article and respond to the lecturer’s questions in fluent Chinese. NOTES Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at, or on the Faculty notice board. Chinese Language Classes (Year 1) DR. CHIARA PICCININI; DR. ZHANG LI COURSE AIMS The course will impart the theoretical and practical notions needed to enable the student to progress their Chinese language skills to the advanced level of comprehension and production, placing special emphasis on developing their oral and written abilities through the analysis of specialised texts related to their chosen study programme. COURSE CONTENT – Study of the notions of grammar and syntax starting with the reference textbook, with particular emphasis on the comprehension of both dialogues and narrative-descriptive texts. – Advanced and specialised notions for producing and understanding news, current affairs topics and oral expressive techniques that feature cultural and metaphorical references. – Advanced syntactic structures to understand and summarise the oral texts chosen from the broader informative programmes and specialized multimedia material. – Production and comprehension of written texts and dialogues made up of the specific vocabulary dealt with in class. READING LIST LIU XUN 刘珣, New Practical Chinese Reader 4, Textbook (课本), Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Beijing, 2009. LIU XUN 刘珣, New Practical Chinese Reader 4, Workbook (综合练习册), Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Beijing, 2009. Each book comes with a useful CD so the student can listen individually to the classes and the exercises. The material deposited with the Reprographics Department throughout the year. TEACHING METHOD Classes will focus on: – listening and comprehension of oral texts. – reading, comprehension and production of written texts. – exercises in the oral production of sentences and conversations. ASSESSMENT METHOD Final written and oral exams. NOTES Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at, or on the Faculty notice board.