answer key -

Sarah, Plain and Tall Character Chart – Possible Answers
Character Name
How does the
character feel at
the beginning of
the story?
Anna is unsure of Sarah
coming to live with them.
Caleb is very excited that
Sarah is coming to live
with them.
Sarah is unsure because
she is set in her ways and
not sure if she will get
along with everyone and if
she’ll like Kansas.
Papa is nervous about
finding another wife and
mother for his children.
How do you
How does the
character feel in
the middle of the
How do you
How does the
character feel at
the end of the
How do you
Anna remembers what life
was like with Mama and
isn’t sure how things will
change. She is nervous
about meeting Sarah. She
is afraid she will offend
Anna is happy with Sarah
living with them, but she is
afraid she will still leave.
Sarah still talks about
Maine and how different
life was there. Anna talks
to Caleb about how they
think Sarah will stay or
Caleb doesn’t remember
having a mother and he
wants to have one. Caleb
befriends Sarah first. He
sends her very honest
letters about life on the
Caleb is happy with
Sarah living with them,
but is afraid she will still
He notices Sarah said
“something is missing”
when she is painting. He
gets very quiet and
doesn’t want to tell Anna
what he noticed.
Anna is happy because
Sarah is staying and they
are a complete family.
Caleb is happy because
Sarah is staying and they
are a complete family.
Sarah wanted to drive into
town and Anna thought she
was leaving, but Sarah was
buying gifts for everyone.
Anna tells us about the
wedding that will happen in
the spring.
Sarah wanted to drive
into town and Caleb
thought she was leaving,
but Sarah was buying
gifts for everyone. Caleb
knows Sarah has
“brought the sea” and
isn’t leaving.
She has lived her whole
life in Maine and isn’t sure
about living with the
family. She states her
hesitation in the letters.
Sarah is learning to live
with the family and likes
He and the children have
lived alone for a long time.
He is not sure how to tell
the kids about his
newspaper ad. He is shy
around Sarah.
Papa becomes less shy
and is talking to Sarah
When they are in the barn
playing on the dune and
when they are swimming
in the lake, Sarah is
happy. She is happy and
makes comments about
staying through the
Sarah is happy because
she is staying and
marrying Papa
They do the chores
together and he does nice
things for her like bring her
flowers. Papa starts to sing
again and that was a sign
he was happy.
Sarah drove into town,
which worried everyone
but she was planning on
staying. Sarah states, “I
will always miss my old
home, but the truth of it is
I would miss you more”.
He fell in love during the
story. Papa took care of
Sarah during the storm and
taught her how to drive so
she could still be
Papa is happy because
Sarah is staying and
marrying him.