Geology Syllabus Revised

Indiana University ACP Geology G103- Earth Science: Materials and
Processes 2013-2014 (3 credits)
Instructor: Amanda Cole
Phone: 964-7591
Website:, My Big Campus
Room: 177
Class Time: M7, M-F
Teacher Prep Period: G1 and M6 (speak with me to receive a pass for help)
Textbook: Essentials of Geology, Fourth Edition, Stephen Marshak
Course Description: Earth Science: Materials and Processes is an introductory geology course
designed to introduce basic principles of plate tectonics, rock and mineral formation, earthquakes
and mountain building, structural geology, water and glaciers. The changing dynamics of
Earth’s geosphere will be a major focus. Class time will be spent in lecture, class discussions
and extensive group laboratory work. Students will also be responsible for assigned readings,
daily comprehension quizzes and content tests. The ability to work in groups is essential.
Although this class is taught in high school, dual credit may be awarded for G103 through
Indiana University. As such, this class will be taught with the rigor of a freshman-level college
course. It is the student’s responsibility to meet with his/her guidance counselor to enroll in the
ACP college course.
Prerequisites: None
Materials: Each day, bring your textbook, pen/pencil, and paper to class. A ruler, calculator and
colored pencils may also be helpful.
Schedule: This schedule is subject to change. Please check the course website and teacher
announcements for changes.
Readings (to be done before class)
Introductions and Earth’s Interior
Continental Drift
Lab: Continental Drift
p. 35-42
Daily Quiz #1
Seafloor Spreading
Lab: Classification of Materials
p. 43-49
Daily Quiz #2
Plate Tectonics and Boundaries
Lab: Finish Classification of Materials
p. 49-67
Daily Quiz #3
Minerals and ID
Lab: Mineral ID
p. 71-85
Daily Quiz #4
Review of Plate Tectonics and Minerals
Lab: Finish Mineral ID
Test #1, Mineral ID Test, Magma & Lava p. 97-109
Igneous Rocks
Lab: Igneous Rocks
p. 109-113
Daily Quiz #5
Lab: Chemical Weathering
p. 149-157
Daily Quiz #6
Soil and Sedimentary Rocks
Lab: Finish Chemical Weathering
p. 157-161
p. 163-172
Daily Quiz #7
Sedimentary Structures and Enviro.
Lab: Sedimentary Rocks
P. 173-185
Daily Quiz #8
Metamorphic Rocks
Lab: Finish Sedimentary Rocks
p. 189-197
Daily Quiz #9
Metamorphic Processes
Lab: Metamorphic Rocks
p. 197-207
Daily Quiz #10
Review of Rocks
Lab: Finish Metamorphic Rocks/Review
Test #2, Rock ID Test, Wrap Up
Earthquake Characteristics and Waves
Lab: Earthquakes
p. 217-224
Daily Quiz #11
Earthquake Magnitude and Location
Lab: Earthquakes
p. 225-236
Daily Quiz #12
Earthquake Damage
Lab: Tsunami video
p. 236-244
Daily Quiz #13
Earthquake Prediction
Lab: Finish Earthquakes
p. 245-248
Daily Quiz #14
Deformation and Structures
Lab: Topographic Maps
p. 265-279
Daily Quiz #15
Mountain Building
Lab: Topographic Maps
p. 279-289
Daily Quiz #16
Relative Dating
Lab: Finish Topo. Maps, Ages of Rocks
p. 305-317
Daily Quiz #17
Absolute Dating, Review Equakes & Time p. 320-325
Lab: Review
Daily Quiz #18
Test #3, Wrap Up
Lab: Geo Structures
p. 417-431
Daily Quiz #19
Lab: Geo Structures
p. 431-441
Daily Quiz #20
Geo Structures
Lab: Complete Geo Structures, Begin Water Comp. Assignment
Groundwater Basics
Lab: Water Comp. Assignment
p. 473-477
p. 480-483
Daily Quiz #21
Groundwater, Caves and Karst
Lab: Groundwater and Karst Activity
p. 487-492
Daily Quiz #22
Review Streams, Groundwater and Caves
Lab: Review
Test # 4, Wrap Up
Lab: Groundwater
Caves Fieldtrip
Groundwater and Caves
Lab: Groundwater, Cave Video
Lab: Shorelines Posters
p. 454-466
Daily Quiz #23
Glaciers and Erosion
Lab: Google Earth Glaciers
p. 515-526
Daily Quiz #24
Glacial Landforms
Lab: Google Earth Glaciers
p. 526-532
Daily Quiz #25
Ice Ages
Lab: Introduce Final Project
p. 534-541
Daily Quiz #26
Computer Lab: Final Project
Computer Lab: Final Project
Final Exam Review
All chapters
Final Exam Review
All chapters
All chapters
Grading: Grades for this course will be based off of total points earned out of total points
available each term. Final grades will be calculated using the following percentages: 40% for
Term 1, 40% for Term 2 and 20% for the final exam. The school grade scale will be used.
Daily quizzes are worth 10 points each, tests are worth 60 points each, labs are worth 20 points
each, the final project is worth 40 points and the final exam will be out of 200 points. Students
who are taking the class for IU credit will earn the same grade for IU that they do for high
school. It is imperative that ACP students keep up with their grade, as the grade for this course
will become a permanent part of their college transcript/GPA.
Classroom Misconduct: School rules will be enforced at all times. Failure to follow school
rules will result in a phone call home and appropriate disciplinary actions (such as referrals).
Please do not use electronics such as phones and headphones in the classroom, unless given
permission for a particular activity. Please leave all food/drink at the door. Passes will only be
given under extreme circumstances and/or if your work is finished. You will find that I am a
fairly easy-going teacher who gets along well with most students. All I ask is that the classroom
culture is one of respect. This means respect for me, as well as your peers. Pay attention,
participate and listen when others are speaking. Clean up after yourself. Most
importantly…have fun!
Attendance: Being in class is the best thing you can do to help yourself succeed in this class.
Try to be here as much as possible….too many absences and you will fall behind. If you are
going to be absent, please email me for any questions. You may also check our class website to
get lecture notes, assignments, etc. Find a friend in class who can bring home work/assignments
to you. Stop in before/after school to get your make-up work. Don’t assume that we didn’t do
anything because you were gone!! All work due to legitimate absences may be made up
according to the policy below.
Make-up Work/Exams: If you are absent, please see the class website or speak to me regarding
make up work. You will be given one extra day to turn in your work for each day that you were
absent. Make sure you turn in your absent work ON TIME, as late work is not accepted. All
labs need to be made up within ONE WEEK of the lab, otherwise it will be taken down and a
zero will be given for that lab. Labs may be made up during study hall or before/after school.
Please see me to schedule a lab make-up time. All exams need to be made up as soon as possible
from the date of the initial exam. Make up exams will cover similar topics, but will not be
identical to the exam given in class. Failure to schedule a make-up exam will result in a zero for
that exam grade.
Late Work: As this is an honors/college level course, late work will not be accepted. Failure to
submit work on time will result in a zero for that grade. If there are extenuating circumstances
(such as a birth/death in the family) please contact me ASAP and I will try and work with you to
get your work submitted.
Dual Credit/ High School Credit Policy:
The rigor of this course will be periodically reviewed by Indiana University faculty in an effort
to maintain the high quality of education that each student receives. Due to the unique format of
this course, students must decide during the IU enrollment period whether they wish to receive
dual credit (high school and IU credit) or only high school credit. Students who choose to take
the course only for high school credit and receive a passing grade may not register at a later date
or repeat the course (while in high school) for college credit.
Academic Misconduct Statement and Links:
“The Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct describes types
of misconduct for which students may be penalized, including cheating, fabrication, plagiarism
and interference with other students’ work, as well as actions which endanger the University and
the University community and possession of firearms. The Code also indicates the procedures to
be followed in these cases. All students are required to adhere to the responsibilities
outlined in the Code.”
The definition and clarification related to cheating, plagiarism, etc. is found here:”
Useful link to student info about plagiarism:
Per IU Policy:
Faculty are required to investigate and then report all incidents of academic misconduct to the
Dean of Students. For information about policies and procedures, see the Code of Student
Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct, especially Part II, Sections G, H and I and Part III. Copies
of the code can be obtained from the Dean of Students. The code is also accessible at
(University Faculty Council, April 24, 1990; April 13, 1993; May 12, 1993; October 8, 1996;
April 12, 2005; Board of Trustees, May 4, 1990; December 4, 1992; June 5, 1993; December 13,
1996; June 24, 2005)