INTRODUCTION The CLIC design is based on a main linac, in which the beam is accelerated in normal conducting X-band accelerating structures. The necessary RF power to feed these structures is extracted from a drive beam in a chain of power extraction and transfer structures (PETS) than runs in parallel to the main beam. In principle, the RF power could also be produced by klystrons. In the past, this has indeed been proposed in the JLC-X [jlc] and NLC [nlc] designs, which also used normal conducting X-band accelerating structures but fed by klystrons. A clear advantage of a klystron based design is that the basic RF unit prototypes can be tested more easily than for a drive beam scheme. The production of the drive beam at the necessary high current is relatively costly. It appears necessary to highlight the implications that the choice of RF power source has on the CLIC design at 500GeV. The drive beam based design is documented elsewhere []. In this document the focus will be on the first exploration of the klystron based design. Currently, two strategies have been followed to determine the klystron based machine parameters: In the first approach, the current CLIC 500GeV design is fully maintained, except that the drive beam is replaced by klystrons as the main linac power source. This choice minimises the design modifications. As will be described below, the number of klystrons required is 1000, which appears very large. In the second approach, some optimisation of the CLIC parameters is performed in order to reduce the number of klystrons. However, the structure design strategy remains unaltered, i.e. strong damping of the higher order transverse modes is used. In contrast, NLC and JLC-X considered only weak damping and detuning. The total number of klystrons needed with the two strategies appears to be very similar. In our studies, no cost optimisation has been performed since no cost model is currently available that is vetted by the CLIC cost working group. KLYSTRON AND PULSE COMPRESSOR DESIGN X-band Klystron Design To be filled by Gerry High-power X-band RF pulse compression system analysis In the NLC/GLC design, the SLED II pulse compressor [1] was adopted as a part of the RF power production station [2], as is shown in Fig. 1. The SLED II is a passive waveguide circuit which stores RF energy in a pair of resonantly tuned delay lines for several roundtrips, until a phase reversal in the input pulse causes it to be expelled in a compressed pulse of increased power. The lines are iris coupled at one end to a power directing hybrid and shorted at the other. To reduce losses and to enhance powerhandling capabilities, the delay lines are represented by overmoded waveguides. Length of the each line is chosen in a way that the round trip time delay is equivalent to the duration of the compressed pulse. In order to reduce the physical length of the waveguides involved, it was suggested to use multimoded systems [3]. In these systems, waveguide is utilized multiple times, often carrying different modes simultaneously. Such a pulse compressor was build and tested at SLAC [4]. It produced close to 550 MW of output RF power with a pulse width of 400 ns and a repetition rate of 60 Hz. The measured breakdown trip rate trip at this peak power level was about 7.510-7/pulse. Figure 1: Schematic of the main linac RF sub-unit for the NLC/GLC. In its original design, the SLED II is supposed to be operated with a factor 4 pulse compression (the ratio between the input and the output pulses durations). We have analyzed power gain and efficiency of a similar system, but for different pulse compression ratios. In our analysis we have used the following assumptions: Similar to NLC/GLC, the two combined 75MW 1600ns klystrons were considered as an RF power source. The Ohmic losses per meter length of the delay line were scaled from 11.424 GHz to 12 GHz for the same delay line circular waveguide aperture. For the waveguide distribution system, an RF transport efficiency of 0.92 was taken, similar to the NLC/GLC design value. To estimate the calculated peak RF power production feasibility we have used the semi-empirical approach [5], which to large extend allows to extrapolate the existing experimental results: PC<550MW(TC/400ns)1/2, where TC is the compressed pulse length and PC is an extrapolated RF peak power limit at a given (7.510-7/pulse) breakdown trip rate. The results of this analysis are summarized in Table 1. Table 1: The SLED II RF pulse compressor performance Compression factor 3 4 5 Pulse length (ns) 533 400 320 Delay line length (m) 40 30 24 Power gain 2.47 3.21 3.78 Efficiency 0.823 0.8 0.756 Peak power/structures (MW) 341 443 567 Power limit (MW) 476 550 614 6 267 20 4.21 0.702 630 673 7 228 17.1 4.56 0.651 684 730 PARAMETER CHOICE Beam Dynamics Constraints The beam parameters for CLIC at 500 GeV centre-of-mass have been optimised in a similar fashion as for the 3 TeV version [2]. The basic parameters at the collision point are determined by the different accelerator systems: The bunch charge N and length σz are mainly a function of the linac design. The longitudinal single bunch wakefield makes the bunch length a function of the charge σz(N) in order to limit the final beam energy spread.. The transverse wakefield effects then limit N, via the wakefield kick which is propotional to NWT(2σz). The horizontal emittance is mainly a function of the damping ring performance, with some contributions from other systems. The vertical emittance depends on damping ring and the transport from the damping ring to the interaction point. The effective vertical and horizontal beta functions are functions of the final focus system and have lower limits. Some parameters have been chosen to be more relaxed than for CLIC at 3 TeV: Larger horizontal emittance at the interaction point of 2.4 μm instead of 0.66 μm has been assumed to relax the damping ring design requirements. Larger beta-functions have been assumed at the collision point to relax the beam delivery system requirements. The bunch charge in the main linac has been chosen as for the 3 TeV case but taking into account that the machine is significantly shorter. This has two main consequences. First, this allows tolerating a constant local transverse wakefield kick, even at lower gradients. In case of the 3 TeV design the wakefield kick had to be reduced with the gradient since the length of the machine increased. Second, it allows having a factor of about two larger local wakefield kick from one bunch to the next than at 3 TeV. In addition, the requirement for the quality of the luminosity spectrum at the interaction point has been made more stringent, in order to make the degradation of the spectrum quality due to beam-beam effects and the unavoidable initial state radiation comparable. As a figure of merit we use the luminosity delivered within a band of 1% around the nominal centre-of-mass energy. 0.35 0.25 3 TeV, 100 MV/m 500 GeV, 100 MV/m 500 GeV, 50 MV/m 0.2 0.15 L bx /N [1025/bx/m 2] 0.3 0.1 0.05 0 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 <a>/ 0.18 0.2 0.22 Figure 2: Luminosity per bunch crossing in 1% energy spectrum divided by the bunch population Lbx/N versus average aperture to the wavelength ratio <a>/λ is plotted. In order to illustrate the difference between the two cases of 3 TeV and 500 GeV, luminosity per bunch crossing in 1% energy spectrum divided by the bunch population Lbx/N versus average aperture to the wavelength ratio <a>/λ is plotted in Fig. 1 for 3 difference cases: 3 TeV, <Eacc> = 100 MV/m; 500 GeV, <Eacc> = 100 MV/m; and 500 GeV, <Eacc> = 50 MV/m. Black diamond curve represent the nominal case where the optimum <a>/λ is 0.11. Using the nominal structures optimized for 3 TeV in the 500 GeV main linac would result in luminosity loss of about factor 6 from 0.3 to 0.05. This loss can be partially compensated by using accelerating structures with larger aperture since for 500 GeV the optimum <a>/λ is close to 0.16. In addition, Fig. 1 shows the difference in the Lbx/N for 500 GeV between 100 MV/m and 50 MV/m accelerating gradients coming mainly from the linac length, red circles and blue triangles, respectively. RF constraints The following three rf constraints have been used in the optimization: 1. Surface electric field: Esurfmax < 260 MV/m 2. Pulsed surface heating: ΔTmax < 56 K 3. Power: Pin /C∙τp1/3∙f <156 MW/mm/ns2/3 Here Esurfmax and ΔTmax refer to maximum surface electric field and maximum pulsed surface heating temperature rise in the structure respectively. Pin, τp and f denote input power, pulse length and frequency respectively. C is the circumference of the first regular iris. These constraints are the same as used in the optimization of the 3 TeV CLIC main linac accelerating structure [3,4]. This means that the structure high gradient performance is as challenging to achieve as for the 3 TeV case. In addition, two values for the rf phase advance per cell in the structure have been investigated: 2π/3 and 5π/6. Three TeV Design Constraints In addition to the beam dynamics and rf constrains, there are a number of constraints which has to be applied to the 500 GeV CLIC if it would be built as the first stage of 3 TeV CLIC. There are several parameters fixed by the 3 TeV design: bunch separation Ns of 6 rf cycles, rf pulse length tp of 242 ns and the structure active length Ls of 230 mm. These parameters can only be changed by factor 2 since it is related to the 3 TeV layout or to the rf frequency in the injectors. Finally the list of different cases studied in this paper is presented below: 1. Ns = free; Ls > 200 mm; tp = free 2. Ns = 6; Ls = 230 mm; tp = 242 ns 3. Ns = 6; Ls = 480 mm; tp = 242 ns 4. Ns = 6; Ls = 480 mm; tp = 483 ns where the first case represents 500 GeV CLIC optimum without taking into account 3 TeV design constraints. It is used as a reference to indicate how much the performance is reduced due to the 3 TeV design constraints. Optimisation Results The 500 GeV CLIC main linac accelerating structure optimization has been performed in a range of <Eacc> from 50 to 100 MV/m always at 12 GHz. The figure of merit (FoM) ηLb×/N has been maximized as in [2,3], where η is RF-to-beam efficiency. For fixed centre-of-mass collision energy this quantity is proportional to the average luminosity divided by the average rf power which has to be provided for acceleration. Unfortunately, no cost model was available for 500 GeV CLIC optimization. The results are presented in Fig. 2 where all 4 different combinations mentioned in the previous section has been analyzed for two different values of rf phase advance per cell and are marked as shown in the legend. In addition, two cases are presented which correspond to the 500 GeV CLIC built using nominal 3 TeV structure (CLIC_G [4]) at the nominal and double pulse lengths. Since the repletion rate is limited to multiples of 50 Hz, the luminosity in 1% energy spectrum calculated at 50 Hz for all the cases and normalized to the nominal luminosity in 1% energy spectrum at 3 TeV of 2×1034 cm-2sec-1[1] is plotted in Fig. 2(bottom) as a luminosity reduction factor. First Fig. 2(top) where FoM is presented clearly indicate that reduction of the gradient allows to design a structure which is better adapted to the 500 GeV CLIC (larger aperture). Second, in Fig. 2(bottom) there are two cases which are quite close to the red solid line which is the best case achieved where no 3 TeV constraints were applied. Let’s consider 3 cases indicated in Fig. 2 by arrows: 1. Nominal structure but not nominal pulse length. This means the layout must be adapted. Luminosity is 3 times lower than nominal. Gradient is 80 MV/m. 2. Optimized structure of nominal length and nominal pulse length. This means the layout is nominal. Luminosity reduction is only factor 2. Gradient is 80 MV/m. 3. Optimized structure of double length and double pulse length. The layout is not nominal. Luminosity is the same as for 3 TeV case. Gradient is significantly lower: 50 MV/m. The fact that layout is not nominal in the cases 1 and 3 means that it has to be rebuilt to a certain extent when upgrading from 500 GeV to 3 TeV. It is not necessary in the case 2. Case 3 gives nominal luminosity but the significantly lower gradient and consequently longer linac could have an impact on the cost which was not optimized in the present study. Finally case 2 has been chosen as a baseline configuration for 500 GeV CLIC based on the drive beam 12 GHz rf power source. In the next section, the performance of the structures presented in Fig. 2 is shown for the case of the klystron based 12 RF power source. 5 10 4.5 9 4 8 Luminosity reduction factor bx L /N* [1023/bx/m 2] 3 2 3.5 3 2.5 2 1 1.5 1 6 5 4 1 3 2 1 0.5 0 50 7 60 70 80 <Eacc> [MV/m] 90 100 0 50 2 3 60 70 80 <Eacc> [MV/m] 90 100 2 /3: Ns =free, Ls >200mm, tp=free 2 /3: Ns =6, Ls =230mm, 2 /3: Ns =6, Ls =480mm, tp=242ns tp=242ns 2 /3: Ns =6, Ls =480mm, tp=483ns CLIC-G, tp=242ns CLIC-G, tp=483ns 5 /6: Ns =free, Ls >200mm, tp=free 5 /6: Ns =6, Ls =230mm, tp=242ns 5 /6: Ns =6, Ls =480mm, 5 /6: Ns =6, Ls =480mm, tp=242ns tp=483ns Figure 3: FoM (top left) and luminosity reduction factor (top right) are presented for 10 different sets of constraints described in the text and marked in the legend (bottom left). Number of Klystrons In Fig 3, compression efficiency and the corresponding power gain of the rf pulse compression system are presented as described in Section Igor. The 12 GHz 75 MW peak power klystron pulse length of 1600 ns is assumed. The points on the curves in Fig. 3 correspond to different compressions. The smooth line assumes fractional compression number which is impossible to achieve in practice. In this case, the pulse length of the klystron must be adjusted. Figure 4: Compression efficiency (blue) and power gain (red) versus pulse length. Using the above parameters for the klystron and rf pulse compression system the number of klystron which are necessary to feed 250 GeV is calculated using following formula: P klys Pl p ea k 0.5 Ecm NN b N klys l 75MW GPC 75MW t p GPC 75MW where, Ecm= 500 GeV centre-of-mass collision energy, N is the bunch population, Nb is the number of bunches, GPC is the power gain which is the function of pulse length tp. The parameters N, Nb, tp are taken for structures presented in fig. 2 and the corresponding number of klystron is calculated for each structure. The results are presented in Fig. 4. Klystron based 500 GeV CLIC 7000 2/3: N s =free, L s >200mm, t p=free Nklys 2/3: N s =6, L s =230mm, t p=242n s 2/3: N s =6, L s =480mm, t p=242n s 2/3: N s =6, L s =480mm, t p=483n 6000 CLIC% G, t p=242n CLIC% G, t p=483n 5000 5/6: N s =free, L s >200mm, t p=free 5/6: N s =6, L s =230mm, t p=242n 5/6: N s =6, L s =480mm, t p=242n 4000 5/6: N s =6, L s =480mm, t p=483n 3000 2000 1000 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 <E a c c > [MV/m] 85 90 95 100 Figure 5: Number of klystron per linac for different structures which have been presented in Fig. 2. 1.8 x 10 -3 Klystron based 500 GeV CLIC 2/3: N s =free, L s >200mm, t p=free FoM Nklys 2/3: N s =6, L s =230mm, t p =242n 2/3: N s =6, L s =480mm, t p =242n 1.6 2/3: N s =6, L s =480mm, t p =483n CLIC% G, t p=242n 1.4 CLIC% G, t p=483n 5/6: N s =free, L s >200mm, t p =free 5/6: N s =6, L s =230mm, t p =242n 1.2 5/6: N s =6, L s =480mm, t p =242n 5/6: N s =6, L s =480mm, t p =483n 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 <E a c c > [MV/m] 85 90 95 100 Figure 6: Ratio of the Figure of Merit to the number of klystron per linac for different structures which have been presented in Fig. 2. The smallest number of klystrons can be achieved if the nominal 3 TeV CLIC structure (CLIC_G) is used at 50 MV/m. Then only about 1200 klystrons per linac are needed. But the corresponding luminosity in 1% of the energy spectrum is only 0.15x1034 [Hz/cm2] at the repetition rate of 50 Hz. This is unacceptably lower than the nominal value of 1x1034 [Hz/cm2]. A compromise has to be found to balance the number of klystrons (cost) and the luminosity (performance). To do this a ratio of the FoM to the number of klystrons is plotted in the same way as before in Fig. 5. Three structures with highest ration of FoM to the number of klystrons were picked up as an example and the parameters are presented together with the parameters of the current base line structure for 500 GeV CLIC base on the drive beam 12 GHz rf power source (case 2 described in the previous section) in Table 1. All three structures should operate at the pulse length close to the nominal pulse length of 242 ns. This seems to be a value which is close to the optimum for a given klystron and pulse compression system parameters. For this pulse length the pulse compression power gain GPC = 4.45 and the corresponding compression efficiency is 68%. Table 1: Parameters of the nominal 500 GeV CLIC structure together with possible structures for the klystron based 500 GeV CLIC. Case CLIC_502 1 2 3 80 50 57 50 rf phase advance: ∆φ[ ] 150 120 120 150 Average iris radius/wavelength: <a>/λ 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.16 N. of reg. cells, str. length: Nc, l [mm] 19, 229 56, 480 56, 480 45, 480 Bunch separation: Ns [rf cycles] 6 6 6 6 Average accelerating gradient: <Ea> [MV/m] o -2 Luminosity per bunch X-ing: Lb× [m ] 0.57×10 Bunch population: N 6.8×10 Number of bunches in a train: Nb 9 34 34 0.33×10 9 34 0.38×10 9 0.5×10 34 5.1×10 5.49×10 6.63×10 354 374 382 339 Pulse length: τp [ns] 242 242 242 242 Input power: Pin [MW] 74.2 59 76 72 250 193 215.6 230 56 24.3 27.6 33 Efficiency: η [%] 39.6 50.7, 49.5 49.6 Figure of merit: ηLb× /N [a.u.] 3.3 3.24 3.41 3.74 1.0 0.62 0.73 0.85 Max. surface field: Esurf max [MV/m] max Max. temperature rise: ΔT 34 [K] -2 -1 Luminosity @ 50 Hz [10 cm s ] 9 Number of klystrons per linac 3000 1865 2100 2249 In summary: Structures optimized for the maximum figure of merit have been analyzed Lowest number of klystron has been found for CLIC_G@50MV/m@240ns which is about 2400 klystrons BUT the luminosity is 0.15x1034 [1/(cm2s)] @50Hz Compromise Luminosity versus Nklys: (0.6 - 1)x1034 [1/(cm2s)] @50Hz results in 3700 - 6000 klystrons Further optimization could improve luminosity but probably will not reduce significantly number of klystrons To do this, cost model is needed which weights Nklys, gradient and Luminosity in a proper way. IMPACT ON THE CLIC DESIGN AND COST Design Changes Philippe: Second tunnel Main linac infrastructure Cost Difference Philippe: Difference of cost between klystron-based and drive beam based approach This chapter might be missing in the first version, i.e. before the CLIC cost is know. CONCLUSION REFERENCES [jlc] JLC [nlc] NLC [1] A. Fiebig and C. Schieblich, in Proceedings of the 1988 European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC’88), Rome (World Scientific, Singapore, 1989), pp, 1075–1077. [2] C. Adolphsen, ‘Status of a Linac RF Unit Demonstration for the NLC/GLC X-Band Linear Collider’, Proceedings of EPAC 2004, Lucerne, Switzerland. [3] S. G. Tantawi et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 5, 2002. [4] S. Tantawi et al., ‘High-power multimode X-band rf pulse compression system for future linear colliders’, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams, Vol. 8. 2005. [5] A. Grudiev, W. 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