Monitoring program to support investigations of dilution flows to control Cyanobacteria in the Torrens Lake Prepared by: Justin Brookes The School of Earth and Environmental Sciences The University of Adelaide Dilution flows monitoring program Background Recurring cyanobacterial blooms in the Torrens Lake, Adelaide, compromise the amenity of the lake. Long-term sustainable strategies to control cyanobacterial blooms are sought in order to enhance water quality and improve the recreational and ecological value of the lake. One strategy that has been investigated is the use of controlled releases from upstream catchment or from reuse water. This strategy relies upon the diluting flows flushing the cyanobacteria from the system and thereby limiting the accumulation of high biomass. There are several challenges with this strategy, not least of which is achieving the desired dilution given the likely density difference between the inflow and lake water. In an assessment of the feasibility of dilution flows for cyanobacteria management in the Torrens Lake, Brookes (2011) concluded that for a growth rate of 0.4 day-1, which is a typical exponential growth rate of cyanobacteria in the Torrens Lake, a diluting flow of at least 10% per day would be required to have noticeable impact on the cyanobacteria population. With a starting cell concentration of 100 cells/mL, a growth rate of 0.4 day-1 and a diluting flow of 10% the cell concentration after 20 days would be 74420 cells/mL, which is below the critical threshold for cell numbers. Higher rates of growth may reach the threshold concentration in shorter timeframes. A trial is proposed to determine how effective a flow release management strategy is at controlling cyanobacteria in the Torrens Lake to below the threshold of 100,000 cells/mL. It is noted that even below this concentration the cyanobacteria can accumulate at the surface and form unsightly blooms. Because there is uncertainty of how well the inflows will mix the lake water and dilute the population it will be necessary to monitor the inflows and their impact upon lake hydrodynamics and cyanobacterial abundance. The criteria for the monitoring is to confidently know that the flow dilution releases are stopping algal blooms and poor water quality episodes. The aim of this work, as outlined by the Adelaide and MLR NRM Board and SA Water, is to devise a release testing strategy to ensure flows are delivering benefits and we can scientifically prove this. The challenging aspect of this type of trial is that it is difficult to prove success (ie no cyanobacterial blooms) but it is easy to prove failure (ie cyanobacterial numbers exceed the threshold of 100,000 cells/mL). This is because there may be numerous reasons, in addition to the diluting flows, why cyanobacteria do not reach problematic concentrations. These may include nutrient-limitation, low inoculum, natural washout, unsuitable hydrodynamic conditions and competition for resources by other algae. However, there has been regular high abundance of Anabaena circinalis for the past four years which can be used as a comparison (Figure 1). Experimental Water release The most suitable flow strategy to trial would be a relatively high flow commencing during the months of December or January because this is when rapid cyanobacterial growth is observed in the lake ( 2 Dilution flows monitoring program Figure 1). The actual commencement of supplemented flows would be triggered by the presence of cyanobacteria at a concentration of 500 cells/mL. Brookes (2011) concluded that a base flow of at least 6.5% dilution would be recommended in summer but this may need to increase to over 10% when cyanobacterial populations begin to show exponential growth. Summer rainfall to supplement these flows would be advantageous to flush out populations and reset the population to a low concentration. The caveat to this recommendation is that it is a compromise between achieving adequate dilution and using appropriate volumes of environmental water. Adequate dilution requires good mixing and export of a proportion of the population downstream which is a function of inflow and lake hydrodynamics. Figure 1 Anabaena circinalis cell numbers in the Torrens Lake at the Weir . 3 Dilution flows monitoring program Monitoring and experimental program Sites and sampling locations The sampling sites used in this proposed monitoring program are the same as those used in the regular monitoring program for algal counts by the City of Adelaide. This will enable consistent datasets, comparison with historical records and a representative coverage of the lake. The sites are described in Table 1 and depicted in Figure 2. Not all parameters would be monitored at all sites. Temperature sampling may be required in the river upstream of the lake but this will be described in the section of hydrodynamics. Table 1 Sampling sites in the Torrens Lake Site # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Site Description Weir Morphett St Festival Theatre King William Rd Uni Footbridge Frome Rd Hackney Rd Figure 2 Map of sampling sites in the Torrens Lake Hydrodynamics The premise of controlled upstream water releases to control cyanobacteria in the Torrens Lake is that there is sufficient dilution and loss of cells downstream to 4 Dilution flows monitoring program overcome the growth and biomass expansion in the lake. Stratification will act to decrease the efficiency of dilution but there is evidence from the ELCOM hydrodynamic model that flows greater than 0.3 m/s (6.5%) dilution erodes stratification particularly as the intrusion moves further into the lake (work by David Lewis). This will act to make the lake more vulnerable to natural wind mixing and complete mixing from nocturnal cooling. These processes will tend to make the cyanobacterial population homogeneously mixed and dilution more efficient. If the weir is allowed to be an over-top spill weir and not an underflow this will also maximize cyanobacteria loss from the system. Monitoring of the hydrodynamics during the experimental trial release should achieve two objectives 1. Determine whether the inflow from the experimental water release achieves mixing and efficient dilution 2. provide vertical profiles of temperature to validate the ELCOM modeling at three sites in the Torrens Lake Three thermistor chains should be installed in the lake with an additional thermistor installed in the river upstream of the lake. The sites for the thermistor chain installations would be at site 1,2, 3 and 6. The upstream thermistor would be installed at site 7. If the thermistor chain is still operational at the meteorological station near the weir then that would satisfy data collection of temperature for that site. It should be checked for calibration in the field and recalibrated if thermistors are found to diverge by more than 0.1C when suspended in the same water. The other thermistor chains should contain 7 thermistors each spaced at depth 0,0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2,1.5, 2 metres. Optical Stowaway thermistors should suffice. These has an accuracy of about 0.1C. Two upstream thermistors should be installed at relatively close proximity to each other to provide back up should one thermistor fail or be stolen. Data from other sources that is useful for this work is the routinely collected temperature and nutrient concentrations of water in Kangaroo Creek Dam. Depth profiles of water velocity would provide information on the flow and depth of the instrusion. There are two ways that this could be undertaken. The first is using an Acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) permanently deployed on the bottom of the lake. This measures water currents by exploiting the Doppler shift of sound waves reflected from particles in the water. Velocity can be measured using Acoustic Doppler devices as low as 0.001 m/s and up to over 2.5 m/s. The difficulty with a bottom mounted ADCP in this application is that some depth is lost with the height of the instrument and the blanking distance. Given this limitation the velocity in the bottom 0.7m may not be measured, which is particularly problematic if the inflow presents as an underflow. A more appropriate method for measuring flow velocity and the depth of intrusion in this case may be an intensive targeted filed campaign over two days. Velocity would be measured with an ADV (Acoustic Doppler profiler) at the upstream inflow, at the 5 Dilution flows monitoring program point of insertion, and at the thermistor chain sites. It should be measured every 0.1m over the depth of the water column, at 50 HZ and with a 120 second sampling period. This sampling should occur every two hours from dawn until dusk for two days to build up a picture of where the intrusion inserts and travels with varying inflow temperatures and lake stratification. Phytoplankton There has been a routine monitoring program measuring phytoplankton, including the cyanobacteria, weekly over the summer months. Algal counts are made for the dominant species and the target species, Anabaena circinalis and Microcystis aeruginosa, at eight sites (seven sites in the main lake and one site downstream of the weir. This sampling should continue with similar frequency, which from the historical record appears to be weekly or twice weekly on occasions when biomass is building up. There are several factors to consider when determining the frequency of sampling including cost, availability of samplers and the potential cyanobacterial population growth between sampling. With a 10% dilution rate and 0.4/day growth rate the population could grow from 1000 cells/mL to 10,000 cells/mL in seven days (days 714 in Figure 3) or from 10,000 to 104,000 in seven days. Given the potential rapid growth from fairly low levels to exceeding the threshold (1000 cells/mL to >100,000 cells/mL in 14 days at a 0.4/day growth rate) it would be prudent to sample twice weekly once cyanobacteria counts exceeded 1,000 cells/mL. Population size (cells/mL) Popuation growth with 10% dilution 1E+09 100000000 10000000 1000000 100000 10000 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0 5 10 Time(days) 15 20 0.8 Figure 3 Population size of algae growing at eight different growth rates but with a daily dilution rate of 10% 6 Dilution flows monitoring program Modelling Modelling enables different management scenarios to be compared as lakes are always changing and rarely are replicate lakes available for manipulation and comparison. Hydrodynamic modeling of the actual controlled release trials would enable a direct comparison of what hydrodynamics would be expected with no inflow with that which occurred during the inflow. Lake water and inflow water mixing and residence times can be determined using tracers put into the model. Quality input data is required for future modeling. This includes the full suite of meteorological data, inflow and outflow volumes and temperature. Data requirements are: Short wave radiation Long-wave radiation Relative humidity Air temperature Wind speed and direction Inflow volume Inflow temperature Outflow volume including extraction These data are available from the meteorological station on the lake near the weir but it is critical that data are downloaded regularly and archived. Summary of sampling design Table 2 Summary of sampling design Site Temperature Velocity 1 Continuous measurement with Thermistor chain 10 minute intervals 2 Thermistor chain 3 Thermistor chain 2 day intensive sampling every two hours 2 day intensive sampling every two hours 2 day intensive sampling every two hours 4 Cell counts Twice Weekly Nutrients Twice Weekly Twice Weekly Weekly Twice Weekly 7 Dilution flows monitoring program 5 6 Thermistor chain 7 1 thermistor 7b 1 thermistor 2 day intensive sampling every two hours 2 day intensive sampling every two hours Twice Weekly Twice Weekly Twice Weekly Weekly Cost estimate Component Thermistors Measurement 4 strings with 7 thermistors @$300 each (optical Stowaways Tidbit) Phytoplankton Cell counts at Sampling costs monitoring/Cell seven sites twice a (counts @ counts week $128.50) Cell counts cost per sample x 14 samples per week by ~12 weeks Nutrient Weekly at three 3 sites x 12 weeks monitoring sites x $102.90 per sample Velocity 2 days continuous 7 people days monitoring and profiling with two @$1500 (2x2 for analysis of data people and boat measurement and 3 days analysis and reporting Model validation 4 days @1500 Comparing thermistor data with appropriate model output Sampling and work 4 hours x 2 people 16 hr x 12 weeks x use x twice weekly for $150/hr 12 weeks Field work for sensor deployment and maintenance Cost 8400 21588 5400 10,500 $6000 28800 $4000 8 Dilution flows monitoring program Data analysis and reporting Total (indicative only) 15 days @$1500 $22500 $107188 Note cost could be reduced by counting seven sites weekly and three sites Costs are indicative costs only. Suppliers of these services may have price variations Nutrient analysis TP $24 FRP $17 NOx $17.50 TKN $23.80 NH3 $20.60 Total for five nutrients $102.90 Cell counts Total direct costs $128.50 Partial count (cyanobacteria and dominants only) $72.10 References Brookes, J.D. (2011) The feasibility of dilution flows for cyanobacterial management in the Torrens Lake. Report to the Mount Lofty Ranges NRM Board. June 2011. 9