GROUND WATER CONTAMINATION Introduction Any activity that

Any activity that releases chemicals or wastes into the environment whether intentionally or
accidentally has the potential to pollute Ground water. Ground water contamination leads to
surface water contamination. The world today is faced with the most critical challenge of all
human era; that is proper and sustainable management of resource base available while at the
same time ensuring that economic growth is achieved within the confines of optimal resource
use. This piece of work focuses on the major sources of water contamination and a discussion on
ways with which contamination can be mitigated.
1. Major sources of Ground Water Contamination
Ground water contamination can come from two major sources i.e.
Natural sources or Human activities
a) Natural Sources.
Contamination comes through substances naturally found in Rocks and/or Soils e.g
Manganese, Arsenic, Chlorides, Fluorides, Sulfates, Iron, Decaying organic matters can
all move into the ground water as particles.
b) Human activities
1. Septic systems
2. Improper disposal of hazardous wastes
3. Leaking and spills from stored chemicals and petroleum products
4. Broken Sewer pipes
5. Farm chemicals such as fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides
6. Poorly or improperly constructed wells
7. Mining activities.
8. Drainage wells
2. Most Pervasive Sources of Ground Water Contamination.
The most manifested throughout contamination are man-initiated sources and are as listed
Broken sewer pipes
Improper disposal of wastes
Farm chemicals and fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides
Mining activities.
Leaking and spills from stored chemicals and petroleum products
3. Ways in which to limit Ground Water Contamination.
There are a couple of ways in which ground water can be remediated but the selection
of the appropriate remedial technology is anchored upon, site-specific aspects and
cleanup goals.
1. Ensure broken sewer pipes and petroleum pipes are mended so that they do not
leak sewer in to the ground and contaminate underground water.
2. Classify solid waste in terms Municipal waste, Industrial waste and Hazardous
waste and ensure proper management of this wastes.
3. Containing the contaminants physically through underground barriers such as
clay, Cement. Chemically by using reactive substances that will react with the
contaminants to detoxify them and lastly Hydraulically, by pumping wells so that
contaminants do not move past the wells.
4. Removing contaminants through groundwater extraction well. Water is removed
from the aquifers and then contaminants are removed and the water is treated.
5. Bioremediation, this entails use naturally occurring microorganism to break down
contaminants into less toxic or non-toxic substances.
Mason, W. R. (2007). Pollution Of Groundwater. Retrieved from Water Encyclopedia; Science
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