Texas Tech University Department of Computer Science CS 5332 – Cyber Security Research and Practice Summer 2013 Course Objectives This course is designed to address the needs of graduate students to learning and understanding the technical, theoretical, and practical aspects of cyber security. After taking this course, the students will learn: Security principles, cyber threats, and cyber-attack techniques Authentication and access control Basic cryptographic solutions for securing communications Software security National policy regarding cyber security Basic vulnerability assessments Government-mandated directives and compliance requirements Enterprise policy requirements Basic code security and testing Prerequisites The students are expected but not required to have basic knowledge of: Software engineering life cycle Operating systems (Unix, Linux, etc.) Programming languages (C, C++, Java, etc.) Computer networks Instructors The course will be co-lectured by: Dr. Akbar S. Namin (306F, akbar.namin@ttu.edu) Dr. Yuanlin Zhang (306I, y.zhang@ttu.edu) Course Description This course is designed for graduate students interested in understanding and learning recent technological advancement in cyber security. The first half (11 days) of the course will be taught 1|Page Texas Tech University Department of Computer Science CS 5332 – Cyber Security Research and Practice Summer 2013 by Dr. Zhang, and Dr. Namin will continue teaching the second half (11 days). The tentative topics to be discussed in the course are as followings: Topic Introduction (book: Cyber Security Essentials, by James Graham (Editor), Ryan Olson (Editor), Rick Howard (Editor), ISBN-13: 978-1439851234) - Brief history of cyber-security - Fundamentals in cyber-security Cyber-attack Techniques (book: Cyber Security Essentials, by James Graham (Editor), Ryan Olson (Editor), Rick Howard (Editor), ISBN-13: 978-1439851234) - Attacker techniques - Exploitation - Malicious code - Defense and analysis Authentication, Authorization, and Access Control (online materials) - Authentication and authorization - Access control - Represent and reason with access control Security Policy (Book: cyber security policy guidebook; and online materials, by Bayuk, Healey, Rohmeyer, Sachs, Schmidt, Weiss, ISBN13: 978-1118027806) - Cyberspace, security and policy - Cyber security measurement - Categories of cyber security policies - Represent and reason with policies Midterm test Security and Standards (resource: online materials) - An overview - Examples of Security Standards o ISMS family of standards o NIST Security Standard o Cyber Security standards o CERT Security Code Standard (www.cert.org/securecoding) o P1402 - Standard for Physical Security of Electric Power Substations o IEEE Security standards o The IEEE P2600 family of standards for hardcopy device Dr. Dr. Zhang Namin (Day) (Day) 0.5 0.5 3 3 4 0.5 0.5 2|Page Texas Tech University Department of Computer Science CS 5332 – Cyber Security Research and Practice Summer 2013 and system security o IEEE 802.16 Security o IEEE 8.2.11i: Security Standards o PC37.240 - Standard for Cyber Security Requirements for Substation Automation, Protection and Control Systems Privacy (resource: online resources) - An overview of legislations - Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Cryptography (online resources) - One time pad and stream ciphers - Block ciphers - Message integrity - Module prime mathematics - Public key cryptography - RSA algorithm - One-way hash functions Software Security (resource: Exploiting software: How to break code, a book by Hoglund and McGraw) - Secure Software Development - Attack patterns - Reverse engineering and program understanding - Exploiting clients and servers software Secure Programming and Coding (resources: 1) Writing Secure Code (A book written by M. Howard and D. LeBlanc), 2) The SERT Oracle Secure Coding Standard for Java - Buffer overflow - Secure programming techniques - Secure programming in Java and C Cyber-Security Vulnerability Assessment (resources: 1) The Art of Software Security Testing, a book by C. Wysopal et al), 2) Testing code security, a book by Linden) - How vulnerabilities get into all software - Risk-based security testing - Performing the attacks - Fault injections SCADA Systems (resource: Cyber-security for industrial control systems (A book by T. Macaulay and B. Singer), IEEE PC37.1™/D1.9 Draft Standard for SCADA and Automation Systems) - IEEE PC37.1/D1.9 - Threats to Industrial Control Systems - Industrial Control systems Vulnerabilities - Risk Assessment 1 2 1.5 1.5 3 1 1 3|Page Texas Tech University Department of Computer Science CS 5332 – Cyber Security Research and Practice Summer 2013 - DAQ in MATLAB http://home.hit.no/~hansha/documents/matlab/training/Data%20Ac quisition%20in%20MATLAB/Data%20Acquisition%20in%20MA TLAB.pdf Total #Days 11 11 Textbooks and Lecture Notes A wide spectrum of cyber security is covered in the content of the course. The instructors will use several book chapters and online resource and materials to cover the contents (refer to the above table for the resources). Course Website The course materials will be uploaded to the Blackboard system. Assignments There will be two assignments for this course. The first assignment will be determined by Dr. Zhang. The assignment will be based on the content taught by Dr. Zhang. Similarly, the second assignment will be determined by Dr. Namin and accordingly the assignment will be based on the content taught by Dr. Namin. Project Students will be asked to work on a project. The theme of the project is security policy and related topics including security specification and requirements, policy specification languages, verification of policy requirements, policy conflict detection, policy compliance checking, and policy enforcement techniques. The project will be defined by both Drs. Zhang and Namin jointly. Students are allowed to work as a team of up to three students. Student Evaluation Students will be graded based on assignments, exams, and XXX: Assignments (10%): 2 assignments (total 20%) Project (30%) Mid Term Exam (25%) (Dr. Zhang’s part) Final Exam (25%) (Dr. Namin’s part) 4|Page Texas Tech University Department of Computer Science CS 5332 – Cyber Security Research and Practice Summer 2013 Student with Disabilities Any student who because of a disability may require special arrangements in order to meet course requirements should contact the instructor as soon as possible to make any necessary accommodations. Student should present appropriate verification from Student Disability Services during the instructor’s office hours. Please note: instructors are not allowed to provide classroom accommodations to a student until appropriate verification for Student Disability Services has been provided. For additional information, please contact Student Disability Services in West hall or call 806-742-2405. Ethical Conduct Although discussion about ideas and problems is one of the major learning methods, students must write their own assignments and essays. When taking ideas or sentences from another author, students must acknowledge their debt by citation. Plagiarism is the most serious academic offence and there will be zero-tolerance for academic dishonesty. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, and falsifying academic record. For a detailed list of offenses, refer to Texas Tech University online resource for students, found in Part IX, pp. 21-30, available on line at: http://www.depts.ttu.edu/studentaffairs/publications/2008\_2009\_Handbook\_and\_Code.pdf All assignments are individual works. You may discuss approaches to problems among yourselves; however, the actual details of the work (assignment coding, answers to concept questions, etc.) must be an individual effort. The standard departmental penalty for assignments that are judged to be the result of academic dishonesty is, for the student's first offence, a mark of zero for the assignment, and possible consequences, possibly suspension from the university. Learning Outcomes The following are the expected learning outcomes of the course: Masters of Science Degree: 1. Communicate effectively orally and in writing (LO 1) 2. Engage in life-long learning and self-critique (LO 2) 3. Function independently on self-directed projects or research where appropriate (LO 4) Doctor of Philosophy Degree: 1. Graduates are expected to communicate effectively orally and in writing (LO 1) 2. Engage in life-long learning and self-critique (LO 2) 5|Page Texas Tech University Department of Computer Science CS 5332 – Cyber Security Research and Practice Summer 2013 3. Function in a multi-disciplinary, and culturally diverse environment with cross-functional teams (LO 3) 6|Page