NATIONAL CENTER ON INTENSIVE INTERVENTION PROTOCOL FOR EVALUATING PROGRESS MONITORING TOOLS May 2012 The National Center on Intensive Intervention defines progress monitoring as repeated measurement of academic performance for the purpose of helping schools individualize instructional programs for students in grades K-12 who have intensive instructional needs. For this purpose, progress monitoring is collected weekly to assess whether student progress is adequate to meet the student’s instructional goal. If not, the teacher adjusts the instructional program to better meet the student’s needs and continues to monitor progress. This process recurs throughout intervention to formatively develop an effective, individually tailored instructional program. In the Center and in the document, we refer to this use of progress monitoring as data-based individualization. Please Read Before You Start Q1. My tool does not have enough alternate forms to conduct progress monitoring at least weekly, as required for data-based individualization. Can I still submit my tool for review? No. The TRC will only review tools that meet its definition of progress monitoring, as follows: The National Center on Intensive Intervention defines progress monitoring as repeated measurement of academic performance for the purpose of helping schools individualize instructional programs for students in grades K-12 who have intensive instructional needs. For this purpose, progress monitoring is collected weekly to assess whether student progress is adequate to meet the student’s instructional goal. If not, the teacher adjusts the instructional program to better meet the student’s needs and continues to monitor progress. This process recurs throughout intervention to formatively develop an effective, individually tailored instructional program. In the Center and in the document, we refer to this use of progress monitoring as data-based individualization. Because this definition requires that progress monitoring be conducted at least weekly, the TRC requires that tools submitted for review have at least 20 alternate forms. Please include with this submission documentation of at least 20 alternate forms. The Center will not distribute your protocol for review unless you demonstrate evidence of having at least 20 alternate forms. If your tool is computer delivered, please note how the test forms are derived instead of providing alternate forms. Q2. My progress monitoring tool assesses multiple domains of academic performance (e.g., reading vs. mathematics or math computation vs. concepts/applications). Do I need a separate protocol for each domain? Q3. Yes. The Center recognizes that for products designed to measure progress in multiple academic domains, some of the information to be submitted in the protocol will be the same. However, the tool for each academic domain or subcomponent within a domain will be evaluated and reported separately on our tools chart. Therefore, if your tool assesses more than one domain/subcomponent, you MUST submit separate protocols for EACH domain/subcomponent. For example, if your tool measures sub-components of reading, such as letter name fluency, letter sound fluency, and passage reading fluency, you must submit a separate protocol for each. The protocol requires information that is already included in a technical report or research study. Can I submit this study instead of filling out the protocol? No. Technical reports and relevant research papers may be submitted as supporting information, but you MUST COMPLETE THE FULL PROTOCOL. Reviewers will use the information in the protocol to make their judgments. They are not expected to search for and find additional information in accompanying materials. Q4. Q6. The protocol requires information that is not currently available. Can I still submit my progress-monitoring tool? Yes. The Protocol for Evaluating Progress Monitoring Tools is designed to collect comprehensive and detailed information on the submitted progress-monitoring tools to ensure rigorous evaluation of tools. Therefore, tools that are undergoing improvements or are in an early phase of development may not have all the information the protocol asks for. Please provide as much information available as possible. If it is found that your submission packet needs substantial amount of supplemental information or is missing critical information, the entire packet will be returned to you. A revised protocol packet with additional information may be re-submitted. Can I submit a tool to be evaluated for BOTH General Outcome Measurement (GOM) and Mastery Measurement (MM)? Q7. Yes. However, fill out BOTH GOM and MM sections in the protocol. Also, provide TWO separate sets of evidence – one set which addresses the standards for GOM and another set which addresses the standards for MM. I am not familiar with some of the terms in the protocol, and thus, I am not sure what information I should provide. What should I do? Center staff are available to answer your questions or to assist you in completing the protocol for submission. Please contact the National Center on Intensive Intervention: National Center on Intensive Intervention American Institutes for Research 1000 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW Washington, DC 20007 E-mail: Phone: 866-577-5787 Q8. Can I withdraw my tool from the review process? No. Results of the review will be posted on the Center’s website, in the Progress Monitoring Tools Chart. Once the review has begun, withdrawal from the process is not permitted. SECTION I: BASIC INFORMATION A. TOOL Title: Click here to enter text. Developer: Click here to enter text. Publisher: Click here to enter text. Publication Date: Click here to enter text. Contact Person: Name: Click here to enter text. Telephone: Click here to enter text. E-mail Address: Click here to enter text. B. DESCRIPTIVE INFORMATION Description of tool: Click here to enter text. 1. The tool is intended for use in grade(s) (Check all that apply): Kindergarten Fifth Grade Tenth Grade First Grade Sixth Grade Eleventh Grade Second Grade Seventh Grade Twelfth Grade Third Grade Eighth Grade Fourth Grade Ninth Grade 2. The tool assesses one or more of the following dimensions (Check all that apply): □ READING Global Indicator of Reading Competence Decoding Listening Comprehension Passage Reading Vocabulary Phonemic Awareness Other: Word Identification Comprehension Click here to enter text. □ MATHEMATICS Global Indicator of Mathematics Competence Mathematics Computation Early Numeracy Mathematic Application Mathematics Concepts Fractions Algebra Other: Click here to enter text. 1 SECTION I: BASIC INFORMATION □ SPELLING ACHIEVEMENT Global Indicator of Spelling Competence Other (List specific skills or subtests): Click here to enter text. □ WRITTEN EXPRESSION Global Indicator of Written Expression Competence List specific dimension, skills, or subtests: Click here to enter text. □ OTHER List specific skills or subtests: Click here to enter text. Notes: Click here to enter text. The tool provides information on student performance in: English Spanish Other Click here to enter text. Acquisition Information: Where to Obtain: Click here to enter text. Address Click here to enter text. Phone: Click here to enter text. Web Site: Click here to enter text. Cost per student for Year 1: Click here to enter text. Including: $ Click here Complete Kit (describe contents)Click here to enter text. $ Click here Manuals and Test Materials Click here to enter text. $ Click here Directions for Administration Click here to enter text. $ Click here Test Forms $ Click here Technical Manuals $ Click here Protocol per Student Other (Describe below): $ Click here $ Click here 2 SECTION I: BASIC INFORMATION $ Click here $ Click here Cost per student for subsequent years: Click here to enter text. Including: $ Click here Complete Kit (describe contents) Click here to enter text. $ Click here Manuals and Test Materials Click here to enter text. $ Click here Directions for Administration Click here to enter text. $ Click here Test Forms $ Click here Technical Manuals $ Click here Protocol per Student Other (Describe below): $ Click here $ Click here Online Costs: $ Click here Start-up $ Click here Per Student cost Other (Describe below): $ Click here $ Click here Additional Information on the tools: Describe basic pricing plan and/or structure of the tools. Also, provide information on what is included in the published tools, including information about special accommodations for students with disabilities. Click here to enter text. 3 SECTION II: DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION A. TIME, ADMINISTRATION, AND FREQUENCY Assessment format (Check all that apply): Individual Group Computer-administered Administration time: Click here minutes Additional scoring time: Click here minutes Discontinue Rules: No Basal Ceiling Other: Click here to enter text. s s How many alternate forms available? (Please attach each alternate form.) Yes: # of forms per grade, test level, or unit: Click here B. TRAINING Time required for training tester: Less than 1 hour of training 1-4 hours of training 4-8 hours of training Information not available Minimum qualifications of the examiner: Professional Paraprofessional Information not available Training manuals and materials available: Yes No Training manuals/materials field-tested: Yes No Training manuals/materials included in cost of tool: Yes No Sources for ongoing technical support available: Yes No If yes please explain: Click here to enter text. 4 SECTION II: DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION C. SCORING Types of scores available: 1. Do you provide scores on level performance? Yes No If yes, please check all that apply: raw score normal curve equivalents composite scores standard score stanines error analysis percentile score developmental benchmarks grade equivalents IRT-based score subscale/subtest scores other (specify): Click here to enter text. Basis for calculating level standard & percentile scores: age norms grade norms stanines normal curve equivalents Scoring Structure (specify how raw scores are calculated and what comprises cluster/composite score): Click here to enter text. 2. Do you provide the basis for calculating slope? (i.e. amount of improvement per unit in time) Yes No Do you provide benchmarks for the slopes? Yes No Do you provide percentile ranks for the slopes? Yes No Basis for calculating slope standard & percentile scores: age norms grade norms stanines normal curve equivalents Scoring Structure (specify how raw scores are calculated and what comprises cluster/composite score): Click here to enter text. 5 SECTION II: DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Describe the tool’s approach to progress monitoring, behavior samples, test format, and/or scoring practices. Click here to enter text. Describe the tool’s methods for avoiding cultural or linguistic bias. Click here to enter text. 6 SECTION III: TECHNICAL INFORMATION What approach to progress monitoring is used? General outcome measurement (Complete GOM 1-12.) With GOM, alternate forms of the progress monitoring are of comparable difficulty or IRT-based methods are used with each testing sampling the construct in the same way. With GOM, progress toward a year-end goal is monitored. Mastery Measurement (Complete MM 1-9.) With MM, the objectives are targeted for mastery changes. That is, criterion-referenced assessment on an objective continues with alternate forms of a test (each test has one type of item on it) until mastery is achieved. Then, a new objective (the next one in the sequence) is targeted for monitoring, etc. General outcome measurement and Mastery Measurement (Complete BOTH GOM 1-12 and MM 1-MM9.) Please provide TWO separate sets of evidence – one set which addresses the standards for GOM and another set which addresses the standards for MM. General Outcome Measures A. Psychometric Standards GOM 1. In the chart below, report the reliability of the performance level score (e.g., internal consistency, stability, test-retest reliability, alternate form reliability). Type of Reliability Age or Grade n (range) Coefficient range SEM median Yes Manual cites other published reliability studies: *Provide citations for additional published studies. Information (including normative data) / Subjects No 7 SECTION III: TECHNICAL INFORMATION GOM 1a. Do you provide, in your user’s manual, reliability for the performance level score that is disaggregated by race/ethnicity? If so, complete below for each race/ethnicity for which you provide disaggregated reliability for the performance level score data. Type of Reliability Age or Grade n (range) Coefficient range median Yes Manual cites other published reliability studies: *Provide citations for additional published studies. SEM Information (including normative data) / Subjects No GOM 2. In the chart below, report reliability for the slope (e.g., ratio of true slope variance to total slope variance) by grade level (if relevant). Type of Reliability Age or Grade n (range) Coefficient range median Yes Manual cites other published reliability studies: *Provide citations for additional published studies. SEM Information (including normative data) / Subjects No 8 SECTION III: TECHNICAL INFORMATION GOM 2a. Do you provide, in your user’s manual, reliability for the slope that is disaggregated by race/ethnicity? If so, complete below for each race/ethnicity for which you provide disaggregated reliability for the slope data. Type of Reliability Age or Grade n (range) Coefficient range Manual cites other published reliability studies: median SEM Information (including normative data) / Subjects No Yes *Provide citations for additional published studies. GOM 3. Type of Validity In the chart below, report validity information for the performance level score (e.g., content, concurrent, predictive, and/or construct***) Age or Grade Test or Criterion n (range) Coefficient range median Information (including normative data) / Subjects Other forms of validity: Click here to enter text. Yes Manual cites other published reliability studies: *Provide citations for additional published studies. No *** Validity information may also include: evidence based on response processes, evidence based on internal structure, evidence based on relations to other variables, and/or evidence based on consequences of testing. NOTE: To support validity, the TRC prefers and strongly encourages criterion measures that are external to the progress monitoring system. If internal measures are used, please include a description of what provisions have been taken to address the limitations of this method, such as possible method variance or overlap of item samples: Click here to enter text. 9 SECTION III: TECHNICAL INFORMATION GOM 3a. Do you provide, in your user’s manual, validity for the performance level score that is disaggregated by race/ethnicity? If so, complete below for each race/ethnicity for which you provide disaggregated validity for the performance level score data. Type of Validity Age or Grade Test or Criterion Coefficient n (range) range median Information (including normative data) / Subjects Other forms of validity: Click here to enter text. Yes Manual cites other published reliability studies: *Provide citations for additional published studies. No *** Validity information may also include: evidence based on response processes, evidence based on internal structure, evidence based on relations to other variables, and/or evidence based on consequences of testing. NOTE: To support validity, the TRC prefers and strongly encourages criterion measures that are external to the progress monitoring system. If internal measures are used, please include a description of what provisions have been taken to address the limitations of this method, such as possible method variance or overlap of item samples: Click here to enter text. GOM 4. In the chart below, report predictive validity information for the slope of improvement (correlation between the slope and achievement outcome). **Please note, the TRC suggests controlling for initial level when the correlation for slope without such control is not adequate. Type of Validity Age or Grade Test or Criterion n (range) Coefficient range median Information (including normative data)/Subjects Other forms of validity: Click here to enter text. Manual cites other published validity studies: Yes No *Provide citations for additional published studies. NOTE: To support validity, the TRC prefers and strongly encourages criterion measures that are external to the progress monitoring system. If internal measures are used, please include a description of what 10 SECTION III: TECHNICAL INFORMATION provisions have been taken to address the limitations of this method, such as possible method variance or overlap of item samples: Click here to enter text. GOM 4a. Do you provide, in your user’s manual, predictive validity information for the slope of improvement that is disaggregated by race/ethnicity? If so, complete below for each race/ethnicity for which you provide disaggregated predictive validity for the slope of improvement data. Type of Validity Age or Grade Test or Criterion n (range) Coefficient range median Information (including normative data)/Subjects Other forms of validity: Click here to enter text. Yes Manual cites other published reliability studies: *Provide citations for additional published studies. No NOTE: To support validity, the TRC prefers and strongly encourages criterion measures that are external to the progress monitoring system. If internal measures are used, please include a description of what provisions have been taken to address the limitations of this method, such as possible method variance or overlap of item samples: Click here to enter text. B. PROGRESS MONITORING STANDARDS GOM 5. Provide evidence that alternate forms are of equal and controlled difficulty or if IRT based please provide evidence of item or ability invariance (attach documentation of direct evidence). What is the number of alternate forms of equal and controlled difficulty? Click here If IRT based, provide evidence of item or ability invariance (attach documentation): Click here If computer administered, how many items are in the item bank for each grade level? Click here If your tool is computer administered, please note how the test forms are derived instead of providing alternate forms: Click here GOM 6. Is minimum acceptable growth (slope of improvement or average weekly increase in score by grade level) specified in your manual or published materials? 11 SECTION III: TECHNICAL INFORMATION Yes No Specify the growth standards: Click here to enter text. What is the basis for specifying minimum acceptable growth? Norm-referenced Criterion-referenced Other (please describe): Click here to enter text. GOM 6a. If norm-referenced, describe the normative profile: NOTE: If your tool is posted on our online tools chart, the Center will make the information you provide below on the normative profile available to consumers. National representation? Yes Local representation? No Yes No Date: Click here to enter text. Number of States: Click here to enter text. Size: Click here to enter text. Regions: Click here to enter text. Gender (Percent): Male Female Unknown SES (Percent, check all reported) Low Parents did not graduate high school Middle Parents graduated high school High Parents had 1-3 years of college Parents had 4 or more years of college Other SES Indicators: Click here to enter text. Race/Ethnicity (Percent): White, Non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native Black, Non-Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander Hispanic Other Unknown ELL (Percent): Click here to enter text. Disability classification (Percent): Click here to enter text. GOM 6b. Do you provide, in your user’s manual, norms which are disaggregated by race or ethnicity? If so, for which race/ethnicity? (Check all that apply) Race/Ethnicity: 12 SECTION III: TECHNICAL INFORMATION White, Non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native Black, Non-Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander Hispanic Other Unknown GOM 6c. If criterion-referenced, describe procedure for specifying criterion for adequate growth (attach documentation): Click here to enter text. GOM 6d. Please describe other procedures for specifying adequate growth: Click here to enter text. GOM 7. Are benchmarks for minimum acceptable end-of-year performance specified in your manual or published materials? Yes No Specify the end-of-year performance standards: Click here to enter text. What is the basis for specifying minimum acceptable end-of-year performance? Norm-referenced Criterion-referenced Other (please describe): Click here to enter text. Specify the benchmarks: Click here to enter text. What is the basis for specifying these benchmarks? Norm-referenced Criterion-referenced Other (please describe): Click here to enter text. GOM 7a. If norm-referenced, describe the normative profile: If same as GOM 2, check here: . Otherwise, complete below. National representation? Yes Local representation? No Yes No Date: Click here to enter text. Number of States: Click here to enter text. Size: Click here to enter text. Regions: Click here to enter text. Gender (Percent): Male Female Unknown 13 SECTION III: TECHNICAL INFORMATION SES (Percent, check all reported) Low Parents did not graduate high school Middle Parents graduated high school High Parents had 1-3 years of college Parents had 4 or more years of college ELL (Percent) Click here to enter text. Disability classification (Percent) Click here to enter text. GOM 7b. If criterion-referenced, describe procedure for specifying benchmarks for end-of-year performance levels (attach documentation): Click here to enter text. GOM 7c. Please describe any other procedures for specifying minimal acceptable end-of-year performance: Click here to enter text. GOM 8. Describe evidence that the monitoring system produces data that are sensitive to student improvement (i.e., when student learning actually occurs, student performance on the monitoring tool increases on average): Click here to enter text. C. DATA-BASED INDIVIDUALIZATION STANDARDS GOM 9. Does your manual or published materials specify validated decision rules for when changes to instruction need to be made? Yes No Specify the decision rules: Click here to enter text. What is the evidentiary basis for these decision rules? Click here to enter text. GOM 10. Does your manual or published materials specify validated decision rules for when changes to increase goals? Yes No Specify the decision rules: Click here to enter text. What is the evidentiary basis for these decision rules? Click here to enter text. GOM 11. Describe evidence that teachers’ use of the tool results in improved student achievement. For this GOM, please describe and attach an empirical study that provides this evidence. Study Citation: Click here to enter text. 14 SECTION III: TECHNICAL INFORMATION GOM 11a.Study Sample Number of students in product condition: Click here to enter text. Number of students in control condition: Click here to enter text. Describe characteristics of students in sample and how they were selected for participation in study: Click here to enter text. GOM 11b. Study Design Was random assignment used? Yes No If not, please specify the type of design: Click here to enter text. What was the unit of assignment? Schools Teachers Students Teachers Students What was the unit of analysis? Schools What was the duration of product implementation? Click here to enter text. Describe analysis: Click here to enter text. GOM 11c. Study Fidelity Describe when and how fidelity of treatment information was obtained: Click here to enter text. What were the results on the fidelity of treatment implementation measure: Click here to enter text. GOM 11d. Study Measures In the table below, please list external outcome measures used in the study, along with psychometric properties (e.g., Cronbach’s alpha, IRT reliability, temporal stability, inter-rater) Measure name Reliability statistics (specify type of reliability, e.g. Cronbach’s alpha, IRT reliability, temporal stability, inter-rater) GOM 11e. Study Results Describe the results of the study: Click here to enter text. 15 SECTION III: TECHNICAL INFORMATION Report effect sizes for each outcome measure: Measure name Effect size Summarize conclusions and explain conditions to which effects should be generalized: Click here to enter text. Other related references or information: Click here to enter text. GOM 12. Describe evidence that teachers’ use of the tool results in improved planning. For this GOM, please describe and attach an empirical study that provides this evidence. Study Citation: Click here to enter text. GOM 12a. Study Sample Number of students in product condition: Click here to enter text. Number of students in control condition: Click here to enter text. Describe characteristics of students in sample and how they were selected for participation in Study: Click here to enter text. GOM 12b. Study Design Was random assignment used? Yes No If not, please specify the type of design: Click here to enter text. What was the unit of assignment? Schools Teachers Students What was the unit of analysis? Schools Teachers Students What was the duration of product implementation? Click here to enter text. Describe analysis: Click here to enter text. GOM 12c. Study Fidelity Describe when and how fidelity of treatment information was obtained: Click here to enter text. 16 SECTION III: TECHNICAL INFORMATION What were the results on the fidelity of treatment implementation measure: Click here to enter text. GOM 12d. Study Measures In the table below, please list external outcome measures used in the study, along with psychometric properties (e.g., Cronbach’s alpha, IRT reliability, temporal stability, inter-rater) Measure name Reliability statistics (specify type of reliability, e.g. Cronbach’s alpha, IRT reliability, temporal stability, inter-rater) GOM 12e. Study Results Describe the results of the study: Click here to enter text. Report effect sizes for each outcome measure: Measure name Effect size Summarize conclusions and explain conditions to which effects should be generalized: Click here to enter text. Other related references or information: Click here to enter text. 17 SECTION III: TECHNICAL INFORMATION Mastery Measures A. Psychometric Standards MM 1. Report reliability coefficients for the tests incorporated in the system: Type of Reliability Age or Grade n (range) Coefficient range median Yes Manual cites other published reliability studies: *Provide citations for additional published studies. SEM Information (including normative data) / Subjects No How many items comprise a single test? MM 1a. Do you provide, in your user’s manual, reliability coefficients for the tests incorporated in the system that are disaggregated by race/ethnicity? If so, complete below for each race/ethnicity for which you provide disaggregated reliability data. Type of Reliability Age or Grade n (range) Coefficient range median Yes Manual cites other published reliability studies: *Provide citations for additional published studies. SEM Information (including normative data) / Subjects No 18 SECTION III: TECHNICAL INFORMATION MM 2. Type of Validity What is the correlation between number of skills mastered over the course of an academic year with an important end-of-year outcome? Report these validity coefficients: Age or Grade Test or Criterion n (range) Coefficient range median Information (including normative data) / Subjects Other forms of validity: Click here to enter text. Yes Manual cites other published reliability studies: *Provide citations for additional published studies. No *** Validity information may also include: evidence based on response processes, evidence based on internal structure, evidence based on relations to other variables, and/or evidence based on consequences of testing. NOTE: To support validity, the TRC prefers and strongly encourages criterion measures that are external to the progress monitoring system. If internal measures are used, please include a description of what provisions have been taken to address the limitations of this method, such as possible method variance or overlap of item samples: Click here to enter text. MM 2a. Type of Validity Do you provide, in your user’s manual, validity coefficients that are disaggregated by race/ethnicity? If so, complete below for each race/ethnicity for which you provide disaggregated validity data. Age or Grade Test or Criterion n (range) Coefficient range median Information (including normative data) / Subjects Other forms of validity: Click here to enter text. Yes Manual cites other published reliability studies: *Provide citations for additional published studies. No *** Validity information may also include: evidence based on response processes, evidence based on internal structure, evidence based on relations to other variables, and/or evidence based on consequences of testing. NOTE: To support validity, the TRC prefers and strongly encourages criterion measures that are external to the progress monitoring system. If internal measures are used, please include a description of what provisions have been taken to address the limitations of this method, such as possible method variance or overlap of item samples: Click here to enter text. 19 SECTION III: TECHNICAL INFORMATION B. PROGRESS MONITORING STANDARDS MM 3. Type of evidence for skill sequence (instructional hierarchy) on which MM system is based: Logical Describe Logic: Click here to enter text. Expert judgment Describe procedure for deriving these judgments: Click here to enter text. Tied to curriculum Describe evidence that this curriculum/program is research validated; attach journal articles): Click here to enter text. MM 4. Describe evidence that the monitoring system produces data that are (a) sensitive to children’s development of academic competence in this area and/or (b) sensitive to the effects of effective interventions (attach journal articles). Click here to enter text. MM 5. What is the basis for defending the pass/fail (mastered/nonmastered) decisions in the system: Click here to enter text. Describe the sensitivity/specificity of these pass/fail decisions: Click here to enter text. How are false negatives and false positives assessed for the benchmarks? (Criterion and grade/age) Click here to enter text. Negative Positive False True EVIDENCE OF SENSITIVITY Odds ratios and conditional probabilities if given: Click here to enter text. MM 5A. Do you provide, in your user’s manual, sensitivity and specificity data that are disaggregated by race/ethnicity? If so, complete below for each race/ethnicity for which you provide disaggregated sensitivity and specificity data. Negative Positive False True 20 SECTION III: TECHNICAL INFORMATION RELIABILITY OF DECISIONS Calculations: Specificity: TN / (TN + FP) = Click here to enter text. Sensitivity: TP / (TP + FN) = Click here to enter text. Hit rate: (TP + TN) / N = Click here to enter text. C. DATA-BASED INDIVIDUALIZATION STANDARDS MM 6. Does your manual or published materials specify validated decision rules for when changes to instruction need to be made? Yes No Specify the decision rules here: Click here to enter text. What is the evidentiary basis for these decision rules? Click here to enter text. MM 7. Does your manual or published materials specify decision rules for when to increase goals? Yes No Specify the decision rules here: Click here to enter text. What is the evidentiary basis for these decision rules? MM 8. Click here to enter text. Describe evidence that teachers’ use of the tool results in improved student achievement. For this GOM, please describe and attach an empirical study that provides this evidence. Study Citation: Click here to enter text. MM 8a. Study Sample Number of students in product condition: Click here to enter text. Number of students in control condition: Click here to enter text. Describe characteristics of students in sample and how they were selected for participation in study: Click here to enter text. MM 8b. Study Design Was random assignment used? Yes No If not, please specify the type of design: Click here to enter text. What was the unit of assignment? Schools Teachers Students 21 SECTION III: TECHNICAL INFORMATION What was the unit of analysis? Schools Teachers Students What was the duration of product implementation? Click here to enter text. Describe analysis: Click here to enter text. MM 8c. Study Fidelity Describe when and how fidelity of treatment information was obtained: Click here to enter text. What were the results on the fidelity of treatment implementation measure: Click here to enter text. MM 8d. Study Measures In the table below, please list external outcome measures used in the study, along with psychometric properties (e.g., Cronbach’s alpha, IRT reliability, temporal stability, inter-rater) Measure name MM 8e. Reliability statistics (specify type of reliability, e.g. Cronbach’s alpha, IRT reliability, temporal stability, inter-rater) Study Results Describe the results of the study: Click here to enter text. Report effect sizes for each outcome measure: Measure name Effect size Summarize conclusions and explain conditions to which effects should be generalized: Click here to enter text. Other related references or information: 22 SECTION III: TECHNICAL INFORMATION Click here to enter text. MM 9. Describe evidence that teachers’ use of the tool results in improved planning. For this MM, please describe and attach an empirical study that provides this evidence. Study Citation: MM 9a. Click here to enter text. Study Sample Number of students in product condition: Click here to enter text. Number of students in control condition: Click here to enter text. Describe characteristics of students in sample and how they were selected for participation in Study: Click here to enter text. MM 9b. Study Design Was random assignment used? Yes No If not, please specify the type of design: Click here to enter text. What was the unit of assignment? Schools Teachers Students What was the unit of analysis? Schools Teachers Students What was the duration of product implementation?: Click here to enter text. Describe analysis: Click here to enter text. MM 9c. Study Fidelity Describe when and how fidelity of treatment information was obtained: Click here to enter text. What were the results on the fidelity of treatment implementation measure: Click here to enter text. MM 9d. Study Measures In the table below, please list external outcome measures used in the study, along with psychometric properties (e.g., Cronbach’s alpha, IRT reliability, temporal stability, inter-rater) 23 SECTION III: TECHNICAL INFORMATION Measure name MM 9e. Reliability statistics (specify type of reliability, e.g. Cronbach’s alpha, IRT reliability, temporal stability, inter-rater) Study Results Describe the results of the study: Click here to enter text. Report effect sizes for each outcome measure: Measure name Effect size Summarize conclusions and explain conditions to which effects should be generalized: Click here to enter text. Other related references or information: Click here to enter text. 24