Semester One Learning Goals

I Can Statements – Physics
Motion in One Dimension (Ch. 2)
1) I can describe one-dimensional motion in terms of displacement, velocity, acceleration, and time. (Ch. 2)
a) I can define and contrast scalar and vector quantities. (2.1, 3.1)
i) Scalars (ex.)
(1) Position
(2) Distance
(3) Speed
ii) Vectors defined in terms of frame of reference and Cartesian coordinate system (ex.) (2.1, 3.1)
(1) Displacement
(2) Velocity
(3) Acceleration
iii) Contrast positive and negative vector quantities in terms of magnitude as well as direction in a
universal coordinate system. (2.1,2.2,2.3, 3.1)
b) I can construct and interpret time graphs to describe one-dimensional motion. (2.1,2.2,2.3)
i) Position-time graphs(2.1)
(1) Identify that slope is equivalent to velocity.
(a) Contrast methods of how to calculate:
(i) Average velocity – slope between two distinct positions
(ii) Instantaneous velocity - slope of tangent line at a point equals
ii) Velocity-time graphs (2.2, 2.3)
(1) Identify that slope is equivalent to acceleration.
(2) Identify that area under curve is equivalent to displacement
iii) Acceleration-time graphs (2.2, 2.3)
(1) Identify that area under curve is equivalent to velocity
iv) Given one type of time graph, create another time graph having a different y-axis.
c) I can calculate average velocity given the change in the position and time. (2.2)
d) I can use and manipulate kinematics equations for motion with constant acceleration to calculate: (2.2,
i) Displacement, initial velocity, final velocity, acceleration, time (2.2, 2.3)
(1) Horizontal (2.2)
(2) Vertical
(a) Recognize that freefall acceleration due to gravity on Earth equals -9.8m/s2 regardless of
direction or velocity of object. (2.3)
(b) Velocity at the top of flight path = 0 m/s (2.3)
Motion in 2 Dimensions (Ch. 3)
1) I can describe two-dimensional motion in terms of displacement, velocity, acceleration, and time. (Ch.
a. I can manipulate vectors to describe 2-dimensional motion to find a resultant vector be addition,
subtraction, and multiplication by scalars. (3.1, 3.2)
i. Graphical method (3.1, 3.2)
ii. Resolution of Components (3.1, 3.2)
1. Utilize right triangle trigonometry
2. Utilize Pythagorean Theorem
b. I can utilize the kinematic equations to solve problems involving 2-dimensional projectile
motion. (3.3)
i. Recognize the path of 2-dimensional projectile motion is parabolic. (3.3)
ii. Solve problems involving 2-dimensional projectile motion having initial vertical velocity
that is equal to zero (all horizontal). (3.3)
iii. Solve problems involving symmetrical 2-dimensional projectile motion having initial
velocity at an angle. (3.3)
1. Resolve velocity vectors into components to solve problems involving 2dimensional projectile motion. (3.3)
iv. Solve problems involving nonsymmetrical 2-dimensional projectile motion having initial
velocity at an angle. (3.3)
Forces (Ch. 4)
1) I can describe how forces affect the motion of an object. (4.1)
a. I can differentiate between contact and field forces and provide examples of each. (4.1)
i. Contact Forces (4.1)
1. Applied force (FA) (4)
2. Normal force (FN) – perpendicular to the surface (4)
3. Tensional force (FT) (4)
4. Frictional force (Ffr) (4.4)
a. Compare static and kinetic forces of friction. (4.4)
b. Identify coefficient of friction as a ratio of frictional and normal forces.
c. Static force of friction (4.4)
i. Apply the equation Ffr = µsFN .
d. Kinetic force of friction (4.4)
i. Apply the equation Ffr = µkFN .
5. Elastic force
ii. Field Forces (4.1)
1. Gravitational Force (Fg) (4)
a. Apply Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation to show how the masses of
objects as well as distance between objects produce gravitational force.
2. Electric Force
3. Magnetic Force
4. Strong/Weak Nuclear Forces
b. I can use free body diagrams using vectors to describe multiple forces acting on a body. (4.1)
i. On a horizontal surface (4.1)
1. Force of gravity (W = mg)
2. Normal force (FN = Fg)
3. Applied force (FA)
a. Tensional force (FT)
4. Frictional force (Ffr) – opposing motion
ii. On a tilted surface (4.1)
1. Force of gravity (W = mg)
2. Normal force - perpendicular to the surface (FN ≠Fg,) : resolve into components
3. Applied force (FA): resolve into components
a. Tensional force (FT)
4. Frictional force (Ffr) – opposing motion
iii. Find the net force on an object when multiple forces are acting on an object. (4)
2) I can use Newton’s Laws of Motion to describe how forces affect the motion of an object. (4.2, 4.3)
a. I can define and use Newton’s First Law of Inertia to describe how forces affect the motion of an
object in and out of equilibrium. (4.2)
i. Mass is proportional to the inertia of an object. (4.2)
ii. Compare situations with varying net forces. (4.2)
1. In equilibrium (4.2)
a. Objects at rest with net force of zero.
b. Objects in motion with net force of zero.
2. Out of equilibrium (4.2)
a. Objects initially at rest with unbalanced forces.
b. Objects in motion with unbalanced forces.
b. I can define and use Newton’s Second Law to describe how forces affect the motion of an object.
i. I can predict proportionality between net force, mass, and acceleration of an object. (4.3)
ii. Using Newton’s definition for forces, I can predict acceleration based on the mass of an
object (∑Fnet = ma). (4.3)
iii. I can apply the laws of kinematics to describe the motion of bodies acting due to forces.
c. I can define and use Newton’s Third Law to describe how forces affect the motion of an object.
i. I can identify force pairs and the direction and magnitude of the force on each object.
Work and Energy (Ch. 5)
1) I can determine the amount of work done by a force in a closed system. (5.1)
a. I can define work done on an object. (5.1)
i. I can differentiate between positive and negative amounts of work. (5.1)
b. I can identify the SI unit of work = Joule (J). (5.1)
i. I can describe the Joule in terms of its constituent parts (1 J = 1 N m). (5.1)
c. I can utilize the equation for work (W = Fdcosθ) to calculate the amount of work done. (5.1)
i. Force perpendicular to motion of object.
ii. Force parallel to motion of object.
iii. Force at an angle.
d. I can differentiate between positive and negative work. (5.1)
2) I can use kinetic and potential energy to describe the conservation of mechanical energy. (5.2)
a. I can identify the SI unit of energy = Joule (J). (5.2)
i. I can describe the Joule in terms of its constituent parts (1 J = 1 kg m2/s2).
b. I can define kinetic energy. (5.2)
i. I can calculate kinetic energy given mass and velocity of an object (KE = ½ mv2).
c. I can define potential energy. (5.2)
i. I can calculate gravitational potential energy given the mass and height of an object.
(PEg = mgh)
ii. I can calculate elastic potential energy given the spring constant and the distance the
spring is stretched. (PEelas = ½ kx2)
d. I can explain and apply the conservation of mechanical energy. (5.3)
i. I can convert between kinetic and potential energy using the law of conservation of
energy. (5.3)
1. Explain the loss of energy if system is not closed.
a. Friction
b. Thermal
c. Sound
ii. I can apply the Law of Conservation of Energy to pendulums. (5.3)
1. Explain the loss of energy due to damping by friction if system is not closed.
iii. I can apply the Law of Conservation of Energy to springs. (5.2)
1. Explain the loss of energy due to damping by internal friction if system is not
e. I can explain and apply the Work-Energy Theorem. (5.2)
i. I can convert between kinetic energy and work using the Work-Energy Theorem. (5.2)
ii. I can compare the units of work and energy (Joule). (5.2)
3) I can describe the rate of energy in terms of mechanical power. (5.4)
a. I can identify the SI unit of power = Watt (W). (5.4)
i. I can describe the Watt in terms of its constituent parts (1 W = 1 J/s). (5.4)
b. I can calculate mechanical power given the work done and time (P = W/t). (5.4)
c. I can calculate mechanical power given the force applied and velocity of the object (P = Fv).
Momentum and Collisions (Ch. 6)
1) I can explain and apply the concepts of momentum to the motion of bodies. (6.1)
a. I can define momentum. (6.1)
b. I can identify the SI unit of momentum (kg m/s) as a vector quantity. (6.1)
c. I can apply the equation for momentum (p = mv). (6.1)
i. I can compare the momentum of objects with the same velocity but different mass.
ii. I can compare the momentum of objects with the same mass but different velocity.
2) I can explain and apply the concepts of impulse-momentum theorem to the motion of bodies. (6.1)
a. I can define impulse. (6.1)
b. I can identify the SI unit of impulse (kg m/s) as a vector quantity. (6.1)
c. I can apply the equation for impulse (Impulse = FΔt = Δp = mvf - mvi).
i. I can understand how the impulse of an object represents the change in momentum.
ii. I can understand how the impulse of an object represents a force applied over a given
amount of time.
iii. I can understand how a force can be described as the change in momentum per unit time.
1. As the time interval for an object to change momentum decreases, the force
3) I can explain and apply the law of conservation of momentum to the motion of bodies. (6.2)
a. I can understand that momentum is conserved in all collisions regardless of the initial or final
direction of the bodies. (6.2)
b. I can connect Newton’s Third Law to the Law of Conservation of Momentum. (6.2)
c. I can apply the momentum equations to one-dimensional collisions using the Law of
Conservation of Momentum. (6.2)
i. One of the objects in the collision is initially at rest.
ii. Both objects are initially moving in the same direction.
iii. Objects are initially moving in opposite directions.
4) I can differentiate between elastic and inelastic collisions in terms of the conservation of momentum and
kinetic energy. (6.3)
a. I can contrast different types of collisions. (6.3)
i. I can define perfectly inelastic collisions as collisions where the objects stick together
after the collision.
1. Momentum is conserved while kinetic energy is not conserved.
ii. I can define perfectly elastic collisions as collisions where the objects bounce off each
1. Both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved.
iii. I can understand that in reality, most collisions are neither perfectly inelastic nor elastic
but a combination.
1. Momentum is conserved while kinetic energy is not conserved.
b. I can apply the equations for the laws of conservation of momentum and kinetic energy to
collisions where appropriate. (6.3)