Application Form NIHR Leadership Programme for NIHR Trainees Section 1: Essential Facts Date: Title: First name: Surname: Landline: Mobile (preferred): Email: Department and Institution: Date Awarded PhD: Current Position & Title: Area of Research Interest (s): Can you make the dates specified in the supporting information? Name of NIHR Leader supporting this application? Name: Position: Page 1 of 6 Yes No Please indicate your NIHR Funding (by completing the table below) My NIHR Funding is… (please highlight as appropriate) Start Date End Date (please note that your award must span the duration of the Programme) NIHR Clinician Scientist Fellowship NIHR Clinical Lectureship NIHR Post-Doctoral Fellowship NIHR Career Development Fellowship NIHR Senior Research Fellowship NIHR Translational Fellowship NIHR Clinical Trials Fellowship NIHR Knowledge Mobilisation Research Fellowship NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic Clinical Lecturer NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic Senior Clinical Lectureship NIHR Clinical Academic Training Clinical Lecturer NIHR Clinical Academic Training Senior Clinical Lecturer NIHR Health Care Scientist Post-Doctoral Fellowship Page 2 of 6 Reference Number (if appropriate) NIHR Health Care Scientist Senior Clinical Lecturer OR, if you are not holding an NIHR Training Award, please indicate your alternative NIHR Funding: Are you a Senior Post-Doctoral Researcher in a NIHR BRC/BRU, CLAHRC or a Post-Doctoral trainee in an NIHR School (NIHR School for Social Care Research, NIHR School for Public Health Research and NIHR School for Primary Care Research)? Yes No If yes…. Please give the name of the BRC/BRU/ other organisation: Who is the NIHR Senior Leader/ NIHR Professor who is responsible for this funding? Name: Email: Are you a Post-Doctoral trainee funded on an NIHR Programme Grant for Yes Applied Research? No If yes…. What is the number of this Programme Grant? Who is the NIHR Senior Leader/ NIHR Professor who is responsible for this funding? Name: Email: Are you in a Post-Doctoral research post where salary is funded by NIHR through an NIHR Professorship? Yes No If yes…. What kind of research post do you hold? (e.g. Academic Clinical Fellow, Clinical Lecturer, Post-Doctoral Fellow) Page 3 of 6 Who is the NIHR Professor who is responsible for this funding? Name: Email: Are you using another source of NIHR funding for your research? Yes No If yes…. Please explain: Who is the NIHR Senior Leader/ NIHR Professor who is responsible for this funding? Name: Email: Non NIHR Funding & Additional information Please list other current funding awards and/or previous awards (with start and end dates): Award: Start: Name of your Line Manager for your research and their position/title: Name: Title: Page 4 of 6 End date: Name of Mentor(s) and their position Name: Title: How did you hear about this Programme? Section 2: Your current management and leadership responsibilities 2.1 How many people do you have direct line management responsibility for in a research context? 2.2 What are their roles/titles? 2.3 Are there other people you have indirect leadership responsibility for? How many? What is their relationship to you? (e.g. they could be part of a network or collaborative project which you lead; you could be their PhD supervisor) 2. 4 What impact do you want your research to have? Section 3: Getting to know you… Page 5 of 6 In this section, we are interested in getting to know you, not in ‘right answers’ or whether you meet pre-determined criteria. We want to understand if this programme is appropriate and suitable for you at this stage in your career. We hope you enjoy reflecting as part of this process. Please write a maximum of 200 words in response to each question. 3.1 Where and what are you beginning to lead on behalf of NIHR/your institution/beyond? 3.2 Why are you applying for this Leadership Programme now? 3.3 Please describe a recent leadership experience that you found exhilarating or challenging… What have you learnt from it about yourself and about your team and/or organisation? 3.4 What might change as a result of your participation in this programme? 3.5 Reflecting on this application now, what questions do you have about your own leadership? Please note that, as Data Processor under Ashridge Business School’s contract with NIHR, any Personal Data provided in this form will only be processed by Ashridge Business School as is necessary in order for Ashridge Business School to perform its obligations, and only in accordance with any instructions given by NIHR, in that contract. Thank you Page 6 of 6