Instructions for Authors Laboratory Animal Research [Lab Anim Res; LAR] is published quarterly, on the 30th of March, June, September and December, by Korean Association for Laboratory Animal Science (KALAS). Aims and scope The mission of LAR is to disseminate advanced knowledge about laboratory animal medicine, science and welfare through the publication of peer-reviewed articles about biology, physiology, anatomy, toxicology, pathology and genetics of laboratory animals, animal models, animal behaviour and diseases, animal biotechnology and related topics. Articles include original research paper and review about basic and applied laboratory investigations, letters and case reports, as well as informed and thoughtful opinions relevant to the humane care and use of laboratory animals. Editorial policy Manuscripts to LAR must be original articles, invited or submitted review, case reports, and letters, which have not been published previously, and are not being considered for publication by other journals. All authors of a manuscript must have agreed to its submission to LAR, and must have agreed that a corresponding author has the authority to act on their behalf on all matters pertaining to publication of a manuscript. Manuscripts will be accepted for publication only if the animals in the research discussed have been carefully cared for and used in humanely manners. Therefore, authors must state in a manuscript that the animal experiments have been conducted according to ethical procedures, and should present a signed page of documents or protocols approved by their Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) or a head of the institutions. Submission of manuscripts A manuscript must be submitted online at the website (http// All pages of a article should be a single file except figures, i.e., including main text, tables with their captions, and figure legends. Figures should be uploaded as a single file with each figure on separate pages using PowerPoint (ppt) program. Also, a cover letter explaining a brief summary and importance of the research as well as the signed page of a document ensuring approval of animal experiments need to be uploaded. A corresponding author should fill out a copyright transfer agreement and manuscript checklist files at the website. Authors should confirm that their manuscript has been checked by an English editor. Forms of publication Original articles, reviews, case reports, and letters will be included in LAR. Original article, reviews, case reports, and letters generally contain overall review on current research issues, results of novel experiment or investigation, examination of clinical cases, and short report or recent information on research, respectively. Preparation of manuscripts 1. Manuscripts should be written in English only on A4 paper. 2. It is recommended that manuscripts are typed with 11 font letters using [Microsoft (MS) word] version, double spaced with ample margins (generally 2.5 cm) on the top, bottom, left and right sides. 3. Each section of manuscripts should begin on a separate page and all pages should be numbered consecutively starting with the abstract page. Authors should fill out a title page at the website, according to the guided example. A title page includes an informative and concise title with no abbreviations, a running title with no more than 10 words, the names of all authors without abbreviations and their affiliations, and the name and mailing address of the corresponding author including e-mail address. In the case of multiple affiliations, matched Arabic superscript numbers should be given on the right shoulder of authors and the left shoulder in front of affiliations. Also, a corresponding author should be marked with a superscript ‘*’. 4. Abstract is placed before the text, and should be written concisely, containing no more than 250 words. In general, an abstract includes the reason why the experiments have been done, a very brief description of the experimental procedures, main results obtained, and a conclusion giving the relevance of the results to the question asked. Abstract should not be separated and must be completely self-explanatory. Abbreviations and contractions, except those for weights, measures and extra-long terms such as chemical names, should not be used. Below the abstract, 3-6 key words or short phrases suitable for indexing should be typed. 5. Text of original articles should be arranged in the following order: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, and References. Please delete a subtitle “Introduction”. In some cases, Results and Discussion sections can be combined for the effective presentation. In the same order, the text from Introduction to Discussion of reviews, case reports, and information can be described without separation of the sections. 6. Abbreviations can be used alone after description in a parenthesis following the first mention of their full names in the text. Also, full names should be described in the legend if abbreviations are used in tables or figures, to make the tables or figures self-explanatory. Exceptionally, units and generally-acceptable abbreviations such as DNA, RNA and ATP can be used without presentation of full names. In abbreviations and symbols, standardized terms should be used as described in Biological abstract; Arabic numerals for numbers, System International units for units and chemical names. 7. The proper nouns including person's names should be described in their original names. Scientific names, such as genus and species names (Salmonella typhimurium, E. coli, etc), and Latin words (et al, in vivo, ad libitum, etc) should be written in Italic type. 8. Each table and figure including photograph should be drawn on a separate sheet. Tables and figures should be described concisely in English and be self-explanatory. Therefore, explanations for the abbreviations and symbols of statistical significance or units used in tables or figures should be included in their legends. While only a title of tables is located on the table, all legends to figures are typed below the figures. Legends to figures should be listed on a separate page. If the size of cells or any components in photograph, insertion of a size bar or indication symbols into the photograph is strongly recommended to avoid changes in magnification following size adjustment. A labeling should be of sufficient size to be legible after adjustment to fit a column. Figures with low-quality (lower than 300 dpi resolution), especially photomicrographs, are not acceptable for publication. Authors should inform to the publisher for color prints on the galley proof, which are charged to authors. Color prints providing figures with key discrimination are essential, while color drawings to be printed in black and white should be avoided. 9. Articles in press can be cited after final acceptance in the list of References. In the text, all listed references should be cited by number separated by only a comma (i.e. no space) in parentheses using the following format: [1,2], [1-3] or [1-3,7]. The list of References should be arranged in the order of citation in the text. All authors’ names, full surnames and abbreviated given names, should be described. The journal names should be abbreviated according to the standard form of their publishing authorities, which are found at their websites or ISI ( Examples are given below; [Journal] 1. Kang YK, Kim WH, Jang JJ. Expression of G1-S modulators and Smad4/Dpc4 in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Lab Anim Res 2002; 21(1): 877-883. [Book] 2. Fox JG, Anderson LC, Loew FM, Quimby FW. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 2nd ed, Academic Press, Amsterdam, 2002; pp 111-165. [Chapter in book] 2. Shet WR, Gaerner DJ. Microbiological quality control for laboratory rodents and lagomorphs. In: Laboratory Animal Medicine (Fox JG, ed), 2nd ed, Academic Press, Amsterdam, 2002; pp 111165. Peer-review Each manuscript submitted will be briefly previewed by an Editor-in-Chief or Associate editor before being sent to 2 or more expertise reviewers. The authors may recommend preferred and/or non-preferred reviewers including e-mail address and telephone number, although the Editor-in-Chief is no under obligation to invite them. The manuscripts with low quality or lacking essential requirements will be returned to the authors without review process. When a final revised manuscript is completely acceptable according to the LAR format and criteria, it is scheduled for publication in the next available issue. Revision of manuscripts The first decision of an Editor-in-chief or Associate editor, together with the advice of the reviewers, will be sent to a corresponding author within 3 weeks after submission. When submitting a revised manuscript, a rebuttal letter should be accompanied by point-to-point replies to the comments given by the editor, associate editor, and reviewers included and how the revisions have been made. A revised manuscript should be received no later than 3 weeks after the first editorial decision is sent to authors. If a revised paper is not received within 2 months of decision, or if other necessary arrangements are not made by an editor, a manuscript will be considered for withdrawal. Page proofs Page proofs from a publisher of the journal will be sent to a corresponding author. It is advised that editing is limited to the correction of typographical errors, incorrect data, and grammatical errors, and for updated information on references which have been in press. The results of page proofs should be sent immediately by e-mail or FAX, preferably within 72 hours. Reprints Reprints can be ordered by a corresponding author with a minimum number of 50 copies. A reprint order form is sent with page proofs to a corresponding author. Publication charge The publication fee is US$30 per page regardless of a member or a non-member. The reprint cost is free up to 50 copies. For color printings, US$50 per color page is charged to authors regardless of the membership. Annual subscription For subscription, please contact an editorial office of LAR; Seocho Hanshin Living Tower #807, 1533, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-871 (Tel +82 70 4416 1909, Fax +82 2 584 1909, E-mail The subscription fee is US50$ per year.