[Course Title] [Choose a short title that is straightforward and accurate. The title should be self-explanatory so that participants will know what the course is about just by reading it. Ambiguous “catchy” titles are confusing. ] [Department Name] [Date(s), Location(s)] Instructor(s): Titles: Email: Phone: Relevant experience/credentials: Registration Link: mmsd.org/pdcatalog You must register/enroll in the PD Catalog to receive credit. Be respectful to your instructor and colleagues by enrolling or withdrawing at least 1 week prior to the course start date. The Course Start Date is the last day to enroll, withdraw, or change credit choice. (unless indicated as earlier). After this day, you cannot enroll, withdraw, or change credit choice. Participants [Describe the intended participant groups (e.g., K-5 teachers, high school science teachers, bilingual teachers, administrators, clerical, special education assistants, etc.). Accuracy here greatly helps.] Course Description [Provide a concise description of the course in fewer than 100 words.] Course Materials [List the texts or materials participants should purchase or use. Articles to read can be provided in a course calendar.] Participant Outcomes [Describe what participants should know and be able to do upon completion of this course.] Creating Coherence: Alignment to District Priorities [Describe how this professional development directly aligns to District Priorities and practices, especially the Common Core State Standards, Gradual Release of Responsibility, and the MMSD School Improvement Process.] Delivery Method [How will this course be delivered? Face-to-face, and/or description of online course management system (e.g., Moodle, Google Sites, Google Classrooms), synchronous online learning methods (e.g., Online Webinar, Google Hangouts), tools and programs/applications (e.g., Google Docs, Wikis, videos, etc.)] Credit Information1 Participants must complete the course to receive full credit. There are not partial credit options. Credit options cannot be changed after the course begins. 1. [Describe relevant credit amounts, options and procedures for PACs, Academic credits (specify which institution), PD Hours, Extended Employment, and fees (fees are rare and should first be discussed with the PLLD Department. If courses are offered during non-contract time, at minimum, they should offer for PACs and PD Hours. Please understand and do not delete the “end note” (“1” next to Credit Information above). The end note is listed at the bottom of the syllabus. 2. Important Guidelines: o The maximum # of PACs for a PD Course or Workshop is 3.0 (30 hours). If you want to offer more than this, you must offer another, standalone PD (e.g., part I, then part II). o It is important for you to understand credit options and educate your participants to make credit an efficient PD incentive. This understanding and clarity will also prevent common credit confusion and issues that become frustrating and huge “time suckers.” o This course should be one complete PD opportunity. Participants either complete or do not complete the course; they either receive full credits or no credits. Instructors decide whether participants may miss part of or one session due to special circumstances and still receive full credit. o Per above, if a course has separate sessions, that are not dependent on each other, then these separate sessions should probably be submitted as separate courses. o The recommendation is that if a course has 5 or fewer sessions, participants should not miss time. It is also instructor discretion on attendance/participation requirements related to grading for academic credit (e.g., grade penalties for missed days for Edgewood credit). For example, if you teach a 5 session course, 2 hours per session (10 hrs total, 1 PAC), then when you enter people's PACs credits, they receive 1.0 PACs or 0 PACs. If someone attends 4 sessions, they should receive 0 PACs unless you have preapproved their absence with some kind of make-up work. (They will not receive .8 PACs). ] Full Inclusion Please communicate any special accommodations to course instructors as soon as possible. This information will remain confidential with course instructors. (Keep this language.) Collaboration and Reflection [Describe how participants will have opportunities for collaboration and reflection to internalize learning.] Assessment of Learning and Feedback Please complete the electronic survey that will be sent through the PD System after the course closes. [Describe evidence/data that will be collected to assess participant outcomes (products, surveys, etc.) Key questions: What data do you collect to know whether participant outcomes have been reached? How do you use this data to inform participant learning? Evidence/data should include: 1. Performance tasks with feedback from the instructor and/or colleagues. 2. Course assignments and/or products. Describe grading, attendance, and/or participation criteria. Provide criteria (e.g., rubrics) that will be used to analyze this evidence. Example of high-leverage practice: Providing opportunities for self-assessment of practice.] Course Activities Calendar [Provide a calendar of activities, assignments that are due (e.g., reading material), and dates. Recommended: Participant opportunities to practice (inside or outside of the professional development) with follow up discussion/dialogue/feedback. Oneshot workshops are rarely effective in changing practice. On the calendar, please include a statement about completing the course survey.] 1 Credit Guidelines for MMSD Courses Professional Advancement Credits (PACs) are only for employees in the Teaching (Collective Bargaining Agreement) Unit. One course PAC equals 10 hours. The total hours may include face-to- face, online instruction, and extended assignments. Participation must occur during non-contract time, participants may not receive extended employment payment (also only available to the Teaching Unit), and participants may not have hotel, travel, or registration fees paid by the District. District policy is that PACs are truncated, not rounded up to the tenth. For example, .25 PACs would be recorded as .2 PACs. For District-offered courses, participants must complete the course to receive credit; there are not partial credit options. PACs will automatically be transferred to HR when participants complete a course in the PD Catalog. https://staffdevweb.madison.k12.wi.us/pacinfo.htm Professional Development Hours are for administrators, SEAs, EAs, clerical, substitute teachers, and other Units who do not receive PACs. PD Hours are also for teachers during contract time PD. Although PD Hours are not relevant to salary schedule advancements nor do they count as Academic Credits for licensure, some individuals want them for their records. https://staffdevweb.madison.k12.wi.us/pacinfo.htm Academic Credit. If participants choose academic credit (College or University Credit), they cannot choose PACs. Participants must turn in Academic Credit transcripts to HR for salary schedule advancements. Extended Employment is occasionally an option available in the PD Catalog, paid by the sponsoring Department/School. If this option is selected, PACs are not an option. Teacher Salary Advancement information is managed by Human Resources: https://hrweb.madison.k12.wi.us/node/376 (608)663-1864 Find your official credit record, which shows PACs and Academic Credits, by logging into the GUI400 Icon in your Novell Application. PD hours do not appear on your credit record. To find your non-credit record (PD Hours), login to your PD Catalog account.