Lesson Plans Week of August 18th

Vision: Our Students…Our Community…Our Future…Together
Name: Richard Stanton
Date: 8/18-8/22 2014
English 1 CP
Obj: Students will learn the definitions of quantitative and qualitative evidence and analyze how they are used to support claims
in the article “Against Headphones.”
Activities: Orientation to class procedures, reading of article, determining meanings of unknown words through context and with
the help of dictionaries,
Discussion: What is the author’s most important thesis? Why does the author include historical information about the
development of headphone technology and family life after World War II?
Assessment: Quiz on“ Against Headphones” to include analysis of the arguments, recognition of the vocabulary, and
identification/ classification of evidence from a new source. Students will write a brief composition citing some of the evidence
used in the article.
Obj: Students will become familiar with the format and lesson structure of Vocabulary Workshop D. Class will complete first part
of lesson study (Word list, pronunciation, Choosing the Right Word, developing a study method)
Activities: (Asssembly-8:30) Vocabulary Lesson 1 (workbook), continue/complete “Against Headphones” analysis.
Discussion: Purpose of a study guide, developing an individual study approach
Assessment: Vocabulary Workshop Chapter 1 Study Guide (Whole class/ partners) , individual work on “Headphones” analysis –
students will be assessed through oral quizzing to determine how well they are absorbing the new material.
After chapter is complete, there will be a 25-point quiz that covers pronunciation, parts of speech, spelling, matching definitions,
synonyms, antonyms, and completing sentences.
Obj: Students will read and respond to “Daughter of Invention” by Julia Alvarez on page 78 of the literature book.
Activities: Close reading of story (close focus on the story and how it is told)
Discussion: Following a complex narrative , shifts in tone and mood, development of themes; reading the whole story instead of
guessing what it says
Assessment: Quiz on story’s setting, plot, and characterizaton
Obj: Review the use of charts, graphs, headings, lists, and other graphic features in texts
Activities: Read the explanations and complete the “Practice and Apply” questions on pages R3-R7
Discussion: Independent activity
Assessment: Work will be checked for accuracy and to determine how much class focus should be devoted to this topic.
Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.9-10.2
Obj: Review common grammar and punctuation problems and practice identifying them and/or avoiding them in formal writing.
Activities: Self-paced lessons on subject/verb agreement, commonly confused words, and developing complex sentences with
appropriate transitions and punctuation
Assessment: After results of class work are checked, students will have a quiz on these topics.