February 2015 – ASSE Executive Board Meeting Minutes


American Society of Safety Engineers

Long Beach Chapter

P.O. Box 8183, Long Beach, CA 90808-0183

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

February 25, 2015


The Executive Committee Meeting of the American Society of Safety Engineers, Long Beach Chapter was called to order by Robin Thorne at 7:02 AM on February 25, 2015 via a conference call.

MEMBERS PRESENT: (Quorum Present)

Robin Thorne, Chapter President

Tom Butler, Government Affairs

Richard Sestokas, Secretary

Simone Vu, Delegate

Robert Kestenbaum, Vice President

Steve Comley, Professional Development

Cornelius Lacks, President Elect

Joann Blayney, Membership


Ramon Martinez, Treasurer


(Motion #1)

Motion by R. Thorne to approve the minutes of the previous meetings, January 21, 2015 and October

15, 2014, Second by T. Butler; Motion approved unanimously


Presidents Report

R. Thorne reported that the February breakfast meeting was an overall success; the topic was interesting and the venue (Bixby Breakfast Club) worked out well

R. Thorne will be attending the Region 1 Spring ROC meeting in April on behalf of the chapter


R. Thorne stated that the chapter bank account has a positive balance of $9,092.32.

T. Butler asked if the bank account balance included the $2,000 the chapter received from the October

2014 JTS; R. Thorne was unsure and informed the committee she will look into it and report back


1 new member has joined the chapter

Special Projects

 S. Comley provided an update on the May 15’ Full Day PDC Seminar and had the following requests:

 Volunteers are needed to work with speakers; further information regarding the responsibilities will be sent to committee members via email

 Executive Committee/Chapter Members assist him with finding vendors that will sponsor the event


No new jobs to report

Nominations Committee

Volunteers are needed to serve as officers for 2015/2016

Government Affairs

(Motion #2)

Motion by T. Butler requesting chapter support for the following CalOSHA/Office of Emergency

Services initiatives:

 Early earthquake warning systems

 Earthquake retrofits/reinforcing of structures in the City of Los Angeles

Second by R. Thorne; Motion approved unanimously

American Society of Safety Engineers

Long Beach Chapter

P.O. Box 8183, Long Beach, CA 90808-0183

T. Butler reported that CalOSHA is proposing changes in the Heat GISO 3395 standards that may go into effect on May 1, 2015 depending on approval of the amendments by the Office of Administrative

Law; information on the proposed changes will be distributed to the committee via email


General Meeting Planning Update


1. Sept 14’

2. Oct 14’

3. Nov 14’

4. Dec 14’

5. Jan 15’

6. Feb 15’

7. Mar 15’

8. Apr 15’*

9. May 15’

10. Jun 15’


S. Comley

S. Comley

R. Kestenbaum



R. Thorne


R. Sestokas and R. Thorne

S. Comley

Coordinator not identified


Transportation Safety

Holiday Charity Event




Joint Technical Symposium

Represented Worker Safety

Long Beach EOC Tour

Full Day PDC Seminar

Possible topic, Harbor Cruise



R. Martinez to Assist Complete

Time Management for the Safety Professional Complete

*Note: April event will be held on the 3 rd week of the due to commitments at the Long Beach EOC


Website and Social Media

No information to report


R. Kestenbaum requested that a committee member submit an article to be included in the upcoming newsletter

R. Kestenbaum reported that the newsletter distribution target date is March 6 th


C. Lacks has informed the committee that he has moved away from the area and will no longer serve; the committee thanked him for his service to the chapter

R. Sestokas and R. Thorne discussed the April EOC tour; the topics of where to order boxed lunches for attendees and what type of gift to present to the speakers were discussed; further follow-up at the next Executive Committee Meeting is required

A question to the committee was presented – Should we spend chapter funds to advertise in the hopes of recruiting new members?

; the committee agreed that plan on what intended results must be presented prior to consideration

R. Thorne reported that the chapter will fund a one-time scholarship in honor of Don Rhodes ($750) and Frank Wente ($750) (see Motion #2 in October 15, 2014 minutes); possible award ideas, which are to be decided at a later date, include:

 Students studying an Occupational Safety track at Cal State Univ Dominguez Hills

 OTI Programs/Courses at Cal State Univ Dominguez Hills

 CSP Preparation Courses


The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 AM by Robin Thorne. The next general meeting will be held on April 22, 2015 at the Long Beach Emergency Operations Center (EOC); 2990 Redondo Ave, Long Beach, CA. It will be a lunch meeting starting at 11:30 AM. The next Executive Committee meeting will be at 7:00 AM on March 18, 2015 via conference call.

Minutes submitted by:

Richard Sestokas

Richard Sestokas

American Society of Safety Engineers

Long Beach Chapter

P.O. Box 8183, Long Beach, CA 90808-0183
