Example A Background: Jane Doe came to Nicolet as an individual who has been working for a Casino’s Human Resources department as an assistant HR director for the past 10 years. She has received several non-credit training courses and is a high school graduate. She approached Nicolet College as she is interested in moving up to the Human Resources Director’s position in the future, or find another management opportunity within her Tribes Tribal Government. Jane met with an advisor and it was determined that she could advance stand into the two classes highlighted in yellow. She was then placed in the Tribal Management and the Small Business Accounting Certificates. Once she completed the two certificate programs she decided she would like to receive an associate degree, but did not want to enroll in a new program. Her advisor recommended she think about completing an Individualized Technical Studies degree (ITS AAS). It was explained that all of her course work would count toward the completion of the degree. Jane liked the idea but did not wish to take further occupational core courses. The advisor recommend several general educational courses to assist Jane if she ever wished to continue to a bachelor’s degree. The advisor explained the benefits of the IDS degree offered by UW-Superior and Jane felt this was the best option for her educational plan. The advisor had Jane take courses which would meet many of the general education requirements for UW-Superior (equivalent transfer course at UWSuperior are listed in blue). Jane also spoke to an academic advisor from UW-Superior prior to making her decision. Through the articulation agreement between Nicolet College’s ITS AAS and UW-Superior’s IDS Jane was able to transfer the following credits to UW-Superior: 24 occupational level credits 48 General Education Requirement courses 72 Total Credits Discipline ITS AAS ITS AAS ITS AAS ITS AAS ITS AAS ITS AAS ITS AAS ITS AAS ITS AAS ITS AAS ITS AAS ITS AAS ITS AAS Course # 102-140 102-141 102-142 101-151 101-152 101-112 103-101 103-126 103-155 101-101 102-115 804-220 809-215 ITS AAS ITS AAS ITS AAS ITS AAS ITS AAS ITS AAS ITS AAS 809-285 801-219 801-223 801-198 803-243 801-231 809-166 ITS AAS 809-122 ITS AAS ITS AAS ITS AAS ITS AAS ITS AAS 809-251 806-229 806-114 810-207 815-201 Course Title Fundamentals of Tribal Management Advanced Tribal Management Tribal Supervisory Management Accounting Principles 1 Accounting Principles 2 Payroll Accounting Computer Literacy-MS Windows MS Excel, Beginning Quickbooks, Basics Office Accounting Human Resource Management Intermediate Algebra (Algebra I Math 130) World Regional Geography (World Regional Geography GEOG 100) Native North American Cultures (Race and Ethnicity SOCI 273) English Composition I (Freshman English I ENGL 101) English Composition II (Freshman English II ENGL 102) Speech (Introduction to Communications COMM 110) Modern Europe (Cont Europe 1800 to 2000 Ce HIST 231) English Literature (British Literature I ENGL 211) Intro to Ethics: Theory & App (Contemporary Moral Problems PHIL 211) Intro to American Government (American National Government POLS 150) Intro to Psychology (Introduction to Psychology PSYC 101) Environmental Issues (Environmental Science BIOL 100) General Biology (Concepts in Biology BIOL 123) Motion Picture Appreciation (Film and Culture COMM 104) Art Appreciation (Introduction to Art ART 101) Credits 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 3 4 3 Grade AS B AB+ A C+ B B B B AS B+ C+ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 B+ C+ BC C BC+ 3 B 3 4 4 3 3 AC+ C C+ C Example B Background: John Doe has worked for a local manufacture for the past 25 years and has now been let go as the company has gone out of business. John enters a non-credit certificate program through the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) funding. The courses are developed to credit rigor and have been documented in a Worldwide Instructional Design System (WIDS). John finds that the new skills he has learned are not enough for him to get employed due to the large amount of competition. John decides he wants to obtain a degree, but does not like any of the program options available at Nicolet College. He meets with an advisor and it is determined he can obtain 3 credits for the non-credit certificate he completed and has enough work and life experience to advance stand into an additional 9 credits. The advisor developed an ITS AAS program plan with John with the option of later taking advantage of the IDS degree articulation with UW-Superior. The degree includes an additional 14 credits of occupational associate degree level course and 39 credits of general education courses which align with courses that satisfy some of the general education requirements at UW-Superior. Once John graduates from Nicolet College, he plans on developing an IDS degree plan with UW-Superior. John will be able to transfer the 65 credits he will obtain from the ITS AAS to the UW-Superior IDS degree.