Learning Outcomes - Unit 1

National 4 and 5 Physics
Unit 3- Waves and Radiation
I am confident that I understand this and I can apply this to problems
I have some understanding but I need to revise this some more
I don’t know this or I need help because I don’t understand it
National 4 outcomes are in lighter font.
3.1 Wave Characteristics
1. What is a wave? What do waves do?
National 5 outcomes are in bold
How well can
you do this?
? 
2. What is a longitudinal wave?
3. Give an example of a longitudinal wave.
4. What is a transverse wave?
5. Give an example of a transverse wave?
6. What is the wavelength of a wave?
7. Can I find the wavelength of a wave from a diagram?
National 4 and 5 Physics
Unit 3- Waves and Radiation
How well can
you do this?
8. What is meant by the amplitude of a wave?
9. What is meant by the frequency of a wave?
10. What is meant by the period of a wave?
11. Can I find the frequency of a wave using an oscilloscope?
12. Can I carry out calculations on distance, speed and time of waves
using the formula d = v x t?
13. Can I carry out calculations on wave speed, frequency and
wavelength using the formula v =f x λ?
14. What is diffraction?
National 4 and 5 Physics
Unit 3- Waves and Radiation
How well can
you do this?
15. Do all waves diffract equally? What does diffraction depend
16. How does wavelength affect diffraction?
National 4 and 5 Physics
Unit 3- Waves and Radiation
3.2 Sound
How well can
you do this?
1. Which types of matter can sound travel through?
2. Can I describe an experiment showing how to measure the speed
of sound in air?
3. What is the speed of sound in air?
4. How does changing the frequency of a wave affect it? What
would this look like on an oscilloscope?
5. How does changing the amplitude of a wave affect it? What does
this look like on an oscilloscope?
6. Do I know how to measure sound levels?
7. Can I give at least four examples of everyday sound levels using
the decibel scale?
8. What is noise pollution?
9. Give 3 examples of noise pollution.
National 4 and 5 Physics
Unit 3- Waves and Radiation
10. What risk does noise pollution pose to human hearing?
How well can
you do this?
? 
11. What is high frequency deafness?
12. How can we protect human hearing? How does this work?
13. What is sonar? Give an example of a use of sonar?
15. What is ultrasound?
16. Can I give examples of applications of ultrasound in medicine?
17. Have I explored sound reproduction technologies?
14. What is the frequency range of human hearing?
18. Can I explain how noise cancellation works in relation to noisecancelling headphones and noise cancellation technology in
Humvees and helicopters?
National 4 and 5 Physics
Unit 3- Waves and Radiation
19. Do I understand the sound produced from tuning forks and the
production of notes from musical instruments?
20. Have I explored technology used to record and enhance sound?
How well can
you do this?
National 4 and 5 Physics
Unit 3- Waves and Radiation
3.3 Electromagnetic Spectrum
How well can
you do this?
1. What is the electromagnetic spectrum?
2. Can I name each type of wave in the electromagnetic spectrum?
3. Can I list the waves of the em spectrum in order of
frequency(lowest f first)?
4. Can I list the waves of the em spectrum in order of wavelength
(shortest first)?
5. How is the energy of a wave related to its frequency?
6. Give 2 examples each of the uses of em radiation in a) industry
and b) leisure.
7. Do I understand how each of the different types of em radiation
can be detected and give examples of detectors?
National 4 and 5 Physics
Unit 3- Waves and Radiation
8. Give 2 examples each of jobs which use em radiation in a)
industry and b) leisure.
How well can
you do this?
11. What safety precautions need to be taken when using em
12. Can I describe what is meant by refraction of light in terms of
wave speed?
13. Can I identify from a diagram the angle of incidence, angle of
refraction and the normal?
9. What possible hazards are there when using em radiation?
14. What is meant by the critical angle?
15. Can I describe an experiment showing how to measure the
critical angle?
National 4 and 5 Physics
Unit 3- Waves and Radiation
16. Can I draw ray diagrams for the eye which show the focussing
of light on the retina for NORMAL, LONG and SHORT sight?
How well can
you do this?
17. Can I draw ray diagrams to show how to correct short sight?
18. Can I draw ray diagrams to show how to correct long sight?
National 4 and 5 Physics
Unit 3- Waves and Radiation
3.4 Nuclear Radiation
1. Can I describe a simple model of the atom which includes protons,
neutrons and electrons?
How well can
you do this?
2.What is alpha radiation?
3. What is beta radiation?
4. What is gamma radiation?
5. Can I explain what is meant by ionization?
6. Do I know Which type of nuclear radiation causes most
Do I know Which type of nuclear radiation causes least ionization?
5. Do I know what materials will absorb alpha, beta and gamma
6. Can I give at least two examples of sources of background
National 4 and 5 Physics
Unit 3- Waves and Radiation
7. Do I know how naturally occurring radioactive materials are
extracted from the Earth?
How well can
you do this?
8. Can I give examples of artificial sources of radiation?
9. What effects can radiation have on living cells?
11. What are the risks involved when dealing with nuclear radiation?
12. What is meant by absorbed dose?
13. Can I carry out calculations involving D = E/m?
14. What is meant by equivalent dose?
15. Can I carry out calculations involving H = Dw?
10. Can I explain society’s reliance on radioactivity, e.g. in medical &
industrial applications?
National 4 and 5 Physics
Unit 3- Waves and Radiation
16. Can I compare the equivalent dose due to a variety of natural
and artificial sources?
How well can
you do this?
? 
17. What is meant by the activity of a source? Can I carry out
calculations involving the activity of a source?
18. What is half life?
19. Can I explain how half life is used in and industrial
22. How would the risks involved with nuclear radiation be
23. Do I know and understand the effects of nuclear radiation of
living things (eg leukaemia)?
20. Can I use information from tables and graphs to calculate half
21. Can I explain the environmental hazards of nuclear radiation?
National 4 and 5 Physics
Unit 3- Waves and Radiation
24. Do I know & understand the effects of nuclear radiation on nonliving things (eg scintillation)?
How well can
you do this?
25. Can I list the pros and cons of generating electricity using nuclear
26. Do I understand the risk due to nuclear radiation and other
environmental factors posed by nuclear power stations?
27. How are the different risks posed by nuclear power stations
28. Can I describe qualitatively fission and fusion?
29. Do I understand the importance of fission & fusion in the
generation of energy?