
Intermediate Arts Integration Center Examples,
Directions, and Assessment Rubrics:
Diego Rivera Mural Center
Skill: Determines the stated or implied main idea or essential message in a text.
Students will read the text Diego and think about the questions posted at their center involving
stated and implied main idea. Then they will create a small mural which demonstrates this main
Center set up requires only white drawing paper, pencils and crayons or a similar coloring
If there is time, once all students have completed the center, they can share and discuss their
Main idea questions from the center include:
What are some of the hardships which Diego Rivera had to live through during his
What did Rivera love more than anything else?
How did he use this love to express his ideas on his second love….Mexico.
What did you learn about Mexico from this book?
Were all of Rivera’s Mexican mural paintings about positive aspects of Mexico?
What did you learn about Diego Rivera from this book?
How can you best create a mural which tells the story of Diego Rivera’s life?
Grading Rubric:
4 Points
The mural has
many significant features
which effectively capture
the stated and implied main
idea of the text.
The mural has
been masterfully drawn so
that the viewer can easily
understand the life and
works of Diego Rivera.
The drawings
have been carefully crafted
and very neatly colored in.
The artist obviously took
great care in selecting their
The student
worked exceptionally well
independently. Time was
used most effectively and
carefully cleaned up the
area when the project was
3 points
The mural has
a couple significant
features which effectively
capture the stated and
implied main idea of the
The mural has
been effectively drawn so
that the viewer can easily
understand the life and
works of Diego Rivera.
The drawings
have been carefully
crafted and very neatly
colored in. The colors
could have been more
effectively chosen or
The student
worked very well
independently. Most time
was used productively and
the area was cleaned up
2 points
The mural has
two or more minor
features which capture the
stated and implied main
idea of the text.
1 point
The mural has
at least one minor feature
which captures the stated
and implied main idea of
the text.
0 points
The mural
has no features which
captures the stated and
implied main idea of
the text.
The mural has
been somewhat effectively
drawn. so that the viewer
can easily understand the
life and works of Diego
The drawings
have been neatly drawn
and colored in. There
could have been more
attention paid to adding
details to the drawings.
Little effort
seems to have been made
to ensure that the viewer
can easily understand the
life and works of Diego
There appears
to have been little effort
made to draw the items on
the mural. There is some
coloring to enhance the
No effort
seems to have been
made to ensure that the
viewer can easily
understand the life and
works of Diego Rivera.
appears to have been
no effort made to draw
the items on the mural.
There is no coloring to
enhance the pictures.
The student
worked well
independently. Much time
was used productively and
the area was mostly
cleaned up afterwards.
There appears
to have been little effort
made to work
independently and use
time productively. The
area was only moderately
clean afterwards.
appears to have been
no effort made to work
independently and use
time productively. The
area was left a mess
Duke Ellington Storyboard Center
Skill: Recognizes and arranges events in chronological order.
Storyboard Center Directions:
 A storyboard is a graphic organizer that helps an artist pre-plan the sequence of a motion
picture or other graphic media.
 Walt Disney was the first person to use storyboards in his animation studio. In 1933, he
used a storyboard to pre-plan the cartoon of the Three Little Pigs.
 Pretend that you have been asked to plan a movie on the life of Duke Ellington.
 First, carefully read the book Duke Ellington, by Andrea Davis Pinkney. Think about 6 of
the most significant parts of Ellington’s life that you would like to include in your
 Now, carefully sketch and write about these 6 events on a storyboard worksheet.
 If you have time, carefully color your design.
Grading rubric:
4 Points
The storyboard
has many significant
features which masterfully
capture significant details
in the life of Duke
Ellington in the proper
The storyboard
has been masterfully drawn
and written so that the story
makes sense and the
drawings and words
consistently reinforce one
3 points
The storyboard
has many significant
features which effectively
capture significant details
in the life of Duke
Ellington in the proper
The storyboard
has been effectively drawn
and written so that the
story makes sense the
drawings and words
reinforce one another at
many parts.
2 points
The storyboard
has several significant
features which capture
details in the life of Duke
Ellington mostly in the
proper sequence.
1 point
The storyboard
has a few minor features
which capture details in
the life of Duke Ellington
mostly in the proper
0 points
storyboard has a no
features which capture
details in the life of
Duke Ellington.
The storyboard
has been somewhat
effectively drawn and
written so that the story
mostly makes sense and
the drawings and words
reinforce one another in
several places.
Little effort
seems to have been made
to ensure that the
storyboard has been
drawn and written so that
the story makes sense and
the drawings and words
reinforce one another.
The drawings
have been carefully crafted
and very neatly colored in.
The artists obviously took
great care in selecting their
The drawings
have been carefully
crafted and very neatly
colored in. The colors
could have been more
effectively chosen or
The student
worked very well
independently. Most time
was used productively and
the area was cleaned up
The drawings
have been neatly drawn
and colored in. There
could have been more
attention paid to adding
details to the drawings.
There appears
to have been little effort
made to draw the items on
the storyboard. There is
some coloring to enhance
the pictures.
The student
worked well
independently. Much time
was used productively and
the area was mostly
cleaned up afterwards.
There appears
to have been little effort
made to work
independently and use
time productively. The
area was only moderately
clean afterwards.
No effort
seems to have been
made to ensure that the
storyboard has been
drawn and written so
that the story makes
sense and the drawings
and words reinforce
one another.
appears to have been
no effort made to draw
the items on the
storyboard. There is no
coloring to enhance the
appears to have been
no effort made to work
independently and use
time productively. The
area was left a mess
The student
worked exceptionally well
independently. Time was
used most effectively and
carefully cleaned up the
area when the project was
Ben Shahn Persuasive Poster Center
Ben Shahn Center:
Skill: Identifies authors’ purpose in text. Recognizes when a text is intended to persuade.
Ben Shahn 1898 - 1969
Ben Shahn was an American artist who focused on the lives of ordinary people in the
hope of causing change. This is known as “Social Realism”. During the Great Depression, he
worked as an artist for the government, documenting the lives of the poor as well as the draught
stricken landscape of the nation’s farmlands.
During World War II, he worked in the office of War information and was horrified by
the destruction and brutality taking place in Europe at the time. After the war, he began making
political posters and helped to affect issues of the day. He supported the Civil Rights movement
and was hopeful about the effect that art could have on society.
Posters can advertise products and coming events. As with the Work of Ben Shahn, they
can also be used to help persuade people about important topics. Posters must be eye catching
and easy to read. Artists who design posters are called graphic designers.
Think about the messages conveyed by the art of Ben Shahn.
Think about art can be used for social change.
Create your own poster design to persuade people to learn more about Ben Shahn.
Make sure to make your lettering large and easily readable. Add details which will share
with your viewer why Ben Shahn was an important artist. Add drawings which help to
communicate this message.
The poster has
many significant features
which masterfully capture
the importance of Ben
Shahn’s artwork.
The poster has
been masterfully drawn and
written so that the message
is conveyed and the
drawings and words
consistently reinforce one
The drawings
have been carefully crafted
and very neatly colored in.
The artists obviously took
great care in selecting their
The student
worked exceptionally well
independently. Time was
used most effectively and
carefully cleaned up the
area when the project was
3 points
The poster has
many significant features
which effectively capture
the importance of Ben
Shahn’s artwork.
The poster has
been effectively drawn
and written so that the
message is conveyed and
drawings and words
reinforce one another at
many parts.
2 points
The poster has
several significant features
which capture the
importance of Ben
Shahn’s artwork.
The poster has
been somewhat effectively
drawn and written so that
the message is mostly
conveyed and the
drawings and words
reinforce one another in
several places.
1 point
The poster has
a few minor features
which capture the
importance of Ben
Shahn’s artwork.
Little effort
seems to have been made
to ensure that the poster
has been drawn and
written so that the
message is conveyed and
the drawings and words
reinforce one another.
The drawings
have been carefully
crafted and very neatly
colored in. The colors
could have been more
effectively chosen or
The student
worked very well
independently. Most time
was used productively and
the area was cleaned up
The drawings
have been neatly drawn
and colored in. There
could have been more
attention paid to adding
details to the drawings.
There appears
to have been little effort
made to draw the items on
the poster. There is some
coloring to enhance the
0 points
The poster
has no features which
capture the importance
of Ben Shahn’s
No effort
seems to have been
made to ensure that the
poster has been drawn
and written so that the
message is conveyed
and the drawings and
words reinforce one
appears to have been
no effort made to draw
the items on the poster.
There is no coloring to
enhance the pictures.
The student
worked well
independently. Much time
was used productively and
the area was mostly
cleaned up afterwards.
There appears
to have been little effort
made to work
independently and use
time productively. The
area was only moderately
clean afterwards.
appears to have been
no effort made to work
independently and use
time productively. The
area was left a mess
The Cap Story Center
Skill: Uses strategies to find the implied main idea (inferences).
 Read the background information on Booker T. Washington. Then read the story from his
childhood about his first cap.
While you are reading, think about ….
 What was the problem in this story?
 How was the problem solved?
 How did the other children at school react to Booker’s new cap?
 How did Booker react to his new hat?
 What does it tell us about his character that he is able to be proud of his hat even if others
make fun of it?
 What lesson did he learn from his mother?
 What then, is the main idea of this story?
Now, write a rap song in which you retell the story of Booker’s cap. Make sure that you capture
the true main idea in your story.
There once was a boy whose name was Booker.
He was worried about learning…not being a looker.
Along come the other school house boyeeees
Asking about his cap and making lots of noise.
So Booker goes home, tells the lady
My head is bare, and my look is shady.
Mama says, “Don’t worry… son’
I’ll make your cap when my work is done.”
So he heads to school with his homemade cap.
But the other boys laugh, give it a bad rap.
Its ok man… don’t you see
The only one laughing here is me.
My cap is made with love and creativity.
My momma’s message is clear for all to see.
If you’re standing round worrying about’ who is looking
You’re missing the chance that you could be a-booking.
Without an education, can’t you see?
You’ve got one poor chance of dealing with destiny.
4 Points
The song
masterfully explains the
meaning behind the cap
story as well as including
many details from the story.
The words of
the song are masterfully
placed together to create a
unified whole. The message
makes sense and sends an
important message.
performance was
masterfully executed. The
performers clearly and
enthusiastically spoke their
lines and the pieces flowed
together beautifully.
The student
worked exceptionally well
independently. Time was
used most effectively and
carefully cleaned up the
area when the project was
3 points
The song
effectively explains the
meaning behind the cap
story as well as including
many details from the
The words of
the song are effectively
written. The message
makes sense and sends an
important message.
performance was
effectively executed. The
performers clearly and
enthusiastically spoke
their lines but the parts
could have flowed
together more smoothly.
The student
worked very well
independently. Most time
was used productively and
the area was cleaned up
2 points
The song
somewhat effectively
explains the meaning
behind the cap story as
well as including some
details from the story.
The words of
the song are fairly
effective. The message
mostly makes sense but
the deeper message is not
as evident.
performance was executed
fairly effectively. The
performers clearly spoke
their lines but they could
have been more
enthusiastically delivered.
The flow of the parts
could have been smoother.
The student
worked well
independently. Much time
was used productively and
the area was mostly
cleaned up afterwards.
1 point
The song does
little to explain the
meaning behind the cap
story but it does include
some details from the
The words of
the song could be more
effectively written. It is
difficult to follow at times
and the listener does not
get the deeper message.
performance was
moderately effective. The
lines could have been
more clearly and
enthusiastically delivered.
The flow of the parts
could have been smoother
as well.
There appears
to have been little effort
made to work
independently and use
time productively. The
area was only moderately
clean afterwards.
0 points
The song
does not explain the
meaning behind the cap
story or include any
details from the story.
The words
are poorly written. The
rap does not make
sense and there is no
sign of the deeper
message. .
performance was
poorly executed. Little
effort seems to have
been made to
communicate clearly
through song, show
enthusiasm, or have the
parts flow together.
appears to have been
no effort made to work
independently and use
time productively. The
area was left a mess
Picasso Center
Picasso Center:
Skill: Recognizes the use of comparison and contrast
 Read ‘Getting to Know the World’s Greatest Artists; Picasso”
 Look at the two, very different paintings created by Picasso on pages 6 and 7.
 Think about why he painted them so differently.
 Now pretend that you are Picasso and write two letters to friends. Describe one painting in
each letter and explain why you painted it the way that you did. If you have extra time, you
can add a sketch of each picture to the letters.
4 Points
The letters
masterfully include many
significant details which
help explain the two
distinct art styles.
The letters
have been masterfully
written so that they
capture the voice of
The letters
show masterful
craftsmanship. The
author has included some
of the new details that
they learned through the
reading and there are no
mechanical errors.
The student
worked exceptionally
well independently. Time
was used most
effectively and carefully
cleaned up the area when
the project was
3 points
The letters
include many significant
details which help
explain the two distinct
art styles.
The letters
have been well written
so that they capture the
voice of Picasso.
The letters
show good
craftsmanship. There
are some details from
the reading included but
there are one or two
mechanical errors.
The student
worked very well
independently. Most
time was used
productively and the
area was cleaned up
2 points
The letters
include several
significant details which
help explain the two
distinct art styles.
The letters
have been somewhat
effectively written so
that they capture the
voice of Picasso.
The letters
show adequate
craftsmanship. The
details could be more
selective, but there are
few mechanical errors.
1 point
The letters
include some details
which help explain the
two distinct art styles.
The student
worked well
independently. Much
time was used
productively and the
area was mostly cleaned
up afterwards.
appears to have been
little effort made to
work independently and
use time productively.
The area was only
moderately clean
The letters
are minimally effective
and only partially
capture the voice of
The article
shows limited
craftsmanship. The
details could be more
selective and there are
several mechanical
0 points
letters include no
details which help
explain the two
distinct art styles.
The letter
has been poorly
written and does not
capture the voice of
article reveals poor
craftsmanship. No
effort seems to have
been made to include
selective details or to
edit for mechanical
appears to have been
no effort made to
work independently
and use time
productively. The
area was left a mess