GCAA – 6th ANA Safety Seminar/ Workshop FATIGUE AND HUMAN FACTORS MANAGEMENT FOR AIR NAVIGATION AND AERODROMES 28th and 29th May 2013 - Al Marooj Rotana Hotel in Dubai. OVERVIEW As a vital component of the safety promotion activities, SEMINAR OBJECTIVES within the GCAA State Safety Programme, the Air Navigation The seminar objectives are to identify and promote an improved awareness and Aerodrome Department have compiled this year’s safety of what is fatigue and human factors, how these affect aviation operations seminar to focus on the subject of Fatigue Managment. staff, what are the resultant risks to operations and what actions and mitigations we may take to implement a fatigue risk management system to FATIGUE AND HUMAN FACTOR MANAGEMENT FOR AIR NAVIGATION & AERODROMES provide protection to our staff and industry from the adverse effects of fatigue and human focus limitations. Following our continued success with the 5th ANA Safety Workshop in May 2012, GCAA sights have focused on continual improvement and expansion, with this year’s seminar sourcing valuable input from international speakers specializing in Fatigue Risk Management, from ICAO, University of Paris, Global Aerospace Logistics, LFV and Airbus Prosky. GCAA – 6th ANA Safety Seminar/ Workshop FATIGUE AND HUMAN FACTORS MANAGEMENT FOR AIR NAVIGATION AND AERODROMES 28th and 29th May 2013 - Al Marooj Rotana Hotel in Dubai. BENEFITS OF ATTENDING At the conclusion of the Seminar – Workshops, participant will: Have an improved understanding of what is fatigue and human factors. How these human physical and mental limitations can affect your operational staff performance. An improved awareness of how operational staff can better manage shift work. Knowledge of what tools are available to assist in the management of fatigue and human factors. Understanding of the reasoning and requirements for the ICAO Fatigue Risk Management System HOW TO REGISTER Simply go to the following GCAA 6th ANA Seminar registration website www.surveymonkey.com/s/ana6 and enter your details. Attendance to the Seminar is FREE and includes lunch and refreshments. GCAA – 6th ANA Safety Seminar/ Workshop FATIGUE AND HUMAN FACTORS MANAGEMENT FOR AIR NAVIGATION AND AERODROMES 28th and 29th May 2013 - Al Marooj Rotana Hotel in Dubai. SEMINAR SPEAKERS MR. RICHARD MACFARLANE Richard Macfarlane is the Chief of Integrated Infrastructure Management Section for the Air Navigation Bureau. He is responsible for communications, navigation, surveillance and aeronautical information management at the Headquarters of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in Montréal. He is personally tasked with putting the international enabling provisions in place for Air Traffic Management programmes such as NextGen and SESAR. He has worked in the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority of Australia, the Air Navigation Commission and now the Air Navigation Bureau of ICAO. He is a pilot and navigator by trade, has a background in human factors and Systems Safety and he takes particular interest in complex systems integration. GCAA – 6th ANA Safety Seminar/ Workshop FATIGUE AND HUMAN FACTORS MANAGEMENT FOR AIR NAVIGATION AND AERODROMES 28th and 29th May 2013 - Al Marooj Rotana Hotel in Dubai. SEMINAR SPEAKERS PROF. PHILIPPE CABON Prof. Philippe Cabon PhDPhD is currently Associate Professor in Human Factors at Paris Descartes University (France). His main research interests include fatigue, workload and stress in Civil Aviation, Air Traffic Control and industry. He has worked extensively on fatigue and sleep of aircrews in long and short range flights for the French Civil Aviation Authorities (DGAC), Airbus and several airlines. As a member of the European Committee for Aircrew Scheduling and Safety (ECASS) he was involved in the scientific validation of the Ultra-Long Range flights for the Civil Aviation Authorities of Singapore. He is currently working on the implementation of Fatigue Risk Management System in civil aviation and a member of the FRMS ICAO task force. GCAA – 6th ANA Safety Seminar/ Workshop FATIGUE AND HUMAN FACTORS MANAGEMENT FOR AIR NAVIGATION AND AERODROMES 28th and 29th May 2013 - Al Marooj Rotana Hotel in Dubai. SEMINAR SPEAKERS MR. BILLY JOSEFFSON Billy Josefsson is a fully licensed Air Traffic Controller since 1984 and worked for LFV for more than 30 years. In 1994 he moved to the LFV Headquarters and holds the position of Senior Air Traffic Controller, ATM & Human Performance Advisor. Since 1994 Billy has been involved in numerous R&D projects, strategic activities in Europe and U.S. He manages the LFV Safety Plan and the Safety Culture Evaluation covering LFV and the DK/SE FAB (run by the NUAC company). Billy has been an active member of the CANSO Safety Culture Working Group since the start and was leading the Just Culture Task Force on Global level. The overall driver for Billy is to understand and apply best practices within Human Performance in order to support Safety Performance and the latest example of his achievements is the Remote TWR Services project. Billy has a background in psychology, human factors and change management from Linköping University.