Bugando Curriculum Month One Week One Section 1: Basics of Anesthesia and Pharmacology Basic Life Support – 2 hours Advanced Cardiac Life support 2 - hours Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Two Preoperative Assessment -History and physical exam -Optimization -Premedication Practical Training Physical Examination of the patients (2 Hours) Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Three The Anesthesia Machine and OR setup Breathing circuits Patient Monitors The electrocardiogram Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Four Capnography Non-invasive blood pressure monitoring Neuro-muscular blockade monitoring Temperature Weekly QUIZ and Review Month Two Week One The Airway -Airway Anatomy -Evaluation of the Airway Intubation Endotracheal tubes Laryngeal Mask Airways Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Two The Difficult Airway - ASA Protocol to handle the difficult airway -Airway Adjuncts Basic Principles of Pharmacology -Distribution, Onset of Action -Half Life Time and Elimination Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Three Nonopioid Intravenous Induction Agents -Thiopental -Propofol -Ketamine Muscle Relaxants -Succinylcholine -Pancuronium Reversal agents Anticholinergic agents Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Four Opiates in Anesthesia -Morphine -Fentanyl -Meperidine -Dilaudid Local Anesthetics Weekly QUIZ and Review Month Three Week One Anesthesia Adjuncts -Adrenergic Agonists and Antagonists -Hypotensive Agents Pharmacology: Inhalational Anesthetic Volatile Agents -Isoflurane -Halothane EMO Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Two Section 2: Cardiovascular System The Sympathetic Nervous System The Parasympathetic Nervous System -Autoregulation and the effects of anesthesia on autoregulation Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Three Cardiac and vascular anatomy Cardiac physiology -O2 supply and demand -Ventricular function; the Starling curve -Electro physiology and rhythm disturbances -Baroreceptors and cardiac reflexes -Central Venous Pressure and Pulmonary Artery Pressure monitoring Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Four Cardiovascular pharmacology -Ephedrine, phenylephrine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine Ischemic heart disease Valvular heart disease Cardiomyopathy Preoperative evaluation of the cardiac patient Anesthesia for the Cardiac Patient Weekly QUIZ and Review Month Four Section 3: Respiratory System Week One Respiratory anatomy Preoperative evaluation of the patient with respiratory disease Respiratory physiology -Pulmonary function tests, flow-volume loops -ABG analysis, oxygen supply and demand, oxygen therapy -Ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) concepts and the effect of position -The effects of anesthesia on lung function Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Two Reactive airway disease, asthma -Chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) -Infectious diseases of the lung -Respiratory failure (ARDS) Anesthesia for patients with respiratory disease Weekly QUIZ and Review Section 4: The Central Nervous System Week Three The Somatic Nervous System - Neurotransmission The Neuromuscular Junction - Action potentials Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Four Cerebral Physiology -Cerebral blood flow (CBF), and the regulation of CBF -The determinants of cerebral metabolic rate (CMR) -Intracranial pressure The effect of anesthesia on CBF and CMR and ICP Weekly QUIZ and Review Month Five Week One Anesthetic considerations for neurosurgery Patient positioning in neurosurgery Neuroendocrine pathophysiology in the neurosurgical patient Anesthetic considerations/approach for spine surgery Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Two Section 5: Hepatic and Endocrine system Hepatic physiology and hepatic blood flow (HBF) Hepatic metabolic function Hepatic hematological function The effect of anesthesia on hepatic function Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Three Thyroid disorders Parathyroid disorders Adrenal gland disorders Diabetes mellitus Steroid replacement Pituitary gland disorders Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Four Section 6: Renal System Basic Physiology and Anatomy: The Kidneys Pharmacology: Diuretic Drugs Weekly QUIZ and Review Month Six Week One The effects of Anesthesia on Renal Function Patients with renal disease Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Two Acid-base balance Fluid and Electrolyte therapy and Fluid Management Hemotherapy and Hemostasis Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Three Section 8: Regional, Urologic and Gynecologic Anesthesia Spinal Cord Anatomy Spinal and Epidural Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Four Anesthesia for Orthopedic surgery Complications of Orthopedic surgery Weekly QUIZ and Review Month Seven Week One Anesthetic concerns of the lithotomy position Physiological consequences and anesthetic concerns of abdominal laproscopic techniques Anesthesia for abdominal hysterectomy, vaginal hysterectomy, myomectomy Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Two 6 months exam review session 6 month exam Exam Review Section 9: Pediatrics Week Three The anatomical and physiological considerations of the newborn, infant and child. The pharmacological concerns of the newborn, infant and child. Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Four Resuscitation of the newborn and child Fluid therapy and blood loss and replacement in children Pediatric breathing circuits Inhalational versus intravenous induction of anesthesia Weekly QUIZ and Review Month Eight Week One Anesthetic consideration in the newborn -Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, tracheo-esophageal fistula, gastroschisis, omphalocoele, Prune-Belly Syndrome, pyloric stenosis, Anesthesia for common pediatric conditions -Aspiration of a foreign body, epiglottitis, tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, myringotomy and insertion of ear tubes, scoliosis Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Two Section 10: Obstetrics The anatomical and physiological changes of pregnancy Anesthesia for labor and vaginal delivery -Parenteral agents -Inhalational analgesia (N2O) -Paracervical and pudendal nerve blocks - Regional anesthetic techniques Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Three Anesthesia for Cesearan Section -regional anesthesia -spinal anesthesia -epidural anesthesia -general anesthesia Anesthesia for the complicated obstetrical patient -Pre-term labor, premature rupture of membranes and chorioamnionitis -Abnormal presentations and dystocia -Placental abruption -Placenta previa, placenta accreta and placenta percreta Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Four Prolapsed umbilical cord -Uterine rupture -Post-partum hemorrhage and uterine atony -Amniotic fluid embolism -Hypertensive disease of pregnancy, eclampsia and preeclampsia -Cardiac disease in pregnancy Anesthesia for the obstetrical patient for non-obstetrical emergencies Weekly QUIZ and Review Month Nine Week One Section 11: Trauma, Shock and Burn Management Review of Adult Life Support Review of Pediatric Life Support Anesthetic considerations of the trauma patient Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Two -Hemorrhagic shock -Septic shock -Spinal shock Anesthetic considerations for the burn patient -Electrolyte disturbances and fluid replacement -Monitoring challenges Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Three Section 12: Anesthesia for Orthopedic Surgery Anesthesia for hip fracture Anesthesia for total joint replacement Anesthetic considerations of the patient with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis -Transfusion Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Four Section 13: Anesthesia for General Surgery Preoperative assessment of the patient with an acute abdomen Anesthesia for laparoscopic/open cholecystectomy Anesthesia for intestinal obstruction Anesthesia for liver resection Anesthesia for splenectomy Weekly QUIZ and Review Month Ten Week One Section 14: Anesthesia for Eye, ENT and Dental Surgery Preoperative evaluation of the patient for eye surgery The effects of anesthetic drugs on intraocular pressure The oculocardiac reflex Anesthesia for emergency eye surgery (the open eye) Anesthesia for elective eye surgery Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Two Preoperative evaluation of the patient for major OTL surgery -The shared airway -Anesthesia for nasal and sinus surgery Anesthesia for major head and neck surgery Tracheostomy Anesthetic techniques to reduce blood loss (controlled hypotension) Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Three Section 15: Pain Management The definition and classification of pain The systemic response to pain Evaluation of the patient with pain Acute post-operative pain management Oral agents Chronic Pain management Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Four Section 16: Anesthetic Complications and Postoperative Care Airway injury and Fires Malignant Hyperthermia Weekly QUIZ and Review Month Eleven Week One Peripheral Nerve Injuries Eye Injuries Post-anesthesia care Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Two Section 17: Anesthesia and Rare Diseases Pseudocholinesterase deficiency Neuromuscular disorders Hemoglobinopathies Myasthenia gravis Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Three Section 18: Critical Care Oxygen therapy Mechanical ventilation -modes of mechanical ventilation -sedation, paralysis and monitoring -Weaning from the ventilator -PEEP Respiratory failure Renal failure Myocardial infarction Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Four The Anesthesia Machine and Equipment Breathing circuits Patient Monitors The electrocardiogram Weekly QUIZ and Review Month Twelve Week One Sepsis and septic shock Gastrointestinal hemorrhage Hemodynamic monitoring Weekly QUIZ and Review Week Two Anesthesia Review Session Anesthesia Review Session Review Week Three Final Exams