Phoenix College – Spring 2013 AGEC Course Offerings This list identifies the courses that meet AGEC General Education areas for Spring 2013 only. There are additional courses that meet AGEC requirements, but these are Phoenix College’s current offerings. General education designations are subject to change. Please check at: < Please note that General Education requirements for AAS, AGS, MAPPS, and ATP degrees may vary. "See the Course Equivalency Guide for complete information. It is available at:" Literacy and Critical Inquiry (L) AIS213 American Indian Religions (L or HU, C) COM225 Public Speaking CRE101 College Critical Reading ENG111 Technical/Professional Writing ENH254 Literature and Film (L or HU) GBS233 Business Communication IFS101 Info Skills in the Digital Age PHI103 Intro to Logic (L or HU) S#(PHI1103) PHI218 Philosophy of Sexuality (L or HU) PSY290AB Research Methods (L or SG) REL203 American Indian Religion (L or HU, C) THE220 Modern Drama (HU or L ) S#(THE2220) Humanities & Fine Arts (HU) AIS213 American Indian Religions (L or HU, C) AJS123 Ethics and Administration of Justice ARH100 Introduction to Art ARH101 Prehistoric thru Gothic Art (G/H) S#(ART1101) ARH102 Renaissance thru Contp Art (G/H) S#(ART1101) ARH115 History of Photography ARH203 Art of Ancient Egypt (H) ASB214 Magic, Witchcraft and Healing (G) ASB222 Buried Cities & Lost Tribes: Old World (SB or HU, G/H) ASB223 Buried Cities & Lost Tribes: New World (SB or HU, G/H) CNS101 Construction and Culture (G/H) EDU291 Children’s Literature EDU292 Art of Storytelling (C) ENH110 Introduction to Literature (C) ENH112 Chicano Literature (C) ENH114 African-American Literature (C) ENH251 Mythology (G) ENH254 Literature and Film (L or HU) ENH291 Children’s Literature HCR210 Clinical Health Care Ethics HIS101 Hist. West. Civi. Mid. Ages to 1789 (HU or SB/H) HIS102 Hist. West. Civi. 1789 to present (HU or SB, H/G) HIS103 U S History to 1865 (HU or SB/H) HIS108 US History 1945-Present (HU or SB/H) HUM108 Contemporary Humanities (honors only) HUM205 Intro to Cinema HUM209 Women and Films (C/H) HUM210 Contemporary Cinema HUM292 Art of Storytelling(C) INT115 Historical Architecture and Furniture (H) INT120 Modern Architecture and Furniture (H) MHL140 Survey of Music History (H) MHL143 Music in World Cultures (G) MHL145 American Jazz and Popular Music MHL153 Rock Music and Culture MHL241 Music History & Literature to 1750 MHL242 Music History & Literature 1750 to present PHI101 Intro to Philosophy DRAFT I Humanities & Fine Arts Continued PHI103 Intro to Logic (L or HU) S# PHI1103) PHI213 Medical and Bio Ethics PHI216 Environmental Ethics (G) PHI218 Philosophy of Sexuality (HU or L) PHI251 Philosophy of Sport REL203 American Indian Religions (L or HU, C) REL243 World Religions (G) SPH245 Hispanic Heritage in the Southwest (C) STO292 Art of Storytelling(C) THE205 Introduction to Cinema THE210 Contemporary Cinema THE220 Modern Drama (HU or L) S#(THE2220) Social & Behavioral (SB) AIS101 Art of Ancient Egypt (C) AIS140 American Indian History (C, H) AJS101 Intro to Criminal Justice AJS200 Current Issues in Criminal Justice AJS225 Criminology AJS270 Community Relations (C) ASB102 Intro to Cultural and Social Anthropology (G) ASB222 Buried Cities & Lost Tribes: Old World (SB or HU, G/H) ASB223 Buried Cities & Lost Tribes: New World (SB or HU, G/H) ASM104 Bones, Stones and Human Evolution (SB or SG, H) CFS157 Marriage and Family Life CFS176 Child Development COM100 Intro to Human Communication S# (COM1100) COM110 Interpersonal Communication COM230 Small Group Communications (SB) ECN211 Macroeconomic Principles S# (ECN2201) ECN212 Microeconomic Principles S#(ECN2202) EDU221 Intro to Education EDU222 Intro to Exceptional Learner (C) GCU102 Intro to Human Geography (G) GCU221 Arizona Geography (C/H) HES100 Healthful Living HIS101 History of Western Civilization Middle Ages to 1789 (HU or SB, H) HIS102 History of Western Civilization 1789 to Present (HU or SB G/H) HIS103 United States History to 1865 (SB or HU, H) HIS104 United States History 1865 to Present (H) HIS108 United States History 1945 to Present (SB or HU, H) HIS140 American Indian History (C, H) HIS204 African American History 1865 to Present (SB, C/H) HIS209 Chicano in 20th Century America (C/H) HIS273 US Experience in Vietnam (H) POS110 American National Government S# (POS1110) POS125 Issues in World Politics (G) PSY101 Intro to Psychology S# (PSY1101) PSY132 Psychology & Culture (C/G) PSY240 Developmental Psychology PSY266 Abnormal Psychology PSY277 Psychology of Human Sexuality REC120 Leisure and the Quality of Life SBU200 Society and Business (G) SOC101 Intro to Sociology S# (SOC1101) SOC140 Racial and Ethnic Minorities (C) S#(SOC2215) SOC212 Gender and Society (C) SOC251 Social Problems SWU102 Intro to Social Work (H) SWU292 Effective Helping in a Diverse World (C) WST161 American Women Since 1920 (C/H) [Type text] Natural Sciences – Quantitative (SQ/SG) BIO100 Biology Concepts Lec + Lab BIO105 Environmental Biology Lec + Lab BIO108 Plants and Society Lec + Lab BIO156 Intro to Biology for Allied Health & lab BIO181 General Biology (Majors) I Lec + Lab S#(BIO1181) CHM107 Chemistry and Society Lec + Lab CHM130 Fundamental Chemistry Lec + Lab S#(CHM1130) CHM150 General Chemistry I Lec Plus CHM151 lab CHM151 General Chemistry I Lec + Lab S#(CHM1151) CHM152 General Chemistry II Lec + Lab S#(CHM1152) CHM230 Fundamental Organic Chemistry Lec + lab GLG101 Intro to Geology S#(GLG1101) &103 Intro to Geology I Lab (G) GPH111 Intro to Physical Geography PHY101 Intro to Physics Lec + Lab PHY111 General Physics I Lec + Lab S#(PHY1111) PHY112 General Physics II Lec + Lab S#(PHY1112) PHY121 Univ. Physics I: Mech Lec + Lab S# (PHY1121) PHY131 Univ. Physics II: Elect/ Mag Lec + Lab S#(PHY1131) Natural Sciences – General (SG)___________________________ ASM104 Bones, Stones and Human Evolution (SB or SG,) AST101/102 Survey of Astronomy Lec + Lab BIO145 Marine Biology BIO160 Intro Human Anatomy and Physiology Lec + lab BIO182 General Biology (Majors) II Lec + Lab S#(BIO1182) BIO201 Human Anatomy and Phys I Lec+Lab S#(BIO2201) BIO202 Human Anatomy and Phy II Lec + Lab S#(BIO2202) BIO205 Microbiology Lec + Lab S#(BIO2205 GLG110 Geol disastrs and Envrnmnt (G) GLG111 Geol disastrs Envrn Lab FON241 & FON241LL Principles of Human Nutrition Lec + Lab PSY290AB Research Methods Lec + Lab (L or SG) Computer/Statistics BPC110 Computer Usage and Applications CIS105 Survey Comp Info Systems CIS159 Visual Basic Programming I CIS162AD C# Level I GBS221 Business Statistics MAT206 Elements of Statistics PSY230 Intro to Statistics S#(CIS1120) S#(BUS2201) Cultural Diversity Awareness (C) AIS101 Survey/Am Indian Issues (SB, C) AIS140 American Indian History (SB, C/H) AIS170 Am Indian History of the Southwest (C/H) AIS213 American Indian Religions (L or HU/C) AJS270 Community Relations (SB, C) EDU222 Intro to Exceptional Learner (SB, C) EDU230 Cultural Diversity in Education EDU292 Art of Storytelling (HU, C) ENH110 Intro to Literature (HU, C) ENH112 Chicano Literature (HU,C) ENH114 African/American Literature (HU,C) GCU221 Arizona Geography (SB, C/H) HCR230 Culture and Health (C/G) HIS140 American Indian History (SB, H/C) HIS170 American Indian History of the Southwest (C/H) HIS204 African American History 1865 to Present (SB, C/H) HIS209 Chicano in 20th Century America (SB, C/H) HUM209 Women and Films (HU, C/H) HUM292 Art of Storytelling (HU, C) PSY132 Psychology & Culture (SB, C/G) REL203 American Indian Religions (L or HU, C) Cultural Diversity Continued SLG212 Deaf Culture SOC140 Racial and Ethnic Minorities (SB, C) SOC212 Gender and Society (SB/C) SPH245 Hispanic Heritage in the Southwest (HU, C) STO292 Art of Storytelling (HU, C) SWU292 Effective Helping in a Diverse World (SB) WST161 American Women Since 1920 (SB, C/H) Global Awareness (G) ASB102 Intro to Cultural and Social Anthropology (SB, G) ASB214 Magic, Witchcraft & Healing (HU, G) ASB222 Buried Cities & Lost Tribes: Old World (HU or SB, G/H) ASB223 Buried Cities & Lost Tribes: New World (HU or SB, G/H) CNS101 Construction and Culture (HU, H/G) ENH251 Mythology (HU, G) GCU102 Intro to Human Geography (SB) GLG101 Intro to Geology I (SQ, G) S#(GLG1101) & Lab GLG103 GLG110 Geol Disastrs and Envrnmnt Lec (SG, G) HCR230 Culture and Health (C/G) HIS102 Hist. of West.Civili. 1789 to Present (SB or HU, G/H) MHL143 Music in World Cultures (HU, G) PHI216 Environmental Ethics (HU, G) POS125 Issues in World Politics (SB, G) PSY132 Psychology & Culture (SB, C/G) REL 243 World Religons (HU, G) SBU200 Society and Business (SB, G) SPA201 Intermediate Spanish I S#(SPA2201) SPA202 Intermediate Spanish II S#(SPA2202) Historical Awareness(H)______________________ AIS140 American Indian History (SB, C/H) AIS170 AM Indian History of the Southwest (C/H) ARH101 Prehist. Thru Gothic Art (HU, H) S#(ART1101) ARH102 Renaissance thru Cont. Art (HU, H) S#(ART1102) ARH203 Art of Ancient Egypt (HU, H) ASB222 Buried Cities & Lost Tribes: Old World (HU or SB, G/H) ASB223 Buried Cities & Lost Tribes: New World (HU or SB, G/H) CNS101 Construction and Culture (HU,G/H) GCU221 Arizona Geography (SB, C/H) HCR220 Intro Nursing/Health Care Sys HIS101 History of Western Civilization Middle Ages-1789 (HU or SB, H) HIS102 Hist. of West. Civil. 1789 to Present (HU or SB, G/H) HIS103 United States History to 1865 (HU or SB, H) HIS104 United States History to 1865 to Present (SB, H) HIS108 United States History 1945 to Present (SB or HU, H) HIS140 American Indian History (SB, C/H) HIS170 American Indian History of the Southwest (C/H) HIS204 African American History 1865 to Present (SB, C/H) HIS209 The Chicano in 20th Century America (SB,C/H) HIS273 US Experience in Vietnam (SB, H) HUM209 Women and Films (HU, C/H) INT115 Historical Architecture and Furniture (HU, H) INT120 Modern Arch and Furniture (HU, H) MHL140 Survey of Music History (HU, H) SWU102 Intro to Social Work (SB, H) WST161 American Women Since 1920 (SB, H/C) S#= Approved SUN courses have direct equivalency for transfer among Arizona’s public community colleges and three state universities. Qualified students may earn Honors credit. Please check with The Honors Office located on the north/east side of the Bookstore building or call 602-285-7305. Doris S., Danny Chavez & Analicia De Anda revised 9/26/2012 [Type text]