2013-2014 New Course Codes Elementary/Secondary No-Grade/No-Credit Codes (No Specific Teacher Certification) Elementary (PK-6) Secondary (6-12) 801100 802100 Title Homeroom A class in which pupils meet at certain times under the supervision of a teacher who takes attendance and administers other school business. 801101 802101 Conduct (No Credit) Complying with the school Code of Conduct and classroom rules, procedures, and regulations. 801102 802102 Lunch 802103 Social/Developmental Skills (No Credit) Time allocated for lunch. 801103 Acquisition of social and behavioral skills. 801104 802104 Study Hall 802105 Orientation Supervised independent study. 801105 Introduction to school/classroom policies, procedures, and culture. 801106 802106 Student Aide (No Credit) Supervised student assistance, e.g., Teacher Aide, Office Aide, Lab Assistant. 801107 802107 Peer Helper (No Credit) Supervised tutoring services offered by students. 801108 802108 Extracurricular (No Credit) Non-academic, supervised activity, e.g., dance team, marching band, cheerleading, competitive athletic teams. 801109 802109 Hobbies (No Credit) Opportunity for a student to explore a new interest in a supervised activity. Activities such as reading, creative writing, sports, computer games, chess, music, dance, foreign languages, and art that give an extra intellectual challenge. 801110 802110 Club/Activity School-sponsored sessions, e.g., National Honor Society, Beta Club, Mu Alpha Theta, Academic Team, Book Club. 801111 802111 Schedule Filler School code for scheduling non-full-day students or assisting in grouping students in the schedule development process, e.g., Zero Period, Lunch A. Updated May 14, 2013 1 2013-2014 New Course Codes (cont.) Elementary/Secondary (cont.) Grade/Credit Codes (No Specific Teacher Certification) Elementary (PK-6) Secondary (6-12) Title 801200 802200 Enrichment 802201 Conduct (Credit) Enhanced learning activities. 801201 Complying with the school Code of Conduct and classroom rules, procedures, and regulations. 801202 802202 School Publications Assisting in production/maintenance of school publications, e.g., Yearbook, Newspaper, E-papers, Web site maintenance, Newsletter. 801203 802203 Social/Developmental Skills (Credit) Acquisition of social and behavioral skills. 801204 802204 Content Textual Reading Reading skills, with an emphasis on reading comprehension, across all subjects, above and beyond instruction provided in required courses. 801205 802205 Transferred Elective Code for any elective course of transfer student for which no state code is listed. 801206 802206 Student Aide (Credit) Supervised student assistance that involves learning new skills, e.g., Library/Media Aide, Special Education Aide. 801207 802207 Peer Helper (Credit) Supervised tutoring services offered by students who have completed training in peer tutoring strategies. 801208 802208 Extracurricular (Credit) Non-academic, supervised activity, e.g., dance team, marching band, cheerleading, competitive athletic teams. 801209 802209 Hobbies (Credit) Opportunity for a student to explore a new interest in a supervised activity. Activities such as reading, creative writing, sport, computer games, chess, music, dance, foreign languages, and art that give an extra intellectual challenge. 802210 Survey Elective, Grades 6-8 (Grade Only) Exploring the areas of arts education, career and technical education, and/or languages other than English in middle school. Updated May 14, 2013 2 2013-2014 New Course Codes (cont.) Elementary/Secondary (cont.) Elementary (PK-6) Secondary (6-12) 100119 Title Arts Elective, Grades PK-6 NOTE: MAY BE USED FOR DANCE, MUSIC, THEATRE, VISUAL ARTS OR A COMBINATION TO TEACH THE CREATIVE/PERFORMING PROCESS. 101000 Reading Elective, Grades PK-6 NOTE: FOR TEACHING READING TO STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES IN GRADES PK-6, SEE THE SPECIAL EDUCATION COURSES SECTION. THIS COURSE MAY NOT SUBSTITUTE FOR THE REQUIRED READING STANDARDS FOR THESE GRADES. Additional or specialized reading concepts related to one or both types of text: literature, informational text. 101100 Mathematics Elective, Grades PK-6 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY NOT SUBSTITUTE FOR THE REQUIRED MATHEMATICS STANDARDS FOR THESE GRADES. Additional or specialized mathematical concepts. 101300 Science Elective, Grades PK-6 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY NOT SUBSTITUTE FOR THE REQUIRED SCIENCE STANDARDS FOR THESE GRADES. Specialized science processes; scientific principles and knowledge; and skills, application, and experimentation in life, physical, and earth sciences. 101400 Social Studies Elective, Grades PK-6 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY NOT SUBSTITUTE FOR THE REQUIRED SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDS FOR THESE GRADES. Additional or specialized social studies concepts. 101900 Foreign Language Survey, Grades PK-6 Survey course of languages other than English for Grades PK-6; listening, speaking, understanding, and responding skills. 200038 English Elective, Grades 7-8 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY NOT SUBSTITUTE FOR THE REQUIRED ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS FOR THESE GRADES. Courses developed locally to fulfill specialized interests. 200039 Creative Writing (0.5 Credit) NOTE: DOES NOT FULFILL ANY OF THE FOUR ENGLISH CREDITS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION. Composing poetry, short stories, and critical responses 200040 Creative Writing (Grade 8, Half-Year Course) NOTE: THIS COURSE DOES NOT REPLACE ENGLISH 8.Creative Writing Elective Grade 8 is a half-year elective course which explores children's short stories, poetry, and other works of fiction and non-fiction. Through the study of literary works, the students will have multiple opportunities to practice the process of writing. Writing assignments are age-appropriate for middle school students. Updated May 14, 2013 3 2013-2014 New Course Codes (cont.) Elementary/Secondary (cont.) Elementary (PK-6) Secondary (6-12) 200047 Title Creative Writing (Grade 8, Full-Year Course) NOTE: THIS COURSE DOES NOT REPLACE ENGLISH 8.Creative Writing Grade 8 is a full-year course which offers the emerging writer a framework through which he/she can develop his/her literary talents. The course will guide the student through an exploration of different literary genres and offer a plethora of activities that will result in the practice of the craft of writing through the creation of both fiction and nonfiction writing samples. Writing assignments are age appropriate for middle school students. 200065 Language A: Language and Literature, SL, IB NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on the critical study and interpretation of written and spoken texts from a wide range of literary and non-literary genres; skills of literary criticism; strong written and oral skills. 200066 Language A: Language and Literature, HL, IB NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on the critical study and interpretation of written and spoken texts from a wide range of literary and non-literary genres; skills of literary criticism; strong written and oral skills. 200067 Literature and Performance, SL, IB NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on an exploration of the relationship between literature and theatre; focuses on the interaction between the literary skills of close reading, critical writing and discussion, and the practical, aesthetic, and symbolic elements of performance. 210035 Mathematics Elective, Grades 7-8 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY NOT SUBSTITUTE FOR THE REQUIRED MATHEMATICS FOR THESE GRADES. Additional or specialized mathematical concepts. 220005 Science Elective, Grades 7-8 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY NOT SUBSTITUTE FOR THE REQUIRED SCIENCE STANDARDS FOR THESE GRADES. Specialized science processes; scientific principles and knowledge; and skills, application, and experimentation in life, physical, and earth sciences. Updated May 14, 2013 4 2013-2014 New Course Codes (cont.) Elementary/Secondary (cont.) Elementary (PK-6) Secondary (6-12) 220045 Title Life Science Elective, Grades 9-12 NOTE: DOES NOT FULFILL THE GRADUATION REQUIREMENT FOR BIOLOGY, "A PHYSICAL SCIENCE", OR THE TWO ADDITIONAL SCIENCE REQUIREMENTS. Specialized topics, processes, skills, applications, principles, and experimentation in life science. 220054 Physical Science Elective, Grades 9-12 NOTE: DOES NOT FULFILL THE GRADUATION REQUIREMENT FOR BIOLOGY, "A PHYSICAL SCIENCE", OR THE TWO ADDITIONAL SCIENCE REQUIREMENTS. Specialized science topics, processes, skills, applications, principles, and experimentation. 220098 Computer Science, SL, IB NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on computational thinking which lies at the heart of the course and is integrated with other topics; designated by the IB program as an experimental science alongside biology, chemistry, etc.; topics are supported by practical activities including programming. 220099 Computer Science, HL, IB NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on computational thinking which lies at the heart of the course and is integrated with other topics; designated by the IB program as an experimental science alongside biology, chemistry, etc.; topics are supported by practical activities including programming. 220100 Sports, Exercise, and Health Science, SL, IB NOTE: THIS COURSE IS APPLICABLE ONLY WHEN ADMINISTERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on content that explores the concepts, theories, models, and techniques that underpin the subject areas of sports, exercise, and health in the framework of the scientific method. 230033 History, SL, IB NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on an understanding of history as a discipline, including the nature and diversity of its sources, methods, and interpretations; enables students to think critically in their reflection of the past. 230034 History, HL, IB NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on an understanding of history as a discipline, including the nature and diversity of its sources, methods, and interpretations; enables students to think critically in their reflection of the past. Updated May 14, 2013 5 2013-2014 New Course Codes (cont.) Elementary/Secondary (cont.) Elementary (PK-6) Secondary (6-12) 230059 Title Business and Management, SL, IB NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on how business decision-making processes impact on and are affected by internal and external environments; designed to develop an understanding of business theory, as well as an ability to apply business principles, practices, and skills. 230060 Business and Management, HL, IB NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on how business decision-making processes impact on and are affected by internal and external environments; designed to develop an understanding of business theory, as well as an ability to apply business principles, practices, and skills. 230096 Philosophy, SL, IB NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on content developing students' ability to formulate arguments in a sound and purposeful way, encouraging students to develop intellectually independent and creative ways of thinking; concerned with clarity of understanding achieved through critical and systematic thinking, careful analysis of arguments, the study of philosophical texts, and a close reading of philosophical texts. 230097 Philosophy, HL, IB NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on content developing students' ability to formulate arguments in a sound and purposeful way, encouraging students to develop intellectually independent and creative ways of thinking; concerned with clarity of understanding achieved through critical and systematic thinking, careful analysis of arguments, the study of philosophical texts, and a close reading of philosophical texts. 230098 World Religions, SL, IB NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on content which seeks to promote an awareness of religious issues in the contemporary world by requiring the study of a diverse range of religions; offers a systematic, analytical yet empathetic study of the variety of beliefs and practices encountered in the nine main religions of the world. Updated May 14, 2013 6 2013-2014 New Course Codes (cont.) Elementary/Secondary (cont.) Elementary (PK-6) Secondary (6-12) 230204 Title Information Technology in a Global Society, SL, IB NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on content based on three interconnected strands: social and ethical significance, application to specified scenarios, and information technology (IT) systems; uses an integrated approach, encouraging students to make informed judgments and decisions about the role of information and communication technologies in contemporary society. 230205 Information Technology in a Global Society, HL, IB NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on content based on three interconnected strands: social and ethical significance, application to specified scenarios, and information technology (IT) systems; uses an integrated approach, encouraging students to make informed judgments and decisions about the role of information and communication technologies in contemporary society. 260005 Web Design I Web Design I enables the student to become a Web Design Intern for a virtual company called Education Designs. The student will use the same computer each day and will have access to storage space on that computer. The student will learn Internet basics, HTML, and the file structure of a well-organized Web site. Visually interesting Web pages will be developed using clear text, complimentary colors, visual assets, and appealing designs. The student will learn how to navigate the Internet to build a Web site with useful and well-researched information. The Web pages developed can be used as information sources for other Internet users. 260006 Web Design II This course takes the student through the entire Web site construction process from planning, through creating the structure, to adding the final graphics to enhance the completed design. The student will use the same computer each day and will have access to storage space on that computer. The students will learn how to create a storyboard or blueprint for a Web site; learn about Web site navigation, style sheets, graphic creation, digital image optimization, security, and server hosting; and learn how to work in teams, with specific tasks assigned to individual team members. Freeware products are used for Web site creation and management. 270054 Classical Greek, ab initio, SL, IB NOTE: THIS COURSE IS APPLICABLE ONLY WHEN ADMINISTERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on content that explores the language, literature, and culture of ancient Greece. Updated May 14, 2013 7 2013-2014 New Course Codes (cont.) Elementary/Secondary (cont.) Elementary (PK-6) Secondary (6-12) 270055 Title Classical Greek, B, SL, IB NOTE: THIS COURSE IS APPLICABLE ONLY WHEN ADMINISTERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on content that explores the language, literature, and culture of ancient Greece. 270056 Classical Greek, B, HL, IB NOTE: THIS COURSE IS APPLICABLE ONLY WHEN ADMINISTERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on content that explores the language, literature, and culture of ancient Greece. 280018 Dance, SL, IB NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on content which focuses on the composition, performance, and analysis of dance, or "expressive movement," which is practiced among peoples of various backgrounds, and for a variety of purposes, throughout the planet. 280019 Dance, HL, IB NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on content which focuses on the composition, performance, and analysis of dance, or "expressive movement," which is practiced among peoples of various backgrounds, and for a variety of purposes, throughout the planet. Career and Technical Education Secondary 400025 Title Career Preparedness A one-credit course that is taught in Grades 9-12. The course prepares students with content knowledge and skills in the areas of career development and academic planning, computer skill application, and financial literacy. Also, this course is designed to meet the required 20-hour online experience. 400026 Career Preparedness-A A one-half credit course that is taught in grades 9-12. The course prepares students with knowledge and skills in the areas of career development and academic planning and computer skill application. This course is a prerequisite to Career Preparedness-B. The required 20-hour online experience can be met by successfully completing both Career Preparedness A and Career Preparedness B. Updated May 14, 2013 8 2013-2014 New Course Codes (cont.) Career and Technical Education (cont.) Secondary 400027 Title Career Preparedness-B A one-half credit course that is taught in grades 9-12. The course prepares students with knowledge and skills in the areas of career development and academic planning and financial literacy. The prerequisite for this course is Career Preparedness-A. The required 20-hour online experience can be met by successful completion of both Career Preparedness A and Career Preparedness B. 400032 Cooperative Education Seminar/ Work-Based Experience Second Credit Note: The teacher of this course must have earned credit in “Functions of the Coordinator” or “Principles of Coordination.” A one-credit work-based experience requiring a minimum of 270 continuous and successful hours of employment (average of 15 hours per week) performed under the supervision of a workplace mentor and the work-based learning/cooperative education coordinator. Students enrolled in work-based experiences are required to participate in Cooperative Education Seminar one class period per week. 420077 Senior Career Pathway ProjectAgriculture, Food & Natural Resources A one-credit course designed for students who have completed a minimum of two career and technical education courses to select an area of interest; engage in in-depth exploration of the area; employ problem-solving, decision-making, and independent learning skills; and present a culminating pathway project before a selected audience. 430129 Senior Career Pathway ProjectArchitecture & Construction A one-credit course designed for students who have completed a minimum of two career and technical education courses to select an area of interest; engage in in-depth exploration of the area; employ problem-solving, decision-making, and independent learning skills; and present a culminating pathway project before a selected audience. 440054 Senior Career Pathway ProjectArts, A/V Tech & Communications A one-credit course designed for students who have completed a minimum of two career and technical education courses to select an area of interest; engage in in-depth exploration of the area; employ problem-solving, decision-making, and independent learning skills; and present a culminating pathway project before a selected audience. Updated May 14, 2013 9 2013-2014 New Course Codes (cont.) Career and Technical Education (cont.) Secondary 450032 Title Senior Career Pathway ProjectBusiness, Management & Administration A one-credit course designed for students who have completed a minimum of two career and technical education courses to select an area of interest; engage in in-depth exploration of the area; employ problem-solving, decision-making, and independent learning skills; and present a culminating pathway project before a selected audience. 460032 Senior Career Pathway ProjectEducation & Training A one-credit course designed for students who have completed a minimum of two career and technical education courses to select an area of interest; engage in in-depth exploration of the area; employ problem-solving, decision-making, and independent learning skills; and present a culminating pathway project before a selected audience. 470061 Senior Career Pathway ProjectFinance A one-credit course designed for students who have completed a minimum of two career and technical education courses to select an area of interest; engage in in-depth exploration of the area; employ problem-solving, decision-making, and independent learning skills; and present a culminating pathway project before a selected audience. 480045 Army JROTC 1b This course is designed to develop an understanding of leadership traits and principles, citizenship, oral communication, physical fitness, health/wellness including drug prevention and CPR, motivational techniques such as “Unlocking Your Potential” and an awareness of military history. 480046 Army JROTC 2b This course is designed to develop proficiency in health/wellness and CPR techniques, and an appreciation for self-awareness techniques (“Winning Colors”), modern technologies, career opportunities, and role of the U.S. Army, military history, and physical fitness. 480047 Army JROTC 3b This course develops an understanding of the justice system (military and civilian), the role of the U.S. Armed forces, safety (hunting and boating), orienteering, physical fitness, new technologies, military history, and motivational learning techniques such as “Power Learning." Updated May 14, 2013 10 2013-2014 New Course Codes (cont.) Career and Technical Education (cont.) Secondary 480048 Title Army JROTC 4b This course develops proficiency in command and staff procedures, physical fitness, military parades and ceremonies, citizenship, science and new technologies and communications. Students must demonstrate ability to speak to large audiences, perform staff briefings and prepare staff reports, write resumes and cover letters, and complete job applications. They must also apply problem solving/decision making skills in leadership and supervisory positions of authority. 480066 Navy Science 1b-JROTC This course is designed to develop knowledge of naval ships and their mission, ship construction and damage control and firefighting. Maritime Geography is introduced. Health/Wellness including drug awareness, CPR, physical fitness and basic military drill are continued. 480067 Navy Science 2b-JROTC This course is designed to develop an understanding of navigation fundamentals, naval communication, intelligence and national security. First aid and health education, physical fitness and military drill are provided. 480068 Navy Science 3b-JROTC This course provides naval history from WWII to Desert Storm, naval operations, meteorology and the principal of electricity. Ongoing physical fitness and military drill training is provided. 480069 Navy Science 4b-JROTC This course continues advance leadership and ethics training. Students are required to demonstrate the ability to direct large groups, provide one-on-one instruction, present briefing and exhibit problem solving/decision making techniques. 480070 JROTC Leadership Application This course provides students the opportunity to become proficient in the practical application of basic and advanced military skill through the development of individual leadership abilities, confidence, self-esteem, discipline, and teamwork. Content includes execution of military drill and ceremonies, physical training and leadership lab applications. Course is designed to give flexibility to cadets needing to take a required ½ credit course in another area of study and wanting to remain active in JROTC. 480071 Geography-Maps and Regions, JROTC This course is designed to build map reading and land navigation skill. It also develops global awareness as cadets compare physical, political, economic and cultural elements of continents, region and countries and examine the global nature of environmental issues. Updated May 14, 2013 11 2013-2014 New Course Codes (cont.) Career and Technical Education (cont.) Secondary 480072 Title Success for Life-JROTC This course is designed to provide for students a wide range of skill and habits that are life enhancing and important to success in any field of endeavor. Subjects included: Writing with a focus on business, technical and resume writing; Financial Management with a focus money management, credit budgeting taxes, home ownership and mortgages; Continuing Educational Opportunities and Healthy Lifestyle with focus on lifelong physical well-being and personal appearance/presentation. 480073 ACT/SAT Prep-JROTC This course is designed to use the March2Success Distance Learning Course developed by the United States Army to enhance student skills in Math and Language Arts to improve student performance on college entrance tests. Computer lab will be necessary for this course. 480074 Leadership and Foundations for SuccessJROTC This course provides each student an understanding of leadership theories, techniques, traits and principles with an in depth focus on oral and written communication. Students develop a foundation of requisite skill necessary to successfully complete high school by focusing on personal self-awareness, brain structure and function, individual learning styles, multiple intelligences and conflict resolution. 480075 Citizenship and the Constitution-JROTC This course is designed to provide the student an appreciation for the citizen’s role in our democratic society. The US Constitution, its history and development and citizen’s rights and responsibilities are studied. 480076 Senior Career Pathway ProjectGovernment & Public Administration A one-credit course designed for students who have completed a minimum of two career and technical education courses to select an area of interest; engage in in-depth exploration of the area; employ problem-solving, decision-making, and independent learning skills; and present a culminating pathway project before a selected audience. 490033 Medical Terminology A one-credit course designed for students to develop health care-specific knowledge for a medical field. The course uses an integrated approach for teaching the language of medicine by incorporating medical terminology with anatomy and physiology and the disease process. Updated May 14, 2013 12 2013-2014 New Course Codes (cont.) Career and Technical Education (cont.) Secondary 490034 Title Nurse Aide Training A two-credit course designed for Grade 12 that enables students to pursue skill mastery in the classroom and laboratory, and participate in intensive job-specific training in the clinical area. The course is also designed to assist students in acquiring the fundamental knowledge and skills in preparation for the National Nurse Aid Assessment to become a Certified Nurse Aide (CNA). 490045 Senior Career Pathway ProjectHealth Science A one-credit course designed for students who have completed a minimum of two career and technical education courses to select an area of interest; engage in in-depth exploration of the area; employ problem-solving, decision-making, and independent learning skills; and present a culminating pathway project before a selected audience. 500040 Senior Career Pathway ProjectHospitality & Tourism A one-credit course designed for students who have completed a minimum of two career and technical education courses to select an area of interest; engage in in-depth exploration of the area; employ problem-solving, decision-making, and independent learning skills; and present a culminating pathway project before a selected audience. 510069 Senior Career Pathway ProjectHuman Services, FACS A one-credit course designed for students who have completed a minimum of two career and technical education courses to select an area of interest; engage in in-depth exploration of the area; employ problem-solving, decision-making, and independent learning skills; and present a culminating pathway project before a selected audience. 510070 Senior Career Pathway ProjectHuman Services, Cosmetology A one-credit course designed for students who have completed a minimum of two career and technical education courses to select an area of interest; engage in in-depth exploration of the area; employ problem-solving, decision-making, and independent learning skills; and present a culminating pathway project before a selected audience. 520008 Computer Science Principles A one-credit course designed to introduce students to the central ideas of computing and computer science. The course content is focused on creativity, abstraction, algorithms, programming, big data, Internet/networking, and societal impact. Updated May 14, 2013 13 2013-2014 New Course Codes (cont.) Career and Technical Education (cont.) Secondary 520037 Title Senior Career Pathway ProjectInformation Technology A one-credit course designed for students who have completed a minimum of two career and technical education courses to select an area of interest; engage in in-depth exploration of the area; employ problem-solving, decision-making, and independent learning skills; and present a culminating pathway project before a selected audience. 530024 Senior Career Pathway ProjectLaw, Public Safety, Corrections & Security A one-credit course designed for students who have completed a minimum of two career and technical education courses to select an area of interest; engage in in-depth exploration of the area; employ problem-solving, decision-making, and independent learning skills; and present a culminating pathway project before a selected audience. 540051 Senior Career Pathway ProjectManufacturing A one-credit course designed for students who have completed a minimum of two career and technical education courses to select an area of interest; engage in in-depth exploration of the area; employ problem-solving, decision-making, and independent learning skills; and present a culminating pathway project before a selected audience. 550022 Senior Career Pathway ProjectMarketing, Sales & Service A one-credit course designed for students who have completed a minimum of two career and technical education courses to select an area of interest; engage in in-depth exploration of the area; employ problem-solving, decision-making, and independent learning skills; and present a culminating pathway project before a selected audience. 560109 Aerospace Engineering Applications A one-credit course designed for students to further enhance their knowledge of space through a series of projects that include in-depth research, concept application, and prototype development. Students will develop a capstone project, complete a prototype and defend its development before a selected audience. The prerequisites for this course are Fundamentals of Aerospace Technology and Advanced Aerospace Technology. Updated May 14, 2013 14 2013-2014 New Course Codes (cont.) Career and Technical Education (cont.) Secondary 560110 Title Advanced Astronautics A one-credit course designed to enhance students’ knowledge of flight. Students will be engaged in projects that require extensive research, concept application, and prototype development. The capstone project will be presented and defended before a select panel of reviewers. The prerequisites for this course are Fundamentals of Aerospace Technology and Advanced Aerospace Technology. 560111 Senior Career Pathway ProjectScience, Technology, Engineering & Math A one-credit course designed for students who have completed a minimum of two career and technical education courses to select an area of interest; engage in in-depth exploration of the area; employ problem-solving, decision-making, and independent learning skills; and present a culminating pathway project before a selected audience. 570071 Maintenance and Light Repair A A one-credit course designed to provide students with foundational knowledge and skills relative to safety, engine repair, automatic transmissions, and manual drive trains. 570072 Maintenance and Light Repair B A one-credit course designed to provide students with foundational knowledge and skills relative to safety, suspension and steering, and brakes. 570073 Maintenance and Light Repair C A one-credit course designed to provide students with foundational knowledge and skills relative to safety, brakes, and electrical/electronic systems. 570074 Maintenance and Light Repair D A one-credit course designed to provide students with foundational knowledge and skills relative to safety, engine performance, electrical/electronic systems, and heating and air conditioning. 570075 Automotive Service Technology A A one-credit course designed to provide students with service knowledge and skills relative to safety, engine repair, automatic transmissions, and manual drive trains. 570076 Automotive Service Technology B A one-credit course designed to provide students with service knowledge and skills relative to safety, suspension and steering, and brakes. Updated May 14, 2013 15 2013-2014 New Course Codes (cont.) Career and Technical Education (cont.) Secondary 570077 Title Automotive Service Technology C A one-credit course designed to provide students with service knowledge and skills relative to safety, brakes, and electrical/electronic systems. 570078 Automotive Service Technology D A one-credit course designed to provide students with service knowledge and skills relative to safety, engine performance, electrical/electronic systems, and heating and air conditioning. 570079 Master Automotive Service Technology A one-credit course designed to provide students with mastery knowledge and skills relative to safety, automatic transmissions and transaxles, manual drive train and axles, suspension and steering, brakes, engine repair, engine performance, electrical/electronic systems, and heating and air conditioning. 570080 Senior Career Pathway ProjectTransportation, Distribution & Logistics A one-credit course designed for students who have completed a minimum of two career and technical education courses to select an area of interest; engage in in-depth exploration of the area; employ problem-solving, decision-making, and independent learning skills; and present a culminating pathway project before a selected audience. Updated May 14, 2013 16 2013-2014 New Course Codes (cont.) Special Education Elementary (PK-6) 600410 600411 600412 600413 600414 600415 600416 Title AAS: Reading-K AAS: Reading-1 AAS: Reading-2 AAS: Reading-3 AAS: Reading-4 AAS: Reading-5 AAS: Reading-6 These codes apply to students with severe cognitive disabilities who are enrolled in reading using alternate achievement standards (Extended Standards) which are aligned to the Alabama Course of Study. Secondary (6-12) 600417 600418 600419 600420 600421 600422 Title AAS: Reading-7 AAS: Reading-8 AAS: Reading-9 AAS: Reading-10 AAS: Reading-11 AAS: Reading-12 These codes apply to students with severe cognitive disabilities who are enrolled in reading using alternate achievement standards (Extended Standards) which are aligned to the Alabama Course of Study. Elementary (PK-6) 600430 600431 600432 600433 600434 600435 600436 Title AAS: English Language Arts-K AAS: English Language Arts-1 AAS: English Language Arts-2 AAS: English Language Arts-3 AAS: English Language Arts-4 AAS: English Language Arts-5 AAS: English Language Arts-6 These codes apply to students with severe cognitive disabilities who are enrolled in English language arts using alternate achievement standards (Extended Standards) which are aligned to the Alabama Course of Study. Updated May 14, 2013 17 2013-2014 New Course Codes (cont.) Special Education (cont.) Secondary (6-12) 600437 600438 600439 600440 600441 600442 Title AAS: English Language Arts-7 AAS: English Language Arts-8 AAS: English Language Arts-9 AAS: English Language Arts-10 AAS: English Language Arts-11 AAS: English Language Arts-12 These codes apply to students with severe cognitive disabilities who are enrolled in English language arts using alternate achievement standards (Extended Standards) which are aligned to the Alabama Course of Study. Elementary (PK-6) 600450 600451 600452 600453 600454 600455 600456 Title AAS: Mathematics-K AAS: Mathematics-1 AAS: Mathematics-2 AAS: Mathematics-3 AAS: Mathematics-4 AAS: Mathematics-5 AAS: Mathematics-6 These codes apply to students with severe cognitive disabilities who are enrolled in mathematics using alternate achievement standards (Extended Standards) which are aligned to the Alabama Course of Study. Secondary (6-12) 600457 600458 600459 600460 600461 600462 Title AAS: Mathematics-7 AAS: Mathematics-8 AAS: Mathematics-9 AAS: Mathematics-10 AAS: Mathematics-11 AAS: Mathematics-12 These codes apply to students with severe cognitive disabilities who are enrolled in mathematics using alternate achievement standards (Extended Standards) which are aligned to the Alabama Course of Study. Updated May 14, 2013 18 2013-2014 New Course Codes (cont.) Special Education (cont.) Elementary (PK-6) 600470 600471 600472 600473 600474 600475 600476 Title AAS: Science-K AAS: Science-1 AAS: Science-2 AAS: Science-3 AAS: Science-4 AAS: Science-5 AAS: Science-6 These codes apply to students with severe cognitive disabilities who are enrolled in science using alternate achievement standards (Extended Standards) which are aligned to the Alabama Course of Study. Secondary (6-12) 600477 600478 600479 600480 600481 600482 Title AAS: Science-7 AAS: Science-8 AAS: Science-9 AAS: Science-10 AAS: Science-11 AAS: Science-12 These codes apply to students with severe cognitive disabilities who are enrolled in science using alternate achievement standards (Extended Standards) which are aligned to the Alabama Course of Study. Elementary (PK-6) 600490 600491 600492 600493 600494 600495 600496 Title AAS: Social Studies-K AAS: Social Studies-1 AAS: Social Studies-2 AAS: Social Studies-3 AAS: Social Studies-4 AAS: Social Studies-5 AAS: Social Studies-6 These codes apply to students with severe cognitive disabilities who are enrolled in social studies using alternate achievement standards (Extended Standards) which are aligned to the Alabama Course of Study. Updated May 14, 2013 19 2013-2014 New Course Codes (cont.) Special Education (cont.) Secondary (6-12) 600497 600498 600499 600500 600501 600502 Title AAS: Social Studies-7 AAS: Social Studies-8 AAS: Social Studies-9 AAS: Social Studies 10 AAS: Social Studies 11 AAS: Social Studies 12 These codes apply to students with severe cognitive disabilities who are enrolled in social studies using alternate achievement standards (Extended Standards) which are aligned to the Alabama Course of Study. Elementary and Secondary (K-8) 600506 Title AAS: Functional Performance This code applies to students with severe cognitive disabilities who are enrolled in a nonacademic course that addresses routine activities of everyday living. Secondary (6-12) 600510 600511 600512 600513 600514 600515 Title AAS: Life Skills-7 AAS: Life Skills-8 AAS: Life Skills-9 AAS: Life Skills-10 AAS: Life Skills-11 AAS: Life Skills-12 These codes apply to students with severe cognitive disabilities who are enrolled in a life skills course and are assessed using alternate achievement standards (Extended Standards). Updated May 14, 2013 20 2013-2014 New Course Codes (cont.) Special Education (cont.) Secondary (6-12) 600519 600520 600521 600522 600523 600524 Title AAS: Pre-Vocational-7 AAS: Pre-Vocational-8 AAS: Pre-Vocational-9 AAS: Pre-Vocational-10 AAS: Pre-Vocational-11 AAS: Pre-Vocational-12 These codes apply to students with severe cognitive disabilities who are enrolled in a pre-vocational course and are assessed using alternate achievement standards (Extended Standards). Secondary (6-12) 600529 600530 600531 600532 600533 600534 Title AAS:Vocational-7 AAS:Vocational-8 AAS:Vocational-9 AAS:Vocational-10 AAS:Vocational-11 AAS:Vocational-12 These codes apply to students with severe cognitive disabilities who are enrolled in a vocational course and are assessed using alternate achievement standards (Extended Standards). Secondary (6-12) 600539 600540 600541 600542 600543 600544 Title AAS: Community Based Instruction-7 AAS: Community Based Instruction-8 AAS: Community Based Instruction-9 AAS: Community Based Instruction-10 AAS: Community Based Instruction-11 AAS: Community Based Instruction-12 These codes apply to students with severe cognitive disabilities enrolled in a community based instruction course using alternate achievement standards (Extended Standards). Updated May 14, 2013 21 2013-2014 New Course Codes (cont.) Special Education (cont.) Secondary (6-12) 600549 600550 600551 600552 600553 600554 Title AAS: Elective-7 AAS: Elective-8 AAS: Elective-9 AAS: Elective-10 AAS: Elective-11 AAS: Elective-12 These codes apply to students with severe cognitive disabilities enrolled in an elective course using alternate achievement standards (Extended Standards). Secondary 700005 700006 700007 700008 Title English Essentials 9 English Essentials 10 English Essentials 11 English Essentials 12 These courses provide students with a practical knowledge of language and literature. The courses also include the refinement of reading, writing, editing and speaking skills. They are designed to prepare students for Postsecondary education and employment. Updated May 14, 2013 22 Retired/Deleted Courses Elementary/Secondary Secondary 200008 Title English, Grade 9, PreIB Year End 2012-2013 NOTE: This course is not applicable for 2011-12 and thereafter. Refer to honors/advanced courses. 200012 English, Grade 10, PreIB 2012-2013 NOTE: This course is not applicable for 2011-12 and thereafter. Refer to honors/advanced courses. 210021 Probability and Statistics 2013-2014 NOTE: FULFILLS ONE OF THE FOUR MATHEMATICS CREDITS FOR GRADUATION; EXPIRES END OF SUMMER, 2013. Advanced mathematics course; Binomial Theorem; collect, organize, analyze, and interpret data; calculate probabilities; descriptive statistics; analyze probability techniques; hypothesis validation; interpret linear relationships; data collection methods; methods of solutions. 210022 Algebra III with Statistics 2013-2014 NOTE: FULFILLS ONE OF THE FOUR MATHEMATICS CREDITS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION; ONLY FOR JUNIORS AND SENIORS COMPLETING THEIR 4-YEAR PLAN THROUGH 2013-2014. Advanced algebra course; relations, functions matrices; linear programming; trigonometric and exponential equations/inequalities; Binomial Theorem; polar coordinates; and statistical concepts, including descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, and linear and quadratic regression. 230023 History of the Americas I, SL, IB 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on Part I of the content of the history of the Americas including students' development of a critical appreciation of human experience and behavior; the varieties of physical, economic, and social environments that people inhabit; and, the history of social and cultural institutions 230024 History of the Americas I, HL, IB 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on Part I of the content of the history of the Americas including students' development of a critical appreciation of human experience and behavior; the varieties of physical, economic, and social environments that people inhabit; and, the history of social and cultural institutions Updated May 14, 2013 23 Retired/Deleted Courses Elementary/Secondary Secondary 230025 Title History of the Americas II, SL, IB Year End 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on Part II of the content of the history of the Americas including students' development of a critical appreciation of human experience and behavior; the varieties of physical, economic, and social environments that people inhabit; and, the history of social and cultural institutions 230026 History of the Americas II, HL, IB 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on Part II of the history of the Americas including students' development of a critical appreciation of human experience and behavior; the varieties of physical, economic, and social environments that people inhabit; and, the history of social and cultural institutions 230028 World History, IB 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. NOTE THAT THERE IS NO STANDARD LEVEL (SL) OR HIGHER LEVEL (HL) DESIGNATION FOR THIS COURSE. Emphasis on the content of world history including students' development of a critical appreciation of human experience and behavior; the varieties of physical, economic, and social environments that people inhabit; and, the history of social and cultural institutions. 230030 European History, IB 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on the content of European history including students' development of a critical appreciation of human experience and behavior; the varieties of physical, economic, and social environments that people inhabit; and, the history of social and cultural institutions 230031 Islamic History, IB 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. NOTE THAT THERE IS NO STANDARD LEVEL (SL) OR HIGHER LEVEL (HL) DESIGNATION FOR THIS COURSE. Emphasis on the content of Islamic history including students’ development of a critical appreciation of human experience and behavior; the varieties of physical, economic, and social environments that people inhabit; and, the history of social and cultural institutions Updated May 14, 2013 24 Retired/Deleted Courses Elementary/Secondary Secondary 230045 Title Comparative Government and Politics, SL, IB Year End 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on content relating to comparative government and politics including students’ development of a critical appreciation of human experience and behavior; the varieties of physical, economic, and social environments that people inhabit; and, the history of social and cultural institutions 230202 Global Studies, SL, IB 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on content relating to global studies including students’ development of a critical appreciation of human experience and behavior; varieties of physical, economic, and social environments that people inhabit; and, the history of social and cultural institutions 230203 Global Studies, HL, IB 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. Emphasis on content relating to global studies including students’ development of a critical appreciation of human experience and behavior; varieties of physical, economic, and social environments that people inhabit; and, the history of social and cultural institutions 270011 Chinese, A2, SL, IB 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. FULFILLS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE CREDIT TOWARD THE ADVANCED ACADEMIC ENDORSEMENT UNTIL FALL 2016. Emphasis on Chinese grammar, selections of literature, and culture for students for whom Chinese is not their native language (referred to as IB A1), but is the second language (referred to as IB A2) in which they are also fluent and highly competent. 270012 Chinese, A2, HL, IB 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. FULFILLS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE CREDIT TOWARD THE ADVANCED ACADEMIC ENDORSEMENT UNTIL FALL 2016. Emphasis on Chinese grammar, selections of literature, and culture for students for whom Chinese is not their native language (referred to as IB A1), but is the second language (referred to as IB A2) in which they are also fluent and highly competent. Updated May 14, 2013 25 Retired/Deleted Courses Elementary/Secondary Secondary 270031 Title French, A2, Sl, IB Year End 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. FULFILLS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE CREDIT TOWARD THE ADVANCED ACADEMIC ENDORSEMENT UNTIL FALL 2016. Emphasis on French grammar, selections of literature, and culture for students for whom French is not their native language (referred to as IB A1), but is the second language (referred to as IB A2) in which they are also fluent and highly competent. 270032 French, A2, HL, IB 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. FULFILLS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE CREDIT TOWARD THE ADVANCED ACADEMIC ENDORSEMENT UNTIL FALL 2016. Emphasis on French grammar, selections of literature, and culture for students for whom French is not their native language (referred to as IB A1), but is the second language (referred to as IB A2) in which they are also fluent and highly competent. 270051 German, A2, SL, IB 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. FULFILLS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE CREDIT TOWARD THE ADVANCED ACADEMIC ENDORSEMENT UNTIL FALL 2016. Emphasis on German grammar, selections of literature, and culture for students for whom German is not their native language (referred to as IB A1), but is the second language (referred to as IB A2) in which they are also fluent and highly competent. 270052 German, A2, HL, IB 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. FULFILLS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE CREDIT TOWARD THE ADVANCED ACADEMIC ENDORSEMENT UNTIL 2016. Emphasis on German grammar, selections of literature, and culture for students for whom German is not their native language (referred to as IB A1), but is the second language (referred to as IB A2) in which they are also fluent and highly competent. 270066 Modern Greek, A2, SL, IB 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. FULFILLS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE CREDIT TOWARD THE ADVANCED ACADEMIC ENDORSEMENT UNTIL FALL 2016. Emphasis on Modern Greek grammar, selections of literature, and culture for students for whom Modern Greek is not their native language (referred to as IB A1), but is the second language (referred to as IB A2) in which they are also fluent and highly competent. Updated May 14, 2013 26 Retired/Deleted Courses Elementary/Secondary Secondary 270067 Title Modern Greek, A2, HL, IB Year End 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. FULFILLS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE CREDIT TOWARD THE ADVANCED ACADEMIC ENDORSEMENT UNTIL FALL 2016. Emphasis on Modern Greek grammar, selections of literature, and culture for students for whom Modern Greek is not their native language (referred to as IB A1), but is the second language (referred to as IB A2) in which they are also fluent and highly competent. 270076 Italian, A2, SL, IB 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. FULFILLS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE CREDIT TOWARD THE ADVANCED ACADEMIC ENDORSEMENT UNTIL FALL 2016. Emphasis on Italian grammar, selections of literature, and culture for students for whom Italian is not their native language (referred to as IB A1), but is the second language (referred to as IB A2) in which they are also fluent and highly competent. 270077 Italian, A2, HL, IB 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. FULFILLS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE CREDIT TOWARD THE ADVANCED ACADEMIC ENDORSEMENT UNTIL FALL 2016. Emphasis on Italian grammar, selections of literature, and culture for students for whom Italian is not their native language (referred to as IB A1), but is the second language (referred to as IB A2) in which they are also fluent and highly competent. 270091 Japanese, A2, SL, IB 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. FULFILLS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE CREDIT TOWARD THE ADVANCED ACADEMIC ENDORSEMENT UNTIL FALL 2016. Emphasis on Japanese grammar, selections of literature, and culture for students for whom Japanese is not their native language (referred to as IB A1), but is the second language (referred to as IB A2) in which they are also fluent and highly competent. 270092 Japanese, A2, HL, IB 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. FULFILLS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE CREDIT TOWARD THE ADVANCED ACADEMIC ENDORSEMENT UNTIL FALL 2016. Emphasis on Japanese grammar, selections of literature, and culture for students for whom Japanese is not their native language (referred to as IB A1), but is the second language (referred to as IB A2) in which they are also fluent and highly competent. Updated May 14, 2013 27 Retired/Deleted Courses Elementary/Secondary Secondary 270119 Title Latin, A2, SL, IB Year End 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. FULFILLS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE CREDIT TOWARD THE ADVANCED ACADEMIC ENDORSEMENT UNTIL FALL 2016. Emphasis on Latin grammar, selections of literature, and culture for students for whom Latin is not their native language (referred to as IB A1), but is the second language (referred to as IB A2) in which they are also fluent and highly competent. 270120 Latin, A2, HL, IB 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. FULFILLS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE CREDIT TOWARD THE ADVANCED ACADEMIC ENDORSEMENT UNTIL FALL 2016. Emphasis on Latin grammar, selections of literature, and culture for students for whom Latin is not their native language (referred to as IB A1), but is the second language (referred to as IB A2) in which they are also fluent and highly competent. 270128 Russian, A2, SL, IB 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. FULFILLS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE CREDIT TOWARD THE ADVANCED ACADEMIC ENDORSEMENT UNTIL FALL 2016. Emphasis on Russian grammar, selections of literature, and culture for students for whom Russian is not their native language (referred to as IB A1), but is the second language (referred to as IB A2) in which they are also fluent and highly competent. 270129 Russian, A2, HL, IB 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. FULFILLS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE CREDIT TOWARD THE ADVANCED ACADEMIC ENDORSEMENT UNTIL FALL 2016. Emphasis on Russian grammar, selections of literature, and culture for students for whom Russian is not their native language (referred to as IB A1), but is the second language (referred to as IB A2) in which they are also fluent and highly competent. 270162 Spanish, A2, SL, IB 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. FULFILLS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE CREDIT TOWARD THE ADVANCED ACADEMIC ENDORSEMENT UNTIL FALL 2016. Emphasis on Spanish grammar, selections of literature, and culture for students for whom Spanish is not their native language (referred to as IB A1), but is the second language (referred to as IB A2) in which they are also fluent and highly competent. Updated May 14, 2013 28 Retired/Deleted Courses Elementary/Secondary Secondary 270163 Title Year End Spanish, A2, HL, IB 2013-2014 NOTE: THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE OFFERED THROUGH AN APPROVED INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. FULFILLS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE CREDIT TOWARD THE ADVANCED ACADEMIC ENDORSEMENT UNTIL FALL 2016. Emphasis on Spanish grammar, selections of literature, and culture for students for whom Spanish is not their native language (referred to as IB A1), but is the second language (referred to as IB A2) in which they are also fluent and highly competent Career and Technical Education Title 400023 Senior Career Pathway Project Year End 2012-2013 A one-credit course designed for students who have completed a minimum of two career and technical education courses to select an area of interest; engage in in-depth exploration of the area; employ problem-solving, decision-making, and independent learning skills; and present a culminating pathway project before a selected audience. 480003 Army JROTC Advanced Leadership (LET V-VIII) – Pilot Course 2012-2013 A one-credit course that provides advanced instruction in leadership and allows students to demonstrate advanced leadership skills and management principles. 560009 Astronautics Engineering Applications 2012-2013 NOTE: This course is not applicable for 2013-2014 and thereafter. Refer to course code 560109. 560010 Aeronautics Engineering Applications 2012-2013 NOTE: This course is not applicable for 2013-2014 and thereafter. Refer to course code 560110. Updated May 14, 2013 29 Retired/Deleted Courses (cont.) Special Education PK-12 600080 Title AAS: Reading Year End 2012-2013 Teaching reading to students who are assessed against alternate achievement standards Grades K-12. 600081 AAS: English Language Arts 2012-2013 Teaching English Language Arts to students who are assessed against alternate achievement standards Grades K-12. 600082 AAS: Mathematics 2012-2013 Teaching Mathematics to students who are assessed against alternate achievement standards Grades K-12. 600083 AAS: Science 2012-2013 Teaching Science to students who are assessed against alternate achievement standards Grades K-12. 600084 AAS: Social Studies 2012-2013 Teaching Social Studies to students who are assessed against alternate achievement standards Grades K-12. 600085 AAS: Life Skills 2012-2013 Teaching Life Skills to students who are assessed against alternate achievement standards Grades K-12. 600086 AAS: Pre-Vocational 2012-2013 Teaching Pre-Vocational to students who are assessed against alternate achievement standards Grades K-12. 600087 AAS: Vocational 2012-2013 Teaching Vocational to students who are assessed against alternate achievement standards grades K-12. 600088 AAS: Community Based Instruction 2012-2013 Teaching Community Based Instruction to students who are assessed against alternate achievement standards grades K-12. 600089 AAS: Elective 2012-2013 Teaching Electives to students who are assessed against alternate achievement standards grades K-12. 600303 Strategies Lab (K-12) 2012-2013 Providing direct instruction to students in specific learning, behavioral, and/or social strategies that target specific demands of general education classes. Updated May 14, 2013 30 Retired/Deleted Courses (cont.) Alabama Occupational Diploma Title 700010 Essentials Mathematics I Year End 2012-2013 NOTE: This course is not applicable for 2013-2014 and thereafter. Refer to course codes 700015-700019. 700011 Essentials Mathematics II 2013-2014 NOTE: This course is not applicable for 2014-2015 and thereafter. Refer to course codes 700015-700019. 700012 Algebraic Explorations I 2014-2015 NOTE: This course is not applicable for 2015-2016 and thereafter. Refer to course codes 700015-700019. 700013 Algebraic Explorations II 2015-2016 NOTE: This course is not applicable for 2016-2017 and thereafter. Refer to course codes 700015-700019. 700014 LS Mathematics Elective 2013-2014 NOTE: This course is not applicable for 2014-2015 and thereafter. Areas of Supervision PK-12 Title Year End 750100 General Supervisor of Instruction (P-12) 2012-2013 750200 General Supervisor of Instruction (P-6) 2012-2013 750300 General Supervisor of Instruction (7-12) 2012-2013 750350 General Supervisor of Instruction (4-8) 2012-2013 750400 Supervisor of Early Childhood Education (P-3) 2012-2013 750500 Supervisor of Elementary Education (1-6) 2012-2013 750600 Supervisor of Physical Education (P-6) 2012-2013 750650 Supervisor of Physical Education (7-12) 2012-2013 750700 Supervisor of Reading (P-6) 2012-2013 750750 Supervisor of Reading (7-12) 2012-2013 750800 Supervisor of Career/Technical Education (7-12) 2012-2013 750850 Supervisor of Science (P-12) 2012-2013 750900 Supervisor of History (7-12) 2012-2013 Updated May 14, 2013 31 Retired/Deleted Courses (cont.) Program Special Assignments PK-12 Title Year End 800001 2012-2013 Yearbook Production 1 Producing a publication; format; layout; photographs; yearbook design 800002 Yearbook Production 2 2012-2013 Senior staff positions; financial management; yearbook publication 800003 Basic Skills 2012-2013 Homebound/Regular Classroom 2012-2013 Remediation 800004 Teaching academic subjects to students who are unable to attend regular classes 800005 Study Hall 2012-2013 Supervising student independent study 800006 Planning Period 2012-2013 Planning for student instruction 800007 Supervision, Student Extracurricular Activities 2012-2013 Supervising student non-credit activities such as yearbook, school newspaper, class play, etc. 800008 Other Special Non-Academic Assignments 2012-2013 Supervising non-academic student activities such as lunchroom, play yard, etc. 800009 Supervision, Distance Learning 2012-2013 Supervising students who are receiving instruction through distance learning. 800010 Other Special Academic Assignments 2012-2013 Teaching special subjects offered for academic enrichment. 800021 Teacher Leader 2012-2013 800031 Building Reading Coach 2012-2013 800032 Regional Reading Coach 2012-2013 800033 Regional Principal Coach 2012-2013 Updated May 14, 2013 32 Other Changes in Course Codes All codes were given appropriate grade-level ranges Bolded and Italicized words were changed to all caps for ease of reporting Mathematics course descriptions were changed to match the 2010 Mathematics COS English Language Arts course descriptions were changed to match the 2010 ELA COS Updated May 14, 2013 33