Dear Parents/Guardians,
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Autumn Creek Elementary School is excited to host its second season of Girls on
the Run. Girls on the Run (GOTR) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to
inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident. Using a fun, experience-based
curriculum which creatively integrates running, the innovative program combines
training for a 5k event with interactive lessons that encourage positive social,
emotional, mental and physical development.
Program details:
● GOTR program is for girls in grades 3-6 at ACES.
● Registration for program starts February 8th.
● Program starts Monday, February 29th and will take place on Mondays and
Wednesdays from 3:40pm-5:00pm.
● Girls will either need to be picked up by a parent or guardian at the end of
practice and/or have permission to walk home.
● The 5k will take place at the Chicagoland Speedway in Joliet on May 15th
(Students will be bussed and will need a running buddy to meet them there.)
● The fee for this program is $125 and the fee covers; 12 week program,
GOTR water bottle, GOTR t-shirt, entrance fee to the end-of-the-season
5k, snacks at every practice, all curriculum materials and an end-of-theseason party celebration! There are scholarships available if your child is
selected to be in the program.
● The interest form attached is due by Thursday,February 4th, 2016. If
your daughter is interested in participating, please sign and return the form
to Miss Heerdt. The program selects 80 girls; if there are more than 80
girls interested in the program, a lottery system will be used to select
participants. Your daughter will be informed on Monday, February 8th,
2016 if they were selected to participate. Fee is not due on Thursday,
February 4th,just the interest form. At this time, they will be given a
program consent form and a program questions and answers form.
Please contact Miss Heerdt if you have additional questions. Again, this interest
form is due by Thursday, February 4th, 2016 to Miss Heerdt.
ACES Girls on the Run Coaches
Miss Heerdt (site coordinator and coach)
Miss Jacobs (coach)
Mrs. Johnson (coach)
Mrs. Keavney (coach)
Miss Cobarruvias (coach)
Mrs. Courtwright (coach)
Miss Pinzon (coach)
Mrs. Brown (coach)
Mrs. Robledo (coach)
Miss Quiñones (coach)
Mrs. Griffiths (coach)
Mr. Oster (coach)
Miss Bornemann (coach)
Girls on the Run
(Sign and return to Miss Heerdt by Thursday, February 4th)
I am interested in signing up my daughter in Girls on
the Run at Autumn Creek Elementary School!
Student Name: _____________________
Parent Name: ______________________
Parent Signature: ___________________
Parent Phone Number: _______________