Revised 1/21/11 A. Human Resources 1) Please provide a description of the human resources available to the program. Include full-time and part-time faculty, classified personnel and student help. Discussion and Analysis: I&T DIVISION DEPARTMENTS The I&T Division is comprised of 12 departments: Aeronautics, Architecture, Automotive, Construction Technology, Drafting Technology, Electronics, Electrician Training, Environmental Control Technology, Graphic Design, Information Technology, Industry & Technology, and Welding. I&T DIVISION FULL TIME & ADJUNCT FACULTY The I&T Division is supported by 6 full-time faculty members and 33 adjunct faculty members. Six full-time I&T division faculty members have retired and their positions have not been replaced. The Architecture Program has one full-time faculty member and seven adjunct faculty members. All architecture faculty members are hired to teach in the specific discipline in which they hold the appropriate professional license, degree and/or vocational experience. Some are licensed architects. In addition, some faculty members are qualified to teach in more than one discipline, i.e. Architecture and Drafting Technology. Faculty members teach day or evening classes depending on the schedule. The Drafting Technology Program does not have a full-time faculty member. The program is run completely by adjunct faculty. There are four adjunct faculty members. All drafting technology faculty are hired to teach in the specific discipline in which they hold the appropriate degree and/or vocational experience. One faculty member is a licensed architect. Some faculty members are qualified to teach in more than one discipline, i.e. Architecture and Drafting Technology. Faculty members teach day or evening classes depending on the schedule. The Graphic Design Program does not have a full-time faculty member. The program is run completely by adjunct faculty. There are six adjunct faculty members. All graphic design faculty members are hired to teach in the specific discipline in which they hold the appropriate degree and/or vocational experience. Many of the faculty members are professional graphic designers. Faculty members teach day or evening classes depending on the schedule. The Environmental Control Technology (ECT) Program is comprised of one fulltime faculty member and one adjunct faculty member that are credentialed California Teachers, a California State Licensed Contractor, and a Certified Master Technician by Refrigeration Service Engineering Society (RSES)] and III.A. Human Resources/ Academic Program Review Page 1 of 16 Revised 1/21/11 three adjunct faculty members. Three faculty members are experienced licensed California contractors. The Aeronautical, Electrician and Truck Driving programs were created as part of industry demand for a skilled labor force. Unfortunately, the programs were started through the CTE Dean’s area and adjunct or affiliate faculty were hired as part of each program whereby the district partnered with Blue Sky Aviation, Associated Builders and Contractors and Advanced Career Institute. The district plans for full-time faculty to be hired in each of these areas in the future. The Waste Water Program has one adjunct faculty member. The Electronics Department is currently staffed by an Information Technology (IT) full-time faculty member. There is only one class being taught in electronics, ELEC 160, which is a requirement for several certificates and degrees. The rest of the electronics curriculum is not being taught due to the lack of staffing. The Information Technology Department currently has one full-time faculty member who is a credentialed California teacher, and three adjunct faculty members. All faculty members are experienced and certified in the classes that they teach. Certifications include: CISCO CCNA and CCNP, COMP TIA A+, and Network +, Microsoft MCITP and MCSE, CET, HAM Advanced Class, and FCC certificates. The Automotive Program is comprised of one full-time faculty member and two adjunct faculty members. The full-time faculty member is an Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Certified Master Automotive Technician, Certified Advanced Level Technician and also certified in Under Car, Parts, Service Consultant, and Alternate Fuels. The full-time faculty member also holds a current Emissions License, Headlamp & Brake License, and Refrigerant Certificate. The full-time faculty member is also a Certified Training Instructor for the Bureau of Automotive Repair Emissions Program, Headlamp & Brake Inspector, Cylinder Inspector for Alternate Fuels and Toyota T-Ten Training instruction, and is a credentialed California teacher. Adjunct faculty members include 1 faculty member who works full-time as an automotive repair technician and is recognized as 1 of only 12 Master Toyota Technicians in the state of California. The other adjunct faculty member holds a Masters in Administration, a current smog license, a Certified Training Instructor for the Bureau of Automotive Repair Emissions Program and is a credentialed California teacher. The Industrial Maintenance Program has one full-time faculty member, and two adjunct faculty members. The full-time faculty member has a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering, and a Master’s Degree in Mathematics Education. In III.A. Human Resources/ Academic Program Review Page 2 of 16 Revised 1/21/11 addition to that, he has experience working in the industrial field for more than a decade with highly sophisticated equipment. That instructor also is a licensed California Contractor with General (B) and Electrical (C-10) classifications. One of the part-time instructors has served an apprenticeship with the millwright union and is a journeyman millwright, and has twenty-five years experience in the field. He is currently working in the field as an instrumentation electrician in the largest mozzarella producer in the world. The other adjunct faculty member has a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology, and has operated a successful international electrical business for more than a decade. He brings application experience in the advanced programming areas that is invaluable to the students. The Construction Technology Department has 1 full-time faculty member and 7 adjunct faculty members. The full-time faculty member is a licensed general building contractor with 30 years of experience in construction; 10 years in commercial and 20 in residential building. The part-time faculty members include three building officials teaching the inspection and code courses. One has a General Contractor’s License, two are active building inspectors and the third is the head building official for the City of Visalia. In addition, there are two adjunct faculty members teaching AutoCAD. One is a candidate for the Architect’s Registration Exam (ARE) and the California Supplemental Exam (CSE), and the other possesses a General Building Contractor’s license. The cabinet and millwork classes are taught by an adjunct faculty member who holds both a Building Inspection certification and a General Contractor’s License in addition to having 20 years of experience in cabinet design and master kitchen building. He is also considered a master craftsman furniture builder. An additional adjunct faculty member is a journeyman plumber with seven years plumbing experiences. The Welding Program is staffed by one full-time faculty member who serves in both I & T Division and Agriculture Division. Two adjunct faculty members serve in this department. All three faculty members of this program are certified welders and welding inspectors through the American Welding Society (AWS). In addition, the full-time faculty member is a credentialed California teacher. I&T DIVISION CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL AND STUDENT HELP The I&T division has one-part time .25 FTE division secretary. Her duties are shared with the Mathematics/Engineering Division. Her schedule for both divisions total 20 hours a week. The Welding Program currently has two students working as laboratory aides funded by Federal Work Study program. III.A. Human Resources/ Academic Program Review Page 3 of 16 Revised 1/21/11 2) Please provide a description of professional development activities of the program personnel and how many of those personnel participate in those activities. Examples would include membership in professional organizations, subscription to professional journals, attendance at professional meetings, etc. Discussion and Analysis: The I&T Division full-time faculty meet once a month to discuss the needs and requirements of the various departments, division, and college. The I&T Division is represented by full-time faculty members on various on campus committees: Academic Senate, Curriculum Committee, Facilities Committee, and Instructional Council. Faculty members also participate in off-campus committees. The Architecture and Drafting Technology faculty have four licensed architects who must complete continuing education requirements to renew their licenses. One faculty member is Leadership in Environmental & Energy Design (LEED) certified and a member of the National Fire Protection Association. Several faculty members have professional annual subscriptions to trade journals. Several of the faculty members belong to professional organizations like the American Institute of Architects San Joaquin Chapter (AIASJ). One faculty member is on the AIASJ Board of Directors. Several of the faculty members participate in events such as the AIASJ Sand Castle Competition, AIASJ CANstruction event, and the Cal Poly Design Village Competition. Many of the faculty members attend conferences, seminars, and workshops like continuing education seminars offered by the AIASJ. Some of the faculty members take students on field trips to construction sites and National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) accredited universities. Faculty members provide career advising and guidance to students. The ECT Program has two faculty members that are members of the Refrigeration Service Engineers Society (RSES). This organization provides faculty members with trade journals, educational literature and training videos. One faculty member is a member of Refrigeration Engineering Training Association (RETA) that provides the manuals and training for the industrial ammonia industry. Three of the faculty members are currently active in the Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC-R) industry. The ITEC Department faculty members are working professionals in their fields of expertise. The faculty members subscribe to several technical journals related to their fields of expertise such as Industrial Maintenance Magazine, Food Processing Journal, and the Instrument Society of America. One member is an active electrical contractor that routinely completes solar photovoltaic contracts, and provides wiring services to commercial accounts. In addition, all of the faculty members are actively working in the curriculum areas that they instruct. III.A. Human Resources/ Academic Program Review Page 4 of 16 Revised 1/21/11 The full-time Information Technology faculty member maintains current certifications in CISCO, COMP TIA, and Microsoft credentials, which demand retraining and recertification every three years. He is also an active and voting member of the IEEE and Microsoft TechNet professional organizations. Over the past three years he has also been the architect of a career pathways web page project at the state and local level, forming partnerships with other instructors and professionals at Texas A&M University, Virginia Tech, Stanford University, USC, Oklahoma State University, The University of Hawaii system, The Alaska State Department of Education, and Florida State University. He has also been a partner in a National Science Foundation grant for virtualized servers with the lead for the project provided by Texas A&M University. The adjunct faculty members maintain certifications in their areas of expertise. One IT adjunct faculty member is a Certified WorkKeys Profiler whose status is renewed annually. The Aeronautical program affiliates have FAA certifications for the following: Private Pilot – Rotorcraft Helicopter, Instrument Pilot – Rotorcraft Helicopter, Commercial Pilot – Rotorcraft Helicopter, Certified Flight Instructor – Rotorcraft Helicopter, Instrument Flight Instructor – Rotorcraft Helicopter. The full-time automotive faculty member is an ASCCA member and attends the Automotive Service Council meetings for small business. The full-time faculty member is an ATRA member and travels to all of the automatic transmission shows and seminars. All faculty members in the Welding Program are members of many different professional organizations that offer contact and insight into the welding and fabrication industries. Some of these organizations are California Agriculture Teachers Organization, American Welding Society, American Blacksmith Association, and the American Fabricators Organization. Trade journals are subscribed to and provided by professional organizations. The full-time construction technology faculty member’s continuing education activities include attendance at the Building Industry Association Expo (past 10 years), attendance at The West Coast Green Expo (past 3 years), and recent certifications in solar installation and solar thermal installation. The department subscribes to Journal of Light Construction and keeps archived feature articles in a department database for instructor and student references going back 10 years. Several of the adjunct faculty members have current building inspection certifications. One adjunct faculty member recently took a leave of absence to continue architectural studies at UCLA and has now returned to his teaching duties in the Construction Program. III.A. Human Resources/ Academic Program Review Page 5 of 16 Revised 1/21/11 3) Please provide an analysis of the effective use of human resources (program productivity may be used (WSCH/FTEF)). Discussion and Analysis: Division Fall 07 334 Program Productivity (WSCH/FTEF) Spring 08 Fall 08 Spring 09 Fall 09 326 347 439 423 Spring 10 377 Departments AERO ARCH AUTO CT DRFT ET ELEC ECT GD ITEC IT WELD 312 253 303 243 403 0 463 370 466 275 274 329 249 295 290 377 257 459 256 410 263 381 403 280 264 243 423 291 309 298 401 366 355 374 315 334 427 0 411 489 338 564 386 272 379 424 321 263 0 549 403 294 461 422 286 340 333 342 371 0 531 442 314 466 410 264 The I&T Division has 6 full-time faculty members and 33 adjunct faculty members who support program productivity. The I&T Division is performing well with a 391 average program productivity. Small lecture classroom size and the number of lab classes in the certificate programs limit WSCH productivity. The number of students per lab is limited to 15 for Construction Technology and Welding; 20 for Architecture, Drafting Technology, and Graphic Design; 24 for Environmental Control Technology and 20 for Industrial Maintenance. Despite the increase work load, the limitation on student enrollment in lab classes and the recent loss of 3 full-time faculty members, the I & T Division maintains a high average program productivity. The I & T Division has predominantly laboratory classrooms that require support & assistance throughout the semester. All I & T lab classrooms require support to maintain equipment, organize, monitor inventory, purchase necessary supplies and provide technical maintenance for all equipment. The need for full-time lab technicians in this division can be no more emphasized than in the case of the loss of the only technician in the division which served the Construction Technology Program. Since September, the loss of this technician, productivity of the faculty member in CT is down proportionately. III.A. Human Resources/ Academic Program Review Page 6 of 16 Revised 1/21/11 A permanent lab tech position for each department would reduce the extensive time spent by full-time faculty members, division chair, and adjunct faculty members in maintaining, servicing, & purchasing of all laboratory environs. A permanent lab technician in each department would provide consistency and improve proficiency of day-to-day operation of all laboratory classrooms. As stated above, with the loss of several full-time faculty positions, the I & T Division finds itself in a situation with the inability to increase productivity because of faculty load. The replacement of retirees to full-time teaching positions is critical not only to increase this division’s productivity but to meet the demands of the industry that each of the departments are made aware of by the industry advisory committees. The addition of new full-time faculty members would allow the division to offer more sections for more students, thus increasing overall enrollment and productivity. The need for full-time faculty members and adjunct faculty members to work an exorbitant amount of time simply to maintain the technical equipment needed reduces the amount of time that faculty members could and should be interacting with members of the industries they represent. One of the great advantages that the instructors bring to the I & T Program is their close involvement with the industries that they represent. The time needed to continue to offer professional training and certification for our industry partners is extremely limited because of the instructor’s time limitations. Time to collaborate with high school and other feeder schools is also negatively affected. Faculty members are required to spend an inordinate amount of time in maintaining their laboratories on campus. The professional and technical aspects of the I & T Division’s curriculum present the problem of finding adequate numbers of qualified adjunct faculty members. Day time offerings are especially limited because the professionals in the I & T fields are working in the industries for which the I & T Division are training students. A practical aspect of the need to maintain manageable educationally sound numbers in the laboratory classes of the I & T Division is safety; not only the need to maintain students physical safety, but the fact that industry is constantly reminding the faculty members that safety is a financial responsibility of their businesses. 4) Please describe any progress in achieving measurable outcomes for program plans or implementing your program plans in Human Resources from your previous Program Review and Annual Updates. Describe alternative solutions to achieve program measurable outcomes of your plans. Discussion and Analysis: III.A. Human Resources/ Academic Program Review Page 7 of 16 Revised 1/21/11 The following departments have requested full-time faculty members: Automotive, Construction Technology, Electronics, Graphic Design, Information Technology, and Welding. Due to low ranking and unsatisfactory annual reviews, none of these positions have been filled. Despite the lack of full-time faculty members the I & T Division has continued to maintain a high productivity. The use of qualified adjunct faculty members when available and full-time faculty members working overload will continue to be the immediate solution to maintaining productivity. Included in the last five-year program review and in every yearly update subsequently, department advisory committees have recommended the adding or replacing of full-time faculty members. The I & T Division has continued to request full-time lab technicians for each department through program review, annual review, and above-base funding opportunities. These positions have been requested several times without success. Despite the lack of lab technicians the departments are continuing to offer open labs to students. This situation has created a significant increase in the workload for full-time faculty members. As time goes on, the permanent personnel of the I&T Division continues to dwindle. It is heavily weighted with adjunct instructors with a ratio of five to one, and as high as seven to one in some programs. 5) Please describe your program’s plans for Human Resources (plan description, responsible party, resources needed, plan timeline, measurable outcomes, indicate if a plan supports a strategic plan). Your plans should be prioritized within each year. Year 1 Plan Description 1. Hire new full-time member: Automotive Responsible Party(s) Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Resources Needed Excellent rating on program review, fulltime salary plus benefits Plan Timeline Fall 2011 2. Hire new full-time member: Construction Technology Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, fulltime salary plus benefits Fall 2011 3. Hire new full-time member: Department Head, Division Excellent rating on program review, full- Fall 2011 III.A. Human Resources/ Academic Program Review Measurable Outcomes Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of Strategic Plan Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Page 8 of 16 Revised 1/21/11 Graphic Design Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration time salary plus benefits 4. Hire new full-time member: Information Technology Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, fulltime salary plus benefits Fall 2011 5. Hire new full-time member: Welding Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, fulltime salary plus benefits Fall 2011 6. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Automotive Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 7. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Construction Technology Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 8. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Electronics Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 9. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Environmental Control Technology Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 10. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Graphic Design Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 III.A. Human Resources/ Academic Program Review entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Page 9 of 16 Revised 1/21/11 COS Administration 11. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Information Technology Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 12. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Welding Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Year 2 Plan Description Responsible Party(s) Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Resources Needed Excellent rating on program review, full- time salary plus benefits Plan Timeline 2. Hire new full-time member: Construction Technology Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, full- time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 3. Hire new full-time member: Graphic Design Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, full- time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 4. Hire new full-time member: Information Technology Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, full- time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 5. Hire new full-time member: Welding Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & Excellent rating on program review, full- time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 1. Hire new full-time member: Automotive III.A. Human Resources/ Academic Program Review Fall 2011 Measurable Outcomes Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all Strategic Plan Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Page 10 of 16 Revised 1/21/11 COS Administration 6. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Automotive Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 7. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Construction Technology Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 8. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Electronics Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 9. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Environmental Control Technology Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 10. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Graphic Design Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 11. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Information Technology Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 12. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Welding Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 III.A. Human Resources/ Academic Program Review laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Page 11 of 16 Revised 1/21/11 enrollment. Year 3 Plan Description Responsible Party(s) Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Resources Needed Excellent rating on program review, full- time salary plus benefits Plan Timeline 2. Hire new full-time member: Construction Technology Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, full- time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 3. Hire new full-time member: Graphic Design Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, full- time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 4. Hire new full-time member: Information Technology Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, full- time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 5. Hire new full-time member: Welding Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, full- time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 6. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Automotive Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 7. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Construction Technology Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 1. Hire new full-time member: Automotive Fall 2011 III.A. Human Resources/ Academic Program Review Measurable Outcomes Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses Strategic Plan Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Page 12 of 16 Revised 1/21/11 Administration increasing total enrollment. 8. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Electronics Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A 9. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Environmental Control Technology Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A 10. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Graphic Design Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A 11. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Information Technology Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A 12. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Welding Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Fall 2011 Year 4 Plan Description 1. Hire new full-time member: Automotive 2. Hire new full-time Responsible Party(s) Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Resources Needed Excellent rating on program review, full- time salary plus benefits Plan Timeline Fall 2011 Department Excellent rating Fall 2011 III.A. Human Resources/ Academic Program Review Measurable Outcomes Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve Strategic Plan Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports Page 13 of 16 Revised 1/21/11 member: Construction Technology Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration on program review, full- time salary plus benefits productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A 3. Hire new full-time member: Graphic Design Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, full- time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 4. Hire new full-time member: Information Technology Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, full- time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 5. Hire new full-time member: Welding Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, full- time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 6. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Automotive Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 7. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Construction Technology Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A 8. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Electronics Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A 9. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Environmental Control Department Head, Division Chair, Excellent rating on program review, part-time Fall 2011 Improve productivity of entire division. Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, III.A. Human Resources/ Academic Program Review Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A Page 14 of 16 Revised 1/21/11 Technology Instructional Council & COS Administration salary plus benefits Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. IV D, and VI A 10. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Graphic Design Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A 11. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Information Technology Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A 12. Hire part-time lab technicians for: Welding Department Head, Division Chair, Instructional Council & COS Administration Excellent rating on program review, part-time salary plus benefits Fall 2011 Improve productivity of entire division. Allowing for more sections of all laboratory courses increasing total enrollment. Yes, supports strategic plan. Item II B, IV A, IV D, and VI A 6) Please provide a narrative describing your plans to improve Human Resources. The narrative should identify key needs or issues, describe how the plans will address the issues and describe how the plans will be implemented over the next several years. Describe how your plans will support any strategic plan indicated in the table. Two areas of concern have been identified to improve the use of Human Resources within the I & T Division. These are the hiring of new full-time faculty members and lab technicians. The need to hire new I&T full-time faculty is paramount. Without this new faculty, programs will lack cohesiveness, leadership, and growth. In addition, this need is a burden on current full-time and adjunct faculty. The addition of full-time faculty member positions will increase productivity of the I & T Division as an entity. The I&T Division will continue to request new full-time faculty at every opportunity. The I & T Division has continually requested through both program review and yearly update the hiring of part-time laboratory technicians for all departments in the division. The hiring of these technicians will increase the productivity of full- III.A. Human Resources/ Academic Program Review Page 15 of 16 Revised 1/21/11 time faculty members by allowing them the time to maintain student success and incorporate the wishes of industry advisory committees. The division will continue to request these positions through all means possible but will work to maintain productivity through the hiring, when possible, of student aides. The strategic plan will be supported in the areas of expanding avenues and opportunities for students to achieve their educational goals and through maintaining comprehensive, transparent, and accountable college operations at COS. None of these plans may be feasible due to reductions in state and local budgets. Evaluation Criteria for Human Resources Evaluation Criterion Excellent Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Descriptions of resources (A.1,A.2) Complete description of resources employed by the program. Clear analysis of utilization of all resources. Clear, specific and realistic plans for resources. Plans based on valid assessment of program resources and their utilization. Description of most of the resources utilized by the program. Analysis of most program resources. Plans address identified issues related to resource utilization. Superficial description of program resources. Evaluation Criterion Excellent Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Strategic plan support If a program plan has been identified as supporting the college’s strategic plan, a reasonable and specific rationale has been developed describing the relationship between each Each program plan identified as supporting the college’s strategic plan has been explained. However, some explanations only loosely connect the program’s efforts to the strategic plan of the college. There are some details regarding the relationships between program and strategic plans, but they are too general or may not really help to explain how the former supports the latter; Or, Few identified program plans are specifically and rationally tied to the strategic plan specified. Analysis of effectiveness of resources (A.3) Plans for improving resources and/or resource utilization. (A.5, A.6) (A.5, A.6) III.A. Human Resources/ Academic Program Review Incomplete analysis of some program resources. Plans not connected to validated need and/or will not alleviate the identified issue. Page 16 of 16