Environmental Science Class Calendar - Marking Period 4 - '09-'10 Session Date # 1 Question of the Day Lesson/Activitie Handouts s List three words that Get to know you, come to mind 4/6/10 Class Procedures when you hear and Expectations Environmental Science. Question of the Day Sheet.doc Expectations.doc Homework Return completed Student Info/CFF Laptop Agreement. Student Info_CFF form.doc 2 What's your favorite 4/7/10 memory of being in nature? 3 Place these in order from smallest to largest: biome, 4/8/10 organism, ecosystem, population, community. Finished Mrs. Matthaei's Betting Game (get to know Mrs. Matthaei!) and Levels of Organization within an ecosystem. Levels of Organization and Food Chains/Webs Create an email account Smallest --> largest: Organism, Population, Community, Ecosystem, Biome if you do not already have We defined and gave examples for each. one. (I recommend gmail.com!) We discussed Producers and Primary/Secondary/Tertiary Consumers. We then made food chains and food webs. *Arrows show the transfer of energy!* none View the notes that you missed today and tomorrow: Ecosystems and Their Interactions Powerpoint.ppt For the Food Web Matching Game: 1. Glossary of Ecosystem/Food Web terms: http://www.bigelow.org/edhab/glossary.html 2. "Fitting Algae into the Food Web" Background information: fitting_algae.pdf 3. Directions for the game: 4 directions.pdf 4. Trophic Tables (learn about the roles of the organisms in your food web): What's the difference Food Web 4/9/10 between a none Matching Game! food chain and trophic_table.pdf a food web? 5. Game board: game_board.pdf 6. Clues to help you out: clues.pdf 7. Questions to answer: 5 Draw the trophic level pyramid and 4/12/1 EXPLAIN the 0 transfer of energy between the Introduction to the Mind Map Vocab project and food web practice. missing_link.pdf 1. Create an account on mindmeister.com. 2. Activate your account by checking email. 3. Check out the Mind Map Vocab Project page for directions and vocab list. 4. Keep your Mind Map Vocab project updated! (The list on the wiki will be updated, so keep checking back!) Activate mindmeister account by clicking on link sent in your email. trophic levels. 6 Food Web Practice: 1. http://www.gould.edu.au/foodwebs/kids_web.htm - work on identifying producers, consumers and decomposers 2. http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/food/food_menu.html place organisms in the correct location in a food web (do all three webs!) 3. EXTENSION: Mystery "Who Dun It" http://www.gould.edu.au/foodwebs/kids_web/mystery01.htm Write the definition and many examples for biotic and abiotic factors. 4/13/1 What biome is Biotic/Abiotic 0 PA mostly? Factors none Biotic_Abiotic Factors.doc 7 Describe the difference 4/14/1 between biotic Biodiversity 0 and abiotic factors. 8 Why is biodiversity so 4/15/1 important? Biodiversity 0 (Give as many reasons as you can!) 9 10 11 12 4/16/1 0 Describe what you learned from the Douglas Fir Tree simulation. (If you were not here for it, download the directions sheet from session 8.) What do you still not understand about food webs, 4/19/1 biotic/abiotic 0 factors or biodiversity? OR Explain something you KNOW will be on the test. Describe what you will work 4/20/1 on if you 0 finish the test early. 4/21/1 What do you Biodiversity worksheet for session 7 & 8: 1. "The Loss of Biodiversity" (Hippocampus audio/text) 2. "The Wild Classroom" - Biodiversity video Douglas Fir Tree Simulation! -Use the worksheet from last class. -Here is a discription of the simulation, in case you weren't here: Douglas Fir Tree Simulation Directions.doc See the Mind Map Vocab Project page. Mind Map Vocab Project Also, read this article published TODAY on Biodiversity in the Middle East Study for TEST on TUESDAY over 3 and around the world! Middle East faces severe biodiversity learning threat.doc targets: Food Webs, Biotic/Abiotic Factors and Biodiversity Review for Test Betting Review Game: Test over Food Webs, Biotic/Abiotic Factors and Biodiversity PLAN Testing Study for TEST on TUESDAY over 3 learning targets: Food Webs, Biotic/Abiotic Factors and Biodiversity Study for TEST on TUESDAY over 3 learning targets: Food Webs, Biotic/Abiotic Factors and Biodiversity Continue to work on your mind map vocab project throughout the entire course. Betting Review Game (Test 1 MP4).doc Study for TEST on TUESDAY over 3 learning targets: Food Webs, Biotic/Abiotic Factors and Biodiversity Test on Food Webs, Biotic/Abiotic Factors and Biodiversity none - Learn about Earth Day (website): none 0 13 know about or (periods 1-3) have done on Earth Day? Exploring Earth Day (tomorrow!), 2010 green advancements and buildings, and the U.S.'s movement toward protecting more land. What do you think happens HAPPY EARTH over the years DAY! 4/22/1 to a 0 completely Ecological abandoned Succession field? http://www.nelsonearthday.net/index.htm - The Best of Green 2010 (slideshows): http://www.treehugger.com/best-ofgreen/ - "These fresh buildings are at the cutting edge of style and convenience." http://realestate.msn.com/slideshow.aspx?cpdocumentid=23676188&GT1=35000 - President Obama signs the America's Great Outdoors Memorandum (youtube video): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhAIG5Kwoo&feature=channel In the textbook, write down the Lesson Review questions 1-7 from page 178. Read pages 172-175 and answer those 7 questions as you read. Be sure none to take notes over any new vocabulary or concepts as you read, as well. 1. Watch the Life After People video clip about Chernobyl and Ecological Succession. 14 Describe the 4/23/1 two types of 0 ecological succession. Ecological Succession 2. Complete: Succession 2.tiff Ecological Succession 1.tiff Ecological none 3. READ: Mount Saint Helens.doc 1. We handed back tests today and discussed the remediation opportunity (deadline Friday (4/30)). Remediation form to be filled out and turned in if 15 Describe something that Limiting Factors 4/27/1 wanting to remediate: Test 1 Remediation.doc organisms & Carrying 0 need to live Capacity 2. View the notes taken in class about Limiting Factors and Carrying and grow. Capacity. 16 17 How can limiting factors impact 4/28/1 an ecosystem? 0 (Give examples to support your answer.) How are the terms limiting 4/29/1 factors and 0 carrying capacity related? none Notes may be take on this graphic organizer: Limiting Factors & Carrying Capacity (Cedar Cedar Glade Activity Packet: Glade Activity) Worksheet (NEW).doc Cedar Glade Directions and none Limiting Factors & Carrying Continue Cedar Glade Activity Capacity (Cedar Glade Activity) none Limiting Factors & Carrying Continue and Finish Cedar Glade Activity Capacity (Cedar Glade Activity) Complete Cedar Glade Activity packet, graphs and Reflection questions 18 Describe the limiting 4/30/1 factors in the 0 Cedar Glade ecosystem. 19 Currently, what do you think are the three limiting 5/3/10 Population factors that have the largest impact on humans? Check out these two videos learn about what happened on Easter Island with limiting factors (specifically natural resources): Easter Island Video none World Human Population Growth Growth.doc Human Population 1. Finish the World Human Population Growth worksheet from last class. 2. View the following powerpoints: 20 What do you think 5/4/10 exponential growth means? Population Population Graphs Powerpoint: none Population Maps Powerpoint: 21 22 Describe, in detail, how the human 5/5/10 Population popuation has grown over time. What is the difference between the world's human 5/6/10 population Population growth and the population growth RATE? 23 What countries do you think have the highest and lowest 5/7/10 populations AND growth rates (grow the fastest and slowest)? 24 Which continent do we see our highest What Stops 5/10/1 population Population 0 growth rates? Growth Why should we be concerned about this? 25 26 Population Growth and Growth Rate by Countries, What Stops Population Growth Exploring Population Statistics websites - fill out worksheet as you visit the none sites: Exploring Population Statistics.doc Use the (yellow) Exploring Population Statistics Worksheet from last class. Watch the Miniature Earth video (#4) and complete the assignment on the first page. www.miniature-earth.com Create an account at www.edmodo.com (using your login and password none from your mindmeister account). Use the class code that Mrs. Matthaei gives in class for your class period. Complete assignment (read article and respond) within edmodo. If you find that you need the class code again, please email me. 1. NationMaster.com - Great website with statistics on any and all countries in the world. Wikipedia's Population Growth and Population Growth Rates by countries. 2. View assignment on www.edmodo.com. You will watch the What Stops Population Growth? video (10 mins) from www.gapminder.org. none (unless edmodo Other helpful population websites article - The Population Explosion assignment is - World Population Balance - "Promoting a Sustainable Population" not finished) - How are population estimations calculated? Here are a few resources that might answer some of your questions: ---http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/popwnote.html ---http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/idb/estandproj.php ---Debate Over How to Count the Population 1. Complete your responses from yesterday on www.edmodo.com about the none (unless What Stops Population Growth? video. edmodo video response 2. Explore www.gapminder.org (click on GAPMINDER WORLD tab) to assignment is create graphs that display information about population. not finished) 3. Complete and turn in Population Mini-Assessment on back of Population Study for Limiting Factors & Population Statistics Websites worksheet from last week. Exploring test Population Statistics.doc none (unless edmodo gapminder What are at 1. (Assignment posted on www.edmodo.com.) Explore www.gapminder.org graph least two Population: (GAPMINDER WORLD tab) and create a chart (graph & map) that assignment is things you Using gapminder displays new information about population. 5/11/1 not finished) have recently for statistics and 0 learned about edmodo for 2. Post your link (along with a 2-3 sentence summary of what the chart can Study for other collaborating. show you about population). Explore other students' charts and continue the Limiting countries? conversations and great responses, as you did yesterday! Factors & Population test What three Students begin Countries' Population Growth Rate activity. The worksheet Study for Countries' factors are Limiting 5/12/1 Population considered Factors & 0 Growth Rate when counting Population activity is here: Countries Pop Growth Rate.doc a country's test population size? 27 28 29 30 31 32 EXPLAIN what you think humans' #1 issue is 5/13/1 with the 0 population growing the way it is. Why? 5/14/1 0 5/17/1 0 5/19/1 0 5/20/1 0 Why does it matter if some countries grow fast and others grow more slowly? What do you believe the future holds for our human population? (What will happen/what will we do?) Of all of the issues on Earth, which do you think is the most pressing for humans? Why? Where do you think the majority of Earth's water is located? What about Earth's freshwater? Explain 5/21/1 Earth's water 0 situation in detail. The directions for the activity can be found in this powerpoint: Countries’ Population Growth Rate Activity.ppt Continue Countries' Population Growth Rate activity Countries' Population Growth Rate activity If done early, read about China's One Child Policy & the World Population Study for Prediction: Limiting Factors & Population China's One Child Policy page 1 test China's One Child Policy page 2 Study for Limiting Factors & Population test Limiting Factors Limiting Factors and Population Review and Population Review *Surprise Mind Map Vocab Checkpoint! Limiting Factors and Population TEST Limiting Factors When finished with test, get out laptop and go to: NatGeo's Aftermath: and Population Population Zero - read Overview, view videos if you'd like, then launch TEST the Interactive to experience the aftermath OR work on Mind Map Vocab project. none End of the Year Test EOY When finished with test, get out laptop and go to: NatGeo's Aftermath: Population Zero - read Overview, view videos if you'd like, then launch the Interactive to experience the aftermath OR work on Mind Map Vocab project. none Earth's Water Distribution Demonstration (look at water pollution packet) Water Pollution View this for Water Pollution slides and video: to help fill out the none following Water Pollution packet: Download the attached document. Follow the link found in the document to take you to the National Geographic website on Water Pollution: Signs and Solutions. Follow the step-by-step directions in the document and answer the questions as you go. Water Pollution none water_pollution_exploration.doc When finished, turn document in on www.edmodo.com as a "File" to Mrs. Matthaei. 33 34 Which continent has the most water issues and 5/24/1 which Water Pollution 0 continents are using the most solutions? Why/How? 5/25/1 Explain the Water Pollution 0 difference 1. 2. Read: Point & NonPoint Source Pollution Reading.doc Visit: www.protectingwater.com 3. Fill out using reading and website: Source Graphic Organizer.doc none Point & Non-Point Finish yesterday's assignment:# Visit: www.protectingwater.com none between point source and non-point source pollution. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1. Describe in detail an example of point source 5/26/1 and non-point Watersheds & 0 source Wetlands pollution that you have seen around Quakertown. What 5/27/1 watershed do 0 you live in? Water Pollution What are some 5/28/1 differences Water Pollution 0 between watersheds and wetlands? How can you personally decrease your 6/1/10 Water Pollution contribution to water pollution? What examples of water pollution have 6/2/10 Water Pollution you noticed the most around Quakertown? What other problems can 6/3/10 water Water Pollution pollution lead to? What has the River of Shame 6/4/10 Water Pollution Activity made you think about? What are Natural 6/7/10 natural Resources & Fill out using reading and website: Point & Non-Point Source Graphic Organizer.doc Finish NatGeo's Water Pollution: Signs and Solutions assignment that you posted on www.edmodo.com (from Session 32). Textbook: 1. Read pages 10-11. Answer questions #1-5 on page 13. 2. Read pages 23-25. Answer questions #5 and 7-9 on page 26. 3. Read pages 27-29 (stop before Watershed Quality). Describe how these human activities negatively affect wetlands: 1. Agriculture 2. Urbanization 3. Construction 4. Mining 5. Industry 6. Waste Disposal none Finish textbook assignment Finish NatGeo's Water Pollution: Signs and Solutions assignment that you posted on www.edmodo.com (from Session 32). Finish textbook assignment and/or NatGeo Water Pollution packet if not done. EnvSci in the Real World! none River of Shame Activity - Directions and rough draft of aerial plan Rough draft of company/land -use type should be mostly finished River of Shame Activity - Final draft of aerial plan none River of Shame Activity - Final draft of aerial plan Decide how much your business/land use type would contribute each of these pollutants to the river: Sediments Animal & Human Waste Acid Precipitation Pesticides, Herbicides, Fungicides Petroleum Products Heated or Cooled Water Fertilizers Inorganic Chemicals and Compounds Final draft if not finished River of Shame Activity Assessment Water Pollution Quiz none Natural Resources; Final Project - Explanation and Part 1: The List none resources and Final Project what's the difference between renewable and nonrenewable ? 43 What three natural resources do 6/8/10 you think you Final Project use the most in your everyday life? Part 1: The List Final Project - Part 1 Directions Part 1: The List if not finished Final Project - Part 1: The List Mind Map Vocab Project Due Next Tuesday! Final Project - Part 2: The Eco-Web 44 What is one way that you 6/9/10 reduce, reuse, Final Project or recycle at home? 45 What was your favorite 6/10/1 topic or Final Project 0 activity in this class? 46 What do you wish we 6/11/1 would have Final Project 0 covered in this class but didn't? 47 What did you 6/14/1 like the most Final Project 0 about this class? none Part 2 Directions.ppt Mind Map Vocab Project Due Tuesday! Part 2 Plan none Final Project - Part 2: The Eco-Web (work day - you MUST bring your project to work on!) Mind Map Vocab Project Due Tuesday! Part 2: EcoWeb if not finished Final Project - Part 2: The Eco-Web (work day - you MUST bring your project to work on!) THIS IS YOUR LAST DAY TO WORK IN CLASS Mind Map ON YOUR FINAL PROJECT!!! Vocab Project Due Tuesday! Part 3: The Gallery & Personal Action Plan none (Comment sheet Sheet.doc) Part 3 Gallery_Community Comment Mind Map Vocab Project Due Tuesday! Entire Final Project Directions: Final Project – Directions.pptx Part 3: The Gallery & Personal Action Plan 48 6/15/1 none 0 Final Project Part 3: Personal Action Plan Personal Action Plan if not finished MIND MAP VOCAB PROJECT DUE!!! 49 50 6/16/1 none 0 HALF DAY none 6/17/1 0 TBA TBA none TBA TBA none Check out this AMAZING video on humans' impact on Earth!!! THE HOME PROJECT