North Carolina Training, Instruction, Development, and Education Call for Presentations! NC TIDE 2016 SPRING CONFERENCE When: April 24-27, 2016 Where: Hilton Riverside, Wilmington, NC Deadline for Presentation Proposals: February 22, 2016 NC TIDE values input and ideas on sessions and speakers. The NC TIDE Conference is structured to meet the training needs of Providers, MCO’s, Licensed Clinicians, Community Stakeholders and CFAC representatives. We recognize the value of the creative, innovative, and cutting-edge programs and services which are happening across the State of NC and believe our conference is the place to share those resources with a broad audience! If you are interested in presenting at the Spring NC TIDE Conference, we would like to hear from you. Topics should focus on behavioral healthcare topics in one of the following areas: Finance, Quality, Clinical Areas, Information Technology, Stakeholder Involvement, CFAC, Operations, Claims, and Data Management/Analysis. Requirements For Submission Of Application: Completed (must be typed) application to include supporting documents. Electronic versions of this application can be downloaded at Review for completeness and accuracy. Provide NC TIDE attendees with information that will improve their effectiveness on the job. Use of visual tools (i.e., Power-Point, charts, shared databases, spreadsheets) to enhance presentation. Full 90 minute presentation – tailor presentation materials to fit allotted time. Meet submission deadline of February 22, 2016 by submitting to Requirements If Application Is Selected Provide handout document(s) for printing to Marilyn Brothers, by April 22, 2016. Allow handouts to be posted on NC TIDE website following the conference or clearly indicated that the information is unable to be posted because it is considered proprietary. Honor NC TIDE’s commitment to provide instruction, development, and education by not showcasing speaker’s practice, services or products. Respect the rights of exhibitors and sponsors who have paid to be the only persons marketing their products and services. Retain the session content, speakers, audio/visual needs as submitted on the call for presentation. No changes should occur without permission from NC TIDE. Check in at the conference registration desk at least 30 minutes prior to your appointed presentation time. Additional Information: NC TIDE will provide a one-day complimentary registration fee on the day of the presentation for lead presenter and co-presenters whose proposal is accepted. Presenters are responsible for their own lodging, meals and transportation. For those who stay for the presentation only, or wish to stay the entire day of their presentation, no registration fee will be required. Those who desire to stay the entire conference, or to attend sessions on any day other than the day of their presentation, will need to pay the conference registration fee. [Note: NC TIDE’s foundation has been to include presenters who are willing to share their knowledge and expertise as a way of contributing to the networking and growth of behavioral healthcare professionals in North Carolina without expectation of payment.] Hotel reservations can be made by calling Hilton Riverside at: (910) 763-5900 and ask for Reservations and mention the group name or block code: NCT or see website for on-line registration instructions at NC TIDE will post your contact information on our website for three (3) months following the conference. All proposals will be reviewed by NC TIDE Selection Committee with chosen proposals being submitted to the NC TIDE Executive Committee for final approval. Speakers will be selected based on how well their proposed presentation addresses current behavioral healthcare issues and the needs of the NC TIDE conference attendees. After speaker(s) is accepted for a presentation at the conference, he/she will be required to provide a presentation outline to Jill Queen, NC TIDE President,, three weeks prior to the conference (April 4, 2016). Presentations must be geared toward the behavioral health system. Presentations should help promote individuals and programs to increase their awareness and growth within the field. Topics may include, but are not limited to: Integrated Care in a Managed Care Environment Ethics Human Resources Information Technology Internal Audit/Investigations and Monitoring Managing Productivity and Cancellations While Increasing the Value of Outcomes Professional Development Keeping Consumer’s Healthcare Rights Private Social Media Customer Service Outcomes Best Practices Motivating Staff, Retention and Building Leaders Member Input and Involvement With Quality Program Managing Your assets and Decreasing Your Liabilities Development of Compliance Policies and Procedures Integration of Physical and Behavioral Healthcare Regulation Implementation Medicaid Compliance and Risk Assessments Medicaid Necessity Chart Reviews Telemedicine Technology and Care Data Management / Data Analysis Compliance Improvement Plans NC TIDE 2016 SPRING CONFERENCE PRESENTATION PROPOSAL April 24-27, 2016 /Hilton Riverside Guidelines for Submission: Please read application instructions carefully and review the application checklist to ensure a completed submission. Review for completeness and accuracy. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. The following information must be completed in order to be considered as a speaker. Submit your name(s), professional designation(s) (Ph.D., MBA, etc.), title(s), company name as you wish to see it published. Attach the supporting documents as required by the application (refer to checklist). ************** (Please type) ___This proposal is being submitted as a workshop with one (1) speaker. -or___This proposal is being submitted as a workshop with lead presenter and co-presenters. [*Note – Separate speaker forms must be completed on all presenters.] Please check dates that you (panelists) are “unavailable” to present: ___ Monday, April 25, 2016 ___ Tuesday, April 26, 2016 ___ Wednesday, April 27, 2016 Presentation Title: (12 words or less) Title: _____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Brief Description of Presentation: (50 words or less abstract to be used to describe your presentation in the conference brochure if accepted.) Use the text box below. Page 2 – Presentation Proposal continued Summary of Presentation: On a separate sheet, complete a 300 words or less summary of your presentation. Educational Objectives: Please describe the 1) target audience for your presentation and 2) include specific skills, tools, or knowledge attendees will take away from your presentation. Please note that presentations that clearly articulate educational objectives (beyond a description of your program or service) will be given preference. Use text box below. Presentation Track: ___ Finance ___ Clinical ___ Stakeholder Involvement ___ Quality ___ Information Technology ___ Operations ___ Claims ___Data Management/Data Analysis ___ Other Audio-Visual Needs: Please indicate your audiovisual needs (to include needs of all presenters). ___ Overhead Projector/Screen ___ Slide Projector/Screen ___ VCR or DVD/Monitor ___ LCD Projector ___ Flip Chart w/markers ___ Other (please list) ______________________ Handouts: ___ Yes, handouts may be posted on NC TIDE’s website. ___ No, handouts are considered proprietary. Page 3 – Presentation Proposal continued Presenter Information: Submit a completed application for each speaker or panelist by February 22, 2016. Please note that your application will not be considered complete unless each member of a group or panel fills out and returns this section of the proposal. __ Lead Presenter __ Co-Presenter Speaker Name / Degree: _____________________________________________________________ Affiliation / Agency: ________________________________________________________________ Title / Position: ____________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ E-Mail Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Have you presented within the previous year? __ Yes __ No If yes, please list topic and venue: __________________________________________________________________________________ Have you previously presented at NC TIDE (NC FARO)? __ Yes __ No If yes, please list when and topic: _________________________________________________________________________ Presenter Biographical Data: Briefly describe your professional expertise or areas of expertise relevant to this presentation. In other words, we would like to know how you have firsthand professional or personal experience with the submission topic you have chosen. Please include any publications or previous presentations that are relevant to this current submission. A resume/CV may also be included, but a brief summary is still required. If selected, this information will be included in the conference brochure. Use text box below. Page 4 – Presentation Proposal continued Application Checklist: Please check each item to ensure you have a completed application prior to submitting to NC TIDE. Review each item for completeness and accuracy. ___ Presentation Proposal (pages 1 and 2) ___ 50 words or less abstract of presentation (page 1) ___ Educational Objectives (articulates the skills / tools / knowledge attendees will acquire (page 2) ___ Completed application for each presenter (page 3) to include biographical data summary ___ 300 words or less summary of your presentation (to be included on separate sheet) ___ Resume if desired (to be include on separate sheet) – not required ___ Sign and Date Presentation Proposal (proposal must be received by February 22, 2016) Agreement: ___ I understand that I am submitting a presentation proposal for the NC TIDE 2016 Spring Conference. ___ If selected, I agree to the requirements and schedule as outlined. ___ I understand that my presentation is not to be used to promote my business, practice or product. ___ I understand that I will be notified about the selection of presentation proposal. Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________ For questions, contact us at E-mail completed Presentation Proposal to: NC TIDE at NC TIDE appreciates your interest in presenting at our conference.