CGMS-41 NASA-WP-09 10 June 2013 Prepared by NASA Agenda Item: WGII/10 Discussed in Working Group II THE TERRESTRIAL REFERENCE FRAME Richard S. Gross NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA Executive summary The terrestrial reference frame (TRF) is the foundation for virtually all space-based, airborne and ground-based Earth observations. Positions of objects are determined within an underlying TRF and the accuracy with which objects can be positioned ultimately depends on the accuracy of the reference frame. The TRF also allows different spatial information, such as imagery from different space and airborne platforms, to be geo-referenced and aligned with each other. Providing an accurate, stable, homogeneous, and maintainable terrestrial reference frame to support numerous scientific and societal applications is one of the essential goals of the International Association of Geodesy’s (IAG’s) Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) and of NASA’s contribution to it, the Space Geodesy Project. This working paper discusses the importance of geodetic measurements and the reference systems determined from them to satellite observations of the climate system. CGMS-41 NASA-WP-09 10 June 2013 The Terrestrial Reference Frame 1 SPACE GEODESY Geodesy is the science of the Earth’s shape, size, gravity and rotation, including their evolution in time. A number of different techniques are used to observe the geodetic properties of the Earth including the space-geodetic techniques of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs) like the US Global Positioning System (GPS), and the French Doppler Orbitography and Radio-Positioning by Integrated Satellite (DORIS) system. These space-geodetic observations also provide the basis for the realization of the reference systems that are needed in order to assign coordinates to points and objects and thereby determine how those points and objects move over time. Geodesy contributes to atmospheric science and hydrological studies by supporting both observation and prediction of the weather by (1) geo-referencing meteorological observing data, (2) providing atmospheric weather models with space- and timevarying gravity fields, and (3) globally tracking change in stratospheric mass and lower tropospheric water vapor fields. Geodetic measurements of refraction profiles derived from satellite occultation data are routinely assimilated into numerical weather prediction models. To be useful, such measurements must be provided rapidly to the meteorological community. This implies that highly accurate orbits of the occulting satellites must be determined rapidly. Geodesy provides the satellite tracking data that allows such near-real-time orbits to be determined. Geodesy also provides a unique global reference system for measurements of: subseasonal, seasonal and secular movements of continental and basin-scale water masses; the wet part of the troposphere from atmospheric sounding; loading and unloading of the land surface due to seasonal changes of groundwater and ice mass; local measurement of the integral variation of groundwater from permanent gravimetric tidal stations; measurement of water level of major lakes and rivers by satellite altimetry; and improved digital terrain models as basis for flux modeling of surface water and flood modeling. Geodesy is at the heart of all present day ocean studies. Geodetic observations uniquely produce accurate, quantitative, and integrated observations of gravity, ocean circulation, sea surface height, ocean bottom pressure, and mass exchanges among the ocean, cryosphere, and land. Geodetic observations have made fundamental contributions to monitoring and understanding physical ocean processes. In particular, geodesy is the basic technique used to determine an accurate geoid model, allowing for the determination of absolute surface geostrophic currents, which are necessary to quantify heat transport of the ocean. Geodesy also provides the absolute reference for tide gauge measurements. Tide gauges monitor sea level relative to the ground. Knowledge of the motion of the geodetic reference point on land to which the tide gauge is attached is needed in order to relate the relative tide gauge measurement to an absolute measurement of sea level change. This knowledge is commonly provided by co-locating GNSS stations with tide gauges. Page 2 of 8 CGMS-41 NASA-WP-09 10 June 2013 Placing tide gauges in an absolute reference allows current rates of change of sea level to be related to sea level change histories over much longer time spans, thereby allowing better understanding of long-term signals and their impact on regional and global change. Merging absolute tide gauge sea level change measurements with satellite altimetric measurements provides a coherent worldwide monitoring system for sea level change. The present altimetric and gravimetric satellites can measure total sea level change and its mass component, both of which are vital for understanding global climate change. An important goal of IAG’s GGOS is to integrate the measurement techniques that monitor Earth's time-variable surface geometry (including ocean and ice surfaces), gravity field, and rotation into a consistent system for measuring ocean surface topography, ocean currents, ocean mass, and ocean volume changes. This system depends on both globally coordinated ground-based networks of satellite tracking stations as well as an uninterrupted series of satellite missions. The groundbased networks of geodetic stations also provide the measurements used to determine the terrestrial reference frame that is needed for studying regional and global sea level change and ocean-climate cycles like El Niño, the North Atlantic Oscillation, and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation [1]. Much of the future progress in ocean observation will depend ultimately on the ability of the global geodetic community to maintain the accurate and long-term reference frame required for Earth observation. Continued refinements to the terrestrial reference frame depend on adequate geographical coverage and co-location of the geodetic measurement techniques of VLBI, SLR, GNSS, and DORIS. Implementing modern technology into a network of core geodetic sites with better geographic distribution and more uniform performance is therefore a high priority of GGOS. 2 TERRESTRIAL REFERENCE FRAME The terrestrial reference frame is the foundation for virtually all space-based, airborne and ground-based Earth observations. Through its tie to the celestial reference frame (CRF) by time-dependent Earth orientation parameters, it is also fundamentally important for interplanetary spacecraft tracking and navigation. The TRF determined by geodetic measurements is the indispensable foundation for all geo-referenced data used by science and society [2-4]. It plays a key role in modeling and estimation of the motion of the Earth in space, in measuring change and deformation of all components of the Earth system, and in providing the ability to connect measurements made at the same place at different times, a critical requirement for understanding global, regional and local change. The most accurate global terrestrial reference frames currently available are the International Terrestrial Reference Frames (ITRFs) provided by IAG’s GGOS and International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS). The ITRFs are determined by combining VLBI, SLR, GNSS, and DORIS station positions and velocities and are produced every few years. The most recently determined ITRFs are ITRF2000 [5], ITRF2005 [6] and ITRF2008 [7]. Page 3 of 8 CGMS-41 NASA-WP-09 10 June 2013 One way of assessing the accuracy and stability of TRFs is to intercompare different realizations of them. For example, when intercomparing ITRF2005 and ITRF2000, significant differences are found: In the z-direction their origins differ by 5.8 ± 0.3 millimeters (mm) in position and 1.8 ± 0.3 mm/yr in rate [6]. This difference in the origins is more than 5 times the accuracy in position and 18 times the accuracy in rate that the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) and the IAG have determined are needed in order to meet scientific and societal user requirements (see below). In very simple terms, the most accurate global terrestrial reference frames currently available are more than an order of magnitude less accurate than required. Errors like this in the terrestrial reference frame translate directly into errors in the measurements taken by climate satellite missions. Beckley and colleagues [8] studied the impact of errors in the terrestrial reference frame on TOPEX/POSEIDON observations of sea level, finding that differences between the ITRF2005 and the University of Texas CSR95 reference frames cause differences of up to ±1.5 mm/yr in regional sea level trends (Figure 1), a substantial fraction of the global mean sea level change of about 3 mm/yr. Thus, as noted by Beckley and colleagues [8], “the change in reference frames directly impacts the interpretation of the regional changes in mean sea level”. Page 4 of 8 CGMS-41 NASA-WP-09 10 June 2013 Figure 1. Differences in TOPEX-estimated sea surface trends caused by differences in computing the TOPEX/POSEIDON orbit. The striping is caused by differences in the assumed gravity field (JGM3 or Eigen-04), the north-south slope by differences in the assumed terrestrial reference frame (ITRF2005 or CSR95). These two terrestrial reference frames differ mainly by a relative drift in the zcoordinate of their origins, and are an example of how errors in the reference frame can compromise understanding of sea level change. Source: [8]. 3 SEA LEVEL CHANGE Studies of sea level change pose the most clearly defined, most immediate, and most stringent requirement on the terrestrial reference frame. Nearly a fourth of the world’s population is vulnerable to the effects of a rising sea level. Although the longterm average rate of global sea level rise is only about 3 mm/yr, mitigation efforts need to be planned well in advance. This globally averaged rate of sea level change is modulated by local phenomena including crustal deformation, land subsidence, glacial isostatic adjustment, steric effects and changes in ocean circulation that impact the long-term average dynamic ocean topography. Such local effects can substantially change the locally measured sea level and can only be unraveled and understood by placing the local measurements in a global reference frame. Great demands are placed on geodetic observations because the sea level change Page 5 of 8 CGMS-41 NASA-WP-09 10 June 2013 signal is so small. For example, the terrestrial reference frame, which should be at least an order of magnitude more accurate than the amplitude of the signal being measured, needs to be accurate to within about 1 mm and stable to within about 0.1 mm/yr to support studies of sea level change (e.g., [9-10]). The current uncertainty in the TRF is an order of magnitude greater than this. Over 160 scientists from 29 countries attended a Workshop on Understanding Sealevel Rise and Variability held in Paris June 6-9, 2006 [11]. The Workshop was organized by the WCRP in order to bring together all relevant scientific expertise with a view towards identifying the uncertainties associated with past and future sea level rise and variability, as well as the research and observational activities needed for narrowing these uncertainties. The Workshop was also conducted in support of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) 10-Year Implementation Plan; as such, it helped develop international and interdisciplinary scientific consensus for those observational requirements needed to address sea level rise and its variability. Workshop participants reviewed current knowledge concerning all aspects of sea level change, determined uncertainties in knowledge of the contributing factors, and generated a summary set of recommendations focused on reducing those uncertainties. Workshop participants recognized that the development and implementation of geodetic techniques has enabled a revolution in the Earth sciences, providing the fundamental reference frame critical for the collection of all satellite and many in situ observations addressing sea level change and variability. However, to take advantage of those capabilities, they must be reliable and consistent over the long term (i.e., decades). While these techniques collectively define the terrestrial reference frame, they are at the same time losing support and degrading in capability. In order to achieve the goal of determining sea level change at the level of 0.1 mm/yr, the Workshop participants recommended [10] that: “The International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) must be more robust and stable over multi-decadal time scales. The target accuracy is 0.1 mm/yr in the realization of the center of mass of the entire Earth system (“geocenter stability”), and 0.01 ppb/yr in scale stability.” 4 ICE SHEET MASS CHANGE Ice sheets, glaciers, and sea ice are intricately linked to the Earth’s climate system. They store a record of past climate; they strongly affect surface energy budget, global water cycle, and sea level change; and they are sensitive indicators of climate change. To understand these requires long-term monitoring of changes in ice mass. This is not possible at the required level of accuracy without improvements in both geodetic measurement systems and the reference frames in which those measurements are made. Geodesy is crucial for these studies because of its ability to measure the motions of ice masses and changes in their volumes: highly accurate measurements of ice velocity from repeated GNSS surveys; spatially detailed measurements of glacier Page 6 of 8 CGMS-41 NASA-WP-09 10 June 2013 motion from interferometric SAR (InSAR); ice thickness measurements over glaciers and ice sheets from low frequency radar; ice sheet thickening/thinning rates over vast areas from laser and radar altimeters; estimates of rates of change of the mass of entire ice sheets from satellite measurements of temporal changes in Earth’s gravity field; time series of sea ice extent and motion from passive microwave and SAR images; and routine mapping over almost entire ice sheets of characteristics such as temperature, iciness and wetness of surface snow. These studies would not have been possible without improvements in both geodetic measurement systems and reference frames. Improving the reference frame directly benefits glaciological research by, for example, improving the accuracy of measured parameters such as ice surface elevation and improving the detection of temporal changes in ice cover and ice surface velocities. It also has indirect benefits such as improving the knowledge of rates of sea level change and postglacial uplift. For example, errors in the time rate-of-change of the origin of the z-coordinate of the reference frame (discerned in the difference between the ITRF2000 and ITRF2005 reference frame realizations discussed above) maps directly into the calculations of ice mass loss measured by laser or radar altimetry. 5 SUMMARY We measure and monitor the Earth’s environmental system (its oceans, ice, land, atmosphere) not only to understand the processes of global change, but also to enable educated decisions on how to cope with these changes. Space agencies like NASA are heavily investing in satellites to make these measurements. Many of these depend on a highly accurate and stable terrestrial reference frame within which to interpret the data and understand trends in the processes of change. The terrestrial reference frame is maintained though a global network of ground sites with co-located SLR, VLBI, GNSS, and DORIS stations and is realized as the international standard through the ITRF. Requirements for the ITRF have increased dramatically since the 1980s. Today, the most stringent requirement comes from critical sea level programs: a global accuracy of 1.0 mm, and 0.1 mm/yr stability is required. This is a factor of 10 to 20 beyond current capability. Current and future satellites will have ever-increasing measurement capability and should lead to increasingly sophisticated models to explain what is happening. The accuracy and stability of the terrestrial reference frame needs to dramatically improve in order to fully realize the measurement potential of the current and future generation of Earth observing satellites. 6 REFERENCES [1] Chelton, D.C., Ries, J.C., Haines, B.J., Fu, L.-L., and Callahan, P.S., Satellite Altimetry and Earth Sciences, edited by L.L. Fu and A. Cazenave, International Geophysics Series, Volume 69, Academic Press, San Diego, 2001. Page 7 of 8 CGMS-41 NASA-WP-09 10 June 2013 [2] Solomon, S. C. & the Solid Earth Science Working Group, Living on a Restless Planet, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, JPL 400-1040, 66 pp., Pasadena, Calif., 2002. [3] Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, Living on an Active Earth: Perspectives on Earthquake Science, Committee on the Science of Earthquakes, Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council, 430 pp., National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., 2003. 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