Welcome Baby Implementation and Outcomes Evaluation RFP APPLICANT REVIEW TOOL APPLICANT NAME: REVIEWER ID: SUMMARY SCORES: Score (max) I. Understanding Scope of Work (20) II. Technical Approach (30) III. Organizational Experience & Proposed Personnel (30) IV. Budget (10) V. Project Management (10) TOTAL SCORE: (100) Page 1 of 5 Welcome Baby Implementation and Outcomes Evaluation RFP APPLICANT REVIEW TOOL I. UNDERSTANDING SCOPE OF WORK 20 points The applicant’s understanding of the scope of work as reflected in the proposal must demonstrate the following: a. Approach to the project tasks, including explanations and rationales for any suggested modifications b. Demonstrated understanding of the Welcome Baby target population and risk factors c. Demonstrated understanding of the general field of home visiting, as well as issues specific to Welcome Baby. d. Demonstrated understanding of the family-centered approach and the implications for program implementation and outcomes e. Demonstrated understanding of the existing evidence base in terms of key features of effective implementation and outcomes for home visiting programs f. Demonstrated understanding of the family strengthening approach and protective factors framework g. Identification of anticipated logistical challenges and a sufficiently detailed description of how challenges will be addressed or minimized Score: (maximum score = 20) Page 2 of 5 Welcome Baby Implementation and Outcomes Evaluation RFP APPLICANT REVIEW TOOL II. TECHNICAL APPROACH 30 points The applicant will be evaluated by the extent to which the proposal meets all the requirements outlined in the RFP, including: a. Logical and clear conceptual framework that addresses both the implementation and outcomes components of the evaluation and how they connect to one another b. Evaluation design and approach to sampling participants c. Approach to data collection and measurement d. Analytic approach for primary qualitative and quantitative data and proposed use of Stronger Families LA database e. Approach to data dissemination and use of findings f. Identification of potential contextual and methodological challenges and approach to addressing or minimizing them Note: Any notes and/or questions should be included on a separate piece of paper Score: (maximum score = 30) Name of Applicant: Welcome Baby Implementation and Outcomes Evaluation RFP APPLICANT REVIEW TOOL III. ORGANIZATIONAL EXPERIENCE & PROPOSED PERSONNEL 30 points The applicant will be evaluated by the extent to which their staff qualifications demonstrate the relevant qualifications and experience in the following areas: a. Experience conducting large scale implementation studies b. Experience analyzing large, complex quantitative data set c. Experience analyzing administrative data sets for evaluation purposes d. Experience utilizing qualitative research methods e. Experience with utilization-focused evaluation f. Experience developing or adapting existing measures g. Experience conducting maternal and child health program-related studies h. Experience evaluating home visiting programs i. Research and evaluation experience in California, preferably in Los Angeles County Note: Any notes and/or questions should be included on a separate piece of paper Score: (maximum score = 30) Name of Applicant: Welcome Baby Implementation and Outcomes Evaluation RFP APPLICANT REVIEW TOOL BUDGET 10 points The applicant’s budget and budget narrative should reflect the following: a. Tasks assigned to appropriate personnel so as to minimize the cost per deliverable while also maximizing the quality of the output (as explained in the budget narrative) b. A reasonable price per task experience Note: Any notes and/or questions should be included on a separate piece of paper Score: (maximum score = 10) Name of Applicant: Welcome Baby Implementation and Outcomes Evaluation RFP APPLICANT REVIEW TOOL IV. PROJECT MANAGEMENT 10 points The applicant will be evaluated by the extent to which the proposal meets all the requirements outlined in the RFP, including: a. A logical timeline that demonstrates how the project (with all associated deliverables) will be completed within the project period (2 years and 6 months) b. Evidence of the ability to have a sufficient number of staff available to accomplish the work c. Procedures for maintaining quality control and timeliness and conducting regular reviews of the quality of data collected Note: Any notes and/or questions should be included on a separate piece of paper Score: (maximum score = 10) Name of Applicant: