Committee Chair Summaries Each PTAC Committee Chair has the

Committee Chair Summaries
Each PTAC Committee Chair has the following responsibilities:
 Adhere to the by-laws and procedures of the Council.
 Be familiar with any applicable District Policies and Procedures.
 Attend PTAC Meetings monthly and special meetings as called. Represent the will of
the Committee and the concerns of parents, and also teachers.
 Ensure representation from all PTAs on the Committee, unless Council determines
otherwise, and communicate to all PTAs.
 Manage Committee personnel and interactions; schedule and run Committee meetings.
 Submit annual goals (2-3) and action plan to PTAC Executive Board, and report on
them monthly throughout school year.
 Have minutes taken at meetings and filed with PTAC Executive Board.
 Liase with District and Town personnel, and with other appropriate organizations.
 Arrange guest speakers if warranted.
 Attend BOE and other Town meetings, especially as relevant to the Committee.
 Represent interests of Committee in various forums as needed.
 Communicate to and from the Committee via PTAC, PTA, District, and local media.
Advanced Learning Program (ALP)
ALP is the Committee which advocates for the needs of students in all disciplines and
grade levels who are significantly advanced academically, compared to their peers, as
demonstrated by either performance or ability. These advanced learners are defined by
District Procedures to mean all "gifted and talented" students, K-12, plus preschool as
appropriate. There is a focus on those identified for the ALP Program, and
honors/advanced/AP courses in grades 6-12. The Committee helps families become
better acquainted with educational options, and provides a network of support for
parents/guardians. The Committee shares information and resources to help each child
realize her/his fullest potential. The Chair(s) work with administrators from the ALP
and Curriculum Departments to advocate, arrange appropriate speakers, and facilitate
communication to the relevant members of the community. And the Chair(s) interfaces
with relevant state and local organizations.
The Committee coordinates the elementary school PTA enrichment programs offered
before and after school and provides guidance to the PTA volunteers who run them. The
Chair(s) arranges Committee meetings in fall, winter, and spring, and communicates
regularly with the Committee between meetings so PTA volunteers can support one
another's efforts. The Chair(s) also maintains a database of teachers and programs with
contact information and reviews that Committee Members can refer to. And the Chair(s)
works with District administrators to help resolve issues as they arise, and ensures the
Afters Insurance policy is in place for the year.
Curriculum Enrichment
The Committee, formerly known as and encompassing Arts in Education, helps PTA
volunteers obtain and share information about enrichment programs that support the
Greenwich Public Schools Curriculum. These may be in the arts (including writing,
music, theater, visual arts, and dance), sciences, and cultural and historical studies. It is
also the advocacy body for these curricular areas, especially but not limited to the arts.
The Curriculum Enrichment Chair(s) arranges Committee meetings in fall, winter, and
spring, and invites representatives from local private schools to collaborate. During these
meetings two to three performers/professionals give a sample of their offerings for inschool assemblies, workshops, and other activities. The Chair(s) also maintains a database
of performers/professionals with contact information and reviews that Committee
Members can refer to, and works with District administrators.
The Directory Chair is responsible for creating the PTA Council Directory in the late
summer/early fall of each school year. The Chair(s) also acts as a resource for school
directory volunteers and as a liaison with District personnel as needed to facilitate best
practices for directory publication. Together with PTA Council Secretary will advocate
for appropriate District communication to Greenwich Public School families.
Essence Award
The Essence Award is PTA Council's annual award for PTA volunteerism. A five-person
Committee is chosen by the Council from among its members to select an award winner.
The Chair(s) publicizes the award, collects the nominations, arranges at least one
Committee meeting to determine a winner, and coordinates announcement, celebration,
and publicity.
Early Childhood Education (ECE)
ECE is the PTAC preschool Committee. For now it consists of the Chair(s) and VP, who
represent PTAC on the School Readiness Council (SRC). The SRC, which reports to the
First Selectman and Superintendent of Schools, is charged with ensuring that every child
who enters kindergarten in the district is prepared appropriately. It meets monthly,
generally on the second Thursday of the month at noon, at Family Centers on Arch
Street. The ECE Chair(s) also works with the Greenwich Public Schools (GPS) preschool
program, its administrators, its families, the PTA presidents of schools with preschool
classes, and the SES committee, as GPS preschool exists for its special education services.
Green Schools
The Committee promotes environmental education and awareness in school operations,
curricula, and PTA programs. It supports community action and service by working with
partners in the Town. Green Schools meets monthly. The Chair(s) works with all
pertinent District administrators and Town officials.
Health, Safety, & Wellness
The Committee promotes wellness education and healthy practices in school operations,
curricula, and PTA programs. It advocates for the physical and mental health of all
Greenwich Public School students and sponsors initiatives pertaining to healthy cafeteria
food, safe school climate (absence of bullying), substance abuse prevention, physical
fitness, and mental health awareness. The Chair(s) is a member of the District's Wellness
Committee, which meets approximately three times per year, and works with all pertinent
District administrators.
The Committee’s charge is to provide need-based scholarships to graduating GHS seniors
through the Greenwich Scholarship Association (GSA) program. Members participate
impartially and confidentially in the GSA interview and decision process to ensure
awardees represent all public schools. The Chair(s) coordinates with the GSA and
attends its monthly board meetings, communicates regularly with Committee Members,
the Scholarship volunteers at each PTA, and liaises with District staff as needed. The
Committee meets in March, prior to the GSA interview process in May, and attends
Awards Night in June. The Chair(s) is also responsible for interfacing with Greenwich
High School personnel as needed, and provides support to the PTA volunteers regarding
their school's scholarship arrangements.
Strategic Improvement Planning (SIP)
The Committee advocates for the academic and social-emotional needs of all students,
especially those not under the purview of other PTAC Committees. The Chair(s) work
collaboratively with the Deputy Superintendent to plan meetings/discussions, often open
to the public or PTA leadership, in alignment with the District's Strategic Improvement
Plan. Chair(s) provides guidance and support to PTA SIP Representatives from each
school in the GPS district.
Special Education Support (SES)
The Committee advocates for the needs of students who have a disability/difference,
whether learning, physical, or comprehensive. SES helps families become better
acquainted with educational options for their children, and provides a network of support
for parents/guardians. The Committee shares information and resources about the
special education process and services available in the Greenwich Public School system to
help each child realize her/his fullest potential. The Chair(s) works with administrators
from the Pupil Personnel Services Department (PPS) to advocate, arrange appropriate
speakers for monthly Committee meetings, and facilitate communication to the relevant
members of the community. And the Chair(s) interfaces with relevant state and local
Special Programs
The Chair(s) of this Committee is responsible for the annual PTA Council Dinner, and
such other similar events as may be scheduled, including Council Training refreshments.
The Committee promotes technological education and the use of technology in school
operations, curricula, and PTA programs. It coordinates volunteer efforts related to
District technology initiatives and PTA gifts, as well as advocacy for further
technological integration. Committee members use their expertise to assist with PTA
directories, PTA websites, PTA e-mail communications, PTA software and subscription
Internet sites, and other PTA information services. The Chair(s) serves on all Greenwich
Public Schools technology committees, and works with relevant administrators.
Twice Exceptional Learners (2E)
2E, or 2EL, is the Committee which advocates for students who are both advanced or
"gifted" and have a special need or disability. The Committee helps families become
better acquainted with educational options, and provides a network of support for
parents/guardians. The Committee shares information and resources to help each child
realize her/his fullest potential. The Chair(s) work with administrators from the ALP,
PPS, and Curriculum Departments to advocate, arrange appropriate speakers, and
facilitate communication to the relevant members of the community. The Chair(s) also
interfaces with the Chairs of PTAC's ALP and SES Committees, and relevant state and
local organizations.