Fourth Grade Harcourt Journeys SCOPE AND SEQUENCE Wk Topic Essential Question Skill/Strategy Anchor Text/Genre Paired Selection/ Vocab skills Genre Because of Prefixes Bookends/ re, un, dis informational /magazine VCV Short & long A Decoding skill Spelling Grammar 1 Helping others How do friends help each other? Story Structure/ Summarize Because of Winn Dixie/ Realistic Fiction 2 Civil Rights What might lead a person to change the world? Author’s Purpose/Monito r/Clarify My Brother Martin/ Biography Langston Hughes/ poetry Prefixes In, im, il Open/ closed syllables Short & long E Kinds of Sentences 3 Media Cause & Effect/Visualize My Librarian is a Camel / Informational geography From Idea to Book/ InformProcedures Context clues VCCV Short & long I Quotations 4 Raising Money How are books and libraries important to people and communities ? Why might people raise money for a cause? Theme/analyze and Evaluate The Power of W.O. W/ Play The Kid’s Guide to Money/ Prefixes Non, mis VCV & VCCV Short & long O Fragments Why do people pass down stories over the years? Understanding Characters Reference materials Homoph ones Homopho nes Proper Nouns 5 Traditional Tales Inform- charts and steps in a process Stormalong/ Tall Tale Hoderi the Fisherman/ Play What is a Sentence? and Runon Sentences Read Aloud Ideas Wk 6 Topic Performance Arts Essential Question How are performances similar and different from written stories? Skill/Strategy Anchor Text/Genre Story Structure/Infer and Predict Invasion from Mars/ Play Paired Selection/ Genre The History of Radio/ Inform- text & using a timeline Vocab skills Decoding skill Suffixes -y, -ous Common consonan t patternsdigraphs Spelling short u /yoo/, /oo/, ue, ew, ui Grammar Verbs 7 Media How are movies a form of communicati on? Fact and Opinion/Summa rize Coming Distractions: Questioning Movies/ Informational How do they Do that? / Inform Greek/Lati n root& word partsphon, photo, , auto, graphs, tele common vowel consonan sounds for t /oo/ patterns: clusters Verb Tenses 8 Visual Arts How do an artist’s experiences affect his or her arts? Understanding Characters/Visu alize Me and Uncle Romie/ Realistic Fiction Sidewalk Artists/ Reader’s Theater Figurative language stressed and vowel sounds /ou/ and /o/ Progressive Verb Tenses What are some different ways to do research? conclusions & Generalizations/ Question Dr. Mr. Winston/ Realistic Fiction Field Guide Antonyms to Snakes of the SW/ Informational - charts Common beginning vowel + /r/ sounds Compound and Complex Sentences What does it take to be a great performer? Author’s Jose! Born to Purpose/analyze Dance/ & Evaluate Biography Dance to the Beat/ Poetry vowel + r sound in multisyllable words more vowel + /r/ sounds Pronouns 9 10 Research Performanc e Arts unstressed syllables Shades of meaning syllables Read Aloud Ideas Essential Question Skill/Strategy Paired Selection/ Genre Hurricanes: Recovering Earth’s from Katrina/ Mightiest Inform/ Storms/ Events in inform/ Science Historical text The Earth Twisters/ Dragon Awakes/ informHistorical Fiction diagrams Anchor Text/Genre Wk Topic 11 Hurricanes What are the benefits of studying weather? Test & Graphic Features/Infer & Predict 12 Forces of Nature How do natural disasters affect people? Sequence of Events/Visualize 13 Interdepen dence How are the different parts of the ecosystem connected? Sequence of Events/ Summarize Antarctic Journal…/ Narrative Nonfictionfirsthand account 14 Insects How do living things each have an important role in the world? Text and Graphic Features 15 Environment Why it is important to be informed about what is happening in our world? Main Idea & Details/ Monitor & Clarify Vocab skills Decoding skill Spelling Grammar Suffixes compoun -ful,-less, - d words ness, -ment compoun d words Frequently Confused Words Synonyms base words and endings words with –ed or -ing Possessive nouns cold, Cold Science/ informsecond hand account Greek/Lati n root& word partsSpect, struct, tele, vis recognizi ng common word parts more words with –ed or -ing Modal The Life and Times of the Ant/ Inform The Dove and the Ant/ Fable Suffixes able, ible Recognizi ng suffixes final long e Participles Ecology for Kids/ inform/science Wonderful Weather/ Poetry Using Context threesyllable words changing final y to i Irregular Verbs Auxiliaries Read Aloud Ideas Wk Topic 16 Individual Contributions Essential Question Skill/Strategy What traits do successful people have? Compare & Contrast Paired Selection/ Vocab skills Genre Riding Freedom/ Spindletop/ Figurative Historical Fiction Inform/ language digital mediainternet Anchor Text/Genre Decoding skill Spelling Grammar sound/sp elling changes (optical to optician) words with /k/, /ng/ and /kw/ Adjectives 17 Service Animals How do people and animals benefit each other? Sequence of Events/ Summarize The Right Dog for the Job…/ Narrative Nonfiction Knowing noses: Search and Rescue Dogs/ Inform Suffixes ion ation ition More sound/sp elling changes words with final /j/ and /s/ Adverbs 18 Traditional Tales What makes a character memorable? Story Structure/ Question Hercules’ Quest/ Myth Zomo’s Friends/ Folktale Adages, proverbs Recognizi ng prefixes re-, un-, dis- prefixes re-, undis Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases 19 Agriculture Why is Farming important? Conclusions& Generalizations/ Infer & Predict Harvesting Hope: Cesar Chavez/ Biography The Edible Schoolyard/ Inform Reference Materials more common suffixes suffixes – ful, -less, ness, ment Relative How do people from different cultures contribute to American history? Main ideas & Details/Visualize Sacagawea/ Biography Native American Nature Poetry/ Poetry Shades of Meaning VCCV pattern and word parts words with VCCV pattern Abbreviations 20 Native American History Pronouns and Adverbs Read Aloud Ideas Wk 21 Topic Media Essential Question Skill/Strategy How can media be a distraction? Theme/ Summarize Anchor Text/Genre The World According to Humphrey/ Fantasy Paired Selection/ Genre Make the Switch/ Vocab skills Using Context Advertisements Decoding skill Spelling Grammar VCV pattern and word parts words with VCV pattern Comparative and Superlative Adjectives and Adverbs 22 Citizen’s Rights What causes change in a community? Cause & Effect/Infer & Predict I Could Do That! Esther Morris Gets Women the Vote/ Biography The Role of the Constitution/ Inform/ SS Adages/pro syllable verbs patterns and word parts VCCV and VCV patterns Negatives 23 Life Cycles How do forest and trees show change? The Ever-Living Tree: … life of a Coast Redwood/ Inform Towering Trees/ Poetry Pre-, inter-, ex- Difficult VCCV patterns Words with VCCV pattern Punctuation 24 Animal Behavior How can animal behavior be like human behavior? Text and Graphic Features/ Monitor & Clarify Compare & Contrast/Analyz e & Evaluate Sea Sanctuary/ Inform/ food chain -ed -ly VCCCV pattern words with VCCCV pattern Commas 25 Inventions How do inventions change the way we do things? Owen and Mzee: The True Story of a Remarkable Friendship/ Narrative nonfiction The Fun They Had/ Science Fiction Toys! Amazing Stories Behind Some Great Inventions/ Informational Greek/Lati VV n root& pattern word partsmeter, therm, aud, fac words with VV pattern Proper Mechanics Wk Topic Anchor Text/Genre Paired Selection/ Essential Question Author’s Purpose/ Question Skill/Strategy Vocab skills Decoding skill Spelling Grammar Read Aloud Ideas Read Aloud Ideas Genre 26 Spiders 27 Amphibian s 28 Museums & Recycling 29 Persuasion 30 Habitats How does exploring nature help our understandin g of the world? Why is it important to learn about amphibians? Story Structure/ visualize The Girl Who Loved Spiders/ Narrative Web Wise Poetry Place/ Inform Poetry Greek/Latin root& word parts- common final syllables Final Schwa + /r/ sounds Making Comparisons Main ideas and details/question The Frog in the Milk Pail/ Narrative Analogies More common final syllables The final schwa + /l/ sound More Comparisons How do museums teach us about our world? What can people learn by working for a cause? fact and Museums: opinion/monitor Worlds of and clarify Wonder/ Inform/ geography understanding Save Timber characters/infer Woods!/ /predict Play Prefixes Con-, com-, in-, im stress in multiples yllable words Three syllable words Possessives Pronouns Word Origins Correct Pronouns conclusions and generalizations/ accuracy and self-correction Words with silent consonan ts Unusual spellings Words with silent consonant s What can we do to protect the Amphibian Alert! Poetry Place/ Inform/sc Poetry Making the Most from Trash Inform/ Poetry Place Following Muir: /A Persuasive Essay Poetry Place The Big Python Problem Poetry Place Unusual spellings Pronoun Contractions environment? Mystery at Reed’s Pond/ Narrative Suffixes -er, -or, -ist