Teaching Textbooks 3


Teaching Textbooks 3

Class Description:

In this 3rd grade math course, the student will utilize Teaching Textbooks 3 to cover the standard topics, including: whole numbers, fractions, decimals, dollars and cents, time, perimeter, area, temperature, the metric system, and bar and line graphs.

Learning Materials: Main Curriculum:

Teaching Textbook - Math 3 Workbook

Teaching Textbook - Math 3 Answer Key

Teaching Textbook - Math 3 CD-ROM Set

Learning Goals/Performance Objectives: 3.1.C Fluently and accurately add and subtract whole numbers using the standard regrouping algorithms.

3.1.D Estimate sums and differences to approximate solutions to problems and determine reasonableness of answers.

3.1.E Solve single- and multi-step word problems involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers and verify the solutions.

3.2.A Represent multiplication as repeated addition, arrays, counting by multiples, and equal jumps on the number line, and connect each representation to the related equation.

3.2.B Represent division as equal sharing, repeated subtraction, equal jumps on the number line, and formation of equal groups of objects, and connect each representation to the related equation.

3.2.D Apply and explain strategies to compute multiplication facts to 10 X 10 and the related division facts.

3.2.H Solve single- and multi-step word problems involving multiplication and division and verify the solutions.

3.5.B Measure temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius using a thermometer.

3.5.C Estimate, measure, and compare weight and mass using appropriate-sized U.S. customary and metric units.

3.5.E Construct and analyze pictographs, frequency tables, line plots, and bar graphs.

3.5.D Estimate, measure, and compare capacity using appropriate-sized U.S. customary and metric units.

3.2.G Multiply any number from 11 through 19 by a single-digit number using the distributive property and place value concepts.

4.1.A Quickly recall multiplication facts through 10 X 10 and the related division facts.

Learning Activities: The student will complete lessons as per the timeline below, using the workbook and CD's. Each lesson consists of video instruction and new material practice. Quizzes are after every 7th lesson. Grades will be automatically calculated via the digital gradebook.

Teaching Textbook 3

September Goals

Lesson 1—Simple Additions and Subtractions

3.1.C Fluently and accurately add and subtract whole numbers using the standard regrouping algorithms.

Lesson 2—Ones and Tens

Lesson 3—Odd and Even Numbers

Lesson 4—Days, Weeks, Months, and Years

Lesson 5—Adding Twos

Lesson 6—Differences of One

Lesson 7—Sums of Ten

3.1.D Estimate sums and differences to approximate solutions to problems and determine reasonableness of answers.

Quiz 1

Lesson 8—Doubles

Lesson 9—A Little More than Double

Lesson 10—Lines and Line Segments

Lesson 11—Horizontal, Vertical, and Oblique Line Segments

Lesson 12—Angles

Lesson 13—Common Shapes

October Goals

Lesson 14—Taking Away Half of a Double

Quiz 2

Lesson 15—Adding Ten the Easy Way

Lesson 16—Subtracting Ten the Easy Way

3.1.E Solve single- and multi-step word problems involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers and verify the solutions.

Lesson 17—Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Ten

Lesson 18—Adding Nine

Lesson 19—Subtracting Nine

Lesson 20—Pictographs

Lesson 21—More Simple Additions

3.1.C Fluently and accurately add and subtract whole numbers using the standard regrouping algorithms.

Quiz 3

Lesson 22—Doing Subtractions by Adding

Lesson 23—Writing Numbers to 99

Lesson 24—Adding Multiples of Ten

Lesson 25—Hundreds and Thousands

Lesson 26—Subtracting Multiples of Ten

3.2.A Represent multiplication as repeated addition, arrays, counting by multiples, and equal jumps on the number line, and connect each representation to the related equation.

3.2.B Represent division as equal sharing, repeated subtraction, equal jumps on the number line, and formation of equal groups of objects, and connect each representation to the related equation.

November Goals

Lesson 27—Bar Graphs

3.5.E Construct and analyze pictographs, frequency tables, line plots, and bar graphs.

Lesson 28—More on Place Value

Quiz 4

Lesson 29—Adding Multiples of 100

Lesson 30—From Digits to Words

Lesson 31—From Words to Digits

Lesson 32—Subtracting Multiples of 100

Lesson 33—Line Graphs

3.5.E Construct and analyze pictographs, frequency tables, line plots, and bar graphs.

Lesson 34—Addition Puzzles

Lesson 35—Long Addition

Quiz 5

Lesson 36—Subtraction Puzzles

Lesson 37—Parts of a Whole

Lesson 38—Adding Tens and Ones in Your Head

Lesson 39—Writing Fractions

3.2.D Apply and explain strategies to compute multiplication facts to 10 X 10 and the related division facts.

December Goals

Lesson 40—Part of a Group

Lesson 41—More Long Addition

Lesson 42—Long Subtraction

Quiz 6

Lesson 43—Greater Than, Less Than

Lesson 44—More Long Subtraction

Lesson 45—Listing Numbers in Order

Lesson 46—Adding Three or More Single-Digit Numbers

Lesson 47—Carrying

Lesson 48—Addition Word Problems

Lesson 49—Perimeter

Quiz 7

Lesson 50—Carrying Twice

Lesson 51—Expanded Form

Lesson 52—Adding Strings of Bigger Numbers

January Goals

Lesson 53—What is Multiplication?

Lesson 54—Multiplication Basics

Lesson 55—More Addition Puzzles

Lesson 56—Subtraction Word Problems

Quiz 8

Lesson 57—Multiplying by 10

3.2.D Apply and explain strategies to compute multiplication facts to 10 X 10 and the related division facts.

Lesson 58—Multiplying by 5

Lesson 59—Multiplying by 2

Lesson 60—Multiplying by 4

Lesson 61—Multiplying by 3

4.1.A Quickly recall multiplication facts through 10 X 10 and the related division facts.

Lesson 62—Multiplying by 6

Lesson 63—Multiplying by 8

Quiz 9

Lesson 64—Multiplying by 9

Lesson 65—Multiplying by 11

3.2.G Multiply any number from 11 through 19 by a single-digit number using the distributive property and place value concepts.

3.2.H Solve single- and multi-step word problems involving multiplication and division and verify the solutions.

February Goals

Lesson 66—Multiplying by 7 and 12

3.2.G Multiply any number from 11 through 19 by a single-digit number using the distributive property and place value concepts

Lesson 67—The Multiplication Table

Lesson 68—Comparison Word Problems

Lesson 69—Multiplying with Two Digits

Lesson 70—Rounding to the Nearest Hundred

Quiz 10

Lesson 71—Paper Money

Lesson 72—Adding Paper Money

Lesson 73—Coins

Lesson 74—Adding Coins

Lesson 75—More Money Problems

Lesson 76—Finding Area by Counting Tiles

Lesson 77—Finding Area by Multiplying

Quiz 11

Lesson 78—Multiplication Word Problems

3.4.B Identify and sketch right angles.

March Goals

Lesson 79—Making Change

Lesson 80—Writing Money with a Dollar Sign and Decimal Point

Lesson 81—Carrying When Multiplying

Lesson 82—Comparing Small Amounts of Money

Lesson 83—Counting Larger Amounts of Money

Lesson 84—The Two Halves of the Day

Quiz 12

Lesson 85—Digital Clocks

Lesson 86—Multiplying Three or More Numbers

Lesson 87—Regrouping

Lesson 88—Adding Dollars and Cents on Paper

Lesson 89—Subtracting Dollars and Cents on Paper

Lesson 90—Clocks with Hands—Part 1

Lesson 91—Dozen and Half Dozen

Quiz 13

April Goals

Lesson 92—Mixed Numbers

Lesson 93—Number Lines

Lesson 94—Rulers

Lesson 95—Yardsticks and Tape Measures

3.5.C Estimate, measure, and compare weight and mass using appropriate-sized U.S. customary and metric units.

Lesson 96—Clocks with Hands—Part 2

Lesson 97—Reading a Thermometer

3.5.B Measure temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius using a thermometer.

Lesson 98—Cups, Pints, Quarts, and Gallons

Quiz 14

Lesson 99—Identifying the Factors of a Number

Lesson 100—More Adding Dollars and Cents

Lesson 101—More Subtracting Dollars and Cents

Lesson 102—Showing Addition and Subtraction on a Number Line

Lesson 103—Showing Multiplication on a Number Line

Lesson 104—Understanding Directions on a Map

May Goals

Lesson 105—Comparing and Adding Fractions with Common


Quiz 15

Lesson 106—Subtracting Fractions with Common Denominators

Lesson 107—Regrouping Twice

Lesson 108—Place Value to Hundred Thousands

Lesson 109—Multiplying by 100 and 1,000 in Your Head

Lesson 110—Multiplying a Multiple of 10, 100, or 1,000 in Your Head

Lesson 111—The Meaning of Division

Lesson 112—Division Basics

Quiz 16

Lesson 113—Dividing by 0, 1, and the Number Itself

Lesson 114—Dividing Using Your Multiplication Facts

Lesson 115—More Carrying when Multiplying

Lesson 116—The Metric System

3.5.C Estimate, measure, and compare weight and mass using appropriate-sized U.S. customary and metric units.

3.5.D Estimate, measure, and compare capacity using appropriate-sized U.S. customary and metric units.

Lesson 117—Division Word Problems

Lesson 118—Percents

Quiz 17

June Goals


Progress Criteria/Methods of Evaluation: For successful completion of this course, the student will complete at least 70% of the lessons/goals, at a minimum of 70% accuracy.

September Complete Lessons 1 – 13

October Complete Lessons 14 – 26

November Complete Lessons 27 – 39

December Complete Lessons 40 – 52

January Complete Lessons 53 – 65

February Complete Lessons 66 – 78

March Complete Lessons 79 – 91

April Complete Lessons 92 – 104

May Complete Lessons 105 – 118

June Review
