rupert bunny foundation visual arts fellowship




OPENING DATE Monday 3 August 2015

CLOSING DATE Friday 18 September 2015 at 5pm

The online version of this application has been formatted using the ‘form’ function in Microsoft Word. If you would like to fill it in online you may tab through the various boxes, or alternatively use your mouse to navigate the form. Please observe the word limits or you may impair the formatting.

If you use an Apple Mac computer, you may find this function does not work. In this case, you will need to print the form from the website or contact the

Rupert Bunny Foundation (

RBF) Officer.


RBF Officer

Louisa Scott, Curator, City of Port Phillip

Rupert Bunny Foundation Visual Arts Fellowship

City of Port Phillip

Private Bag No 3

PO St Kilda

St Kilda VIC 3182




(03) 9209 6215 or 0403 469 985

CLOSING DATE: Friday 18 September 2015 at 5pm



The City of Port Phillip recognises that artists play a vital role in sustaining a creative City and believes in assisting the development of exceptional artistic thinking and talent. The Rupert Bunny Foundation Visual

Arts Fellowship is an acquisitive award of $25,000 presented to a recipient once every two years.

The Rupert Bunny Foundation Visual Arts Fellowship was established in 2005 and aims to

support a contemporary visual artist with an identifiable commitment to arts excellence. The successful Fellow will have a desire to extend their arts practice, expand their imagination and make a contribution to the City of Port Phillip.

The Fellowship provides an opportunity for an artist to:


Conduct research and development that provides opportunity to develop new work or expands a professional artist’s skills or thinking, particularly towards producing a major body of work;


Produce an artwork/s that makes a significant contribution to the field of contemporary visual art and a creative contribution to the visual arts in the City of Port Phillip;


Travel or take up a residency that enables the outcomes of any of the other objectives of the



Exhibit the artwork/s produced during the residency at a site located within the City of Port Phillip;


Be represented in a significant and prominent local collection.

The Rupert Bunny Foundation

In 1991 a fire at the St Kilda Town Hall destroyed many art works including The Forerunners c1894 painted by

Rupert Bunny. The painting was a gift made to the City by Bunny’s father, Judge Brice Frederick Bunny. In the spirit of the contribution Rupert Bunny made to the visual arts and in recognition of his father’s gift, the insurance funds from the painting were used to establish the Rupert Bunny Foundation in 1993. The purpose of the Foundation is to:

 Further the development of visual arts within the City of Port Phillip;

 Enlarge and enhance the Port Phillip City Collection - Contemporary Visual Art Collection and the

Public Art Collection.

The Port Phillip City Collection

In general, the RBFVAF is an acquisitive award. If appropriate, it is desirable that the recipient donate an artwork produced during the Fellowship period to the Port Phillip City Collection. The Collection consists of art and heritage items that represent the social, political and artistic development of the City. The Art

Collection is arranged in two sub groups:

 The Contemporary Visual Art Collection which typically represents work in a range of media by artists who have either lived or worked in the City or whose artwork has an identifiable connection to the City of Port Phillip;

 The Public Art Collection which comprises large sculptures or permanent and temporary sitespecific art works, which have been commissioned fully or partially by the City.




The Rupert Bunny Foundation Visual Arts Fellowship program accepts applications from an individual, an organisation or a collaborative group of artists.


The Fellowship is intended to support a professional contemporary artist/s. For the purposes of the

Rupert Bunny Foundation Visual Arts Fellowship, a professional artist is defined as person who has extensive experience in their art form and who is recognised by their peers for giving constant and significant time to their practice and can demonstrate a course of development and presentation of their work over a minimum of five years.


Preference will be given to applicants who work or reside in the City of Port Phillip. Proposals from applicants outside the City will be accepted where the benefit and relevance to City of Port Phillip is clearly articulated.


An application for an artist residency may be made by an individual or an organisation. If made by an individual, the application must have a letter of support from the organisation hosting the residency.


Where a single applicant does not have an ABN or where an application is from a group without an

ABN representing the group, an applicant is required to have an auspicing body.


The Fellowship must be completed and an acquittal report submitted no more than twelve months from the date of the funding agreement. Applicants who have outstanding acquittal reports for previous City of Port Phillip grants are not eligible to apply.


An applicant must provide his or her own public liability or insurance where it is relevant to the proposal as assessed by the City of Port Phillip.


If the proposal is for producing a public artwork (a permanent or temporary outdoor art installation) on public or private land, the applicant must submit written ‘in principle’ approval, with their application from the land owner or relevant authority. Advice should be sought from the City of

Port Phillip Public Art Officer.


The recipient will be required to enter into a RBF Visual Arts Fellowship Funding Agreement with the City of Port Phillip.


At completion of the Fellowship applicants are required to provide quality documentation of their outcome and an artwork created as a result of their proposal, to the City of Port Phillip. The artwork must comply with Port Phillip City Collection Management Policy, visual art acquisition criteria and processes. Advice should be sought from the City of Port Phillip Curator regarding acquisition criteria.


The following items are eligible for funding where they are specific to the proposal:

 Travel costs including airfares, accommodation and living allowances

 Material costs of producing an artwork including documentation and presentation

 Costs associated with research and professional development

 Fees associated with exhibiting artworks in the City of Port Phillip

 Studio or residency fees

The following items are not eligible for funding:

 Ongoing administrative, capital expenses or organisation costs

 Reinstallation of an existing work

 Projects that have already commenced

 Projects undertaken to gain formal qualifications

 Training, academic course or administration fees


The payment schedule will be negotiated at the time of signing the agreement.


The Rupert Bunny Foundation Visual Arts Foundation Committee will assess applications. Their decision will be final and they reserve the right to withhold the award where no suitable application is received. The

Committee comprises of a City of Port Phillip Councillor and representatives of the visual arts and the general arts community.

Selection Criteria

Applications will be assessed according to the following criteria:


Artistic merit of the proposal

A well conceived clearly formulated proposal with objectives and outcomes that contribute to excellence in visual arts practice.


An artist’s professional development

The way in which the Fellowship contributes to professional development of the artist/s involved.


Relevant experience of participants

The relevant experience and, where applicable, the roles of the artist/s involved.



Benefit to the City of Port Phillip and broader communities

Value of the proposal to the City of Port Phillip: this may include, but is not restricted to, creating or strengthening visual arts in the City of Port Phillip, a donation of work to the Port Phillip City



Project management

Capacity of the applicant to successfully complete the proposal on budget and on time, while managing creative aspects and processes, key relationships or partnerships, and other resources.

Directions for Applicants

Electronic forms are available at or contact

Louisa Scott (03) 9209 6215 or

Completion and Submission of the Application

 Read the Application Guidelines

 Complete all the details applicable to you on the application form

 Preferably type rather than hand write your applications

 Use the checklist in this application form

 Sign the application form where indicated at the end

 If you need further assistance, please see the list of contacts for assistance

 Submit two hard copies of your application to the mailing address below

 Keep a copy of your application and any related material for your records

CLOSING DATE: Friday 18 September 2015 at 5pm

Late applications will not be considered

Support Material

 Please do not use staples or bindings of any kind for any of the material

 Only submit copies of material, as originals will not be returned

 All support material must be relevant and concise

 All support material must be listed on the application form

 All support material must be clearly marked with the applicant’s name

 Curriculum Vitae/s must be no more than two pages

Notification and Acceptance

Notice of outcome of an application will be forwarded by email or by mail if no e-mail is supplied within approximately ten weeks after the close of applications.



For more information see

RBF Officer

Louisa Scott, Curator

Public Art Officer

Georgia Rouette

Available Monday – Thursday

Phone: (03) 9209 6215

Mobile: 0403 469 985


Available: Monday - Thursday 9am-2pm

Phone: (03) 9209 6335





Section 1 – Contact Details

Individual or the group project leader


Postal address






ABN Registered for GST?

Applicant organisation details (if applicable)

Name of applicant organisation


Postal address





Registered for GST?








Auspice body

An applicant is required to have an auspicing body where an individual applicant does not have an ABN number or where an application is from a group without an ABN number representing the group.

If this project is auspiced by another organisation, please complete the following

Auspice body name

Postal address







Registered for GST? Yes No


Section 2 – Proposal

Project start date

Project completion date

(no later than 1 December 2016)

Proposal summary (no more than 30 typed words)

Benefit to the City of Port Phillip and broader communities

Explain how your proposal addresses each selection criteria. Refer to Selection Criteria details in Applicant

Guidelines. (Please use space provided)

Artistic merit of the proposal

Project management

Artist’s professional development

Expanded Proposal Description (please use space provided)

Relevant experience of participants


Section 3 – Budget

 Please use this budget template to explain how your proposal will be funded providing itemised detail where relevant

 Include GST in amounts and add items and rows as required

 Expenditure to be funded through the Rupert Bunny Foundation Visual Arts Fellowship must be identified with an asterisk (*) in the expenditure column provided

 The RBF Foundation Visual Arts Fellowship should be the main source of income for your proposal though you may include “in-kind” support or sponsorship for specific items

Your proposal should not be dependant upon the successful outcome of other grants

Total income must equal total expenditure

$ Proposal Expenditure $ Proposal Income

RBF - Visual Arts Foundation


Other (Please specify)

$25,000 (no gst) e.g. Materials

Other (Please specify)


Have you previously received funding from the City of Port Phillip? Yes

If yes please indicate most recent

Cultural Development Fund

Community Celebrations Fund

Local Festivals Fund

Community Grants Scheme

Corporate Sponsorship




Title of project

Grant acquittal submitted


If not, why?

Yes No

Funding received


Section 4 – Support Material

Provide only relevant support material and list all support material accompanying your application.

Important: All material must be clearly marked with your name.

The City of Port Phillip will not return support material, so do not send original material.

Type (may include the following) Tick Title/description (if applicable)

Curriculum Vitae/s

Images (maximum 12 images) either

Digital images on CD Rom

Video files - MPEG or MP4 are preferred formats

(please consult with Curator about submission of other file formats)

Letters of support where required from an auspicing body from a land owner or relevant authority giving in principal support for an Urban Art proposal.

from other relevant persons/organisations

Proof of Public Liability where necessary



Please complete this checklist and attach a copy to the end of your application.

A. TWO copies of your completed application

B. The Proposal

Section 1 - Contact details

Section 2 - Proposal

Section 3 - Budget

Section 4 - Support Material



How did you hear about the Rupert Bunny Foundation Visual Arts Fellowship?

Advertisement in

Art Almanac Print

Arts Hub web listing

Port Phillip Leader

NAVA website

Other (Please specify)

Collected application form

City of Port Phillip website

Other (Please specify)

Would you like to give any written feedback about this application form?

No Yes

If yes, please provide your written feedback in the space below.


Applicant signature (Individual or the group project leader signature)

I certify that all details supplied in this application form and in the attached documents are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that the application has been submitted with the full knowledge and agreement of the management of the applicant organisation.

I agree to contact the City of Port Phillip in the event that any information regarding this application changes or is found to be incorrect.


Position in organisation

(if applicable)



Privacy Notification

The City of Port Phillip is collecting the personal information requested on this form for the purpose of determining Rupert Bunny

Visual Arts Foundation Fellowship applicants. The personal information will be used solely by the City of Port Phillip for this primary purpose and the directly related secondary purpose of adding your details to our mailing list in order to update you with further funding and exhibiting opportunities. The applicant understands that the personal information provided is for these purposes and that they may apply to council for access and/or amendment of the information.

The Rupert Bunny Foundation is administered through the Victorian Community Foundation (Melbourne) operated by Equity Trustees Ltd.

The City of Port Phillip is eligible to offer tax deductibility under the Australian Governments Cultural Gifts Program.

For enquires regarding donation to the Port Phillip City Collection please contact the Curator on (03) 9209 6215.

CLOSING DATE: Friday 18 September 2015 at 5pm

Late applications will not be considered

Mail your application to:

Rupert Bunny Foundation Visual Arts Fellowship

Louisa Scott, Curator

City of Port Phillip

Private Bag No 3

PO St Kilda

St Kilda VIC 3182

