ICESOCC Draft Agenda
Monday, September 22, 2014
Sumner Auditorium, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Welcome, Logistics, Agenda Review, Break out working group sign ups
Greg Mitchell – Scoping for Interdisciplinary Coordinated Experiment of the Southern
Ocean Carbon Cycle (ICESOCC)
10 – 10:30A
Discussion and Break
Sara Gille – Air-sea exchange in the Southern Ocean
Robert Dunbar – What do we know about seasonal variations in NCP and the Ross Sea C
budget from large high precision C system data sets
Katherine Barbeau – Evolving Views of Iron Supply and Cycling in the Southern Ocean
Rick Reynolds – Towards community-based approaches to estimating NCP from
remotely-sensed optical properties
12 P
12:30 P
2:00 P
Sumner Auditorium
Ralph Keeling – What atmospheric oxygen measurements can tell us about the Southern
Cynthia Nevison – Combining Atmospheric Potential Oxygen and Satellite Ocean Color
Data to quantify Carbon Dynamics in the Southern Ocean
Maria Vernet – Estimating Primary Production at the Ice-Edge zone in the Southern
3:00–3:30 P
Discussion and Break Break (Greg needs to shift to 3:30 – 4:00 for call to New York)
Zhong Ping Lee – Critical data for improving estimation of primary production from ocean
color remote sensing
Mati Kahru - Errors in satellite detected NPP and EF
Irina Marinov - Phytoplankton biomass and productivity across the CMIP5 models:
21st century predictions
Robert Frouin – Atmospheric correction issues for ocean color remote sensing in the
Southern Ocean
5:00 P
6:30 P
Welcome Reception and Dinner – Piatti’s Ristorante
Tuesday, September 23, 2014 Sumner Auditorium
9:00 A –
Oscar Schofield – Export fluxes on the shelf of the West Antarctic Peninsula and the
underlying forcing of the circumpolar current
Magdalena Carranza - Wind forcing and chl-a response in the Southern Ocean and ACC
response to changing winds
Kevin Arrigo – Melting Glaciers Help Fuel Productivity Hot-spots Around Antarctica
Peter Hernes – Arctic COLORS - NASA Field Campaign Scoping for the Arctic
Discussion and Break
David Munro – What can we learn about biological production and air-sea carbon flux in
the Southern Ocean from 12 years of observations in the Drake Passage
Kenneth Johnson – Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modelling
Anato Evan -- “Estimating Deposition and Variability of Dust-Derived Iron in the
Extreme Southern Atlantic Ocean”
Andrew Allen – Molecular taxonomy and Southern Ocean community structure with
changing climate
Allison Murray – Seasonal changes in microbial diversity and processes in the Southern
12:00 P
12:30 P
2:00 P
Working Group Breakout Sessions
Vaughan 300 Transect time-series, voluntary observing ships, airborne sampling –
David Munro and Ralph Keeling
Vaughan 328 Technology – what can be integrated now? what do we need to
develop? Rick Reynolds and Oscar Schofield
Vaughan 348 Process cruises – why, where and when? Kevin Arrigo and Greg
3:30 P
4:00 P
Working Group Breakout Sessions
Vaughan 300 Essential variables and methodology for essential variables Peter
Hernes, Katherine Barbeau and Allison Murray
Vaughan 328 International coordination and major multi-national programs Rob
Dunbar and Maria Vernet
Vaughan 348 TBD
Wednesday, September 24, 2014 Sumner Auditorium
9:00 A
Christian Reiss – AMLR, higher trophic levels and the carbon cycle
Oscar Schofield – NASA-funded optics for SOCOM floats
Drew Lucas – Lagrangian observations of the deep chlorophyll maxima in the
Southern Ocean: Implications for remote sensing and in situ productivity estimates.
10 -10:30 A
Discussion and Break
B. Greg Mitchell – GSFC Field Support Group (Presented for Antonio Mannino)
Lynne Talley - Southern Ocean hydrography and carbon from GO-SHIP
(CLIVAR) repeat hydrography
Manfredi Manizza – Understanding the role of sea-ice in the CO2 sink of Southern
Ocean using multiple tools
Matt Mazloff and Ariane Verdy – Towards an estimate of the biogeochemical
and physical state of the Southern Ocean over the past decade
Dale Kiefer – Climate Events and Their Impacts on Fishery Dynamics of Tuna of
the Eastern Tropical Pacific and Herring of Prince William Sound
12:15 P
2:00 P
Working Group Breakout Sessions
Vaughan 300 NSF LTER and NOAA AMLR Augmentation – Christian Reiss and
Oscar Schofield
Vaughan 328 SOCOM augmentation Ken Johnson and Lynne Talley
Vaughan 348 Surface aerosol observations and dust collection - why, where and
when? Robert Frouin and Amato Evan
3:30 P
4:00 P
Breakout Sessions
Vaughan 300 Modeling – physical, physiological ecological, biogeochemical –
Ariane Verdy and Dale Kiefer
Vaughan 328 Atmospheric gas observations - why, where and when? Cindy
Nevison and Ralph Keeling
Vaughan 348 Data integration, Satellite algorithms, Satellite validation – Mati
Kahru and Zhong Ping Lee
7:00 P
Dinner - Osteria Romantica
Thursday, September 25, 2014
9:00 -10:30A
Working Group Reports
10:30-11:00A Discussion and Break
Action Items, Time line, Writing Assignments
12:00 P
Oscars questions from email
Fe soures quantified? Trajectories?
Bouayancy winds, glacial melt?
Profound freshening ross and amundsen
seas..jacobs articles and orsi
Sea ice region…issue of interpolation of
trajectories of floats… SOCCOM will not
have funds for sound sources to track
Gas exchange and atmosphere
observations to complement soccom
ships etc
What are you after for carbon
balance? Anthropogenic carbon? How
separate? Methods for s. ocean do not
work so well
Models..bgc ecosystem
Smaller scales more local..depend on
where…must define where based on
Upper ocean 300 m to depth of
seasonal mixing to depth of winter
mixing and always physics base of
mixed layer
Add to global state of art…
Winter…deep water formation affects
global ocean
Process cruises diverse provinnces
different biogeochem / communities
WAP transect ross sea in winter?
Polyna?? Gliders?? Large transition
zones east of peninsula
West of peninsula George VI ice shelf
source of fresh water
Iron ?? let that not drive the bus! Bg
questions but answering them not
easy..will take all funds! Include Fe in
cruises, depend on others for larger
distribution, we focus on processes Fe
and biology Fe seasonal element…not
just how much but when,
where…glacial melt deliver to surface
SAM ENSO and interaction of these
waves other cycles?? And regulation of
present day and how those may change
in future mode 3?? Locally may have
no SAM 6 year cycles seens in WAP
capacityof SO to sequester CO2 now
and in it Fe dependent? How
quantify? What will imit after Fe is it
light?? Clouds, mixing depths….??
How integrate floats, process, surveys
atmosphere, models satellite…..what
are inadequacies and how
Soccom gaping holes not uniform
samplers..will go where currents take
them…fronts that floats may not cross
so need cross gradient high resolution
Gap analysis weakneses and strengths
of different modalities
Scale, export can be small scale but
large scale observations do not
resolve..pancake ice robs talk
images,,,krill, zooplankton salps
Non steady state…pulse modality
Linked to EXPORTS…siegle and
So far based on what we know…how
do we go beyond that…NCP not clear
how to go about this…what is
NCP,..methods (cf EXPORTS)..what
will we do new or better to change the
Do not be too process oriented..focus
focus focus..not grab bag like
JGOFS..spatial and temporal footprint
that lasts longer….long duration
Do not wait for PACE for Satellite
push the current time series now!
Synthesis of satellite, models, obs etc.