New 100 tonnes lifetime producer

New 100 tonnes lifetime producer
Congratulations to Carol Pledge of Sunnydawn
Jerseys. Carol will be known to many of you
since she has been a regular attendee at the
European Jersey Forum. We also visited her
farm in 2009.
Her 11th calver Sunnydawn Triumph
Blackcurrant VG86 has now given over 100T
lifetime as the first English-bred Jersey in a
solely Jersey herd.
Blackcurrant has so far given a lifetime yield of
over 102 tonnes and is still milking in her 11th
lactation having calved on 15 June 2014.
She has already bred one EX, one VG and two
GP daughters, and has a best 305 day record of
8505kg at 5.02% fat and 3.49% protein in her 5th
Born in February 2000, this 15 year old cow is a
great advertisement of longevity in our breed!
Well done Blackcurrant and Carol.