1 INTERNET OF THINGS: A REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS and TECHNOLOGIES 1 2 3 4 Suwimon Vongsingthong and Sucha Smanchat 5 6 King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, 1518 Pracharat 1 7 Road,Wongsawang, Bangsue, Bangkok 10800, Thailand. Tel 0-2555-2000 8 Email : suwimonv@yahoo.com, {sucha.smanchat@acm.org, 9 suchas@kmutnb.ac.th} 10 Abstract 11 This paper presents the state-of-art of Internet of Things (IoT), an enabler of 12 new forms of communication between people and things, and between things. 13 The main strength of IoT concept is the high influence it has to everyday life 14 by creating new dimension to the world, resembling to what the Internet once 15 did. 16 enabling technologies. The content includes strengths and limitations of 17 applications based IoT in logistics, transportation, healthcare, and 18 environment and disaster. Finally, the open challenges of IoT are debated to 19 encourage more investigations into the domains. This paper describes the definitions of IoT, summarizes its main 20 21 Keywords : Internet of Things, IoT, limitations, strengths 2 22 23 Introduction 24 The term “Internet of Things (IoT)” (Huang and Li, 2010; Uckelmann, Harrison, 25 and Michahelles, 2011) has been around since the past few years and gaining 26 recognition with the breakthrough of advanced wireless technology. Even though 27 there are heterogeneous definitions on the interpretation of “Internet of Things” 28 but it has a corresponding boundary related to the integration of the physical 29 world with the virtual world of the Internet. IoT can broadly be defined as a global 30 network infrastructure, linking uniquely identified physical and virtual objects, 31 things and devices through the intelligent objects, communication and actuation 32 capabilities. In other words, the paradigm of IoT is described as “any-time, any- 33 place and any-one connected” (Ryu, Kim, Lee, and Song, 2012). Its implication is 34 based on the technology that makes things and people getting closer than the old 35 days. 36 In the perspective of “things”, numerous devices and objects will be 37 connected to the Internet. Each individually provides data, information or even 38 services. The devices providing things can be personal objects we carry around 39 such as smart phones, tablets and digital cameras. Our daily environments, home, 40 vehicle or office connected through a gateway device can also provide “things” 41 (Coetzee and Eksteen, 2011). Although Radio-Frequency IDentification (RFID) is 42 precisely the first idea popped up, but indeed many more technologies such as 43 sensor technologies, smart things and actuators are also counted whereas the 44 Machine-to-Machine Communication (M2M) and Vehicular-to-Vehicular 3 45 communication (V2V) are the real applications in the markets trying to gain most 46 benefits of IoT (Atzori, Iera, and Morabito, 2010; Uckelmann et al., 2011). 47 The aim of this paper is to explore the development and the deployment of IoT in 48 significant application domains. The organization of paper is as follows, Section 2 49 describes the structure of IoT. Section 3 presents a review of the existing 50 application of IoT categorized into the areas of logistics, transportation, 51 healthcare, and environment and disaster. Section 4 is the discussion of IoT 52 applications based on its benefits and limitations. Section 5 is the challenge of 53 IoT in those application domains. 54 55 The Structure of Internet of Things 56 The Internet of Things can be viewed as a gigantic network consisting of 57 networks of devices and computers connected through a series of intermediate 58 technologies where numerous technologies such as RFID, barcodes, wired and 59 wireless connections may act as enablers of this connectivity. According to 60 International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the perception of IoT (Atzori et 61 al., 2010; Coetzee and Eksteen, 2011) can be depicted as the four dimensions 62 components in Figure 1. 63 64 Tagging Things : 65 Real-time item traceability and addressability of RFID is what make it 66 stands at the forefront in terms of the IoT vision. RFID is gaining strong support 67 from the business community due to its maturity, low cost, and low power. It acts 4 68 as an electronic barcode to help in the automatic identification of anything 69 attached. RFID tags are available in 2 types: active and passive. The active tags 70 embedded with battery on-board, are widely used in retail, healthcare, and 71 facilities management. The passive tags, containing no batteries, are powered by 72 the reader and are more likely to be used in bank cards and road toll tags 73 (Aggarwal, 2012). 74 75 Feeling Things : 76 Sensors act as primary devices to collect data from the environment. 77 Necessary data are provided via communications established between the physical 78 and the information worlds (Vermesan and Friess, 2013). Recent advances in 79 technologies make them consume less power with low cost and high efficiency. 80 81 Shrinking Things : 82 Miniaturization and nanotechnology has provoked the ability of smaller 83 things to interact and connect within the “things” or “smart devices”. A clear 84 advantage is the improvement in quality of life. For example the application of 85 nano-sensors in monitoring water quality at reduced cost, nano-membranes 86 assisting in the treatment of waste water (Vermesan and Friess, 2013). In 87 healthcare, its application can be seen in the diagnosis and treatment of disease, 88 including the diagnosis of HIV and AIDS and nano-drugs for other diseases 89 (Gubbia, Buyyab, Marusic, and Palaniswami, 2013). 90 5 91 Thinking Things : 92 Embedded intelligence in devices through sensors has formed the network 93 connection to the Internet. It can make the domestic electric appliances realizing 94 the intelligent control, for example refrigerators that can detect the quantities of 95 various items and the freshness of perishable items. Embedded smart sensors may 96 provide the means to communicate with users by sending alert via the Internet 97 connectivity. The connection can primarily be wireless or other available 98 communications such as DSL, GPRS, WiFi, LAN and 3G (Uckelmann et al., 99 2011). Not only to communicate, smart things must also be able to “…process 100 information, 101 decisions, or even play an active role in their own disposal…” (Vermesan and 102 Friess, 2013) which will change the way information communicate from human- 103 human to human-thing and to thing-thing. self-configure, self-maintain, self-repair, make independent 104 105 Applications Based IoT 106 One of the most important engines of the innovation and development of IoT is its 107 applications, otherwise public acceptance of IoT will never happen (Coetzee and 108 Eksteen, 2011). Based on the concept of IoT, information generated from daily 109 enabling objects in our environment can possibly communicate with each other. 110 This information can drive many applications possible. Applications directly 111 applicable or closer to our current living habitudes, can possibly be categorized 112 into four following domains (Q. Yang, Wang, and Yue, 2012). 6 113 Logistics and Supply Chain Management 114 Traditionally, most of the logistics enterprises require manifold reports 115 tracking along with specific time and location to control the movement of goods. 116 However, in the IoT society, the commodity logistics has tremendously changed 117 to an autonomous society by variety of applications available to support the needs. 118 The systems in (Li and Luo, 2010), (Wei, 2011), and (El-Baz, Bourgeois, Saadi, 119 and Bassi, 2013) are logistic applications implemented to track the movement of 120 goods in real-time. The information scanned from tags of barcode or RFID is 121 transmitted to the logistic center or RFID receivers. Data are then transmitted 122 through Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) (Li and Luo, 2010), GSM network 123 (Wei, 2011), 3G network or a new High Performance Computing (HPC) 124 infrastructure through broker (El-Baz et al., 2013) to process at the data center. 125 The solutions in this domain are very promising since they have adopted 126 comprehensive and diversified transmission protocols. Several devices such as 127 RFID, Near Field Communication (NFC), and mobile phone can also act as data 128 collectors. But they do have substantial limitations. 129 For example, the supermarket chain management (Li and Luo, 2010) was 130 developed based on standard relational database, which can lead to worrisome 131 situation when dealing with large volume of “thing”. Also the occurrence of 132 incomplete 133 communication distance of the mobile logistic information reader (Wei, 2011) as 134 well as the data collision during transmission may jeopardize the results. information or missing information procreated from the 7 135 Not only the applications to support the front and back operation are 136 essential, the abilities to control and identify the next destination of goods/raw 137 material are also indispensable. The real time tracking of logistics entities using 138 the combination capabilities of RFID, mobile devices and the integrated browser 139 interface was conducted (Lin, 2011). The position of objects is derived from GPS, 140 WIFI, GSM, and GPRS. Even overall detection accuracy of geographical location 141 is over 97% for moving entities and roughly 100% for the action-less entities, its 142 remain drawbacks are 1) the detection of geographical position function needed to 143 support variety of browsers since difference logistics users may use different 144 mobile devices and 2) the browsers themselves should have the ability to 145 automatically detect and confirm on what positioning devices to be launched. 146 To increase the accuracy of the logistic process, not only the ability to 147 detect location of goods is desired, the reliability of RFIDs signals is also 148 essential. Particularly in the environment where there is limited accessibility to the 149 IoT infrastructure. A launch of AspireRFID (Soldatos et al., 2010) , a RFID 150 middleware with a range of tools to facilitate RFID deployment ("RFID Journal," 151 2009) was a breakthrough. The integration of the EPCglobal based RFID 152 architecture with “Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)” (Anggorojati, Mahalle, 153 Prasad, and Prasad, 2013) to simultaneously detect locations and mobility 154 management of RFID tags has revealed outstanding performance in cost 155 consumption of tags registration and tracking. 156 In large logistic enterprises, the capability to automatically locate and 157 move assembly parts has incurred the adoption of robots. Basically, the infrared 8 158 motion capture system or computer vision system with complex machine learning 159 algorithms is used control the navigation and object manipulation of robots. 160 However, the proposed robot, that feature is handled by RF-Compass and RFID 161 (Wang, Adib, Knepper, Katabi, and Rus, 2013). Both the robots and the objects 162 the robot will work on are embedded with an ultra low-power RF-compass and a 163 low cost RFIDs in replacement of WiFi-nodes. When robots grasp objects, the 164 RF-Compass can pinpoint the center position and the orientation of objects with 165 the accuracy of 80-90%. Even though this study demonstrates low computation 166 time when compared with machine-learning architecture. It has a limited line-of- 167 sight detection and no proven evidence on handling small objects. 168 169 Transportation 170 The development in transportation is presumed to be one of the factors to 171 indicate the well-being of the country. That is why transportation problems are 172 very challenging in the field of IoT. A proposal on a road condition monitoring 173 and alert application was initiated (Ghose et al., 2012). The main idea is to apply 174 the principles of crowd sourcing and participatory sensing. User identifies the 175 route he wishes and marks some points as pothole in the smart phone's 176 application. When the vehicle runs over the defined route, accelerometer which 177 continuously captures data will send raw data via mobile network. Related 178 features are then extracted to generate a confidence score to indicate the 179 abnormalities of the routes by showing the plot of pothole information. The 180 adoption of user’s smart phone as a connector device has expressed distinct 9 181 advantage since there is no additional cost applying on the hardware. Nevertheless 182 some remaining issues are the upload and download process of route-map which 183 involved considerable network traffic may induce vulnerability to the system. In 184 addition, the road condition classification performed at the phone itself is very 185 time-consuming and may drain out the battery of the mobile phone. 186 For large cities, problems such as finding parking spaces, waiting in line 187 for toll-way payment can be cumbersome which has urged the idea of applying 188 the license plate as a unique identity of driver (Ren, Jiang, Wu, Yang, and Liu, 189 2012). The license plate is captured by the recognition equipment whereas sensors 190 embedded in license plate will collect the information of road surface. The data is 191 then forwarded for the process of calculating the optimal path and guiding passage 192 of vehicles. The system not only can invoke the traffic scheduling, vehicle 193 positioning and vehicle query for passenger, it also can locate the parking spaces 194 in nearby location. This design provides variety of benefits to driver in terms of 195 managing highway automatic toll collection, avoiding busy traffic induction, 196 locating parking space and adding more security to the vehicle. A clear drawback 197 however is this design is trying to support too many functions which invokes high 198 cost and difficulties for implementation. 199 Electric vehicles, an important means to reduce both the fuel cost and the 200 impact of global warming have also gained considerable attention from drivers. 201 However the underlying issue is the battery life. Therefore government in many 202 countries has supported researches on systems to monitor performance of 203 Lithium-ion (Li-on) battery for electric vehicle as explored in (Haiying et al., 10 204 2012) . The system is designed to detect the functions of Li-on power battery by 205 deriving the driving situation from the realistic working conditions for driver so 206 that the driver can get the idea of the route status. This solution is embedded with 207 many essential functions such as dynamic performance test of the Li-on battery, 208 remote monitoring with on-line debugging and error correction that can 209 significantly reduce the maintenance cost. It can be more valuable if the function 210 of age-tracking and end-of-life predictions of battery is included so that the fading 211 battery can be tracked to assure of the readiness, reliability, and security of the 212 electric buses. 213 The safety supervision in the distribution of hazardous or valuable goods 214 is imperative for shipping companies as well. A study to master the operation of 215 the entire fleet from the command center in real time was conducted 216 (Shengguang, Lin, Yuanshuo, and Rucai). Each vehicle is embedded with GPS to 217 form a multi-hop network for the command center to share the perception of 218 drivers. A combination of RFID reader and 3G video surveillance is used to 219 monitor status of goods whereas temperature and humidity sensors in the vehicle 220 are used to detect a quality of transport goods. If indicators exceed the limit, the 221 alarm will be raised. Other unpredicted events such as driver fatigue or 222 unauthorized access are also detected and forwarded to command center. This 223 design has achieved the effectiveness in road traffic safety and travel reliability. 224 The limitations disengaged are the adoption of several technologies in this design 225 will raise the cost of deployment as well as the requirement to support massive 11 226 data. Moreover the location of vehicles can be inaccurate when vehicles are 227 moving in high speed or approaching blind spots for GPS. 228 229 Healthcare 230 Improvement in human health and well-being is the ultimate goal of any 231 economic, technological and social development. The rapid rising and aging of 232 population is one of the macro powers causing great pressure to healthcare 233 systems. A solution to solve the difficulties in accessing to healthcare of people in 234 rural area of developing countries (Rohokale, Prasad, and Prasad, 2011) was 235 implemented. In an environment without the Internet, the mobile network facility 236 can be utilized to convey the information. A person registered with the rural 237 healthcare center (RHC) is requested to wear an active RFID sensor to detect any 238 change on the normal parameters. If those parameters exceed certain values, 239 information will be cooperatively routed to the RHC doctor. This approach has 240 proven to be a reliable critical healthcare application that continuously monitors 241 and controls health parameters of human. 242 The other approach is the integration of clinical devices in the patient’s 243 environment (Jara, Zamora, and Skarmeta, 2012) which allows user to use a 244 mobile phone to transmit health data to medical centers. A home gateway is 245 located at the patient’s house to connect to the Internet while the mobile personal 246 health device acts as an integration of medical devices from different vendors. 247 The system continuously analyses the vital signs from the patient to detect 248 anomalies. The noticeable flaw of the system is the security threats and attacks in 12 249 the mobile network, although GSM has adopted an encryption as protection 250 mechanism but as it is wide-spread in nature, interception of information 251 transmitted is possible. 252 A “non-contact health monitoring system (NCHMS)” (N. Yang, Zhao, and 253 Zhang, 2012) is another choice of IoT healthcare service which is more 254 convenient to users. The system monitors the user’s facial expressions, postures, 255 and sounds. The monitoring system collected users’ data through digital cameras, 256 microphones, and other equipment .The feature extraction, expression recognition, 257 and classification are performed at the server. The variations in user’s facial 258 expressions, postures, and sounds are used as identifications to classify if users are 259 in danger or having diseases. If any of these parameters changes, the system 260 determines the necessary treatment, reminds the user and notifies the hospital and 261 related persons. The system has demonstrated promising strength in term of ease- 262 of-use. But the adoption of camera as collector device can cause difficulties in 263 actively synthesizing images for transmission as well as the angle of images 264 captured. As for microphone, the recognition of voice could also be suffered from 265 the clamor in the environment. Another serious drawback is the machine learning 266 technique, normally involved with time-complexity in the analysis of the large 267 volume of learning data set. 268 269 Environment and Disaster 270 At the present time, natural and accidental disasters are taking place more 271 frequent. To lessen the effects of natural disasters, technologies in IoT could play 13 272 a crucial role in alerting before disasters happen, and in disaster recovery after 273 they end. 274 A heritage site monitoring system, namely “Health Monitoring and Risk 275 Evaluation of Earthen Sites (HMRE2S)” model (Xiao et al., 2013) was conducted 276 to monitor the environmental information of cultural sites. The environment 277 information such as temperature, humidity, and light are collected via intelligent 278 monitoring system. This experiment was claimed to provide accurate results but 279 generalization for other sites may not be applicable since it was explored on a 280 small heritage land. Thus for larger cultural sites, the accuracy remains 281 questionable. 282 Another contribution to global warming is the smart environment which 283 increasingly attracted interest from the society. A smart heat and electricity 284 management system (Kyriazis, Varvarigou, Rossi, White, and Cooper, 2013) was 285 presented to monitor real-time electricity usage of the buildings and individual 286 appliances where smart meters are used as data recorders. If the power 287 consumption of those objects is above the limit, users will be promptly informed. 288 Considering disaster, a waste from oil depot can cause terrible disaster to the 289 environment because it is easy to get ablaze and burst. A surveillance system for 290 safety management of oil depot was introduced in China (Du, Mao, and Lu, 2012 291 ). The sensing layer of the system consists of RFID tags and non-explosive PDAs 292 to identify and interact with the key facilities in the oil depot. 3G is used as the 293 communication layer to forward the data from the worksite to the Internet, where 294 users can access the safety management information via enterprise intranet. This 14 295 IoT based safety management information system is proven to be stable since it 296 was actually deployed in 2 oil depots with 24 PDAs and 100 RFID tags. 297 298 Discussion on IoT in Applications 299 Under the vision of IoT, applications can be fully automated by configuring 300 themselves when exposed to a new environment. The intelligence behavior driven 301 by the system can autonomously be triggered to seamlessly cope with unforeseen 302 situations. However the applications in the above domains can deliver more 303 analytical results if the following hindrances are properly taken care of. 304 Apparently, the major players of collector in the above application 305 domains are RFIDs and GPS. RFID is one of the most convenient devices to 306 transmit and receive data via radio frequency without wires at the lowest cost. 307 Some RFID devices can only be used within the industry due to the range of 308 electromagnetic spectrum (Coetzee and Eksteen, 2011). A clear disadvantage of 309 its technology is the reader collision which may occur when the signals from two 310 or more readers overlap or many tags are present in a small area. Although many 311 systems use an anti-collision protocol to enable the tags to take turns in 312 transmitting to a reader, this problem remains. An additional strong barricade is 313 the global standards of RFIDs are not yet established (Haiying et al., 2012). 314 As for GPS, it is recognized as an excellent tool for data collection in 315 many environments where users can generally see the sky and are able to get close 316 to the objects to be mapped. GPS requires a clear line-of-sight between the 317 receiver’s antenna and several orbiting satellites. Anything hedging the antenna 15 318 from a satellite can potentially weaken the signal to such a degree that it becomes 319 too difficult to achieve reliable positioning. An obstruction like buildings, trees, 320 crossways, and other obstructions that block sunlight can effectively block GPS 321 signals where its potentiality could be seriously reduced (Guo, Poling, and Poppe; 322 Vermesan and Friess, 2013). 323 Since the communication infrastructure of IoT can be any network 324 available within the range. Hence mobile ad-hoc network, which allows people 325 and devices to seamlessly form network in areas without pre-existing 326 communication infrastructure seems to be a better choice (Bakht). The more 327 convenience, the more applications and the more network services it supports, the 328 more opportunities for active attackers as well as malicious or misbehaving nodes 329 to create hostile attacks. These types of attack can seriously damage basic 330 functions of security, such as integrity, confidentiality and privacy of the node. 331 Currently, the security goal in mobile ad-hoc networks can only be achieved 332 through cryptographic mechanisms. These mechanisms are generally more fragile 333 to physical security threats than fixed wired networks. Besides, standardized 334 communication interfaces and distributed control intelligence within an industry 335 network remains disorganized (Lo´pez, Ranasinghe, Harrison, and McFarlane, 336 2012). 337 As far as IoT dealing with more objects, the volume of the data generated 338 and the processes involved in the handling of those data become critical. The 339 ability to extract content from the data becomes even more crucial and complex, 340 especially when dealing with big data. Variety of technologies and factors 16 341 involved in the data management of IoT such as data collection and analysis, data 342 migration and integrity, sensor networks, and complex event processing are not 343 yet convinced (Vermesan and Friess, 2013). 344 345 Forwarding IoT 346 For the sake of IoT to achieve its vision, a number of challenges need to be 347 overcome. These challenges range from standardization, communication, and 348 security to data volume (Coetzee and Eksteen, 2011; Vermesan and Friess, 2013). 349 1. 350 solutions, using their own technologies and inaccessible services. Standards need 351 to be defined to change this “Intranet of Things” (Vermesan and Friess, 2013) into 352 the more complete “Internet of Things”. 353 2. 354 networks and facilitate peer-to-peer communication for specialized purposes. 355 They can increase robustness of communications channels and networks by 356 forming ad-hoc peer-to-peer networks in disaster situations to keep the flow of 357 imperative information going in case of telecommunication infrastructure failures. 358 Therefore, the integrity and stability of the infrastructure is crucial to provide 359 reliable services. 360 3. 361 machine but also from machine to machine where the guarantee on the access 362 control, authorization, privacy, and protection from malicious is a prime 363 requirement for IoT acknowledgement. Standardization: Currently, many manufacturers are creating vertical Communication Infrastructure: Things generated by devices can join Security: In IoT, the communication channel is not only from human to 17 364 4. 365 identification and tracking systems are very crucial for real time processing. There 366 remain several complexities of process involving as well as doubts in standards 367 and filtering techniques. 368 5. 369 connected to the Internet, each one providing data. Mechanisms to store and 370 assure the validity through scalable applications remain a major technological 371 challenge. Data collection and acquisition: Data collection from sensors, Big data: One significant aspect in IoT is the large number of things being 372 373 Although IoT has to overcome huge barriers in order to gain trust from the 374 societies, it has illustrated the distinguished potential to add a new dimension to 375 the application in logistics, transportation, healthcare, and environment and 376 disaster by enabling communication between smart objects. Therefore IoT should 377 be considered as a part of future internet that everything can connect in a network 378 where objects can interact with each others. The development towards several 379 issues will make IoT a complete solution. Hence more researches in the 380 application IoT are essential. Once successfully implemented, the reduction of 381 human efforts shall benefit the quality of life as well as business. 382 383 References 384 Aggarwal, C. C. (2012). Managing And Mining Sensor Data: IBM T. J. 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