Date XX/XX/2015 Document Reference Page 1/3 Version 2 HUB CONFIGURATION SHEET AGENCY NAME: ___________ Proprietary Statement This document contains proprietary information of Secure Interagency Flow LLC. It is intended solely for the information and use of the Alliance for Toll Interoperability and its member Agencies in the scope of the Hub Pilot System. Such proprietary information may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed to any other parties for any other purpose without the expressed written permission of Secure Interagency Flow LLC. Secure Interagency Flow LLC c/o Sanef ITS Technologies. 95 Seaview Blvd., Port Washington NY 11050 - Tel: (516) 484-3333 - Fax: (516) 484-5161 The information disclosed herein contains proprietary rights of Sanef ITS Technologies. Neither this document nor the information disclosed herein shall be reproduced or used or disclosed to others for manufacturing or any other purpose except as specifically authorized in writing by Sanef ITS Technologies. Date XX/XX/2015 Document Reference Page 2/3 Version 2 Contract Signing Date Contact Agency Name Primary Contact Name Email Phone Technical Contact Name Email Phone For data exchange, please select the preferred communication channel: Data Communication Channel FTP Web Services License Plate Data Unmatched Toll Transactions Data Communication Format E-ZPass TeamTX SunPass Other License Plate Data _____________* Unmatched Toll Transactions _____________* * In case of “Other” formats, please provide supporting specifications/ICDs. Data sent to the ATI Hub Interval Frequency Time License Plate Data Daily _______am / pm Every ___ h Unmatched Toll Transactions Daily _______am / pm Every ___ h (if applicable) On demand Secure Interagency Flow LLC c/o Sanef ITS Technologies. 95 Seaview Blvd., Port Washington NY 11050 - Tel: (516) 484-3333 - Fax: (516) 484-5161 The information disclosed herein contains proprietary rights of Sanef ITS Technologies. Neither this document nor the information disclosed herein shall be reproduced or used or disclosed to others for manufacturing or any other purpose except as specifically authorized in writing by Sanef ITS Technologies. Date XX/XX/2015 Document Reference Page 3/3 Version 2 Network Connectivity & Security SFTP address, web services URL (if applicable), and credentials will be communicated separately by SIF to the participating agency. Sample Files Two (2) different plate files and two (2) transaction files are required to validate their correct processing by the Hub once the connectivity is established. Website & Reporting Services Access First Name Last Name Email address 1 2 3 4 5 Additional Comments / Questions Secure Interagency Flow LLC c/o Sanef ITS Technologies. 95 Seaview Blvd., Port Washington NY 11050 - Tel: (516) 484-3333 - Fax: (516) 484-5161 The information disclosed herein contains proprietary rights of Sanef ITS Technologies. Neither this document nor the information disclosed herein shall be reproduced or used or disclosed to others for manufacturing or any other purpose except as specifically authorized in writing by Sanef ITS Technologies.