Briefing Sheet

7 April 2015
Dear colleague,
RE: Community Sport Project: “The Preferred way Forward (PwF)”
I’m writing to let you know about the continuing progress on this Project and to provide you
with further information on the preferred way forward mentioned in my previous briefing
note. I’m pleased to enclose the latest briefing note which describes the “preferred way
forward” (PwF) that has come out of our options identification and evaluation process. I also
enclose our latest question and answer briefing that covers some of the more frequently
asked questions about the Project which I hope you find helpful - particularly when briefing
others about this important project.
Progress so far
We continue to make solid progress in developing the Preferred Way Forward (PwF) for
future Sport Wales investment in Community Sport. The views of a wide range of
stakeholders have been crucial in helping us shape this PwF. The PwF involves a new
outcomes-based investment strategy with investment aligned to three investment
objectives: increasing participation; tackling inequality; and enhancing the sporting
pathway. Stakeholders have indicated that this can best be achieved through an investment
framework that has national and regional/localised investment coordination. The Project
Board has approved the work done to date and instructed the Project Team to begin work
on evaluating a range of short-listed more detailed options based upon this high-level PwF.
This next stage evaluation will involve cost benefit analysis, impact assessments and closer
examination of the issues and risks of each option.
The Project remains on course to submit its recommendations for change in the form of an
Outline Business Case for the Sport Wales Executive Board to consider in May. Support for
the case for change remains strong and there has been an encouraging response from a
range of stakeholders to our request for initial “expressions of interest” from those who
might be interested in leading or being part of regional/localised investment coordination,
commissioning and delivery.
A few stakeholders have asked whether there is a need for Sport Wales to fundamentally
change the way it invests in their organisations. The position is quite clear and this Project,
since it began its work last year, continues to communicate the following consistent
The status quo is simply no longer viable. In fact, it isn’t even an option that is
being contemplated, because Sport Wales, like all other public sector bodies,
faces sustained year-on-year reductions in its budget as the Nation seeks to
reduce overall public spending levels. Our view, shared by the vast majority of
stakeholders, is that a planned, coordinated response to those pressures (that
seeks to deliver the maximum beneficial impact through a set of agreed
outcomes, better coordination, and heightened cross-sector collaboration) is now
both essential and unavoidable. Indeed, through our consultation work, partners
have been sharing their own challenges and the service plans they are
contemplating on alternative models of delivery.
Despite the threat this fiscal challenge represents to stakeholders, this is also an exciting
opportunity for the immensely talented community sport sector in Wales to transform itself
through better coordination, heightened collaboration and, by targeting precious resources,
talent and skills to make even bolder strides towards the Vision for Sport aspirations we
have set ourselves.
Next Steps
Having now identified the PwF, this is an important stage in the Community Sport Project’s
lifecycle and, as originally intended, forms the trigger for the Project Board to be
reconfigured. Until now we have had representation on the Project Board from both groups
of our existing partners Local Government and National Governing Bodies. Their presence
throughout this initial “scoping and definition stage” was intended to ensure that our
existing partners were fully engaged in helping to shape the future direction of travel. Our
existing partner representatives on the Project Board also jointly chaired a cross-sector
Stakeholder Reference Group (SRG) that has met on three occasions to: i. test the case for
change; ii. consider the options; and iii. inform our thinking around the PwF. These
arrangements have been incredibly beneficial and helped the Project Team to bring
stakeholders along with the project - enabling a wide stakeholder base to engage and
contribute to the thinking.
However, as the Project Team is now about to begin the detailed evaluation of specific
options (requiring specialist expertise to be brought to bear and involving commercial,
contractual and procurement-sensitive information) the Project Executive has initiated the
planned reconfiguration which in addition to seeing the Community Sport Project Board
strengthened with additional financial and procurement expertise will require our external
partner representatives to no longer play a part in the decision-making process around a
preferred option and how it should be expedited. They will though continue to play a
valuable role chairing the on-going Stakeholder Reference Group.
How you can contribute:
The Project continues to invite and encourage stakeholders to engage with its work and to
help inform and shape a smooth transition to a new more sustainable and agile community
sport model for Wales. You can help us make further progress by letting us have your
thoughts on:
a. The preferred way forward described in the briefing note.
b. What you feel the implications are (+/-) of this change in investment strategy.
Keep engaged and find out more:
I will continue to provide you and other stakeholders with regular updates and our website
will also publish latest developments and progress reports. In addition, a brand new,
interactive web site is currently being developed that will showcase sport participation
within Wales up to 2026, enabling partners to visualise and better understand their journey
over the next ten years. The website is set to go live in April 2015 we will inform you of its
If you are interested in finding out more or indeed would like to speak to someone about
the overall project please email:
Thank you.
Yours sincerely
Graham Williams
Director of Sport Development
029 2033 8361