F1-A: Co-Teaching PLC Objectives

Co-Teaching Professional Learning Community
Face-to-Face Meeting
Day One
 Examine effective co-teaching practices:
 teacher teams
 co-teaching models
 moving beyond one-teach, one-assist
 Network with other administrators to ask questions and share-out
some of the trials and tribulations of co-teaching
 Complete a Facilitated Self-Assessment on Co-Teaching
 Begin to use a Co-Teaching Considerations Framework
Moving Beyond One
Teach, One Support
Discuss strategies to implement when developing a master schedule
with embedded co-teaching
Face-to-Face Meeting
Day Two
Examine current co-teaching practices and effective practices
(including planning time and program evaluation)
Network with other administrators to ask questions and share out
some of the trials and tribulations of co-teaching within their
Continue to use a Co-Teaching Considerations Framework
Program Evaluation
Face-to-Face Meeting
Day Three
Explore various options of teaming teachers and moving beyond one
teach, one support
Support teaching teams to select appropriate co-teaching models
based on the objectives of the lessons and the needs of the students
Consider several tools to use that evaluate the effectiveness of coteaching
Compare the relationship of observation/evaluation to the teacher
effectiveness framework
Examine IEP documentation of co-teaching
Demonstrate understanding of the differences between
accommodations and modifications
Explore barriers and solutions to co-teaching
Network with other administrators and share out some of the trials
and tribulations of co-teaching within their school/district
Present a five-minute presentation on something they did during the
school year that enhanced a co-teaching practice in their
school/district (or present findings of grant)