Питання для самоперевірки

Плани самостійних робіт
Самостійна робота № 1
Тема: Generalities of Stylistics
Practical assignments:
1. Style. Context. Form. Stylistic analysis. Standard English (see Appendix, item
2. Attribute properly the object of studying to the following types of stylistics: 1)
linguistic, 2) communicative, 3) coding, 4) decoding, 5) literary, 6) contrastive
(see Appendix, item 2).
3. Point out subtypes for the following types of context: a) linguistic, b) stylistic, c)
4. Explain how semantics of the compounds depend on their phonetics
(pronunciation): overwork, bookcase, mankind.
5. Analyse dependence of semantics on the grammatical meaning of plurality in the
following vocabulary: still lifes ≠ still lives; cloth basket ≠ clothes basket; good
train ≠ goods train; saving bank ≠ savings bank.
Питання для самоперевірки:
1. What is the subject of stylistics? What is its place in the system of related
disciplines? Name the types of stylistics.
2. What are the main notions of stylistics?
3. What expressive means of language do you know?
4. What stylistic devices can you enumerate?
Самостійна робота № 2
Тема: Functional Styles
Practical assignments:
1. Define functional style features of the passages (see Appendix, item 3).
2. Pay attention to the peculiarities of translation of the above cited functional
style patterns (see Appendix, item 4).
3. Assignments for stylistic analysis (see Appendix, item 5):
1). Define what neutral word [a) drunkard, b) mad, c) disobedient] slang
equivalents substitute in the passage.
2). Explain whether this extract presents a narration or a description.
3). Is there any emotional or qualitative climax in the extract? How do the
words "No, he is not!" fit all the other exclamations?
4). What is the sentence structure in the direct speech - simple/ composite,
complete/ elliptical? Do the exclamations manifest any definite style of
language? What exactly?
5). What is the tone of speech in this extract: formal/ semiformal/ informal/
conversational/ casual/ sympathetic/ cheerful/ vigorous/ serious/ humorous/ mockserious/ lyrical/ dramatic/ excited/ agitated/ passionate/ impassive/ detached/
matter-of-fact/ dry/ impartial/ melancholy/ moralising/ unemotional/ pathetic/
sarcastic/ ironical/ sneering/ bitter/ reproachful, etc.?
6). What is: a) the basic theme, b) the idea of the episode?
Питання для самоперевірки:
1. What are the functional styles in English?
2. What are the peculiarities of the style of official documents?
3. What are the features of the style of scientific prose?
4. What is the difference between the newspaper style and the publicistic one?
5. What are the peculiarities of the belletristic style?
6. What are the features of the styles of drama and poetry?
Самостійна робота № 3
Тема: Stylistic Lexicology. Morphological Stylistics
Practical assignments:
1. Assignments for stylistic analysis (see Appendix, item 6):
1). Explain what exactly speaks of the style of this passage? What style is
2). How does the choice of words influence perception of the information?
Define the tone of the note: formal/ semiformal/ informal/ conversational/ casual/
sympathetic/ cheerful/ vigorous/ serious/ humorous/ mock-serious/ lyrical/
dramatic/ excited/ agitated/ passionate/ impassive/ detached/ matter-of-fact/ dry/
impartial/ melancholy/ moralising/ unemotional/ pathetic/ sarcastic/ ironical/
sneering/ bitter/ reproachful, etc.
3). State: a) the basic theme, b) the idea of the passage.
2. Assignments for stylistic analysis (see Appendix, item 7):
1). What is the basic theme and the central idea of the passage?
2). Point out what layer of vocabulary the marked words belong to.
3). Define the context of the plot description. What exactly (vocabulary
choice, pronunciation, the context itself) produces a humorous effect?
4). Analyse the style and tone of speech of both the interlocutors.
3. Assignments for stylistic analysis (see Appendix, item 8):
1). Define the theme of the extract.
2). Analyse the way and form of presentation - whether the passage is the 1st/
3rd person narration/ description. What is the author's role?
3). Characterise the stylistic value of the following morphological items
within the text: the superlative degree form: "we 'd have the whole river all to
ourselves for the longest time"; the pronoun "you"; the number category in
"Yonder was the banks and the islands", "they was made..., was hove out of the
nest"; the infinitive form: "we used to lay on our backs", "I've seen a frog lay";
expression of correlation: "it would have took too long to make so many", "the
moon could a laid them", "of course it could be done"; the double negation: "I
didn't say nothing"; double expression of the same syntactic component: "from
one of them crafts ", "Jim he allowed...". What are those grammatical forms
among the mentioned ones that speak of a) the pragmatic intention, b) emotional
state, c) educational background of the narrator? Specify.
4). Point out and comment on the stylistic functions of a) detachment, b)
asyndeton, c) repetition.
5). Characterise the following metaphors: "the sky, up there, all speckled
with stars"; "the moon could a laid them"; "they'd got spoiled and was hove out of
the nest".
6). Define the tone of the piece, the narrator's character, and the idea
expressed in the text.
Питання для самоперевірки:
1. What is the difference between neutral and common literary words?
2. Characterise special literary vocabulary: terms, poetic words, archaic words.
3. Name features of special literary vocabulary: barbarisms, foreignisms,
4. What are the peculiarities of special colloquial vocabulary: slang, jargonisms,
professionalisms, dialectal words, vulgar words?
5. What is a set expression?
6. What do you know of stylistic transposition of nouns, pronouns, adjectives,
Самостійна робота № 4
Тема: Phonetic and Graphic Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices
Practical assignments: Assignments for stylistic analysis of the poem (see
Appendix, item 9).
1. Apply the notions of style, norm, context, image to this poem.
2. Define a) the basic theme; b) the central idea of the piece of verse.
3. What do the pronoun forms "thy", "thine", "thee" stand for? What layer of
vocabulary do they belong to? Specify. Is there any morphological transposition?
4. Comment on the graphic means in the following: "Tyger", &, water'd. Do
they also speak of poetic diction?
5. Whom does the author imply by the pronouns "he ", "his "? Say whether
the questions are rhetoric and if they are directed to only one image? What effect
does all this questioning produce?
6. State whether the pronounced with exclamation word "Tyger!" is direct
address or a nominative sentence. What kind of repetition is this: "Tyger!"
"Tyger!'"? Does this variant of repetition help to understand the expressed emotion
and attitude? What is expressed in this exclamation -fear, excitement, regret, joy,
amazement, or any other feeling?
7. Does the poem contain any elliptical parts, or are those enumerated word
combinations joined asyndetically?
8. Analyse the rhythm of the poem.
9. Define the type of rhyme: a) couplets/ triple/ cross rhyme/ framing; b)
broken/ identical/ eye rhyme; c) single (masculine or male)/ double (feminine or
female)/ treble (triple or tumbling). Point out instrumentation means (alliteration,
assonance, onomatopoeia).
10. Analyse the kind and contextual essence of metaphoric expressions in
the poem.
11. Decide and explain whether the tone of the poem is casual/ sympathetic/
cheerful/ serious/ humorous/ mock-serious/ lyrical/ dramatic/ excited/ agitated/
passionate/ impassive/ detached/ matter-of-fact/ dry/ impartial/ melancholy/
moralising/ unemotional/ pathetic/ sarcastic/ ironical/ sneering/ bitter/ reproachful,
etc. What effect is produced by the following words: burning, immortal, fearful,
fire, dare and dread (repeated several times), hammer, chain, furnace, deadly
terrors, tears'!
12. Analyse the stylistic essence of the utterance "Did he smile his work to
see?" State the type and function of the stylistic device in the sentence "Did he
who made the Lamb make thee (the Tyger)?"
13. The first four lines of the poem are repeated at the end of it. What kind
of repetition is this? What effect does it produce? What does the substitution of
"dare" for "could" in the fourth repeated line aim at?
14. Explain how the form of image presentation helps to perceive the
author's attitude and the philosophic consideration.
Питання для самоперевірки:
1. What is sound instrumention?
What is a graphon?
3. What types and functions of graphon do you know?
4. What instrumentation means do you know?
5. What are the features of versification means?
6. Define graphic means.
Самостійна робота № 5
Тема: Stylistic Semasiology
Practical assignments:
1. Assignments for stylistic analysis (see Appendix, item 10):
1). Analyse the theme and the idea disclosed in the extract.
2). Define whether the text is more narration or description. What is the
author's role in it?
3). Is there any exaggeration in depicting the phenomenon?
4). Define the kind of context. Characterise semantic and structural types of
metaphor in the passage. What effect does the metaphoric description produce?
5). Analyse stylistic value of the simile used in the passage. Is the clause "as
if they had made it all" in the last sentence also an instance of simile? What is the
semantic stylistic essence of this concluding part?
6). Explain whether the conjunction "but" introduces antithesis.
7). What effect is produced by the detached nominative clause "A clammy
and intensely cold mist"!
8). In what tone is the extract written? What words specify it?
2. Assignments for stylistic analysis (see Appendix, item 11):
1). Define the style represented by the extract.
2). State the theme and the idea of the text.
3). What is basically presented in the passage - narration or description? Is
there any emotional climax in the text?
4). Analyse: a) whether the setting is realistic/ fantastic/ exotic; b) what span
of time the extract covers.
5). What is the tone of the extract? Choose three words or phrases which you
think convey the unpleasantness of the weather or the landscape. Explain how
these words or phrases achieve their effects.
6). Analyse metaphor and explain simile in the excerpt.
7). Is/ are there any image/ images created in the context? Comment on your
Питання для самоперевірки:
1. What are the functions of morphemic repetition?
2. What types of lexical meaning do you know?
3. What is contextual meaning?
4. What is a metaphor?
5. What is metonymy? Give a detailed description of the device.
6. What is irony, what lexical meaning is employed in its formation?
7. What structural types of epithets do you know?
Самостійна робота № 6
Тема: Stylistic Syntax. Syntactic Stylistic Devices
Practical assignments:
1. Assignments for stylistic analysis (see Appendix, item 12):
1). Define the theme of the passage.
2). Analyse the role of the protagonist in the extract.
3). Describe syntactic and functional properties of the underlined clauses.
4). Characterise: a) all variants of repetition; b) parallel constructions and
enumeration according to the types of connection, equality, and pragmatic effect;
c) stylistically significant instances of detachment.
5). Explain the essence of the interrogative sentences and clauses.
6). Analyse stylistic functions of gradation within the passage.
7). Explain the metaphor "this hooded stranger".
8). Characterise the stylistic function of the utterance: “It is a problem
beyond the proper scope of letters”, and the idea expressed in the whole extract.
2. Assignments for stylistic analysis (see Appendix, item 13):
1). Define the theme of the extract. Is it disclosed through (1st/ 3rd person)
narration or description?
2). Describe the tone of the extract (whether it is casual/ sympathetic/
cheerful/ serious/ humorous/ mock-serious/ lyrical/ dramatic/ excited/ agitated/
passionate/ impassive/ detached/ matter-of-fact/ dry/ impartial/ melancholy/
moralising/ unemotional/ pathetic/ sarcastic/ ironical/ sneering/ bitter/ or
reproachful, etc.) and the author's attitude to the introduced characters. Explain the
pragmatic peculiarity of the word "slumbers" and find stylistic devices in the
following: "the unseen power in the next room — a certain Betty"; "she wakened
of herself 'as sure as clockwork', and left the household very little peace
afterwards". Say if there is any contrast between the two girls, and whether the
author resorts to direct or indirect characterization.
3). Analyse the structure and the pragmatic effect of the introductory
sentence. Define the stylistic essence of the phrase "the old rigmarole of
4). Characterise all the other syntactic stylistic peculiarities of the passage,
analyse their functions.
5). Define the idea expressed in the extract.
Питання для самоперевірки:
1. What is a rhetorical question?
2. What types of repetition do you know?
3. Speak about asyndyton and its functions.
4. Detachment of sentence parts.
5. What is a parallel construction?