Document No: 428 PL004-10
Copy No. Revision
Registered Holder & Location
OHL/York Civil Project Manager
NSW Roads and Maritime Services
Revision Revision Date
004 09/07/2015
Client Review
RMS Audit
Issued As
Secure pdf
Secure pdf
(Name and Title)
Mark Sabry, Project Manager
Mark Sabry, Project Manager
Mark Sabry, Project Manager
Andrew Rowlands, Construction
Andrew Rowlands, Construction
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Upgrade of Schofields Road between Tallawong Road and Veron Road
Less than 5 Litres
5 - 200 Litres
Greater than 200 Litres
Call ESR or Superintendent if you need advice
Turn off source
Stop leak or cause
Use adequate absorbent material
Dam flow using booms / socks
Prevent Runoff
Do not dilute
Use broom and/or shovel
Dispose of all contaminated material as per WMP
Prevent Runoff
Call ESR or Superintendent if you need advice
Call ESR OR Superintendent
Actual or potential harm to the health or safety of human beings or ecosystem is not trivial or actual or potential loss or property damage > $10,000
Notify RMS immediately of all Potential Category 1
ASAP - within 1 day of incident
Notify RMS Principal & EPA immediately
Suggestions for improvement
Prevention of re-occurence
Continually improving response
Within 24 hours to RMS er
N.B. Refer to Section 8 Spill Response Plan for more detail.
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Refuelling or Maintenance, and Cleaning of Plant, Material and Equipment .........................17
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Environment and Community Officer ............................................................... 21
Appendix A – OHL York JV Accident / Incident Management Procedure and Reporting Form ...24
Appendix B – RMS Environmental Incident Classification and Reporting Procedure..................25
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EP&A Act
PISRP km m
The Project
Contractor environmental management plan
(NSW) Department of Planning and Infrastructure
Endangered ecological community
– as defined under relevant law applying to the proposal
Environmental impact assessment
Environmental Protection Agency (Previously DECCW and/or OEH)
Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cwth)
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW)
Environmental Protection Licence
Environmental Site Representative
Environmental Work Method Statement
Any substance or product that has the potential, through being used on site, to harm the health and safety of people in the workplace, or the environment.
Pollution Incident Spill Response Plan kilometres
Safety Data Sheet. A document produced by the supplier or manufacturer of a chemical product describing the properties and safe use of the substance or product
Project Engineer
Project Manager
Protection of the Environment Operations Act
New South Wales
Review of Environmental Factors
Any uncontrolled release of materials
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This Pollution Incident Spill Response Plan (PISRP) forms part of the Construction Environmental
Management Plan (CEMP) for the Upgrade of Schofields Road between Tallawong Road and
Veron Road, Schofields (the Project).
This PISRP has been prepared to address the requirements of the RMS standard specification
G36 (RMS G36) and the mitigation and management measures listed in the Schofields Road
Upgrade and Extension: Tallawong Road to Veron Road Review of Environmental Factors (REF) and all applicable legislation.
The Schofields Road Upgrade and Extension: Tallawong Road to Veron Road
– Review of
Environmental Factors (RMS 2012 ) assessed the Project’s operational hazards and risks, this included contamination of soils, groundwater and surface waters from accidental pollution spills.
The REF also identified standard safeguards and management measures that could be implemented to minimise the impact the operational hazards and risk of spills associated with the
Project. These measures have formed part of the Project design where appropriate.
The overall Environmental Management System (EMS) for the Project is described in the
Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP).
The PISRP is part of the OHL York JV environmental management framework for the Project, as described in the CEMP. Relevant management measures identified in this Plan will be incorporated into the Environmental Work Method Statements (EWMS) outlined in the CEMP.
The review and document control processes for this Plan are described in the CEMP.
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OHL York JV has developed this Pollution Incident Spill Response Plan for implementation during the Upgrade of Schofields Road between Tallawong Road and Veron Road, Schofields Project
(the Project).
This document is a Sub Plan of the Contractor Environmental Management Plan (CEMP), which forms part of the Project management system. The Project’s management system for construction of the Project is based on the OHL York JV Management System which is accredited to AS/NZS
ISO 9001:2008 (Quality), AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 (Environmental), and AS/NZS 4801:2001
The purpose of this Plan is to describe how OHL York JV proposes to manage the operational risks and hazards of accidental spills during construction of the Project.
The key objective of the PISRP is to detail the actions required during and following a spill in order to ameliorate impacts to the environment in the event of an accidental spill. To achieve this objective, OHL York JV will undertake the following:
» Ensure appropriate controls and procedures are implemented during construction activities to avoid or minimise spill impacts and potential adverse impacts to sensitive receivers along the Project corridor;
» Ensure appropriate measures are implemented to minimise impacts due to spills and address the requirements of RMS standard specification G36 (RMS G36);
» Ensure appropriate measures are implemented to comply with all relevant legislation and other requirements as described in Section 3.1 of this Plan.
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3.1.1 Legislation
Legislation and regulations relevant to the Project includes”
» Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act).
» Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2005
» Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2001
Work Health and Safety Act 2011
3.1.2 Guidelines and Standards
The main guidelines, specification and policy documents relevant to this Plan include:
» EPA Bunding and Spill Management Guidelines contained within EPA Environmental
Protection Manual for Authorised Officers
RMS Code of Practice for Water Management.
» RMS Environmental Incident Classification and Reporting Procedure
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Sensitive biodiversity receivers are located within the vicinity of the site including First Ponds
Creek, First Pond Creek Tributary and Unnamed Creek (Eastern Creek Tributary), all ephemeral drainage lines and areas of Cumberland Plain Woodland (CPW), Cumberland Plain shale woodlands and shale-gravel transition forest, and River-flat eucalyptus forest (Refer to Figure 4-
1 and Figure 4-2). The Project area drains to both First Ponds Creek, which is a tributary of Cattai
Creek within the Hawkesbury-Nepean catchment, and the Unnamed Creek, which is a tributary of Eastern Creek within the Hawkesbury-Nepean catchment. First Pond Creek crosses Schofields
Road west of the Hambledon Road intersection and the unnamed creek crosses Schofields Road to the east of the Railway Terrace intersection.
Specific responses to hydrocarbon spills will depend on a range of different factors including weather, volume of water in drainage lines, time and location of spill, volume of substance spilt and the type of product spilt. In general, impacts to wildlife can be divided into those resulting from the toxicity of the various components of the substance and those resulting from the physical contact with the substance (IPIECA 2004).
It is considered that the CPW has the potential to be the affected in the event of a hydrocarbon spill. Any uncontrolled release of hydrocarbons has the potential to lead to irreversible damage to species and communities listed under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (TSC
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Figure 0-1 Location of drainage lines and native vegetation in close proximity to the Project
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Figure 0-2 Location of drainage lines and native vegetation in close proximity to the Project
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There are two (2) site compounds established for the Upgrade of Schofields Road project. The primary site compound is located 37 Schofields Rd, and the secondary satellite compound is located on Bridge Street.
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Figure 0-3 Site Layout
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This PISRP shall be communicated to personnel through site induction, at Toolbox and Pre-Start meetings and will be displayed on site and contained within the Contractor Environmental
Management Plan (CEMP). Site specific evacuation procedures (incl. muster points, the spill response flow chart (Figure 7-1) and the identities of Emergency Response Team personnel) will be displayed on noticeboards and in prominent positions throughout the site/buildings.
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Environmental incidents can include (but not be limited to) the following:
» Spills of fuels, oils, chemicals and other hazardous materials;
» Unauthorised discharge from sediment basins or other containment devices;
» An unexpected find of contaminated soils or other potentially hazardous substances;
» Flooding event due to the works (e.g. water main burst, creek flows, general runoff and including water passing through the site from upstream/upgradient);
» Sewage spill (breach of a sewer or a spill/leak from site toilets, etc.);
» Chemical or fuel spill (any spill to water or >0.25L to land, including to sealed surfaces);
Fire due to the works (if the risk is to the environment only, e.g. vegetation, injured fauna, black smoke, etc.);
» Failure of erosion and sediment control system to adequately control site runoff;
» Contaminated water discharged to stormwater, a watercourse, water body or groundwater including unauthorised release of water from a stormwater detention basin or dam;
» Non-complying waste disposal;
» Weed/seed/pest contaminated vehicle allowed to access or exit the site;
» Unintended or unauthorised damage to vegetation (any legally protected vegetation and tree branches or roots >40mm of other vegetation);
» Injury to or death of an animal, excluding off-site road kill;
Failure to stop work in the event of a suspected heritage (Aboriginal or non-Aboriginal) finding, or unauthorised disturbance of known heritage item; and
» Repeated community environmental compliant.
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The identification of potential spills shall be captured on the associated task specific
JSEA/SWMS/EWMS with mitigation method of spill containment clearly detailed.
Prior to works starting for any activity where spills could potentially occur, appropriate spill containment kits and systems will be provided.
Spill kits will be provided for the clean-up of small spills within site compounds. Spill kits will be clearly marked and all personnel will be made aware of their location.
Any spill will be cleaned up and disposed of in accordance with OEH (EPA) waste classification requirements.
Measures to avoid spills will include:
Do not refuel or maintain plant and equipment, mix cutting oil with bitumen, or carry out any other activity which may result in the spillage of a chemical, fuel or lubricant on any location with direct drainage to a waterway or environmentally sensitive areas without appropriate temporary impermeable bunding being provided;
» Keep adequate quantities of suitable materials to counteract spillage readily available at all times;
» Clean up all chemical spills immediately if safe to do so;
» Keep records of all water quality checks, discharges and any remedial actions;
» Drums used as markers must not contain chemicals or fuels;
» The Environmental and Community Officer is to be advised immediately of any spill.
» All plant and equipment used during construction activities will be inspected and maintained on a daily basis to ensure there are no leakages of fuel, oil or any other hydrocarbons, and that hydraulic hoses and connectors are in good condition. Records of all plant inspections and repairs are to be maintained by the Site Supervisor.
» Any spill must be managed in accordance with the Spill Response Plan (Section 9).
Spill kits and fire extinguishers are to be maintained at all times in all spray trucks, tankers and any associated plant.
» All personnel operating plant and construction equipment shall be advised of their obligation to: a) Control and prevent contamination of nearby drainage lines;
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Upgrade of Schofields Road between Tallawong Road and Veron Road b) Check all plant equipment items daily for fuel or oil leaks or damaged hoses.
Repair leaks before using item of plant or equipment. Maintain records of inspections; c) Follow the Spill Response Plan (Section 9) when required; d) Report all spills of fuel, oil or bitumen to the Site Supervisor and Environmental and Community Officer.
» Any refuelling, maintenance or cleaning of plant will not be undertaken within 30 metres of built or natural drainage lines
– all site personnel shall be aware of the location of built or natural drainage lines. Where this is not practical, temporary bunding options will be implemented by the Site Supervisor for refuelling near creeks or drainage lines
(natural or built).
» No refuelling operations will be left unattended.
» Concrete mixers, pumps, concrete tools and equipment, etc. shall be washed at specially designated areas that are constructed in a manner that will prevent stormwater runoff from being contaminated.
» Any concrete wash out area(s) will be located at least 100m away from First Ponds
Creek, Unnamed Creek and areas prone to flash flooding, or 50m away from any built or natural drainage lines. Signs shall be provided to advise workers of their locations.
» All concrete wash out area(s) will have impermeable bunding and floor, with a sump or low point where stormwater run-off and/or debris is temporarily contained and collected.
Sumps will be monitored daily while in use and cleaned out once at 50% capacity.
» All personnel performing concreting or saw cutting works shall be advised of designated wash out locations and their obligations to clean their plant, tools and equipment within the designated area.
» Chemical, fuel and lubricant storage areas to satisfy the following requirements; a) Not located within 50 metres of any natural or built drainage line, or within 50m of
First Ponds Creek, Unnamed Creek or areas prone to flooding; b) Not located within flood prone lands; c) Not located on slopes steeper then 1:10; d) Must be locked; e) Must have impervious bunding; and f) Must have an impermeable floor.
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» Water discharged from any bunded area is to be done in accordance with the site dewatering requirements.
» A folder of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) shall be maintained in all site sheds and within the vicinity of any chemical storage facilities.
» All chemicals, fuels and lubricants are to be stored in clearly marked and labelled receptacles.
Where practical, spill clean-up kits are to be located:
» In all Site Supervisor utes;
Site compounds;
» In all refuelling trucks;
» At each chemical, fuel and lubricant storage area;
» Areas of worksite where handling and use of dangerous goods occur; and
» In all construction areas where woks are within 50m of a natural drainage line or creek.
Spill clean-up kits will contain the following as a minimum;
» Absorbent booms;
» Absorbent granules;
» Absorbent pillows; and
» Waste bags.
Marine spill kits may be obtained where there is a risk of spill to waters.
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The response actions that will be implemented in the event of a spill include, but are not limited to:
Determine the severity of the spill;
» Evacuate to a safe distance and notify Emergency Response (if required);
» Control, contain, clean up;
» Report to Environmental and Community Officer or Site Supervisor.
Assess safety situation to yourself and others
Identify the substance and refer to the SDS for appropriate measures to be taken.
If you cannot identify the substance, evacuate immediately and follow step 4
If there is a risk or fire or explosion, evacuate immediately and follow step 4
Shut off ignition source(s) if safe to do so
Put on appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment)
Trace the source of the spill
Determine if spill is continuing
Stop or control the leakage by shutting valves, plugging holes, moving mobile equipment
– only if it is safe to do so
This will activate the Emergency Management Plan
– refer to
Project Emergency Management Plan.
Refer to Notifications Section 9.1
Divert traffic and people away from the immediate area
Evacuate if necessary
Contain the leakage using temporary bunds, booms etc.
Recover any free liquid into purpose built tankers if possible
Recover absorbent booms etc.
Clean-up the spill by pumping, absorbing, chemically treating
Dispose of the spilt product in an environmentally responsible manner
Contaminated soil should be removed to an appropriate area
(Refer to WMP)
Report the incident to your Site Supervisor who will then notify the Environmental and Community Officer
The Environmental and Community Officer is responsible notifying the appropriate agencies and groups
Any equipment or materials consumed in the clean-up operation should be replaced as soon as possible
Monitor the spill site to validate clean up and impact on the environment
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The Environmental and Community Officer or Supervisor will make a decision based on RMS
Environmental Incident Classification and Reporting Procedure (Refer Appendix B) what level of notification and callout is initially required for the spill. Larger spills may require higher levels of notification and the need for external resources to manage the spill and protect soil, water and biodiversity.
The relevant authorities (EPA, Ministry of Health, WorkCover NSW, Local Authority and Fire and Rescue NSW) will be informed of any incidents causing or threatening material harm immediately after becoming aware of the incident, by telephoning the Environment Line service on 131 555.
A written report will be provided to the EPA within 7 days of the incident occurring.
Material harm is defined in the POEO Act 1997 as:
“If the actual or potential harm to the health or safety of human beings or ecosystems is not trivial;
If actual or potential loss or property damage (including clean-up costs) associated with an environmental incident exceeds $10,000.
The Principal will be verbally notified immediately (by phone) and, in any case in writing within
24 hours, of any incidents which have been reported to the EPA under Part 5.7 of the POEO
Act .
The Principal will be verbally notified of any Category 1 environmental incidents within 1 hour of the incident occurring. Category 1 incidents are potentially the most serious and generally reflect breaches of environmental legislation (Refer Appendix B, Section 1 for more detailed information).
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OHL York JV Project Team’s organisational structure and overall roles and responsibilities are outlined in the CEMP. Specific responsibilities for the implementation of this PISRP are detailed below.
10.1.1 Project Manager
Responsibilities for the Project Manager include:
» Being fully conversant with the requirements of this Plan;
» Ensuring the PISRP is fully implemented, monitored and adjusted to suit the requirements of the operations system and the client’s requirements; and
Ensuring all employees are conversant with their responsibilities and duties under the
10.1.2 Environment and Community Officer
Responsibilities of the Environment and Community Officer include:
» Ensuring appropriate training for personnel in spill response and other potential environment emergencies;
» Ensuring sufficient and suitable equipment on site so that environmental emergencies can be properly addressed; and
» Providing assistance and advice to personnel in the control of environmental emergencies.
10.1.3 Supervisor
The Supervisor will be responsible for the day to day operations of the project, ensuring project operations comply with all relevant obligations for the period of this contract. The Supervisor will be inducted into OHL York JV Management Systems and Procedures, they will also receive a higher level of Project specific Emergency Preparedness and Incident Management training while onsite.
General Requirements
» Being familiar with the requirements of this PISRP;
» Ensuring incidents are managed and strictly supervised in accordance with the PISRP, company policies and procedures; and
» Understanding process and location of spill kits (spill kits to be located in Supervisor’s and engineers site vehicles, as well as in site compound container).
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10.1.4 Employees, Contractors and Visitors
On identification of a spill requiring emergency response each employee has the responsibility to immediately notify the site supervisor or delegate. In the event of a serious situation the employee shall utilise this “Plan” to make direct contact with the closest emergency service required (e.g. spill clean-up service).
All Personnel shall be provided with general Emergency Management Training as part of the induction training process, and such training shall cover as a minimum:
» The locations of all emergency equipment and the correct method for its use;
» Spill risk awareness training to encourage awareness of the dangers presented by spills and the means for preventing it.
Personnel who have assigned responsibilities in an emergency situation (i.e. ERT, Fire
Wardens, and Evacuation Wardens) shall be provided with accredited training.
Refer to the site specific Training Needs Analysis/ Skills matrix for training schedule and completed training. This is to include emergency pollution response.
Further details regarding staff induction and training are outlined in Section 9.1 of the CEMP.
The OHL York JV incident reporting form will be completed within one (1) day after the incident.
Incident reporting requirements will be as per OHL York JV incident reporting procedures.
Refer to ‘Spill Response Quick Guide’ for a summary of reporting requirements. Notification reporting is detailed in Section 8.1. All environmental incidents are to be reported to RMS using the RMS Environmental Incident Report Form 624 (Appendix C).
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The PISRP, its operation and implementation, and the associated elements of the accompanying environmental management systems, will be reviewed in accordance with
Section 3.3 of the CEMP. The PISRP will also be tested annually, or within one month of a pollution incident with the necessary changes from the testing updated in the document.
If the text or body of PISRP is required to be updated at any stage of the Project, a revised copy will be submitted to the RMS Representative.
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In accordance with the stated requirements of our project Work Health and Safety Management
Plan (PL001), an emergency response procedure will be implemented. This procedure is currently under development and based on continued assessment and planning activities, will be finalised at time of mobilisation.
On review of the scope of works, the working environment, surrounding environment and the interaction between them, the following potential emergency scenarios have been identified to date, as requiring an emergency response;
first aid treatment,
personnel requiring off-site medical treatment,
emergency services involvement,
incident with plant on site (rollover / collision / services strike),
fire (building / equipment / plant / explosion / vegetation),
personnel rescue (electric shock, suspended person, entrapped person)
toxic material / hazardous substance spillage,
uncontrolled pollutant release into natural waterways,
hazardous activities / processes on or adjacent client property,
bomb threat,
violence / robbery / vandalism, or
Emergency evacuation procedure – general.
OHL York JV has nominated the following medical facilities to provide assistance in the event of a medical emergency. The medical centre, located in Blacktown operates seven days per week and ideally positioned to support our project. They are aware of OHL York JV presence in the area and are also aware of OHL York JV injury management processes and commitment to returning injured workers back to work as quickly and as safely possible.
Blacktown Mount Druitt Hospital is the nominated hospital to support our project. It is ideally located across two separate campus locations: Blacktown and Mount Druitt. Services are distributed across the two campuses, with each playing a complementary role in providing committed and high quality healthcare services at a district hospital level (C1 at Mt Druitt) and major metropolitan level (B1 at Blacktown Campus).
Location details are over page.
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Rouse Hill Town Medical Centre
10 – 14 Market Lane Rouse Hill, NSW 2155
(02) 8889 8900
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Blacktown Mount Druitt Hospital
18 Blacktown Road, Blacktown NSW 2148 and
75 Railway Street, Mount Druitt NSW 2770
(02) 9881 8000 (main reception)
Emergency response drills will be conducted periodically to assess the effectiveness of the response management plan. A schedule will be developed.
An appropriate person shall take on the role of ‘Emergency Response Coordinator’. This person will ensure the emergency drill are documented using an ‘Emergency Evacuation Debrief’ form and filed.
Emergency Wardens and Emergency Assembly (Muster) Points shall be identified as part of the planning and risk assessment process. As mentioned earlier, these details shall be finalised at time of mobilisation to site.
Environmental Emergency Contacts are provided over page.
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Position Name
Project Manager
Environmental Manager
Mark Sabry
Rebecca Giles
Environmental and Community
Thomas Bath
Construction Manager
Safety Officer
Site Safety Officer Assistant
Project Engineer (Structures)
Andrew Rowlands
Scott Herbert
Sean Clark
Craig Kozlowski
Project Engineer (Roadworks) Brad Irwin
General Foreman Joe Petaccia
Earthworks Foreman
Structure Foreman
Bill Avis
James Maher
Police Station Quakers Hill LAC
Emergency Ambulance
State Emergency Service
Schofields Local Fire Station
Local Contact
Medical Centre / Clinic
RMS Environmental Contact
All Areas (report pollution/harm event)
Blacktown Mount Druitt Hospital
Rouse Hill Medical Centre
Level 1 Rouse Hill Town Centre
Jasper Childs
Contact No:
0407 350 258
0414 333 482
0455 448 277
(02) 9881 8000
1800 285 524
(02) 8889 8900
(02) 8849 2066
0428 639 810
0408 466 130
0419 416 319
0437 041 250
0428 811 768
0428 310 589
0437 713 657
0402 024 762
(02) 9678 8999
(02) 9838 1688
132 500
131 555
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