CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION AND RESULTS 4.1 The results and analysis The following section describes the result of the instruments used for the data collection; the main strategy that is used to illustrate the values obtained is the use of a table and two graphics which made the presentation of the data clearer. First of all, In the first graphic is showed the results obtained of the translation of cognates. In the second graphic is showed the results of consecutive interpretation of cognates.The last one is a table which shows a set of cogntes with its respective equivalences which the students should have used. All the results obtained is going to explain in detail below. 4.2 Report of Quiz This Quiz was made in order to know the knowledge that the students have about cognates (cognates are words that in two languages have a common etymology, therefore are similar or identical) and false cognates or falsos amigos (they are words that look or sound similar but have a totally different meaning). This quiz was applied to 10 students of eight semester translation area from Unacar. They were not allowed to use dictionary or another tool. As can be seen in the graph 4.1, the 100% of students could translate the cognates “planet, astronomy, and eclipse”. The 90% of the students could translate the cognates “calendar and universe”, the 80% of students could translate “visible” and the 70% “balance”, the 50% “astronomy”, the 60% fact. These results show that all the students can identify the cognates although some of them have problems to choose the useful word. For example, some students translated fact as “factor”, emengence as “emergencia , and the words balance, emergence, calendar poverty, universe, fact and visible were explained not translated. 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Graph 4.1 Translation of cognates In this same graph can be noticed that two words were difficult to translate or find the equivalence. The 30% of students just could find the correct equivalent of “emergence” and the rest of them could not. The 45 % also could find the correct equivalent of “poverty”, cognate that most of the students translated as “pubertad”. 4.3 report of check list This instrument was made in order to analyze the translation of the cognates but in consecutive interpretation. In the record the cognates that were used are the same that were used in the Quiz. In this section is also used a graph to present the results. Following in the graph 4.2 is shown that the 100% of students could interpret right the cognates “planet and eclipse”, the 90% “calendar and universe”, the 80% “visible”, the 70% “balance”, the 60% “fact”, the 50% astronomy, the 10% “emergence” and finally the 30% of students could interpret the cognate “poverty”. As can be observed in the graph the students had problems to interpret e the cognate “emergence and poverty”. 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Graph 4.2 Consecutive interpreting of cognates Finally in the table 4.1 is shown the right equivalence of cognates. As can be seen the cognates “Astronomy, visible, balance, calendar, universe, planet and eclipse are true cognates which its equivalent is the same in English and Spanish. Most of students did not have many problems with these words. As long as another students had problems to interpret the word “emergence and poverty” that are false cognates. Likewise in the graph 4.1it is shown that the percentage of “emergence and poverty” is low as well. In this table is showed the equivalence that the English Spanish Astronomy astronomia Emergence surgir Poverty pobreza Fact hecho Visible visible Balance Balance o equilibrio calendar calendario universe universo planet planeta Eclipse Eclipse Table 4.1 correct equivalence of cognates Students should have used in both Quiz and consecutive interpretation. 4.4 Discussion and results Taking into account the values presented above, it can be seen that the group of students evaluated know that some words (cognates) can be translated in the same way and few of them do not. The graph 4.1 is shown that the students have more problems with false cognates than cognates. For example, the two words that are false cognates are “emergence and poverty” which most students literally translated as “emergencia and pubertad”. In the table 4.1 shows the equivalence of all the cognates that were used. In fact, the rest of the words are true cognates which are words that in TL and SL are the same equivalent. According to Burgo, C. (n.d) the cognates are words that are very morphologically and phonologically similar to their translation into another language. What it means that in the results obtained the students confused the cognates because they were not allowed to use dictionary, therefore, they considered that the words were to translate the same way. In respect, it is worth mentioning that translate this kind of words the trainers need to have a wide knowledge about “false and true cognates” to not make mistakes. It is true that the true false cognates and cognates are similar to the target language (TL) but some words are translated in the same way the source language (SL) and others change their meaning entirely. Whether the students make errors translating a false cognate as it appear to mean, as result the sentence does not have coherence. For example one of subject translated these sentences to the TL in this way.SL: For children, there are “food for education” programs where the children are provided with food when they attend school. Their education will help them to escape from poverty. TL: Para los niños, hay los programas “comer para educar” donde a los niños se les da comida cuando van a la escuela. Su educacion los ayudará a escaper de la pubertad. SL: His late writings examined the emergence of Russia as a world power, opening an era of global imperialism and war. TL: Sus últimos escritos analizaron que la emergencia de Rusia como poder mundial, con el cual se daría una era de imperialismo y guerra. These are one of those sentences that contain the Quiz which one of the students could not find the appropriate equivalence of shaded words. These sentences are taken as example because most of students mistranslated these false cognates. According to Chacón,R(2006), he considers that the false cognates are specially problematic for language learners as they tend to over generalize and assume that they know the meaning of these words, which are actually misleading. In the table 4.1 is showed the equivalence of those words, which can be compared with the words that the students translated; which do not have to do with the appropriate equivalent. Moreover the lack of knowledge of students regarding to cognates is due to different factors, for example, the lack of attention during the class, or during their translation. When they translated and use the dictionary or any tools, they have to pay a lot of attention to that kind of words and keep in mind that they can find these words in the future. The second instrument to continue with this research was a listening that contained the same cognates used in the Quiz but with another sentences obviously. The listening was carried out in consecutive interpreting. Although the subjects were very nervous, they enjoyed much more this activity than the previous one. As can be seen in the graph 4.2 the results obtained almost were similar to the first activity that the results can be seen in the graph 4.1 the students also had problems with “emergence and poverty” in the consecutive interpretation. During the activity the students asked the favor that the record were repeated more than twice. Because they consider that the listening is more difficult than reading and writing. Comparing the two graphs, in the 4.1 it is shown that the 100% of students could write the equivalent of “astronomy”, and in the graph 4.2 can be noted that the 50% of students in the consecutive interpreting could not say the correct equivalent. Dollerup,C & Loddegaard,A (1992) say that the consecutive interpretation is when the interpreter waits until the speaker has uttered one or more sentences or a paragraph before rendering it into another language. So the students made the same procedure, they listened and then translate in another language (from English into Spanish). It is possible that the students not heard either the words or could not clearly identify the pronunciation and made them very difficult to interpret. Some subjects stayed silence because could not identify the words although the recording is of a native speaker. To sum up, from the point of view of some students, they like to listen to teachers speak English because it is more clear than the natives of the same. Coming back to the analysis in the two activities “Planet and eclipse” were translated and interpreted the 100%. In both activities is obtained the 60% “Fact” and the 90% “universe. Where there was inequality was in the two cognates “emergence 30% and poverty 50% in the translation and in consecutive interpreting, “emergence 10% and poverty 30%. These percentages are the lowest in the graph; this means that the students had more problems with these two words. So therefore, between the two activities the listening was more difficult for them.