Return to : Membership Secretary David Baines 1 New Cottages Kislingbury Road Rothersthorpe Northampton NN7 3JA MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM Season 2014/2015 Annual Rejoining Procedure 1. The date for membership renewal is March 31st each year, if a renewal fee is not received by 31st of March then you may be liable for the first year joining fee 2. The Membership Secretary will send out the new forms before end of January 3. Boat owning members will have their permits reserved until March 31st, after this date the permits become available to new boat members or existing members who want to swap permits 4. If you have not received a response within two weeks of sending in your completed forms to the Membership Secretary, you must contact him to see if your application has been received or possibly lost…. Surname Forename D.O.B. Email Please supply an email address Please supply an email address Main Applicant Partner 1st Child 2nd Child 3rd Child NA NA NA Full Address of Main Applicant House no./Street :Town County Post Code Telephone numbers HOME: MOBILE EMAIL - Please ensure you fill in the boxes above… (please supply an email for each adult over 18, the email address is only used for sending membership renewals and any important news or changes in relation to the club such as working parties or events) ** Please provide email address for all members over the age of 18. Your email address may be added to the club website members list. Please tick box if you would NOT like your email address to be added to the list. If My application is successful, I/we agree to abide by all the club rules and any amendments which may be deemed necessary during the season and indemnify NWSC Ltd., and all its directors against any legal responsibility for any accident caused in any way resulting in damage to persons or property whilst on land or water occupied by NWSC Ltd. I understand as part of the application process I may be required to provide a current utility bill showing an address for each adult over the age of 18 named on the membership form. Signature of Applicant…………………………………………………… Date……………………… Reg. Company no. 2587184 Reg. Office 35-37 St Leonards Road, Northampton, NN4 9ZL MEMBERSHIP FEES FOR 2014/2015 SEASON Please tick type of Membership Required SINGLE ADULT JUNIOR (for children up to and including the year of their 18th birthday) STUDENT (in full time education, must provide a student union card) FAMILY (two ADULTS over 18yrs old and any number of children, of which the adults are parents or guardians, up to and including the year of their 18th birthday or who are in full time education and live at the same address) RENEWAL FEES ADDITIONAL FIRST YEAR ONLY FEES Club Fees family Price £400 Single Adult £200 Student Junior (under 19) Boat Permit * £125 £50 £50 BWSF Qty Amount 0 Price £100 £50.00 £25.00 £25.00 £20.00 Qty ** Family Single Adult Student Junior Amount B £89 £52 £26 £20 Total Total A - Joining Fees Family Single Adult Student Junior (under 19) Key Fee A B Less working parties Grand Total * Boat Permit – additional fee for boat time slots, only applies to boat owner membership ** BWSF – NB this is compulsory, if you are already a member a valid BWSF card must be submitted with our membership in order for the membership to be accepted, membership will expire when your BWSF expires so a renewed card would be needed in order to continue membership Please enclose cheque made payable to NWSC Ltd (funds need to be received prior to 28th February) ALL FEES ARE NON REFUNDABLE All required items must be submitted with this application form or the application will be returned unprocessed. WORKING PARTIES Occasionally working parties are necessary and scheduled to maintain the clubhouse and grounds, they are run on a volunteer basis and each working party attended will entitle you to £25 off your next membership. Working parties are notified via email to request volunteers, each attendee will receive a sticker on the day which needs to be attached to the next membership renewal form for your discount. Reg. Company no. 2587184 Reg. Office 35-37 St Leonards Road, Northampton, NN4 9ZL BOAT TEST All Boats must attend and pass a boat test annually, tests are carried out at the lake with a club member authorised to perform the test, drivers will also be given a refresher on guidelines for driving on the lake BOAT TEST DATE for 2015 We are initially just offering one boat test date this year of Sunday 12th of April, however a second date may be rolled out after this if there are enough people who can’t make this date, its later on this year to avoid clashing with the bank holiday, committee members volunteer their time on both dates to facilitate the tests. The two designated dates are free of charge and part of your membership, a fee of £20 may be charged for a boat test on an unscheduled date. Please indicate your preferred date and time below, an email confirmation will be sent at the end of March. 10am 11am Noon 1pm Sunday April 12th There is a limit of 25 boats in the club, membership is awarded on a first come first served basis, please refer to the website for current boat size limitations. ALL FEES ARE NON REFUNDABLE The Following extracts from the club rules apply:1. One boat only may be operated on a permit (non transferable) 2. BWSF approved boat insurance scheme GJW only must be used. Minimum cover of £2,000,000 third party risk (including third party risk for skiers being towed) required on all boats. 3. Boat operators will abide by all safety rules instigated by the Club Committee 4. Any member violating the above extract of rules, or rules made by the club may not only jeopardise the existence of the club, but may find themselves liable to expulsion from the club and forfeit any fees they may have paid to the club. 5. I hereby indemnify NWSC Ltd and all its directors against any legal responsibility for any accident caused in any way resulting in damage to persons or property whilst on land or water occupied by NWSC Ltd (I have read the above extracts from the club rules, understand and will abide by them Signature of applicant…………………………………………… Date…………………….. BOAT PERMIT APPLICATION for SEASON 2014/2015 Boat Make & Model ……………………………………. Boat Length …………………………….. Insurance Policy Number………………………………………… PLEASE TICK TWO SESSIONS YOU PREFER – one weekend and one weekday (subject to availability) Permits will be re-issued after April 1st – existing members can retain their existing slots Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 13.00 -16.45 16.45 -Dusk Saturday Sunday Lake closed Lake closed Please enclose photocopies of your Boat Insurance and current BWSF Members Card (Proves SBDA Holder) Reg. Company no. 2587184 Reg. Office 35-37 St Leonards Road, Northampton, NN4 9ZL