PEMODELAN ALIRAN PERMUKAAN DAN EROSI BERBASIS SPASIAL DI DAERAH ALIRAN SUNGAI (DAS) TALLO Spatial Based Modelling of Surface Runoff and Erosion, Tallo Catchment Area * * I Wayan Sudiyanto,**Hazairin Zubair,**Sumbangan Baja Pascasarjana Universitas Hasanuddin,** Jurusan Ilmu Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Hasanuddin (Coresponding email: ABSTRACT DAS use of natural resources and capabilities that do not pay attention to environmental sustainability will result in land degradation and water management. This study aims to analyze the magnitude and distribution of surface runoff, erosion and sedimentation occurring in the Tallo Catchment Area. The study design was exploratory using survey methods. Data were collected from the literature study, spatial analysis and field measurements. Climate analysis, permeability, topography and land cover types used to look at the amount of surface runoff, erosion and sedimentation. The results showed that the runoff coefficient of 0.051 Tallo in the Catchment Area, the peak discharge flow with the lowest and highest Rational methods (0.0001 and 8.425 m3/second m3/second), the results of the analysis of erosion in the Catchment Area using USLE and Tallo SIG obtained results that the general location of land erosion in the boundary conditions are still in this tolerant views of approximately 29 712 ha (69%) of the Catchment Area of 43 000 ha are still in very mild erosion conditions. Approximately 7863 ha (18.3%) were still in mild conditions, and only 5424 ha (12.6%) in severe conditions. The analysis of sedimentation basin Tallo 0.34 ton / ha / year. Concluded that climatic factors, topography, permeability, and type of land cover affect the amount of erosion and sedimentation runoff. Expected to perform preventive conservation measures and land conversion in the Tallo Catchment Area. Key words: Surface Runoff, Erosion, Sedimentation, Tallo Catchment Area