Princess Buildings, Halifax Briefing Note Briefing Document This document gives a brief outline of the main elements of the Princess Buildings Project. It is intended to provide a context for the project and its current status. The document will assist you, and your organisation, understand our requirements for the project. It should be read in conjunction with the PQQ and OJEU notices . Princess Buildings, Halifax Introduction and Background to the Town Centre Office Strategy The Halifax Town Centre Office Strategy (TCOS) is to deliver £7.6 million of net savings to the Council through rationalisation of the Council’s existing office accommodation. The current estate is spread across a number of disparate properties and the intention is to reduce eleven properties into three core headquarter buildings one of which is Princess Buildings. The programme includes for implementation of a new smarter working policy which will allow for consolidation of staff into fewer premises working from fewer desks. Background to the Princess Buildings Project The Grade II Princess Buildings is considered to include all buildings as detailed and shown in the plan below: 2 The Listed Buildings start on the corner of Princess Street and Crossley Street, extending down Crossley Street and turning onto Northgate , ending with and including the accommodation located above and adjacent to the ‘archway’ leading through to Star Yard to the rear of these buildings. The adjacent 1960’s extension at Princess Street, together with the yard immediately to the rear of this, make up the site. The building totals approximately 4,120 sqm (44,350 sqft). The existing environment is in need of relatively significant investment to address backlog work built up due to underinvestment in previous years consistent with a ‘just in time’ approach to repairs and maintenance. A feasibility study has been undertaken which has considered a number of options, and the Council has chosen to proceed with one of these options. The primary and key features of the confirmed refurbishment programme of Princess Buildings include: Levelling of the ground floor areas internally around the current central shop unit fronting Crossley Street, to provide a consistency of floor plate and allow this level to form the relationship to the new rear extension. A comprehensive remodelling of the building that creates a new vertical service core to the rear of the existing buildings (including toilet facilities, lift and stairs) thereby improving horizontal circulation within the building. Extensive refurbishment of the interior of the existing historic buildings and Redevelopment of the current 1960’s annex (to be demolished and rebuilt) in order to provide accessible, better quality accommodation more in context with the historic buildings. The project involves the part-demolition, remodelling and refurbishment of the Grade II listed Princess Buildings in the centre of Halifax Town. The town centre location and contained rear yards poses significant constraints from a site boundary perspective. Access to the Star Yard via the existing archway further exacerbates the constrained nature of the site and will form a pivotal part of the logistical considerations during the early demolition phase of the project. Neighbouring businesses and tenants must also be considered during the early, more disruptive phase of construction activities. As noted, the majority of the Princess Buildings is Grade II listed – with the exception of the 1960’s annex extension, which is to be demolished and reconstructed in materials more sympathetic to the existing Halifax Architecture as part of the scheme. English Heritage have a strong interest in the works associated with the retention of both the facades externally as well as key existing architectural features within the building. Their input as a key stakeholder will continue through the construction phase of the project. 3 Internally, the project involves the adoption of the Corporate Standards which are a result of the introduction of a Smarter Working policy within the Authority. The Standards have been developed during an extensive consultation process between the Authority and the appointed consultant team on an earlier phase project of the Town Centre Office Strategy (TCOS). The intention of the adoption of these standards is that the specifying of FF&E will not only rationalise the Authority’s estate and give more of a sense of cohesion / continuity, but also reduce maintenance costs etc. The Authority have an estate wide benchmark of achieving BREEAM Very Good, and the Princess Building’s will be striving for this as a minimum based upon 2008 Assessment. From a services perspective, the building will in the majority of areas be naturally ventilated, with actuator driven existing sash windows along the existing facades at various levels promoting cross-flow ventilation. Mechanical plant will provide comfort cooling and extract ventilation to the Ground Floor Adult Learning Areas & Toilet Facilities (all levels) respectively. Progress to Date The project is currently at RIBA Stage D and a full planning application was submitted on the 17th January 2014 . The project is fully funded through the Council. The Council has appointed the following team who have developed the project to date and will continue take the project forward to Stages E/F. Architect /Design Team: Bauman Lyons Cost Consultant/CDM Coordinator: Pick Everard/Gleeds Project Management: Rider Levett Bucknall/Buro Four Summary of Design Concept Princess Buildings are currently a confusing maze of cellular spaces with extremely poor access and circulation that does not encourage teams to work together or offer a good working environment. Its inefficient circulation and small cellar spaces also provide relatively low levels of workspace for the size of building. Additionally, much of the character of the Grade II listed building has been hidden or compromised by a series of successive and largely insensitive alterations and adaptations over a number of years. The brief requires that these issues are addressed to increase capacity and provide a work environment in line with the new Corporate Standards. Levels & Access The Princess buildings comprises 3 main buildings; the Bank on Princess Street, Nos 1 & 3 Crossley Street and Nos 19-23 on Northgate. Each of these buildings has different floor levels ; there is a 4m level change from the ground level of the bank to the ground level of the Northgate Shops. 4 There are effectively 2 points at which the level changes occur at the junctions between the 3 sections of building. Rear projections to the Crossley Street section of the building each have their own staircase as well as some additional accommodation, much of which is at another level again to the main block. The staircases are very steep and unfit for regular use, as well as offering an extremely confusing and unclear circulation route which was designed to access each individual shop, and which has no relevance to how a "combined block" needs to be accessed. The strategy is to remove these rear projections [and their staircases] to provide a new circulation space. This incorporates two new lifts and staircases which are located between the three buildings so as to negotiate the complex level differences and make all sections of the floor plate accessible. The staircases in the bank building are incorporated into the circulation strategy and the stair way in the Northgate building is reconfigured to address the levels of the adjacent Crossley Street block. These 2 new circulation cores are linked by a new "street" and atrium space which creates a clear circulation route and focus to the building. There are informal seating spaces, kitchenettes and toilets in this area so that interaction between the teams is encouraged. This new atrium / street can be accessed through the banking hall at one end and from the entrance on North gate to the other. The ground floor of the atrium will have some additional short stair flights and platform lifts to negotiate the level change as the building steps down Crossley Street. Internal Walls & Cellular Space The aspiration is to achieve an open plan space. There are limitations on achieving this caused by the existing structure. Our proposal is to retain the walls that run perpendicular to the facades but remove the majority of the walls that run parallel to the facades. Masonry piers supporting the roof trusses will be reinstated with openings to suit the new layouts along the rear elevation to the Crossley Buildings. This will create a series of large cellular spaces that run from the front elevation to the back atrium that are lit form the existing street elevation and by the atrium and can be cross ventilated. Extension to Princess Street The existing extension is to be demolished and replaced by a new larger extension more sympathetic to its setting on the street and adjacency to the listed building. This new extension will be built with the same finished floor levels as the adjacent building rather than at half landings as currently. 5 Section running from Princess Street To Market Street. The two stair and lift cores are shown between the retained existing building shown in black with a new top lit atrium sat between them. Ground floor plan – Not to scale 6 Project Location 7 Princess Buildings Princess Street looking South from in front of the Town Hall. Princess Buildings is on the immediate left 8 Crossley Street looking up the hill from the junction with Northgate 9